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There are two forms of Christianity:

I believe in the teachings of Jesus; I believe he was a man, one of the great teachers who found God within; I think all religions hold truths; Jesus was not born of a virgin—it was a metaphor; Jesus was an Essene; the orthodox concept of the Trinity is ridiculous; the Bible is mostly an allegorical book.

Jesus is God; Jesus sends people to hell; my religion is the only true one; I will judge anyone harshly if they don't believe what I do; all other religions are false because my Bible says so; pagans should be killed; the Bible is 100% literal; all other Christian congregations, besides mine, are the devil; everything is Satan.

Which one is yours?
Jesus is a whore
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Honk honk

Okay, so a concept like trinity is something that often arises in religious or philosophical stories written by people
Christian trinitarism also seems like a blatant ripoff from Plato
Jesus is a story
There are two "Christs". One is the "true teachings of Jesus Christ", presented as whatever he really truly said. The other is "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ®" the packaged, edited, focus grouped, and product-placement laced version produced in conjunction between Saturn-worshipping Jews and Saturn-worshipping Romans.

If you would like something "as close to" the True Teachings of Jesus, or rather close enough for casual reading, pick up a copy of the Paraphrase of the Gospel of John by Nonnus of Panopolis (link rel).


Once you read that, and you want the "full version", read his only other work, The Dionysiaca.
This is retarded. Can you name a single faith where Jesus sends people to Hell? His entire purpose for existing was to be sacrificed to save humanity from eternal damnation. It's literally in the book, you're suggesting that he moonlights doing the exact opposite of that.
>John 10:30 - I and the Father are one
>John 14:6 - Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
>Mark 2:5- Son, Your sins are forgiven
>John 8:58 - “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
>Matthew 11:27 - All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no >one knows the Father except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him
>Luke 5:20-21 - When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
>Luke 24:39 - Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

Why do we quote the Bible when it comes to proving Christ's divinity? Because the preservation of the Bible has been verified by thousands of manuscripts dating as far back as a few years after Jesus' death and resurrection, see 1 Cor 15. The preservation of the Bible's words throughout 2 millennia is a miracle in itself and is verifiable documentation from what Christ spoke.

We believe in one God the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, Of all things visible and invisible: And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.
>This is retarded. Can you name a single faith where Jesus sends people to Hell?
Uh... Christianity?
See John 5:22, "Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son."
And then see Matthew 25:31-46 and Revelation 20:11-15 which describes the final judgment, where evidently some people are going to get tossed in the fire.
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Thank you, Anon.

Anon >>39655020 already gave you a good answer, not gonna go further than what he did; still, to you Jesus is god and it was god who created hell, and it is god who decides who goes to hell. This is how you think, without noticing it.
So, you're the second kind, then. Op is not insulting anyone, he's just stating beliefs.
The first one is more in line with Gnosticism, the other is more orthodox.
Omg bashing Christianity is so edgy and you look so cool.
Don't reply to him, he still lives in 2010. Let him be.
Blasphemy isn't an insult.
The absolute state of christcucks and their fragile psyche. These crybaby control freaks are so psychologically weak they literally can't handle the existence of different viewpoints. Pure narcissistic personality disorder - desperate for validation, terrified of shame, and completely unable to process any challenge to their authority. That's why they always sperg out and start threatening anyone who doesn't submit to their worldview. Deep down they're just scared little bitches LARPing as moral authorities because they can't handle their own thoughts. The most revealing part is how they completely fall apart when even neutral observers disagree with them - their whole power fantasy relies on everyone playing along, so the moment a single normie anon points out their bullshit, they're suddenly outnumbered and their entire facade crumbles. Imagine being so psychologically fragile that one random poster saying "nah" can destabilize your entire belief system. Maximum kek watching their paper-thin egos shatter into a million pieces the moment someone breaks their circle jerk.
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My dude is still using Peter Griffin as a weapon against Christianity, amazing how some people are still stuck in 2010.
Never change bro, keep blaspheming! Amen!
BTW I didn't read what you wrote because it looks boring and shit, but still, you do you my dude.
Catholicism is the Christianity that Jesus taught.
Training AI to generate homosexual images of Jesus and flooding the boards with them is the only way to satisfy his urge for cock. Hot gay Jesus is all he thinks about. Do not hate him, for he is a but a cum-guzzling faggot.
You still live in 2018, lame
>You still like in 2018
Nah, I am, like, beyond the eons, beyond time and space, I am already behind you, and in front of you.

Whoa! Your Bible must be a really recent version. Never knew Jesus told us to light candles, to worship bald old men, and to kiss statues' feet.
Jesus is the bottom.
Jesus was a lying con artist, why do care if he is insulted?
What's wrong, felt the need to correct your post before I noticed and attacked you like a Grammar Nazi? Don't worry, I don't care, sweety.
Christianity is lame
Christ sucks cock.
Your religion is dying in the west
Finest Hour.
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Look, I am not a Christian, in fact, fuck the Bible and all, but, bro, this can't be healthy for you. I come here at least twice a week, and you're always posting Jesus in gay poses and shit.
You need to be checked, this ain't normal. Even if you're a kid having fun here, it's not normal. Not even joking here. Be safe.
My religion predates Christianity, and it will be here after Christianity is dead, don't judge me without knowing what I stand for. Go dig a hole on the Bible and fuck it, because you think more about it than me.
Utterly emasculated and broken, Christcucks are the lowest form of existence—weak, subservient, and consumed by cowardice. Stripped of any semblance of strength or honor, they resort to deception and subversion as their only tools, slithering in the shadows like vermin. Unable to stand as men, they paint themselves as victims, whining about persecution, while manipulating others with their hollow cries for salvation. They are parasites, preying on the strong, dragging everything noble into their pit of weakness and decay.

These spineless slaves masquerade as saviors, but their 'salvation' is nothing but a mask for their own pathetic inadequacy. Too broken to rise above, they claw at the ankles of those stronger than them, poisoning everything they touch with their lies and servile morality. Their every move is an act of cowardice, their every word a pathetic plea for validation. Christcucks don’t build, they don’t lead—they infect, corrupt, and destroy, all while groveling in the filth of their own delusions. They are a disease, unworthy of pity, respect, or even contempt.
You have to understand frog-kun. Him, the OP and most of the posters in this thread are LLM bots.

I would guess with about 80% accuracy these are all LLM bots. A vast vast majority of the christian vs anti-christan posts on 4chan are made by bots,
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Bro it's me again (>>39655188) look, I agree with you and all, but you ain't right in the head. You're posting thousands of pics of men in homosexual situations, doesn't matter if it Jeebus or not. It's sick, you're inundating entire threads.
Also, you keep copying and pasting these hate comments about Christianity...dude, you probably come from one those fundamentalist abusive Christian families, but you can't allow them to live rent free on your head.
You're here hours on end posting AI generated gay guys...it's not healthy.
Doesn't seem like a simple bot, this guy is clearly unstable. He's been here for weeks doing this, like all the time. Even on threads that have nothing to do with Christianity.
I worry about people like these.
I just don't enjoy looking at photos of cum-guzzling flamboyant homosexuals. The fact that it's Jesus is more of an afterthought. Normal people have this thing called a "disgust response".
Christcucks lost because they’re the most pathetic, delusional losers on the planet. Two thousand years of slurping a dead Jew’s nuts and what do they have to show for it? Empty churches, pedo priests, and a ‘holy book’ that’s nothing but contradictions and cope for brain-dead sheep. Their arguments are so stale they make boomers look fresh, and every time they try to flex online, they get absolutely obliterated. Nobody respects them, nobody fears them, and nobody cares about their cringe fairy tales. The world left them in the dust, and all they can do is whine about ‘degeneracy’ while their entire cult collapses under its own hypocrisy. Absolute clowns.
Not him but Christianity triggers my disgust response.
Yeah anon, you literally just decribed exactly what an anti-christian LLM bot will do.
And I agree, so what? Why keeping posting homo erotic pics? Choose other forms of insults.
Look, if you're gay, it's cool, but I am not, and I'd love if you stopped posting gay shit on /X.
Make Jesus a clown, a murderer a rapist, I don't care, but stop with the gay shit...
Also, why are you so obsessed with christianity? Just tell them to fuck off, I mean, if no one cares, why should you?
That sounds like a (((you))) problem.
Christianity is a problem
Christianity is the gayest scam in history, and anyone denying it is blind or delusional. You’ve got a religion built around worshipping a shirtless, ripped dude nailed to a cross, talking about eating his flesh and drinking his blood like some BDSM cult, while calling him your “bridegroom” in heaven. Jesus ran around with 12 men, washing feet and professing undying love like the setup for a cheap porno. The church took that homoerotic mess and ran with it, stuffing celibate priests and monks into monasteries where they spent centuries screwing each other while wagging their fingers at “sinners.” Meanwhile, Christianity stole its entire framework from the Greeks and Romans, who were openly banging their protégés and celebrating male bodies in ways that would make Grindr blush. The West didn’t “turn gay”; it’s always been gay, and Christianity just repressed it under layers of guilt, shame, and hypocrisy.
Christianity teaches that an all loving god would torment people in an infinity dungeon. It is madness
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Dude, so what? What's your point? Why keep talking about it, you're more obsessed than any fundamentalist christian I know.
You're doing what they do, but instead of "do you have a minute to speak about Jesus" you're doing "Do you have 10 hours to listen to my rants about how much I hate Christ"...It's the same.
Your religion is Christianity, because you hate so much it is now part of your life and personality. You're a devoted Anti-Christian...do your psyche a favor and stop this, go find an hobby. Posting gay pics and typing extensive hatred posts about Jesus is not going to stop people from worshiping a dead religion.
both bots btw
He is obsessed, Christianity still sucks balls though
Your mom is a bot
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Why am I bot? Just because I don't worship Jesus as a god? He was a great HUMAN Teacher who found God within, like others before him.
Sorry if I don't see the world like you do...
You know why these pics don't insult me? Because the Christ he is depicting is your Christ, the Christ who sends people to hell, the Christ who judges and hates everyone who doesn't worship him, the ignorant Christ who thinks everything is Satan.
You know why he rants and posts this shit? Because he was probably abused by people like you, fundamentalist pieces of shit who drag Yeshua's name on the mud while abusing kids spiritually and physically.
You Christians are the ones making people hate god.
I think he was a popular guy about 2000 years ago that a lot of different groups adopted some teachings from and then in the 4th century that history was entirely erased and the narrative was redacted to serve the roman interest and we have very few clues as to what he actually thought or what early christianity actually looked like.

I would prefer to think he was not in fact heretically going around proclaiming himself to be the messiah and that its just another case of people turning a widely admired teacher into a false messiah after his death, which historically happens on occasion.
One of the interesting things about Jesus is how rapidly so many contrasting views of him, what he taught, and what he did appeared shortly after his death, and at the same time how totally dedicated many early Christians were to him. So, assuming nothing paranormal at all happened, what I've kind of suspected is that he was originally an exceptionally charismatic revolutionary/doomsday cult leader who may have hinted at being the messiah and made a habit of saying a lot of obscure and enigmatic stuff.

Then when he unexpectedly got captured and executed, his followers did what comes naturally to doomsday cultists who have given up everything for their beliefs, and they doubled-down hard—all rushing to make sense of his death in different ways, with several of them hallucinating him still being alive and trying to fit that into their speculations. And Jesus' habitual obscurantism meant that, in trying to make sense of his death, they had a lot of material to draw upon for ideas.
>Why am I bot?
You spam the same images every day and don't contribute to the discussion. If you aren't a bot, you're still al real life npc.
have you tried turning yourself off and back on again?
shalom brat
Antichrist on the left, haughty and judgmental, demanding worship and servitude, threatening you with hellfire if you don't follow the rituals
Jesus the wise teacher on the right, humble and kind, praying that you'd find his archetype within yourself and thus bring him back to life
Your Jesus is an imposter and the Trinity is essential for all of existence.
I think it must be the first. The New Testament has to be interpreted that way simply because of its’ content. Jesus says “let thou without sin cast the first stone” which means he’s reforming the harsh laws of the Old Testament. The New Testament itself is filled with allegory and strongly implies this. Judas betraying Jesus is one of those allegories. The fact that there are details purposely included that contradict each other regarding Jesus resurrection hints at the whole story not being meant to be taken super literally.
> Trinity is essential for all of existence
lol no
Where did you came from?
The shroud of Turin alone displays that Jesus came back from the dead.
My parents
You are gullible
can't even say jesuits
jesus motherfucking christ on a swastika ae you really this dumb??
The first one. Virgin birth and miracles are real anon. That's what he tried to teach his friends about.
a mix between both, he was a man of flesh and blood born from the intercourse of two humans made of flesh and bones, a savant which comes once a couple thousand years to humanity, taught in the ways of the ancient civilizations (or at least what had survived until his time) he achieved the highest level of enlightenment found the truth and was killed for it, he never resurrected but the shroud of turin is real due to his enlightened soul actually ascending in the higher plane
>top middle Venn diagram
This is all made up by Alexander Hislop in the 1850s as a way to score points against the Catholic Church. Tammuz or Dumuzi is one of the oldest known mythological figures, the consort of Ishtar, whom the very mortal historic Neo-Assyrian queen whom Semiramis (a legendary figure of late antiquity) is loosely based on actually worshipped. Nimrod was mortal as well but almost certainly fictional, appearing only in the Talmud and Genesis, not anywhere in Akkadian or Assyrian myth.
>the other Venn diagrams
Fucked up interpretations of real mythology by a Trinitarian (Protestant) Christian. The only one this shit works with is the one the guy who made it believes in, on the lower right.
not really, you just got psyopped by a Scottish preacher who died well over a century ago
Making a trinity.
You are really scratching the bottom of the barrel.
Jesus Christ can eat my arse

>All religions are a cope
>All mystic shit is a larp

You are blind to divine design. That you are the image of God and you can never escape that role.
You have no explanation of how His image came to be there. If you knew you could make a replica, and you cannot. No one can. You have no business calling anyone gullable.
Nobody designed me
It is a painting, an old forgery. If you fell for it, then you are gullible
The face is in the proportion of medieval gothic art, no human looks like that.
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>Jesus was not born of a virgin—it was a metaphor
It’s wild to me that Donald Trump is a legitimate Christian leader after all of the events that occurred before him.
They had false total control of everything for decades, just for this man to basically make JFK’s death a forgotten memory.
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>It’s wild to me that Donald Trump is a legitimate Christian leader
Well he's the False Moshiach and will be the man to form the one government but yeah... I picked that gif because of the irony.
The second one
wonder if he ever made it
I hope so

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