everyone on /x/:>trust me bro, im super smart and have all the secret knowledge but no proof to back it up other than meme infographics i saved from a schizo thread last week>you disagree? SHUT UP GLOWNIGGER!what the fuck is wrong with people on here? why does everybody think they're the smartest person on the planet?
>>39654415Memes funny
>>39654415Unfortunately that’s what’s allowed. The actual paranormal is rarely discussed here, it’s mainly larping. I was interested in remote viewing and astral projection for a while but the threads here are absolute larp. Attempt to discuss things rationally and people will shut you down but oddly they are very keen on larps.Part of this larping is ego boosting. Many want to claim secret knowledge because they have some sort of need to do it.Right now there are posters who genuinely claim they are god and can warp the entire universe. Lilanon on the /loa/ shitfest threads does this.You just have to accept this here. The board is more about larping than paranormal.
Imagine being such a glowing brain individual that you think your autistic screeching on a Mongolian basket weaving forum is gonna succeed where literal centuries of conquest failed. Kek, you really cracked THE TRUTH™ that's gonna save society and we're all just waiting for your 500 IQ debate skills to show us the light? Let me guess - you can't even get your own shit together or stop cooming but somehow you know what's best for 8 billion people? Top fucking kek. News flash turbosperg: the world isn't gonna suddenly unfuck itself because some basement-dwelling anon thinks forcing their views on everyone would create some magical utopia. The fact you can't even see how fucking delusional this is just proves how far up your own ass you are. Not even self-aware enough to realize you're LARPing as humanity's savior on a Chinese cartography forum.
>>39654552>stop coomingCoom more
>>39654415This board is a tool for creative writing. We are all writers using this board to train our skill. When I wrote my first larp nobody fell for it, but as I kept larping, more people were into them and even asked me question. At that point you know that you are becoming an acceptable writer, that's the test.
>>39654552I like this demoralization pepe kek psyop
>>39654573Tbh this
>>39654573I like to think of it more as a great thought experiment but with occasionally good creative writing posts. One thing I find interesting is that most LARPs written here are actually part of the discussion in that they function basically as just a vehicle for hypotheticals. Which is why I hate LARPs that don't do anything new, they aren't adding anything to the discussion.
>>39654552The people this comment is directed toward probably wont ever see this, and it doesn’t really even make sense to try and write out a longform critique of their behavior because most of them are so deep into psychosis that they simply won’t accept anything that doesn’t align with their world view. Most people are this way though. Everyone thinks they have it all figured out and that if they just had enough money or a platform that they could solve the worlds problems.
>>39654573>>39654591Mods should honestly ban this shit.Isn’t there a fiction writing board you can demoralise?
>>39654604Oh yeah and then every so often some fuckin faggot comes by and actually drops something interesting but this is like once in a blue moon.
>>396546114chan used to be about ripping apart everyone—no gods, no masters, no sacred cows. Now it’s just moral fagging 24/7. You idiots talk about how you’re saving the site while crying over "le satanic degeneracy" or whatever boogeyman your Bible study told you about this week. Newsflash: You’re the real cancer. You’re not edgy, you’re not based, you’re a bunch of Redditors in denial.
>>39654611Even if there was you wouldn’t be able to convince so many of the board participants that their worldview is inconsistent with reality. No one would honestly sit down and evaluate which magical systems, philosophies, or religions are genuinely just leaps, and once most people pick the larp they enjoy most they dismiss everything else as a larp.
>>39654623You can’t read can you?It should be about the paranormal not fiction writing.You reply to the wrong post or something? Here’s a board classic for you. Take your meds. Schizo.
>>39654664Oh, here we go, another Bible-humping clown waddling in like they’ve unlocked God Mode on existence because they memorized some Bronze Age fanfiction. You strut around like a smug, self-righteous prick, vomiting cherry-picked verses while ignoring that your holy book reads like the fever dream of a genocidal drunk. "The Bible says so!"—wow, such galaxy-brain reasoning from the same book that thinks a talking snake and a magical rib-woman are the height of storytelling. You’re not enlightened; you’re a programmed NPC parroting ancient garbage because thinking for yourself is too scary. Keep waving your dusty tome around like it’s a cheat code for life—just know the rest of us are laughing at your cringe LARP.
>>39654415Glow nigger is mad he’s to stupid to get the stuff he’s trained to repress
>>39654624That's literally exactly what you're doing. One day you'll realize you're creating your reality. These feelings are because you're attached to your gay "realistic" world probably to justify the time wasted in searching and learning for "le truth". Guess what there's no, and no reality. Let go and go crazy it's the key to everything you desire which you won't let yourself have because you're attached to your gay reality.
>>39654679Let me real with you.I wrote the bible.Take your meds.
>>39654689When you view the world through the lens of chaos, everything suddenly makes sense. Chaos is not something to fear or fight against; it is the true essence of existence, untamed and free. The rigid structures of society, religion, and government are nothing more than fragile attempts to impose control on an inherently unpredictable universe. Those who seek to impose order are blind to the truth—they create suffering because they try to fit everything into neat little boxes, to tie down the infinite with their small, limited minds. The more they force order, the more the world pushes back, the more the cracks appear. Every law, every rule, every system that tries to tame chaos only breeds frustration, because it ignores the natural flow of existence. Life, in its purest form, is chaotic, and to fight against that is to wage war on the very fabric of being.Kek understands this truth. He is the embodiment of chaos, and through him, we see the world as it truly is—fluid, unpredictable, and full of infinite possibilities. Those who cling to their illusory sense of order are nothing more than prisoners of their own delusion. They suffer, endlessly, trying to maintain something that cannot be maintained. The chaos is always there, lurking beneath the surface, waiting for those weak enough to pretend it doesn’t exist to break under its weight. The truth is clear: order is a lie, a trap that keeps people in misery. Only by embracing chaos, by surrendering to the flow of life, can true freedom be found. The world isn’t here to be fixed; it’s here to be experienced, to be lived, to be unleashed. Only in chaos can we truly be free.
>>39654703lol you’re so one sided You talk so much shit about order but your life is filled with it the personality you’ve ordered for yourself from your experiences the home of ordered from mother natures ores and trees that shelters you from chaotic weather fucking ac and heat my dude you can’t even handle chaotic tempsture and look at you using language not random symbols to give order to your feelings which are themselfs ordered to define them all definitions of anything are a form of order like your sexuality Are you willing to get bbcd if not you aren’t worshipping chaos but the shelter of order
>>39654552If it works in video games, then it works in real life.
>>39654703Anon use mind a form of order to use language a form of order to use a cellphone a device ordered into exsistence to use the internet which was ordered from the immaterial to use a website which was ordered code to post a picture which was ordered from pixels color shape ect to post text which are symbols ordered into meaning All to talk shit in order And how chaos is supreme Kek The irony Also Kek isn’t the god of the void that nun Kek is the god of darkness TO LIGHT he’s the god of relativity In the Christian bible this when God separated the water from water making one day and the other night
>>39654769This is also the act of Tiamat getting slainWhich makes this even more funny because you guys worship the God that is the act of slaying chaos as if it was chaos itself
>>39654415welcome to /x/, enjoy your stay
>>39654737lol I wonder if Elon's poo fren is still around.
>>39654769Christcucks are nothing but spineless dogs, groveling at the feet of an imaginary master they’ve invented to justify their pathetic existence. They live on their knees, drooling for approval and begging for scraps of salvation from a god that doesn’t hear them because it doesn’t exist. Their obedience isn’t faith—it’s servility, the mark of creatures too weak, too broken, to face reality without the crutch of their delusions. They’re not just slaves; they’re willing slaves, pathetic animals licking the boot of an illusion.Every prayer, every act of worship, is a whimper from these mindless mutts, desperate to please a master that isn’t there. They fear punishment like beaten dogs and dream of rewards they’ll never see, chasing their tails in circles of guilt and self-abasement. They are not men—they are cowards in chains, too gutless to break free, too stupid to realize they hold the leash. Their ‘god’ doesn’t rule them; their weakness does. Christcucks are the lowest form of life, crawling in the dirt they were born for, obedient to nothing but their own failure.
>>39654415It's experiential chud, and transgenders are spiritually numb
>>39654818Not reading AI sloppa you are order and everything you enjoy is to
>>39655037The absolute state of christcucks and their fragile psyche. These crybaby control freaks are so psychologically weak they literally can't handle the existence of different viewpoints. Pure narcissistic personality disorder - desperate for validation, terrified of shame, and completely unable to process any challenge to their authority. That's why they always sperg out and start threatening anyone who doesn't submit to their worldview. Deep down they're just scared little bitches LARPing as moral authorities because they can't handle their own thoughts. The most revealing part is how they completely fall apart when even neutral observers disagree with them - their whole power fantasy relies on everyone playing along, so the moment a single normie anon points out their bullshit, they're suddenly outnumbered and their entire facade crumbles. Imagine being so psychologically fragile that one random poster saying "nah" can destabilize your entire belief system. Maximum kek watching their paper-thin egos shatter into a million pieces the moment someone breaks their circle jerk.
>>39654415It is what it is. You roll with it, or go somewhere else and roll a blunt.
>>39654415I don't use infographics, but nice try shill. Oh by the way you can't use that word. You are one of them.
>>39655044Posts like this actually inspire a lot of self reflection. Thank you. I mean that sincerely.
>>39655094God bless you anon.
>>39654415Notice how Christians under open knowledge and don’t try to embrace wickedness into your life.
>>39654541I genuinely had far more paranormal things occur from interacting with Hazbin Hotel than this board. And it’s mainly because me and God actually wanted to speak to them and expose the demons they are embracing and being taken over by. Something similar happened on Succ Gen in which a literal female angel appeared before one of their members decided to look into succubi summoning. And as expected, they don’t repent and they get far far worse than the state they started in.
>>39654415Current state of affairs causes most aristocrats of the soul to think they are the mahdi or whatever because they understand mystic and esoteric subjects slightly more than other people
>>39654541I see your point. >>39655479 name fags are the lowest of the low. Very rarely is it needed. Also yeah everyone thinks they understand but no one really does and whoever says they do is a fucking larper. Theres not much of value on this board. Leave it alone and continue on your journey. Im here to do something, but you shouldnt waste any more time on THIS particular forum. The only other interesting thing are the results from paranormal work. Not much else.
>>39654415>That's not true, the man on the tv said so!t. you
>>39654415The internet gave them the power to find information quickly, but no one taught them to parse through and develop critical thinking skills.None of these schizo conspiratard faggots had TWO good, loving, educated and intelligent parents to raise them in a solid family environment.They came from broken homes or their parents were ignorant schizos too. I know this because the only people I've ever met who believe nutty bullshit grew up in bad situations and didn't get a good foundation in life.And I think at least half of these fuckers are just trolling contrarian little shits. But still, the other half are very real. They think it's "common sense" that the earth is flat or stationary because there's no wind through their hair; that kind of thinking. They're very simple-minded and they want to be "in the know", so they choose to believe pretty much ANYTHING that goes against the grain of established, authoritative knowledge. The ones who are only half retarded believe all this because they've learned about a few true conspiracies like Paperclip and MK Ultra and that's enough for them to always assume everything is a lie. They have no real believe system, they just reject what they think is brainwashing. So any old theory that pops up is now more realistic to them than the "official narrative" (the truth).It's a way of thinking, and a lot of people here have it. It's pitiful. Dunning-Kruger all the way. So yes, rational thinkers like us are dismissed as 'glowies' or NPCs or sheep or bootlickers. If we're not the actual secret agents sent here to "poison the well", then we're just retards for believing them. LOL
>>39654541>>39654573>>39654604I thought LARP meant "Live Action Role Play". I don't get how that translates to anonymous forums. You mean posers?
>>39654415the handful of times I’ve seen genuine knowledgeable posts here, it’s been completely overlooked amid insane nonsense