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In Greek mythology, Hera, Zeus' wife, is associated with the value of xenia, kindness to travellers, including foreigners. Many greek myths have the gods in disguise as travellers, in order to judge humans on their kindness to strangers.
In Norse mythology. all the gods are very tribal, and unfriendly to all foreigners.
In Greek mythology, Hephaestus, the god of inventions, is basically responsible for society existing, and has the most beautiful wife. However, he is cuckolded by Ares, and loses his wife to him, and is a cripple, and lives in a volcano, making weapons for the other gods. Meanwhile, in Norse mythology, Loki aquires weapons for all the gods from dwarves, and has banged every god's wife and had kids with them, apparently. Loki is also a craftman himself and crafts the Laevateinn, and apocalyptic weapon. Additionally, Freya sleeps with dwarves in order to get their inventions. It's a total reverse of Greek mythology where they humiliate the inventors.
Zeus's escape from Saturn's stomach is marred by the fact that Zeus goes on to eat his own son as well. In Norse mythology, Fenrir is confined into Gleipnir, and breaks free, eating Odin who imprisoned him, and fights alongside his own progeny who also eat the gods who imprisoned them, thus breaking the cycle of parents confining their children to avoid being overthrown.
Over all, the Greek religion is very rich and valuable, but the Norse mythology hits the spot in you soul where minor injustices are corrected. Also, many of the claims Loki makes are said during flyting, so he may not have actually banged all the god's wives.
How is having only 1 cuck as opposed to every god being a cuck a flaw?
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>Hera, Zeus' wife, is associated with the value of xenia
>Hephaestus, the god of inventions
>basically responsible for society existing
>Zeus's escape from Saturn's stomach
>Zeus goes on to eat his own son as well
Absolutely none of these are accurate, and some are downright contrary to the fact. Xenia as a concept is so foreign to our modern sensibilities, I couldn't begin to describe it without giving a detailed background on archaic period Greek society. I do not know your source for any of these, but I would strongly suggest you do not consume any sources that were not written pre-Roman collapse, outside of some very specific Byzantine writers like Gemistos Plethon and Michael Psellos (or John Tzetzes if you're an atheist).

>Greek religion is very rich and valuable, but the Norse mythology hits the spot

Generally I like to promote the idea that Norse and Hellenic mythology are sort of "brother religions", but Norse is without question the "little brother". The Poetic Eddas do not even contribute as much character as a single mythograph by Callimachus or Apollodorus, and certainly did not impact the west even 1% as much.
what are you about? why are you comparing two differebt religions and calling the lack of something strange?
my brief glance at Odin did indicate someone who was very cold, distant, standoffish, closed to people who aren't His kin (nords). which is actually rather unlike many, many regular nordic folk i know.
t. greco saxon.
>(Theo)Xenia as a concept is so foreign to our modern sensibilities
Jesus Christ is literally TheoXenia Christians just made it so the punishment was far, far, far, ad infinitum, far future

Prove me wrong, /x/
That's a good point. Flyting is supposed to be exaggerated insults. My point was just that the technology bringers were not cucks and did not let themselves lose status for those whom they brought weapons.
Please make a thread on it and point me there. I want to discuss mythology and not spoopy 2scary4u walking antler deer omg skin walker posts
People on here talk about the Wendigo and don't even know it's a bodyless hungry ghost that posseses a person with cannibalistic urges and greed.
But also, Norse mythology ties back to Hinduism from the time Norse armies conquered across the step and left behind Hinduism and light skinned Indians and the cast systems that protected the light skinned genes (imperfectly). As a result, the vedas are like the deep lore of the eddas. The vedas have obviously changed a great amount over time, but the meditation techniques are the kind of thing Odin would would be hunting for if he was on his quest for knowledge today.
My personal sense of Strangness is the sole basis by which anything in the world can be judged as strange, other than group consensus.
>Many greek myths have the gods in disguise as travellers
isn't there a 1:1 story depicting two gods (in both norse and greek mythos) travelling to villages and seeing which person there helps them in their endeavor and then the gods pay back their kidness ?
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>Also, many of the claims Loki makes are said during flyting, so he may not have actually banged all the god's wives.
>>believing anything Loki says
lol. He explicitly says he enters Aegir's hall to spout slander and cause unhappiness.
>Freya sleeps with dwarves in order to get their inventions.
I know this gets said a lot, but literal, actual christian bullshit. Retroactively added by monks to a story glamorizing Olaf Tryggvason, one of the most notorious, anti-European religion murderers who ever existed. The entirety of Scandinavia united for the purpose of kicking his ass.
>eating Odin who imprisoned him, and fights alongside his own progeny who also eat the gods who imprisoned them, thus breaking the cycle of parents confining their children to avoid being overthrown.
And immediately gets BTFO by Widar, the Avenging Son. The world restarts after Mudspelles (Ragnarok). It's cyclical, evil might triumph, but ultimately is doomed to fail because all evil does it devour and take. One spark of creation is all it takes to overcome it.
Yes, it's usually called "Baucis and Philemon". The story is largely copied by the biblical Soddom and Gamorrah, where turning around and viewing the total destruction condemns them, but the sin of being inhospitable is changed to the sin of sexual immorality.
>the sin of being inhospitable is changed to the sin of sexual immorality.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Sodom and Gomorrah is also about the sin of being inhospitable.
Just... it's about being really REALLY inhospitable
yeah so op's point kinda falls short here
>In Norse mythology. all the gods are very tribal, and unfriendly to all foreigners.
There's a Greek story and a Bible story about it. In Norse mythology, Thor and Loki visit a farmhouse, and Loki convinces the son there to steal some bone marrow from the goat meat Thor supplies for them. He does so, and Thor is furious, but Loki implores him to take the boy as a servant as repayment. As such, the boy joined the gods and became a mythological hero.
So this is a story where the gods go to an ordinary family, and ultimately the family is rewarded with the son being assumed alive into Asgard (heaven) for the rudeness he shows the guests.
Odin is always roleplaying dude wtf you talking about

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