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Nothing survived ever coming out of my butthole.
What if galaxies are a divine interpretation for the deadly shuriken of truth?
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I was working on a golden curvature for my expanding blade disc thingy. It's a blade that expands to it's radius length while maintaining constant curvature to expand into a ring twice it's size.
It's an expanding Chakram
Is that why they probe our anuses?
I think the aliens probe humans anuses because they want to find a portal inside our rectum. The anus is an important energy point in the chakra system, is where kundalini comes out too.
There is some energy anomaly going on into our anus and they want to study it. Probably they think that the secret to advance the anti-gravity technology is inside our anus, that's why they came here.
as above, so below ;)
This is what I think too
Buttholes aren't really, but cloacas/vaginas are. However, everything used to come out of the same hole so you're half right
consider this: Our arms are just long enough to wipe our ass. Coincidence? I think not.
What if astral dimension portals are just a euphemism for buttholes? A gateway through the turd dimension.
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So in other words, using wormholes to travel across millions of lightyears of space is functionally equivalent to anal sex.
Then Vlad the Impaler was the first such theorist of what might have been a transcendental death and thus- experiental immortal suffering. Can you imagine having to experience every life all at once as the Godhead? It would drive you insane. The least you can do to teleport into empathy is get DP'ed or OHM+Kundalini.
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Good ol' Al Crowley might've been onto something then. After all, he allegedly made contact with that ayylmao-looking being called Lam and the ritual needed to summon him probably involved coomy butt stuff, knowing Crowley.

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