>'Truth Seekers' in 80's and 90'sAfter following the paper trail and money, and pulling up boxes full of old receipts, I was able to trail his private vehicle to an establishment where I photographed him with some of the top celebrities and buisness leaders of the world. This of course it not enough evidence to pin such grisly crimes on him but I believe a thorough multi-month research session will pull up documents that I will forward to many media outlets and put the prerogative on him to prove his innocence.>'Truth Seekers' in 2020'sYou haven't read the new 4chan LARP yet? This is the real deal, buddy.What caused this sudden change? Is it just general loss of intellegence, LLM bots, or so much disinformation people have given up? Feels like 75% of what's posted here is sourced from tiktok and /pol/.
Blaming Jews for everything is so stupid it’s actively lowering the collective IQ of this board. Even if they were behind half the shit you think they are, screeching 'muh jewz' every time something goes wrong is so reductive it makes actual discussion impossible. It’s like pointing at fire and yelling 'hot!'—yeah, no shit, but that doesn’t explain why the building’s burning down or how to stop it.You’re not uncovering hidden truths; you’re just regurgitating the same tired garbage, turning this place into a brainless echo chamber where nuance and reason go to die. Stop treating complex issues like they have one simple answer, because this 'boogeyman for everything' crap isn’t just wrong—it’s making everyone here dumber by association.
>>39655197well, for one, people don't save paper receipts any more.