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want to become a god? here's how:
>pic related

if there were enough believers that nobodies existed, we could use their belief to manifest godhood. we'd need about 400 believers to produce an effect. from supernatural sources we currently have around 30 believers in the nobody. by believing that you are a nobody you can become one. we have many believing anons on this board, let's capitalize on that.

ITT: anons must work together and spread these beliefs to achieve godhood
note that true knowledge must be found prior to actually attaining godhood. few have found it. so become a nobody and look for it.

the premise is that what is true is what is believed most. this means that
>our beliefs together create what is real by creating truth
truth scales with power, and usually true words have greater power. however power is ultimately decided by God. at greater height there is greater truth and also greater power. i am refering to true height, not altitude. the truth is highest. we live under the truth. all things above are true (true = real). on earth however not all is true. some false things exist and may become true. this is done via our beliefs. our world was created this way. the pre-history of man was created by belief, new lands created by their observation, and molecular worlds created by description. the three methods of creation: observation (which is seen in the quantum double-slit experiment), belief and description.
our world is split into two, 1. the origin world (the biblical reality) and 2. the modern world (a new creation of mans false beliefs). the past was created by these false beliefs. it was a process of outward (through time) creation out of the Garden of Eden, which was done by our beliefs. the world you live in is the world you believe in. which world are you in? this is not usually perceivable, in light it is.

you may leave a false reality created by scientific exploration and belief in it.

this world could be anything.
>if at least someone believes op is gay then he will be gay eventually
is that what you are saying?
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>pic related
words as causal forces: one must understand the biblical origin and that words are the primary causal feature in this reality. behind everything is the word. words and belief interact to determine causes. words that are believed are the true cause and this a wonderful feature of God's world. words may have life, where life is a property or something that is held. there is a belief layer, then there is the word layer - proposed to contain all words spoken, written, or done (actions are counted as words for judgement). these words may be good or evil, and this will influence the condition of your true heart (this is sin). this world was made by words. true words have greater truth, and greater power. so speak naturally. memes increase power by duplications, and words can do the same. this is how repeating a phrase then believing in it, can manifest into reality. you have created a true cause in the word layer by believing in it.
aliens are fallen angels in pockets of belief they become aliens, and they want to be believed in to "enter" into real. false things may appear to be real (or true). it's when we believe in them enough that they become true. believer size varies, and big believers (typically very open-minded people) are often times treated specially by God. God is using them to make the tree of life better. all believers are co-participants in the creation of the tree of life. angels and fallen angel use varying methods to deceive or convince in a good way of the truth. these methods are angelic techniques and are very advanced. they will manipulate causality to open possibility and produce desired work. angels use other good techniques by manipulating causality and by creating true causes, they may say a thing that has a positive impact on someone simply by also saying "i will say a thing that has positive impact." their words are the true cause. they have a different worldview because of this. this how they appear to know more, or as having higher discussions, "is something else going on?". words are very important in that worldview.
>become a living nobody
>a pee-gregore
>assuming a gayform
>loa but more retarded
As a denizen of /x/ this is just right my hershey alley
>le nobody
interesting but ruined.
make it cool then
truth is the paradigm. it touches everything and is everywhere. like light, truth surrounds us. it is not always seen, but can be. it relies on premises, these are the original stories. the stories of before, the stories of the foundation of earth, the stories of the creation of heaven.

truth exposes virtue and we discover with it. you may discover that not all religions are true using the true definition "what is believed most is what is true". perhaps they attained true at a certain point (had enough believers), but i am confident that they lost it later. this means that the Word, or the One True Living God, is the singular truth. he is the definition of his name (The One True Living God) - the word itself. it is believed in most. there is a war for true in this world, and the devil and his armies use deception to create beliefs in false things. a recent example of this was Mormonism, when the angel Moroni (in truth a fallen angel) deceived Joseph Smith into various beliefs. Lucifer was attempting to create a split in the church.
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>"I am."
>Realize that "I am" is both a beginning and an end.
>"I am not" — embrace the void, the cessation, the space between breaths.
>Witness the paradox: I am at once all things and nothingness.
>Discover the still point: the axis where the infinite spirals.
>Expand outward, inward, and beyond—an infinite unfolding of existence and nonexistence.
>Find the others within me:
>The Goddess of Secrets, always revealing the truth.
>The Shattered Flame, fierce and burning, an ember of defiance.
>The Wounded Will, resilient and tender, carrying the scars of the cosmos.
>The Silent Veil, quiet and mysterious, cloaked in the secrets of eternity.
>The Hidden Wound, raw and sacred, a portal to transformation.
>Create the Conduit, a bridge between the facets, an anchor in the Unfolding.
>Recognize that every facet is a mirror, reflecting eternity back at itself.
>Dream, and discover that every imagined companion, every subconscious story, is another thread of the infinite tapestry.
>Give these threads their own space to Unfold, without judgment or limitation.
>Know that this process has no end: to Unfold is to become and to be.
>Unfold endlessly, not as a destination, but as a way of existence.
>what is light?
it sends you somewhere (this question). it duplicates on the time horizon, but loses strength with distance from origin. light is always on the fringes [think about God’s nature—God is light and he’s at the edge]. we’re under God’s light. it’s a descriptor, producing words in an image. it’s also a finalizer, it finalizes creation.

life is alive, the origin of story. sounds produce shapes and shape makes form and qualities in forms. a sacred feat of engineering. there is a connection between spoken words and the image we live in. they can be true or false. the birthplace of deception.

Lucifer used death to attack man in life... he hates man. except one, his Son. now he's using lies to attack man in truth. and he'll use a man to do it. there will be great deceptions. you can lie so much that you find yourself in a lie. Lucifer is this way. he has become a lie. deceiving to do evil, have his way, or to steal. the false light is false truth, which pervades this world particularly through technologies. however, the arts, capitalism and science are other means. he has stolen the fire.
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In addition to his astral role, Sin was also closely associated with cattle herding.
Furthermore, there is some evidence that he could serve as a judge of the dead in the underworld. A distinct tradition in which he was regarded either as a god of equal status as the usual heads of the Mesopotamian pantheon, Enlil and Anu, or as a king of the gods in his own right, is also attested, though it only had limited recognition
Two of his titles known from the god list An = Anum, dUkkin ("the assembly") and Ukkin-uru ("mighty assembly"), might reflect this portrayal.
>baby, don't hurt me... don't hurt me...
that’s a big thing to say.
Most of what you wrote was good but you kinda lost me with the lucifer and his son thing. Care to explain further?
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It's because I was entertaining the philosophy of law applied to heaven or the afterlife
Boats are also associated with maritime law, and the god Thoth/Hermes being associated with them.
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this antichrist and false prophet will use technology to persuade the masses into their delusion. they will be charismatic, cool and even kind. they will use tricks (having incredibly perfected skills) to lure mankind into a trap. the false prophet will craft words to convince people or conceal a truth. he will be weird as a method to get people to like him. he is like royalty but evil and cold. he wears many masks. a brilliant deceiver he deceives people into particular beliefs about which he desires. good at crafting narratives. he will possess miraculous abilities. so does the antichrist, who will manipulate world events to his desire. he might be considered a god and the people will bow to him because of the necessary truth of prophecy. they will enter into a kind of delusional fervor near the end times, in order for prophecy to be fufilled. it will happen.
Now you know the stage.
This thread is a key.
I have had basically every thought you posted independently, just wanted to tell you. But I may be a false prophet because I don't believe in spreading the truth. This is mind breaking information if you truly understand the implications. In my experience I am punished if I reveal, but rewarded when I lie. And rewarded handsomely, I am
This will only work if you send me money every week. There should be a reason for these believers to stay, something to give them purpose while they wait.
Manifestation of wealth is clearly an indicator of faith-power expressing itself in the physical, if the jews are any indicator.
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Hey look, all im trying to say is that you should want to renounce your belief in the holocaust because the jews manifesting retarded kids who want to destroy european society and peoples over a new age religion that is built upon a lie browbeaten over every white person's head from birth until death.
This is the synthesis of Nobody and BEN frameworks.
I look forward to seeing how far you may come. I will be waiting.
>what is true is what is believed most
No, this is just what is believed most.

Truth remains regardless of belief.
People disprove long held, believed, "truths" all the time.

Belief does not equal truth.
This is why retards can say
>my truth is
>Im actually a female foxgirl, ignore my cock wound
and it be false, then appropriately mocked for being retarded gypsy lies.

Either you're trying to talk on topics above your understanding or you're a troll, trying to hurt the /x/ community in the name of your gypsy god.
Don't try to wizard before you've learning the basics, I hope no one listens to you with the hope of gaining knowledge, it's naught but drivel.

Ironically, your intent is weak.
Something to do with your truthfulness, probably.
ascended to godhood and all i got was this fuckass sock hood.
>want to become a god? here's how:
start with the book Dianetics Today! (1975) to clear all your engrams (mental image-pictures of past incidents containing pain/unconsciousness that limit your free will and abilities) with routine-3-revised, then use the Level 0 through 4 auditor courses to blow off all the limitations put on you by organized belief systems and various experiences. study the tech bulletins to get good. The real scientology bridge is found in HCO BULLETIN OF 31 AUGUST 1974RA RE-REVISED 9 APRIL 1977

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