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A new whistleblower named Jake Barber, a high-tier military operator for the United States Air Force, has come out publicly on NewsNation, claiming he was involved in a special crash retrieval operation while flying a helicopter. Jake claims to have been 100 feet away from an egg-shaped UFO with no signs of propulsion or thrust of any sort.


>Where and when can I watch?

Newsnation at 8pm est Saturday
27 more hours for a snippet of pixelated nighttime camcorder footage, very excited
You can leave.
When 2027 comes don’t get on the ships
No way, I have the awareness that Ive been fucked raw by these people to the point that my entrails are dragging behind me, and I enjoy it.
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I’m gonna get on the ships.
I'm gonna come.
I may get on the ships.
Greer is saying that the new whistleblower went through DOPSR. We all know what that means

>Ill be happy to discuss this further in a scif
>I can’t say anything more without violating my clearances
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Where we’re going we don’t need roads
It’s just going to be another Grusch/Lue situation. These “whistleblowers” are all cucked

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you're right, we're gonna need ships
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The only question I have for you anon is, are you ready?
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>mantidbro lives on
there is justice in this world.
>3 letter agencies and adjacent private orgs trying to hype up footage
It's fake and they want you to react to it. If someone was really eager to get the truth out there the footage would already be on the internet. They wouldn't have a bunch of hype men.
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Obligatory Scully poast for posterity. See you all when this is archived.
Apparently this time there's orders in place to actually give some good information.
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If Michael Herrera is one of the people on this guys UFO recovery group how pissed off will you be? I'm hearing the other 1st hand witnesses include Herrera and other people the community ridicules and does not take seriously.
Only glowies don't take Herrera seriously.
Yeah whatever, there is always a bigger fish.
thats the thing though, i dont thing we can ever truly like eachother, i feel like interacting with these beings raw would be awkward as fuck, body language differences, mindset differences, we would be confused. the lyran would immediately reach to our face or something and we would back away thinking its trying to attack us and freak out, but its just a greeting on their part.

obviously in reality they come prepped but im just saying, we will never really get or like eachother on a real level, scientifically and analytically sure but we are just from different evolutionary paths, desu if they offer to take control of our steering wheel we should always say no to it, we should never give up control of our lives. even if they mean well, we just know ourselves best.

its whatever these are probably just made up anyways.
the mexican cave videos are real and mantidbro is real
What about the cattle mutilations?
Just quit my job
The free energy will flow tomorrow and we will have everything we could ever want
Too soon.
I am terrified of insects, I could never cope with having mantids around me
Aliens will look like humans. First contact will just be some guy going up to some truckers asking for directions in some unknown language
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Gettin on the ships and you can't stop me
Hey remember me? You're still a faggot.
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Looks like our new whistleblower writes science fiction novels. FUCKKKKKKKKK
Herrera's supervisor wasn't with with him in Indonesia. But yes, Michael Herrera is one of the whistleblowers that will come forward and Steven Greer has already confirmed that Jake Barber spoke to the disclosure team. About writing fiction, there is no hard proof of that claim it's just a X post. However, sometimes expirences do write fiction under a pseudo name to pass on information they have experienced without revealing who they are.
I'm gonna steal a ship
every damn time this shit happens. I’m done with the ufo topic until an actual fucking alien lands in front of millions
See you tomorrow
New X post from Airforce whistleblower Jake Barber
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>claims Herrera is fake whistleblower
He could be a fake, but there that is as far away from fact as you can get. Anyone making definitive claims is a liar. Twitter opinion discarded.
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Posting only so no one needs to go to shitter themselves.
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Here’s the full version

And this guy claims to be a writer lmao
How did you do that? The version I posted is all I see?
Look at the bullshit smearing they’re trying to do against Jake 24 hours away from the footage
Yep, this. The bullshit glowie posts have ramped up. When the hornets start swarming you know someone is over the target.
Fuck you all I’m gonna loop
One thing they got right is that Barber is indeed connected to Greer. Ross is just the the vessel that allows the information to flow.
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let me drive the ship
They did my nigga wrong
Absolute garbage again
That dosen't look like the sort of helo i would imagine the glowniggers or military using for retrieving a crashed ufo.
We haven’t even seen the fucking interview or video yet dumb ass
If my medication runs out its over anyways. Off we go.
It’s not from the retrieval. That was used as stock footage for the preview.
yeah I am staying on earth, I am too racist to trust the aliens
>tfw anti-racism was just a preparation to lower our guards when the aliens try to trick us into our demise
Well shit that’s actually a good point
I hate this hippie bullshit and makes me immediately disregard any person peddling it
So if this is dropping tomorrow then what the fuck was Elizondo talking about happening in 2 weeks?
A new book.
he never said 2 weeks. everyone here did. he said within 72 hours over 24 hours ago
>evolved civilization = evolved morality
Very stupid to believe this in 2025. Also morality does not necessarily mean being against war and violence, again, that's a flawed premise of current year shitty morals.
>he said within 72 hours over 24 hours ago
That was Greer not elizondo. Elizondo spoke about something “mind blowing” in 2 weeks.
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The interview is already done and the video has been handed over. It's newsmax that decided to air it saturday and tease it a few days early. Correct?

That would leave it within the window, even with the delay it WILL STILL AIR BEFORE THE INAUGURATION.
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>saving grave
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Although of course there's no proof of it, all elite ideologies could be interpreted as a psy-op to slowly install the seed of acceptance for the aliens:
>anti-racism so you trust the invaders
>global warming so you accept the idea the world is ending and the aliens will save us
>destruction of competence and trust in institutions through DEI so they are neither good enough nor do they gather enough consensus to fight back against the invaders
>destruction of the family so people are deracinated individualists, less willing to fight back and demoralized into just accepting domination
>atheism so the old gods can be replaced by worship of the invaders
>veganism so the aliens can eat the animal resources (see cattle mutilation) while we keep a slave diet. Maybe they don't eat them but need them for some other reason but the point stands.
>gay and tranny shit because they like to rape people in the ass (abductions prove this)
If I had to guess? More information.
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it's just very retarded. Just like "simulation theory" they try to re-invent the metaphysical effect of the existence of God, but in a way they can keep hating existing religious institutions and LARPing as le individualistic boomer truthers while retaining the same morality as the current year average normie.
Good qrd anon
I think all Greer has said about the aliens is that they are peaceful, and to ignore the alien invasion psyops.
>the world is ending and the aliens will save us
And I'm sure Greer has also said that we need to un-fuck ourselves first, then the aliens will be more comfortable making contact with us.
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I'm hornier than I am racist. Imma find an intergalactic sperm bank and make some money
is it out yet?
24 hours and 11 minutes until it premieres on newsnation
No, it's tomorrow at 8 PM EST
I get my news only from the unbiased powerhouse that is DramaAlert and InfoWars.


Um dude that's probably fake.
sorry this discussion might be too complcated for you, I suggest you go watch things more at your intellectual level
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>The ONLY proper way to experiment with hybrids.
>The old fashioned way
>/x/ is active for potential ayy happening
Are you fags coming from other boards? Report in.
Abductions are military psyops and sleep paralysis. ETs would not travel here just for nail clippings.
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"The Psionics"

The proper name typo seems to imply that's a faction name.
I think they fucked up announcing this 3 days before airing. Now that he's been exposed as a fiction author its only a matter of time before the cross dressing pictures are exposed.
Better start those mental exercises now then. Can you spin 3 different colored appels off 3 different axis while they rotate around you in your mind's eye?

Captcha: gawks
the premise that the aliens are perfect beings and we are fucked is just very stupid.
If they are not literally God with a capital G, then they are not perfect and there's no reason to believe they're more moral and upstanding than we are. They are "created beings" and might as well be more evil than us. Them having not enslaved us yet does not prove they are peaceful. The US hasn't invaded Madagascar, does not mean it's a peaceful nation or that they are moral perfect beings - we are Madagascar.
wtf is this nonsense
>It's newsmax that decided to air it saturday and tease it a few days early. Correct?
No. It's Newsnation.
>guy replies with "uh?" to all posts
>wonders why someone calls him retarded
Glowie or subhuman? Either way go fuck yourself bitch.
There's more than just one video..this is a series from Newsnation. Tomorrow will be the interview and the footage of the crash retrieval but there are other videos.
NTA but if you could come up with an argument that's not "retard" "faggot" or "glownigger," you might get actual engagement.
already gave plenty faggot. And I am going to keep calling you what you are until you stop acting that way.
Is that my only fuckup at least?
i mean perhaps it could be argued that a more reasonable civilization is more likely to succeed and not destroy itself, but who knows. it's not like we can predict everything in the future or if AI or machine is going to kill us and take our place
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It also might help if anything you say makes the least bit of sense.
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Your and my, all of our consciousness is limited. The black state has not just retrieved craft but bodies that are alive. According to Greer, some of these people have been tortured. The Gods can intervene at any time, but they know your consciousness is limited; your true self isn't a racist white guy on 4chan; it's something much more than that, not a single imagination that pops up in your mind will ever, ever understand.
>le disclosure face
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If my personal glowie is reading this, yall hiring?
>the premise that the aliens are perfect beings and we are fucked is just very stupid.
No one said they were perfect. They are obviously more advanced than us, and we are way too aggressive and violent for them to be comfortable with.

And you seriously gonna try and say that 99 percent of the "humans" on this planet aren't absolute fucking retards?
>your true self isn't a racist white guy on 4chan; it's something much more than that, not a single imagination that pops up in your mind will ever, ever understand.
This is gibberish and it does not help your cause that all the aliens in your pic are somehow jewish
Now that this guy has been exposed as a FAKE I'm putting all my trust in CORBELL. I just watched his TUBI show. It was awesome. The way he called Nancy mace a lying faggot to her face was cool.
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>And you seriously gonna try and say that 99 percent of the "humans" on this planet aren't absolute fucking retards?
why should I believe that's not true for aliens too?
In fact, more technological progress = more people can be retarded and lazy, so if they are more advanced there's no reason to believe this trend wouldn't be even worse with them.
My point is that it's more logical to be wary of them than to be accepting of them. They need to earn their trust, and their sneaky behavior has not earned them that trust.
That's why I made the US example. Greenland thought they wouldn't have any reason to risk US invasion, that changed from one day to the other. We are not in a different position.
It's okay anon, there is a lot you, I and everyone here doesn't understand.
ignore the glowie trying to derail discussion
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ignore the glowie trying to derail discussion
Why was he such a whiny bitch about receiving credit?
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I don't know how ufologists don't get tired of the same shit happening over and over again through the decades.
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>And I'm sure Greer has also said that we need to un-fuck ourselves first, then the aliens will be more comfortable making contact with us.
this notion is retarded and does not lend credibility to Greer's claims
It was because of Coulthart's interview with Grush that congress initiated a hearing about UFOs for the first time in 50 years. Now that representative Mike Turner is out, I'm confident the UAP disclosure act that protects any and all whistleblower from any illegal assassinations, or threats will get passed.
>And I'm sure Greer has also said that we need to un-fuck ourselves first, then the aliens will be more comfortable making contact with us.
same old "contactee" shit from the Adamski / Van Tassel era. Also, if we unfuck ourselves, why the fuck would we need "extra" terrestrials?
There’s a lot of shit to discuss from the last 2-3 days
>Interview/video in the op
>Lue Elizondo talking about something major in a week or two
>Corbell/other podcasters talking about an invasion in 2027 (staged?)
>Coulthart begging don jr to tell his dad to disclose
Hey glowies, you're gonna be unemployed soon. I don't feel the slightest but bad about it, be better people, get a job where you aren't a fucking asshole around the clock.

But it does rebut your claims.
>There’s a lot of shit to discuss from the last 2-3 days
Not much there to discuss. every line is "cake tomorrow" shit.
I hate generals but we might need a /disclosure/ general.
It's just going to be a blurry video of some white blob on the ground, 20 seconds max.
If aliens exist they need to appear in broad daylight, capture all pedo politicians and take control for a few hundred years till we are all at Jesus level in terms of morals and consciousness
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>all these posts asking aliens to take control
Imagine being this cucked
What we don't need is every third post repeating the same things over and over. Fuck off glowie. Seriously, we know. We anticipated your stupid shit already, you don't need to be the 1,000,000th posted to say it.
I'm hearing it's inferred.
Oh look, another asshole putting words in other peoples mouths.
>Oh look, another asshole putting words in other peoples mouths.
it's literally word for word here >>39656964
Disclosure is a psyop that’s been going on since the 1950s, if not longer. Whether or not there are aliens, or ultraterrestrials or cryptoterrestrials or whatever, all of these “whistleblowers” are glowie plants. Listen, but don’t trust.
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>all these posts
>one post
I rather have aliens running the system than pedo satanist kikes
Never made any. The notion that aliens are waiting for us to mature is like at least over 70 years old now. It is still just as preposterous as it was back then.
We totally believe you agent smith
Anyway, seems like nothing remarkable is being discussed in this thread, so I'll take my leave now.
"Waiting" implies that they are gonna take over. I never made any such claims, and I never said greer did either. I said they are uncomfortable with us. All that means is they are staying back and not saying hello. If they wanted to invade, take over, or kill us, they would have done it years ago instead of waiting for us to invent nuclear weapons.
The "AeroTech_Space" user on X is an extremely active UFO "debunker" who seems to like postings lots of material "debunking" ufo related "conspiracy theories." However, he as stated in a YouTube video that he is an active intelligence analyst for the defense Intelligence agency.

Be careful what you read online and who you trust. There are many people trying to discredit Jake Barber at the moment for many reasons.
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>pedo satanist kikes
>Aliens will look like humans.
I've heard they look so brain meltingly bizarre that it is horrifying and psychologically scarring to look at them.

have you considered that?
Have any of you guys seen any UFOs with your own eyes lately?
I haven't seen any orbs but have seen those weird, plane-like drones. I've seen one hover perfectly still in midair without any visible means of propulsion.
No rotors, no jets, and the lights on them don't look like FAA-compliant lights.
u know he's for real because he looks traumatized and like he's afraid of being killed any moment lmao

damn dude smoke a joke ffs
>they still don't figure out we've been looping this every deluge
>every time the aliens came in the previous iterations, they left because humans insist on deifing the aliens
>the deluge loop in the loosh farm prison matrix will continue until humanity stands for itself
>science fiction novels as a way of introducing strange and new ideas to the general public so that they over spread propagate into the collective unconscious

I don't the star Gods care about satanic or jewish elites. We're all just humans with many flawds. I used to create many idols myself that gave me inspiration, but also, I believed they were saviors, whether it was my background as a once Christian, my deep dive into neo-Nazism as a teenager where I looked up to Hitler and thought he was trying to save the world from Jews, or recently Trump. They are all just illusions. No one will come save you; we save ourselves by becoming the best versions we could be.
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If aliens are “good” or even indifferent then why the fuck are hiding from us like little bitches?
You glowies don't give up do you? You're gonna be unemployed soon.
Humans are kinda scary. We can be pretty violent and tribalistic.
Spiritual awareness, health and karma are going to become the next big things.

think mass conversions to vegetarianism overnight by most people
They don't. They know your intentions some how. If you have good intentions, they will show up after you meditate and ask for a sign.
How am I a glownigger? Because I don’t believe they’re space hippies that love humanity? They’re probably demons you little faggot
Lou has already talked about meeting various faith leaders across the globe ove next several months.
i would legit love a job working with this kind of stuff. It would be very interesting at the least.
The rains come to wash away sins anon.

There is always a new beginning.
My fear is that people will not approach this in a democratic way. I feel like new cults will probably emerge claiming to represent the aliens and demand a new form of government, maybe a fascistic one, and let's not forget about the Islamic countries and China. This stuff literally has me up at night but I can't to jack shit.
because you post exactly like every other glowfag, and even posted the same things. Nice try, no severance package.
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I think it's going to be that understanding these UAP's biology/composition is going to mean that it will be easy to connect the dots and realize that we also have a non-corporeal energetic body and are part of the karmic cycles in that way.

like loosh is real in a sense of charged electromagnetic radiation generated by human brains as they "grok" their actions and emotions.
He's including Islamic leaders in it too. And yea new cults is what he's warning about.

Seems like he wants to bring the conversation to the faith leaders so as to give the lay people some material to work with with their child asks what's up with all the alien talk
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I was reading that they are very concerned about this which is why they've waited to tell it for so long.

So apparently they have a whole PR campaign and plan at least thank god.

But I guess I understand why Lue always looks like he's shitting himself. seems like a stressful job lol.
Lol, yeah.
Yea hopefully well finally get some hard disclosure on what exactly the consciousness part of our hidden tech entails.

Captcha: mpppg
I predict an egg shaped object will show on infrared.
>Akshually the government wants you to distrust them
Found the sauce for you Anony.
Nice try
hehehe i couldnt resist
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I'm tired of being human bro; and I'm tired of pretending that if I was magically transformed into an alien free of instinct I wouldn't look back on human life like it was hell.
Even being human, I have just enough conscious complexity to realize that I'm a schizophrenic retarded programmed machine animal brain in an animal who is actively steering itself into painful torture and death, but I have no ability to do anything about it. I have seen countless examples including myself that disprove any meaning to any of this, living deadends who were born to become completely and utterly mentally disabled later on in life. I can't even kill myself without the great machine matrix of hell that is my mind going "NOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT X SO GREAT AND Y SO GOOD, YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW BRO!", and I fall for it every time because no matter how far I try to run from it, I AM IT.
If ships come with open doors, I will get on. If guns poke out the doors; I will shriek and shrill and probably try to run away in an adrenaline fueled seizure, my body and mind will make it as agonizing as possible for me in an attempt to keep me alive; but if they're competent shots, then I won't have to deal with MYSELF, or YOU anymore soon after. I am the living antithesis of "stay off the ships". Do you understand?
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See >>39656798

Nobody seems to mention this. Twice mentioned with a capital 'P'.

Who are the Psionics?
I'd much rather convince an alien to stay and hang out with me on Earth than get on a ship.
I'm jacking a ship and getting the fuck out of here.
What exactly is your thought process here
No kidding.
fuck off, is that clear enough for you?
Where the fuck you going
Everywhere, anywhere.
All of yall are glowies tryna reply maxx this thread
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I'm the third guy and can at least assure you that I'm not.
Do you actually say y'all in real life? I do.
Things are really starting to ramp up, but I know this is just the beginning. I like watching the stars at night; it helps that I'm in a rural area. I see all the stars, and I think, "What could be out there? Is it just us? Or is there something more than just worrying about my car insurance and other payments? I also wonder what the spiritual existence of these extraterrestrials (if they exist) is like. Do they believe in ghosts? Do they see them unlike us? Is there life after death? I heard heartbreaking news recently about my uncle being in a coma; he will most likely pass away, and I almost had a heart attack. I prayed that God forgives his misdeeds if he ever did anything wrong and that he is accepted by the extraterrestrials in a warm and loving manner. I pray he assures his kids that everything will be ok, that he is in a better place. It reminds me of a story I once read about a man seeing his dead relative his own grandfather in a UFO craft. These beings to what is said can visit you in dreams and show you visions. I pray to God we all make it, that everything will be OK.
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Im just tryn fuck
OP will start a new one. Its called a WATCH PARTY for a reason, we are hanging out until the video is released, cry about it.
You're completely right, I'm with the stay off the ships crew.
A flower? I smell it
A tree? I see it
A battle? I fight it
My pain? I scream it
My wound? I tend it
Empathy? Don't got it
Skill issue? Don't have it
My boulder? I push it
My prize? I spread it
My life? I lose it
I'm gonna friggin miss this shit when it's gone.
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Op here and yeah I’m making new threads as needed and linking to the new one here when this hits bump limit
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This entire thread got abducted except for me
I was eating dinner
Cornell’s meltdown was funny as fuck
Corbell *
Elizondo said "within next week or two, or sooner"

He also references giga glowie debunker Steven Greenstreet and shitty glowie podcast Vetted...
Could this all just be one big grift? Whatever is happening, it's monumental, that's for sure. Lue Elizando is going to the Vatican, Barber has an interview tomorrow, and Steven Greer is for the first time saying disclosure is imminent and so much more. I don't know what's going on, but it's big. My only question is, if this is all a grift, why would people leave their comfy government jobs just to get publicly ridiculed? David Grusch never claimed to have been directly involved in any crash retrieval; this Berber guy is just one out of many people set to come forward and submit evidence to Senate Armed Intelligence and the UAP task force.
>We haven’t even seen the fucking interview or video yet dumb ass
No but we've seen countless others. Grusch, Elizondo, yadda yadda. You think this mook looking schizoid is going to give us anything new? gtfo
>if this is all a grift, why would people leave their comfy government jobs just to get publicly ridiculed
The potential earnings in touring, private lectures, books & tv appearances is a lot more lucrative than their pensions. Who cares about public ridicule when you’re sitting on a pile of dosh telling people what they want to hear.
I get that to some degree, but all these guys are saying that the evidence is definitive, but I don't see a paywall they linked.
Disclosure brand talking heads that on any other day call each other out on everything are all aaying tomorrow's vidya and whistler is something to pay attention to.

That almost never fucking happens.
Kek I'd laugh if the first aliens we run into are the giant mantis aliens. Allegedly they're friendly though. Allegedly. If they're real.
We'll see I just don't like it when people toy with others. I hope, but I'm wrong what are your predictions for tomorrow's interview? Will it be a full interview? What about the alleged crash retrieval footage?
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Have you never watched the UFO docs on Prime tv? All these disclosure fags show up in the same documentaries together, they're all fucking in on it. Useless fucks.
What meltdown?
The last episode of his tubi show.
I'm hoping for a proper retrieval with body and all in the video.

If we're lucky, full interview with technical/mechanical aspects delved into.
Those aren't the only disclosure branded people, but go off
S2E3? I just found it.
i think aliens are legit, but there are people also telling lies and half truths

its been known in the alien community that the government would try to fake an invasion, whether you belive in blue beam or werner von brauns assistant
I'm not going to bother memorizing this information until I see what Ross has presented.
Cool, damp and slightly sticky grey fingers typed this.
This, being out in space for more than a few days would suck ass, as would being turned into some critters dinner, i'm stayin' on terra firma.
Yeah that’s it. It’s the parts with shellingberger
I don't know what any of that means. Can you please spoon-feed me?
If I watch the whole thing and find out you are exaggerating, then your mom is a hoe.
Coulthart is going to get verbally BTFO if he doesn’t come through tomorrow kek
One full fortdecade

It’s genuinely funny I don’t think you’ll be disappointed
Just tell us how to make our own plz and thanks. Oh and zero point energy while your at it. I just wanna travel anywhere in the globe within an hour and live in the middle of nowhere with my little cottage and greenhouse running free energy grow lights for my sweet potatoes, avocado and various nut shrubs. Fuck having a job, fuck civilisation. I wanna be a peaceful hermit reading classic literature and philosophy. Occasionally I'll zip over to a metropolitan area once every few months when I get the social itch but afterwards fly back home to my private slice of modest heaven. I would unironically drop everything if I could have just those 2 things, the field propulsion craft and over unity power. Stuff of dreams I guess.
Oh well back to slaving away as gynozog taxcattle wageserf just to one day achieve a mortgage that takes 50 years to pay off
>Listen, but don’t trust.

Trust, but verify.

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