NW England, starting week#3 Feb2025Seeking participants with scientific background and preferably qualifications in;Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics (Digital and Analogue).Do not apply if in doubt since doubt is a flaw in your character we cannot afford.Keen observational skills and an ability to communicate clearly in English, to write accurately and fluently with terms that communicate clear information will be essential qualities in any candidates.Scientifically-minded individuals with strong constitutions, fit and healthy of mind and body, to form small teams.Some climbing/athletic ability is preferred but not essential.Experience of violence/stressful/traumatic situations is preferred and candidates will be asked for details so we can judge character and suitability for this endeavour.Ages 25 to 50.Must have mental fortitude and agile thinking for tasks which will certainly involve fear, shock and triggering of flight-fight-freeze responses. Some danger is almost certainly likely and injury is a possibility.Proof of education and fitness must be produced and will be scrutinized closely.Pt1
>>39655929Expect to be gone for a week or upto one month. No mobile phones.Food and lodgings, equipment and some clothing will be provided. Allergies or special-needs mean you're not suitable so don't apply.Local medical facilities have been told to expect us and excellent medical care can be provided, although the candidate is expected to defend themselves in a hostile environment with the means at their disposal. No weaklings nor the helpless need apply. You will be expected to hit the ground running and run hard, into the ground if necessary.NOT seeking quacks, 'psychics', oddballs, cranks, time-wasters, twats nor people who use phrases like 'energy' and 'auras'... those kinds can fuck right off. Such applications are not welcome and may result in criminal prosecution. You have been duly warned.I apologize no further details can be provided.Generous rates of remuneration from this official-sanctioned and officially-sponsored enterprise are of course on offer, although if this is your primary motivation you will not be suitable, so do not apply. Your financial details will be questioned so bring proof of identity and at least two character references, if asked to do so.Means of robust defense and training for such will be provided by qualified military personel.Thank You.Pt.2
>>39655929>background and preferly qualifications in; Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics (Digital and Analogue).Are you looking for a single person that has every qualification you listed or at least some of them? Because in that case, good luck in finding a biologist who is a mathematician but also an engineer but also a chemist but also a person that has all these degrees but at the same time has spent their life studying and living a life full of danger. Are you looking for some comics character?
>>39655982The answer to your question is obvious.You are not suitable.
>>39655929I fit all these conditions but not in your shithole country
and how does one apply