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What is the point of the fake space psy op
To make you feel small and insignificant.
What's the point of that?
To justify chem trails and spit on Gid by declaring “your earth is how we graffiti it”.
They are no different from the street punks that paint their mockeries on the walls for their own sense of self glory.
to make you susceptible to believing in aliens
Because there are no such thing as aliens?
Stupid people admire complexity
I feel like "aliens" is cope. What if "aliens" have actually always been here, maybe they even created us. Would they really be "aliens" or would they be "gods" or "angels"?
Money laundering mostly, and it gives them an excuse to build "test sites."
outer space is basically superficial bread and circuses for the masses.
Always think the opposite of what jews tell you. If you're small and insignificant that must mean you are the only person in the world that matters.
Angels and the fallen angels who became demons have always been here, is a fundamental part of creation and are just as alien as pigs are to humans because pigs are also a part of the creation.
Man was created on the same day as the farm animals.
>What is the point of the fake space psy op
Let me be absolutely clear: You don't even know what planet you're on, literally.


Read this thread:


Keep in mind that both Christians and atheists do not like what I have to say.

Also, here's a supplementary post that contains some important details:


I can't tell you exactly when Jesus will arrive to destroy this planet (I can't even give you the year, let alone the month). But here's one thing I do know with 100% certainty: this planet is Bozrah, not Earth.
If you are small and insignificant, there is no purpose to your existence. I there is no purpose to your existence, your existence is by happenstance. If your existence is by happenstance, there is Creator.
Space being real means that there are probably trillions of planets exactly like earth and fundamentalists hate the idea that god may have had other kids.
>god may have had other kids.
the angels
So you'll go along with authority figures.
How would it make you small when you are closest to the creator and tbe destroyer?
>What if "aliens" have actually always been here, maybe they even created us
We are literally the aliens. We don't have any terrestial life other then our own. Assuming souls
Actually the number would be infinite but the question is are they in accordance to the same laws as us or is anti-matter the barrier between universes?
I don't know.
Maybe there is a bunch of land beyond the ice wall , so much so that people wouldn't need to rely on any nation state. They'd just have their families and allied families playing IRL Minecraft basically.
like we'd just go explore, find a cool defensible mountain and start building.

Like Minecraft.
I know I'm an explorer at heart.
But yeah they try to tell you you're on a confined Ball that has been Google Heckin' Mapped.

Clip from Truman Show:


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