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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM [Open]

>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/_UoGV6LBwds [Open]

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library
Lame circlejerk
attracting snowbunnies and cocaine
>tried the manifestation thing for money
>suddenly got money

but hot dang, what even haopened there
Educate yourself
whatever toll you paid it will be doubled
money is just a concept what you can buy for it is real though
I'd play my fiddle longer but yeah =)
I'm content. I have this great, big, contentness about my life. All the things I've asked for are mine, and have been mine, all along. I flow through life, experiencing all the things that make me feel happy, make me feel exhilarated, make me feel whole. All is mine.
no just get more and more stupider ples
that's hotel california in a nutshell
Let me just manifest my sp so I can cheat in peace here bud.
I'm a total beginner and I want to start with something that might sound stupid: I need to get my Yahoo email accounts unlocked, I got myself locked out of accounts that I've had for about 20 years now
I've only managed to find advice for big things like life events, lots of money, etc, how do I do something small like this
assume the state where it is done
Okay thank you
I'll read the materials in the sticky
stfu you retarded garbage bot
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Money is energy. The more you freely give in good faith, the more it returns to you. The less you care about it (i.e. put it away and don't count it), the more it multiplies. I am fortunate that I understood this concept when I was very young and impressionable and didn't question it, and therefore money has never been an issue with me. I don't make much at my job but somehow my bank account is very full, I own multiple cars and a house. Honestly I'm amazed. It's because I have no resistance. I know that I can leave a huge tip at a restaurant or buy things for others or treat myself to whatever because that money is coming right back to me. It's an exchange of energy.

Now relationships on the other hand.... I'm (not getting) fucked, because at some point I convinced myself that relationships are difficult, they I'm not worthy of them, something. It really does all come down to our core beliefs as our ourselves and the world.
How can I manifest a situation where im sitting with a woman on a bed like OP pic
So you guys think you're going to get whatever you want just by fantasizing about it enough? How's that working out for you?
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Relax and get into alpha waves / SATS.

Imagine you are on your computer or your phone etc, however you would check your email.
Imagine the login page, and you're typing in your credentials.
Imagine seeing a successful login.

Now loop that, over and over.
Login page, typing in your info, and it loads your inbox.
Login. Type. Inbox.
Login. Type. Inbox.

Over and over until you have an unmistakable feeling of success. You can FEEL the success in your chest that you've logged in! Hooray!

Loop as long as you want, revel in the joy, and whenever you're done you can stop looping and sit back with the knowledge that it's done. It's out of your hands. The universe / your higher self / God is handling it now. You put the order in. Wait for it to show up.

Be on the lookout for flashes of inspired action. Like you suddenly get the idea of how to unlock your account - a kind of "what a great idea, why haven't I thought of that till now?" moment. Take that action.
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Very well, thank you.
And thank me! I used it for the greatest good, which includes you. A seeker. A belieber.
why not just tell yourself over n over that relationships are easy?
I'm just gonna say it
If you don't use LoA/Manifestation for the greatest good possible for all of us
You're a faggot
I hope it all makes sense to ball like this, the large address
Copied from last thread that died -

My friends, I’d like some insight.

When I’m clearheaded and level, I have a sense of knowing. I look at the world around me, the TV, texts, games, social outings, and I feel as if I “know” it all. I feel like nothing is a surprise. Even predicting the immediate future as setting things in motion related to my desires or goals. Could anyone give more insight to this?

Another issue, there are circumstances that cause my mood to drop and I feel more baser and upsetting urges, rage, lack or need, and it becomes harder to “feel”. Do any other anons dip like this on occasion, and if so could I receive advice from someone who’s felt these things? Personally for me I’m working on these circumstances, and I am becoming much better.

Much love to everyone on their paths.
We can all do that. You have to believe. You believe. So you see.

That boy needs therapy!
>Accession in property law is a mode of acquiring property that involves the addition of value to the property through labour or the addition of new materials. For example, a person who owns a property on a river delta also takes ownership of any additional land that builds up along the riverbank due to natural deposits or man-made deposits.
Can i manifest things on pure feelings alone without the visulazation part, i can get the tingling feeling if i foucs on the feeling, i have a little bit of doubt if manifestation will come to frution

and also i can manifest without lying down or at night when im about to go to sleep i can still get that tingling feeling when im sitting and manifesting
You have to sink your desires to a subconscious level. Simple as.
If benevolent, your desires come to fruition amply.
It looks like homer hired a hooker and is sad that he is so lonley and have to hire woman for their company is that the situation do you wanna be in
How can i do that exactly
Thats not how the episode went at all, but zoomers don't know about simpsons

in any case, its a troll pic
Guys I revised that I bought bitcoin early and didn't sell it and now I'm a fucking billionaire. That's how this works right?
That's what i would do if i really wanted to manifest one. I really don't care about relationships right now though so it's not very high on my list of things to manifest. I had a serious relationship for several years and I don't really want to get back into one.
How did this women healed herself in a few seconds without even believing ? It literally took a few seconds, watch the video below. incredible !
Does it mean you don't even have to believe ?

if you believe that you don't have to believe.....
Practice. Formulate a desire. Engage your willpower. Then believe it will come. Then let it go. Then work towards it. Then stop. Then work towards it, Then stop, Then work, and work, and believe, and there it will be,
Why ruin the title format
So... I see the steps here. I understand them all completely except #2.
>2) I engage it with my WILL (whereby it is >involved in the world)
What does that mean, to engage the desire with your will? I've had some results with affirmations but would like my manifestations to be quicker. I would hope that me affirming, by speaking/writing/thinking and putting myself in the mindset of it's already done is a form of "engaging my will" but I don't know, the language there is kind of abstract.
>The more you freely give in good faith, the more it returns to you.
If this was the case there wouldn't be miserly and selfish millionaires And those are pretty common

>The less you care about it (i.e. put it away and don't count it), the more it multiplies.
This is more like it, you assume you have money and don't have a poverty mindset so that's what you get

It's not about giving or not giving it's about your assumptions for everything including relationships
To continue further I would say that the majority of rich people are not generous because their wealth is built as a result of them having a highly acquisitive nature and stumbling or learning the right assumptions with regards to money.

The rich people who are generous tend to be very generous. These types often acquire their wealth not because of acquisitiveness but indirectly thru other means, for example an engineer starting his own successful company, successful musicians etc etc. Money is a byproduct to these types rather than the main goal
Just sharing my personal experience with money. When I give freely it's because I don't have a scarcity mindset.
its all real
>in any case, its a troll pic
No it's not.
Me too.

>When I give freely it's because I don't have a scarcity mindset.
That's great. It's a great mindset to have.
Few days a go say that I keep seeing repeating numbers
>One anon says that I basically manifest it and should use the same belief for other manifestations
>For the next two days I didn't see repeating numbers at all
Investigating on celebrities that have used manifestations has led me to convince me a 100% that this shit is real, pretty much every famous motherfucker has used it, knowingly or not, for example, lets see some of thenames i saw in just 30 minutes searching
>Jim Carrey (came from nothing)
>Marylin Monroe (came from nothing)
>Kanye West, has a (unreleased) song called law of attraction (came from nothing)
>MICHAEL FUCKING JACKSON (he was poor during childhood)
>Connor Mcgregor was gifted "the secret" by his sister, he visualized his fights before they played out, some of his predictions were so accurate some people called him "Mystic Mike"
>Rod Serling (writer from the twithlight zone) was DIRECTLY A DISCIPLINE OF NEVILLE GODDARD
>Arnold Schwarzenegger (I copy pasted his name because fuck writing that) was also poor, his autobiography, Total Recall, is partially aboutb manifesting
>Lady Gaga
>Denzel Washington
>Muhammad Ali
>Bruce Lee
btw most of these people were poor during childhood, they are not nepo babies
Skepticsisters our response?
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IAll of the biggest stars of the entertainment industry have all used this technique, dont believe me? google "[Famous name] + manifestation" and see for yourself. 90% of times theres a pretty clear pattern
>off-topic op image
>fucked up the subject title
>left the embeds in
>no last thread link
boo! bake a new thread!

>post-scarcity wealth
can report how awesome this is
I don't really understand it nor question it anymore
I feel very wealthy
>muh reptile jews are turning the frogs gay
no thanks faggot, I'll just use it for the most selfish reasons possible
how about you suck a dick instead?
throws off the tripfags
never, tripfag
They worked hard for the money and fame.
The mental outlook benefits of affirming success helped them visualise and work towards that goal. They still had to act. They did not make the fame and money appear out of thin air. You can trace their careers and things build up.
So that’s not saying LoA isn’t real - it’s saying the Lilanon time travelling and transforming into a supernatural creature stuff is absolutely fake.
Discuss real LoA not trip delusions.
You manifest the changes by focussing your mind on them and then it’s more likely that you’ll succeed because you believe you will.
Atleast I made a thread when it 404d you faggot.
Although it is tiresome (the work)
your posts are like a potion of endurance
Drink up and manifest the best, lads
learn to do it better then, retard.
of course there needs to be work for a manifestation to realize, Neville said this while he talked about "inspired action", actions that you do effortlessly knowing that they'll get you whatever you want.
Sometimes the action is simply knowing that it is already yours, other times it is being suddenly inspired to perform a specific effortless or fairly easy task while knowing it'll get you what you want.

in sport related celebrities is it harder for me to pinpoint the exact moment an improbable event that changed their career happened due to me not knowing or giving a fuck about the rules and technicalities of the sports they practice but doing that is fairly easy for "regular celebrities", let's see:

>Marylin Monroe:She met photographer David Conover, who had been sent by captain Ronald Reagan, to the factory to shoot morale-boosting pictures of female workers.Although none of her pictures were used, she quit working at the factory in January 1945 and began modeling for Conover and his friends
>Jim Carrey: (not related to his fame but won a bike in a raffle he didn't enter after manifesting it with a technique his teacher gave him) He put a check on himself for ten million dollars on Thanksgiving 1995 and all the necessary events for him to pay that check arrived just in time for that exact date.
>Rod Serling: He was a student of Neville and he scripted studios responding to the scripts he sent to them with out of character letters. The studios responded with the same out of character responses he imagined
>Connor McGregor famously predicted the fights that took him to stardom (even though he used his fame later to do nasty shit)
I suspect lilanon's dickriders are so desperate that they really need LoA to be physics-defying and not something mundane, so they get their panties in a twist at the mere suggestion that you can't in fact be a flying elven vampire werewolf
Posting in the non-mother anon thread because it’s more likely to be about LOA.
just imagined myself last night receiving a job offer before sleep and i woke up this morning and guess what happened
you didn't receive a job offer?
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i did receive
>manifest a text message, visualise it on my phone
>get a dm in another app the next day
Appreciate it though
I suggested that you observe how beliefs form in your mind. I call it snowballing effect. You see event and instead of brushing it off as 'random' you focus your attention on it (in your case seeing 'angelic' numbers) and the thing tends to repeat itself because of the meaning you gave it.
Now, when you observe beliefs they tend to disappear unless you deliberately give them 'energy' (this time consciously).
So, I'm the person you responded to and this post >>39690341
How do I focus my attention to it to make it happen more. Notice the increasing amounts of texts/dm?
Stop wasting time with this insignificant shit, dude. What do you want? Date? Then go to that. Relationship? Then go to that. Sex? Then go to that. Go to the end
Yes it is anon, yes it is.
ditto, bump for visibility over that finngolian failure's thread
very interesting
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
How much?
nope you can't change the past, you can only change the feelings you had in the past.
So it’s not the best OP but it’s manifested out of good will and the Finnish failure will spam his own pointless duplicate and Lilanon will also likely go there because he loves his fellow trip (no matter how stupid they are)
Everyone that hates them and insulted them will go there too.
This could be a winning thread.
>Investigating on celebrities that have used manifestations has led me to convince me a 100% that this shit is real,
That's funny to see someone who hasn't opened his eyes yet. Mate, celebrities all sold their soul, you can't become famous if you are not part of the club. It's all of them. Nothing to do with LOA.
Sell you soul to the devil and you'll become famous tomorrow too.
What I want is what I want. If you can't answer the question don't bother.
Looks like it, this is a nice thread for once
this, might actually be a productive one for a change
total tripfag annihilation
Cult anon here:

A number of wild shit has happened

I have set up IRL group spiritual sessions and we are hosting them regularly now.

I have 11-13 converts now. Similar number as the Disciples of Jesus (with the 13th Disciple of Jesus being Judas)

Nigerian gangs have robbed banks and the converts have discussed robbing the gang that robbed the banks which I put a stop to cuz it was way too dangerous.

Then a woman posted an ad saying that her friend was being held against her will in a terrorist/warzone area and wanted some help to get her out of there.

I am going to find out whether what she is saying is true or false and if it's true we might have the first mission for our cult :D
I care about him misleading new anons
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Starting to wonder if someday I'm going to get questioned by the FBI about a charismatic cult leader and what I witnessed on 4chan
Whats the LoA visualisation strategy for the following:
>A girl to blow my load down the neck of
>A fuck ton of money

Manifest a pilot with an Mi8 transport joining your cult to ferry you around. Post a picture of it when its done.
One of the cult members is currently in training to be a pilot. We planned to have an airfield for our commune so the pilot in training cult member can help out.

However we don't have a plane of our own yet.

And we gotta make sure that the woman posting the ad is being truthful.
my successes
>have manifested women noticing me
>have manifested women showing clear signs of attraction to me
>have manifested women initiating conversation with me
(still to autistic to speak to them)

>also manifested full beard growth
>also manifested increased flaccid penis size (no change in erection size, but that was not my goal)
probably not
Been doing SATs for like 20 days, haven't felt the feeling of knowing it's "finished" or feeling it done in the morning, am I misunderstanding something about how I need to visualize?
Personally I always thought that shit was a meme. Posted by larpers who don't actually practice.
Enter SATS, play your scene, attach positive emotion to scene, repeat scene until too bored to continue, get up/sleep.
That's all.
Thank you so so much for going into detail like this for me! This is exactly the kind of advice I was looking for! =D
Does anyone here know how to use microdosing to manifest?
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Why is it that when a young teen, full of hormones, constantly imagines himself with the women he desires, he doesn't always get what he wants?
Even when his imagination is full of emotion and he can almost taste it?
Sure thing. Keep us updated
I've been lurking and this shit just seems like you're just supposed to live in your head.
a reminder that it is this simple, anons. don't make it more complicated than it has to be. trust. believe.
>can't infer your own answer from the answer given
Dumb and pathetic (texts lmao)
I think it means taking action basically, though I'm also struggling to understand it from that post
>engage it with your will
>taking action
That's exactly what it is. This shit is dangerous and can get you killed or institutionalized.
You don't. Like Neville, you have to drink until your liver is shot.
I want to know this as well I had a vivid imagination and heavy desire there was this one specific girl I imagined doing it with in such a way for least 2 years but I never got laid in my teens I didn't lost my virginity till I was 23 even.

I guess there is other aspects to it that weren't there to make it happen right?
Based on myself, I think its because you have some negative beliefs or emotions associated with it, such as neediness/desperation or low self esteem (to the point where you'd be surprised if a woman paid attention to you rather than accepting it as normal or natural).

A strong neediness repels even easy things. I'll have a bad day where I fantasize about just getting home and relaxing with a video game and the world conspires to make sure that doesn't happen.

From things I can get easily, it seems the right way to think about them is whatever reinforces a calm, centered state of mind, whether it's "I already have this easily" or "I could genuinely take it or leave it" (may be easier to achieve if you have blocks)
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How do I wake up tomorrow with money? I have a powerful mind but I have a hard time believing in manifestation.
>is desperate for thing
>doesn't get thing
>hurr y it no hapen?????
Read the actual material before making more stupid posts, retard
>I've been lurking and this shit just seems like you're just supposed to live in your head.
that's why you need to be honest, and evaluate if your technique works
If not, you need to rethink things, and try a different approach.
I will say if you don't get your manifest in a week (or see progress in a week), then you need to rethink things.
And that's why I set a time limit on my manifests. If it didn't work in a week, I count that as a failure, and then move on. And maybe it would have worked in 2 weeks, or a month or whatever if I had just waited, but I don't have time to wait for something that may or may not ever arrive. So I cut it off at a certain time limit.
If God is preventing me from my desire due to me being lesser in comparison to someone else, and God knows what's best for everyone involved, then I'm just going to go pump and dump younger chicks and lead them on if they like me because I really don't give a fuck anymore
are you though? or are you just venting, and none of that will happen
Are you deaf?
guess not
I had a dream I was in a tantric union with a woman who had pale skin, dark veins and her eyes were all black.

Glittering, crystalline dust poured from the roof like hourglass sand from the rocky cave of a cavern within the chthonic earth. On closer inspection, the sand was an incredibly thick grit of crystals and gold dust.

Of course this is the type of manifestation that occurs with my Plutonic and Saturnian-affinity. i barely have to try to illicit this response and receive magnitudes more in this category than my fellow man.

Simply because I have more, want more, and deserve more.
I hope you guys can give me some insight into this.

I've been experimenting with the LoA for a few months now, and I've got to the point where I agree with the anons saying your manifestation should take a week or less. I set it, I forget it, every time I think of it I automatically respond with "this is being taken care of for me" and let go, and without fail things are coming in steady and speedy.
>very specific circumstances at work
>very very specific intentions for other people
>thinking "people say x to me about my looks/give me y/do z for me" and it happens

The ONE thing that eludes me is SP. I'm manifesting my ex and anytime I do SATS scenes with her I get the feeling of doneness stronger than any of these other things, I've had a good feeling about her for a couple months now, mutuals have been telling me she loves me and is miserable without me. Nothing about my techniques or methods for her is any different from the other things I am manifesting successfully and regularly. But she hasn't talked to me in 2.5 months now and ignored when I sent her a birthday wish. Recently she has taken to leaving events/gatherings when she heard I was coming.
I'm still feeling the doneness and my mindset with her from day 1 has been, like with all other manifestations, "it's taken care of for me, the 3D reflection will come when it comes" - it's just for everything else it takes less than a week, and here she is defying that rule.

What gives?
I'd appreciate any advice.
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Have you had other successes?
I have and it is quite wild
albeit the soul barrier is a hard limit i m o
I am content with climbing ladders and carting wheelbarrows a t m
that's fair, I don't think the technique itself matters that much, but if it doesn't happen within a week or a month you probably need to tackle it from a different angle
>it's just for everything else it takes less than a week, and here she is defying that rule.
A woman who is into you doesn't leave an event where she knows you will be present.
She wants to forget you, dont mess with her mind please, this is not advisable.
you don't manifest it by desire, you manifest it by knowing that you already have it.
>mutuals have been telling me she loves me and is miserable without me. Nothing about my techniques or methods for her is any different from the other things I am manifesting successfully and regularly.
manifest her texting you
if she really is miserable without you and still loves you, then all you need to do is get her to contact you. that's it really.
so I'd focus on that
>that's fair, I don't think the technique itself matters that much, but if it doesn't happen within a week or a month you probably need to tackle it from a different angle
yeah exactly
most of these are talented, ambitious individuals, but given manifestation, it can only help ambition and vice versa
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Give me examples of this working for you and if ut did why dont you have 8 billion dollars rn
this is the loa thread
Michael Jackson
>already wealthy when he wrote that journal
>"let me try to change my fashion sense and act more mature"
>he manifested everything!
are you retarded?
Your desires exist in the multiverse. You need to stop wanting and let go.
got several jobs through it, and some other minor happy coincidences that aligned how I wanted them
>why dont you have 8 billion dollars rn
in b4
>wHaT mAkEs YoU ThInk I WAnT 8 BiLLiOn DoLLaRs
I would if I could
What the fuck am I going to do with 8 billion dollars?
How to manifest money?
Manifestation exists, but so does selling your soul to Moloch.
>manifestation realized again
>included the exact people I thought of
It's crazy how it just werks. Remember not to give a fuck about the 'how'.
anything? everything? you can probably buy a small African country with that kind of money
Exactly, not the "mess with someone's mind" thread.
Even my dream home barely costs 1 million. I've looked at expensive reputable fashion brands and majority of them don't have my style to spend the money. I cna already afford all my hobbies, car, house, vacations, eating out nonstop.... it would take some insane ambitiom for me to rationalize having 8 billion dollars. I literally hate warm/hot climates too, so buying an island or place in Africa is beyond a waste of my time. I'd need to buy land in Antarctica, but it's practically inhospitable.
wtf it really threw off the tripfags
>>manifestation realized again
>>included the exact people I thought of
>It's crazy how it just werks. Remember not to give a fuck about the 'how'.
Don't focus on the money, focus on what you'd do with the money.
>I'd need to buy land in Antarctica, but it's practically inhospitable
The real problem is Antarctic is forbidden for us peasants. Aliens there probably.
If you manifest a million, buy a land in south of france (well a million is probably not enough but you always manifest more monee). France sucks but the south is beautiful.
>but if it doesn't happen within a week or a month you probably need to tackle it from a different angle
So if I don't manifest my million within one month it means I did something wrong ?
>Don't focus on the money, focus on what you'd do with the money.
If I had a million dollars, I'd quit my job
I imagined that end state, and all of sudden I got in trouble at work. Meaning I was manifesting the conditions that would lead to me no longer having a job (getting fired), not getting a million dollars
Which was pretty frustrating
I guess what you're saying is I should focus on what I WOULD do with the money, not what I would stop doing if I had the money.
So if I had the money, I'd invest it in a bunch of diversified investments and live of the dividends and interests. And essentially retire.
So I'd basically do nothing. Well, I'd do what I actually want to do, but I'd use the money to retire and then live a boring life. Which is sort of counter intuitive.
So what I should be imagining is "putting 1 million dollars into a diversified portfolio of stocks". And getting that passive investment income
And I have imagined that, but by focusing on the end state. "I have a million dollars in stocks". Not "I am putting 1 million into stocks". So I dunno.
I think you're on to something, and thanks for the idea. I think that will help in my goals.

I definitely won't be manifesting "I no longer have a job, and just do whatever I want all day because I am retired with 1 million in savings" because "I no longer have a job" was manifesting with way less resistance than "I have a million dollars" which is annoying, but I guess makes sense if I take different levels of resistance into account.
So I need to focus solely on having the money directly, not anything else that might come from it. Just focus only on the money. Okay, yeah that makes sense. Everything else will come from that anyway, so I don't really need to manifest what happens afterward.
>>but if it doesn't happen within a week or a month you probably need to tackle it from a different angle
>So if I don't manifest my million within one month it means I did something wrong ?
well you have two options
You can just continue as you are, waiting and hoping. And maybe that million will arrive
Or, you can accept that it didn't work, and try a new approach.
That's what I do. I'm very honest with myself. If I don't see results within a couple days to a week, I just toss it and assume it won't happen. Then I go back to the drawing board and try to figure out what I could do differently. Then I try again
Once I get anything, any kind of results, I immediately follow THAT technique, and just keep doing it over and over again for the time being. No reason to quit doing what works.
What technique brought you the results you want, anon ? And what did you manifest if I may ask?
Getting a million in a week is only doable by a rothschild or Rockefeller family member desu. I'm curious to know your technique to manifest so quickly.
Idk but I've had a big manifestation happen after several months (owning a house). It set off the course of events to acquiring it, which unironically houses don't just plop into your ownership, so as much as I believe in manifestation bring instant, I'm at least limited to "yes you still need to go through the brokers and title transfer". However, the process was so incredibly smooth and I didn't have to put in much effort during it. Literally closed and moved in, in under 2 weeks, which isn't normal.

So my opinion is that you shouldn't drop a larger manifestation. Smaller ones completely agree
When you smoke meth it puts you into a trance and activates energies in your brain. I draw sigils using the Austin Osman Spare alphabet of desire method and then I take a hit of meth while focusing on this sigil and rocking my body back and forth, ramping up my adrenaline as I continue to smoke meth
I did one so that my neighbor would suck my penis, lo and behold she knocks on my door 4 hours into firing things up
>What technique brought you the results you want, anon ? And what did you manifest if I may ask?
The same technique as any one else
and I've used it to manifest many different things. I've tried basically ever technique you've heard of. Like anyone, I've tried many things
Over time, you just build up a general ability, that will work with more or less whatever technique you use. Like learning an instrument. The first one is hard, the second one is much easier. And the third, fourth, and fifth instrument are really just a demonstration that you "are good with music" at that point. you're not really using new techniques, you're just channeling that musical creativity into different mediums. But you've learned the fundamentals, so you can play pretty much any instrument.
The technique doesn't really matter, as long as it WORKS
The point is that it gets easier, faster, more powerful over time. You can use pretty much any technique that you want. So just use whatever has worked for you in the past. Do it over and over, until it gets easier and faster.
>Getting a million in a week is only doable by a rothschild or Rockefeller family member desu.
You're right, and that probably wouldn't work. Which is why you'd start off by manifesting 20 bucks. Then 50. Then 100. Then a significant raise at work. Then moving to a new job, with a great 401k and retirement benefits. Then a promotion there as well. And work your way up, until manifesting an "extra 1000 bucks" is basically nothing to you.
In the beginning, you couldn't just manifest 1000 bucks could you? But now that kind of money is like nothing. it's like that.
Do what works, and do it over and over, until it becomes stronger.
>Idk but I've had a big manifestation happen after several months (owning a house). It set off the course of events to acquiring it, which unironically houses don't just plop into your ownership, so as much as I believe in manifestation bring instant, I'm at least limited to "yes you still need to go through the brokers and title transfer". However, the process was so incredibly smooth and I didn't have to put in much effort during it. Literally closed and moved in, in under 2 weeks, which isn't normal.
>So my opinion is that you shouldn't drop a larger manifestation.
yeah I think stuff like that will probably need to "go through a process" which could take longer until it's finished
but there are other things which can happen right away very feasibly
Like I'm driving down the road and "I see a dog on the next street"
or I'm walking in the grocery store and "I see a certain type of person" and the next aisle I walk down, there's like 5 of them.
You can also do this to influence people. And that can happen right before your eyes, meaning instantly in real time. Not waiting five seconds to walk past the next aisle in the store.
I'm not sure why sometimes you can't just see it happen right away and it needs to be "revealed" to you. I guess otherwise it would need to teleport right in front of you and that's not "realistic". So it's behind a door. Or the next corner.
But with people, yeah it can happen instantly.
"That girl likes me". All of a sudden she smiles at me. Almost even before I'm done thinking the thought, even.
Heta fickung Menoy
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How do you guys do SATS while being sleepy as fuck? I can't concentrate while I'm so tired
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How do you guys even "see" the things that you visualize during SATS? Do you see everything as if it were real life?
Even in the most simple situation I can imagine to make my desire happen there's hundreds of thousands of tiny little details that I don't think I'm capable of imagining while focusing on my desire.
For example, my most basic desire is getting a text from a random girl I like, so the scene I want to play out is something like getting on my phone and seeing her talk to me, right? But when I get in SATS and I try to see it I have to imagine where I am, how does the Ambien look, what can I see in front of the phone, my clothes, what folds there is on my clothes and I end up getting stressed out and out of the visualization
How do you guys do it?
not forbidden, just prohibitively expensive
would you fly or ship random 4chinners to a far off shitty frozen wasteland for free just for the lulz?
I would
not with these fuel prices you wouldn't
This is the most powerful thread going right now.

I am using http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM
as guidance every night now.
I know my sleep is coming now when my ears start a soft buzzing. Its a wonderful feeling.
I've been meditating to supplement mental diet, be more aware, etc.
At first I got a bit more neurotic and negative which I hear is normal. I found a way to subdue the negative emotions but still having trouble creating positive ones associated with my desires. Or any at all really, at best I can get to neutral.

Anyone go through something similar ?
When do I become a cute girl
Worthless post
depends, are you already a girl?
>are you already a girl?
I want to be one
too bad then
bump question, am curious too
I've never done SATs as visually as others so that outta the way first. The way I do it is I start by trying to see the main point of the scene first, then every time I repeat the scene I add a small detail and focus on that detail for 1-2 loops.

For example let's have a scene at work where you're accepting a promotion. The action is you're shaking your boss's hand. First just get an image of looking at your boss and shaking his hand. Then feel your hand gripping his hand. Now notice the eye contact and appreciative look on your boss's face. Now feel your shirt fabric on your arm. Now add a detail about what your boss is wearing and focus on that visual detail. If you believe your coworkers would be present then maybe you hear them clapping. I just cringed a little bit. Then maybe the scene is in the break room so you can smell coffee. Feel the temperature of the room.

In short, engage the senses. Don't forget to get drowsy before you try this because if you do it while awake you're not likely to get very far. Just remember, keep adding details and focus on the new detail. Your mind will fill in the gaps based on what you did before, on autopilot.
I have likely manifested a repulsing meth wave so I am not able to get meth as I have in the past
Do you think coffee will work similarly?
What do these numbers mean, 111, 222, etc...

Met a girl not long ago just the type I was praying (manifesting if you will) for, we had a fantastic connection in person but she doesn't live very close to me though we already have plans to meet in about 3 months.

I've been praying a lot lately for clarity and for everything to work out, and I've been seeing these numbers ALL the time, I've been seeing them even before I met her but with increased frequency after.

Some say this is telling me I'm on the right path and everything will turn out fine, is that accurate?
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Stop engaging with retards that don't want to test the law themselves
>flat earth confirmed
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Tell me the earth spins afterall and I will unite with her.
Like a clockwork
For once we have a good thread, no tripfags or the "flying fairy vampire" faggots.

I suggested a "manifestation" general a while ago as opposed to /loa/ and the tripfags pushed back so I thought there would be no interest.
Guess that was the right thing to do all along.
LOA: Civil War
I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth spins slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
because everything is never as it seems
Great post
KoToR2 is LoA. The character is a wound in the force where the universe bends to the will of him/her, not the other way around as everyone else is an expression/a pawn of The Force.
>Do you see everything as if it were real life?
>Even in the most simple situation I can imagine to make my desire happen there's hundreds of thousands of tiny little details that I don't think I'm capable of imagining while focusing on my desire.
you will get better over time
Your imagination will become more vivid, more detailed, more alive, more life life
One trick you can use is to "zoom in".
I have no idea why, but it's easier to imagine a lot of detail on something if it's only a small area of vision. When you zoom out to see the whole thing, it's harder to imagine everything having detail
So perhaps try zooming in on just your phone. What would it look like? What would the text look like?
You can also zoom in on other things, one by one, if you want. But if you're trying to manifest a text message, then the phone would be the most important part
> what folds there is on my clothes and I end up getting stressed out and out of the visualization
>How do you guys do it?
In any case, you can manifest something even with blurry detail or little detail. As long as you are imagining it, it can happen. You can even manifest things using pure words, meaning a script. Where you just repeat a phrase or sentence.
Remember, the most important thing is the FEELING. Not your technique. Focus on how you would feel if you got the thing you want. And then get to a point where you feel it has "happened" or "I have made this happen in reality"
This is what distinguishes fantasizing about some scenario and making it actually happen with manifesting. You are fully intentionally trying to "make it happen" or "in real life" or "actually" or whatever.
You only need those 2 steps.
1: Feel the feeling.
2: Push it out into reality
>This is the most powerful thread going right now.
>I am using http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM [Embed]
>as guidance every night now.
thanks for posting that
>I found a way to subdue the negative emotions but still having trouble creating positive ones associated with my desires. Or any at all really, at best I can get to neutral.
>Anyone go through something similar ?
wouldn't you be happy if you got your thing?
It doesn't make you happy, why would you want it?
If you are sure it would make you happy, and yet you don't really "Feel" anything when trying to manifest it, try to fully embrace that experience
maybe you're just not good at living in your own simulated experience. It can take some practice to fully embrace it, and act as if it were true, that it was really happening.
you will get better over time
>What do these numbers mean, 111, 222, etc...
they will mean different things to different people
for most, it's just a generic sign that you are trying to manifest something. Meaning, you should keep going, because you are seeing "something".
For other people, they might pick up specific signs as having specific meanings.
Again, this will be unique to the person. and the signs they have built up over time
"A means 1, and B means 2. When C happens, I know it means X" And so on.
Does the law of detachment work with LoA
>attracting love
>Does the law of detachment work with LoA
what is the law of detachment?
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I urge all of you not to ever lose your confidence in loa. you can completely forget about what you manifested, fine, but never lose your faith that it is true. You will fall down a cycle of despair; live in abundance.
gannagas store grain in the granary
and yet you life is still gay and nothing changed and youre still just some npc tard 2hgh
Thanks Lori
>nothing changed
nta, but my life has changed in incredible ways after I learned magic is real
My whole life is different. I do it all the time
I've recently been applying the everyone is you pushed out thing more. And I knew it was true before, that my inner state could manifest in other people
Now I'm a lot more tuned into it, and catching all the things I did subconscious before. It's kind of incredible
this would really could be a heaven if we would just let it.
and it can go the other way, if you are totally unaware of it, and manifesting your negativity.
"if we do not make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate"
It's not fate. It's your subconscious fucking up your life. Figure that shit out and things go WAY better
>My whole life is different
>>literally doesnt mention how in any way
yes sure thing retard
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>>My whole life is different
>>>literally doesnt mention how in any way
>yes sure thing retard
I'm sorry nigger, were you asking for my life story?
and now, for some strange reason, I feel absolutely no reason to share anything about my life to you. Gee, I wonder why that would be
You'll attract more flies with honey than vinegar "sweatie". Haha
Sweatie. I love that joke
This fagget suffers from some type of spastication
>I feel absolutely no reason to share anything about my life to you.
I'm NTA, wanna share it to me?
i wanna hear too. it makes me happy to see anons get success
Sorry guys, no. You don't manifest everything in your life. Explain how a baby could manifest a terrible disability then. As this millionnaire chick explains it in the video below (and she's one of the best out there on the subject) we don't understand everything, we have to stay humble and know there is something else at work sometimes.

I was giving credit to lilanon when I arrived on this thread but I realise he is just spreading lies by saying you manifest everything (he is ready to look a woman in the eyes and tell her she manifested her being rape. Sick). I will stop reading his messages from now on, and I should have done it the day he claimed he was a vampire

there's no lilanon here fren, relax
but yeah to think anyone in these threads has it all figured out would be crazy, we're all still learning
/loa/ tl;dr
For 3 minutes a day, for at least three weeks, and until you become bored of it, close your eyes, silence your inner monologue, and bask in the sensation that what you desire has come true. As you do this day after day, take the any opportunities to see to take your life in the desired direction.
absolutely based and blessed.
Oh no!
it's easier to get to grips with being a man
Absolutely based and super blessed. Manifestly so.
This is the greatest manifestation of all time. Now you can let go. Let go. Let go hard, truly blessed.
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I'm just going to give you some life advice. If someone doesn't want to be with you, then let them go. I know that's easier said than done but really, why would you want to be with someone who so obviously dislikes you? Move on, dude. You'll be so much happier.

From a LOA standpoint I would suggest you stay affirming things along the lines of
>I am happy and complete
>I am fulfilled
>life always works out for me

And start focusing on other things. Work, money, your health. Focus on YOU. When YOU are your top priority, and you fix YOURSELF, everything else falls into place and you won't even give a shit about this SP, and trust me that feeling of not caring is so much better than any kind of longing you're feeling now. It's like being liberated from the chains of caring.

Do yourself a favor and cut those chains. LOA yourself into a fabulous life instead.
You have to let go.
If none of this works then he's even more right. You can't get her, so letting go of her is the next best thing
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Did you even read the post? Telling the guy to stop begging for some girl and focus on his own happiness instead is what we should all be doing, LOA or not. I know Schlomo is paying you a shekel for every post but at least act like you read it before replying back with gibberish.
Has NOBODY in this damn board even read Neville Goddard's books? What is this question?
Read the five lessons, for fuck's sake.
Ive read them multiple times.
If you are the person I quoted, you obviously haven't. I doubt you are capable of reading a full page of any book, or have ever done so outside school assignments.
What purpose do you think you're fulfilling by lying?
Im not that guy but I dont see the issue asking for advice. Yes I have read all his books multiple times. I just don't worship him like you apparently do.
probably not to be desu
I started last year and while it helped me getting rid of my depression and suicidal thoughts. I still haven't manifested a great amount of money and still no whores to have sex with.
And I been doing SATS for that. For manifests like a specific brand of cookies or pay 0dlls for taxes I didn't use a "way" or a "technique" to manifest I just visualized with my eyes closed. I do the same for other things and I don't manifest them after ...
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>For manifests like a specific brand of cookies
>I'm NTA, wanna share it to me?
>i wanna hear too. it makes me happy to see anons get success
I've shared it before and I'll share it again. It's not exactly a secret. you've probably already heard my story, or bits of it
I'll share it the next time it comes up, like I normally do
>Explain how a baby could manifest a terrible disability then.
extend cognition before birth
Or maybe accept that reality isn't what you think it is. In other words, you misunderstand the situation
>I do the same for other things and I don't manifest them after ...
well then you need to start from the basics
learn how manifest something, anything. Then do that again. Do it over and over, until it becomes easier. Then move on to more difficult things
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here's an idea
Would I rather live in hell, and have the luxury of being a critic?
Or would I rather live in heaven, but I have to take responsibility for everything
I think right now, I honestly would rather live with problems if I got to blame someone else for them
I believe this life is like a canvas and I am the painter. Or maybe it's a cup, and it accepts whatever I pour into it.
I'm not sure if everything works that way, but I know for sure at least some of it does
And I'm not sure I can accept that. Why couldn't I learn this sooner? It's not fair. So many problems could have been avoided if I knew I was manifesting them. And so many more good things could have happened if I learned magic sooner.
It's really not fair.
However, complaining about that won't change anything. If this is real, and I really do have the power I think I have, then I should use it.
If I don't use it, when I could, then I don't really want the problems to go away. I'd rather live in hell if it meant I could blame god for all my problems.
But in reality, I am god. I have the ability to change creation, with my mind. I just didn't know it.
And maybe other people are god too, and they can manifest things as well. I think that's true. But I definitely have a lot more power than I thought.
Life is a street we can walk on. We can run, or walk. Go fast or slow. We can run backwards if desired. And the street will accept all of that. It's just a medium
I don't think the universe is "unthinking and uncaring" any more. That's not what's going on. It's not that the universe doesn't care about you, and will manifest horrible things you don't want. It's a canvas. And you're painting on it using your subconscious.
So why not paint something beautiful?
I'm a bum live in my parents house no money I don't leave my room i don't get any money at all so getting food I want is manifestation.
Tried to get a job but I think I manifested not getting employed again
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Why would a god play a game where everyone has the same power? What's the point if everyone has LoA powers? If I can't control people what purpose does LoA serve? There's no point and you end up feeling like a small insignificant worm alone in the vast universe, the same as an atheist. On the other hand, if god made himself small to experience remembering that it's a lucid dream and everything is under his control, wouldn't that be more fun?
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>On the other hand, if god made himself small to experience remembering that it's a lucid dream and everything is under his control, wouldn't that be more fun?
I think that might be what's happening
As shocking as it might be, I really am starting to think that's what's up
Here's the main problem with free will. If the least attractive person on the planet manifests a loving relationship with a GP, how is that going to be fulfilled? No one on earth would willingly be with them. Now make the scenario less extreme. An unattractive person manifests a GP, but the probability of success isn't in their favor because other people have free will. That means LoA doesn't work on any GP, period, except for people who would willingly be with them anyway. In other words, if people have free will, LoA can't be used to gain a relationship. The people who say go general, or manifest a GP instead of an SP, are missing the point. This presents further problems when you consider likeability instead of attractiveness. How does an unlikeable person receive any manifestation that represents an exchange of value? Could the most unlikeable person on the planet manifest a free car? Who would willingly give it to him? If he wins it in a contest, the prize can be revoked. If he inherits it, the judge can award it to the next of kin. Free will therefore invalidates all manifestations for a certain type of person. That person is likely to only have access to LoA on the level of "I want to see a red car." The car can be parked anywhere. No one has to go against their own will to fulfill it. Exchanges of value and relationships are different. Either it's all possible or none of it is. If LoA is real, then others don't have free will, and I just proved it.
>What's the point if everyone has LoA powers?
Asking sincerely: Is there any evidence to support that everyone is capable of this? Sounds like you need powerful faculties of abstraction and imagination to do this and I see the quality of a fucking apple being use as a benchmark for mental imagery.
no, you didn't prove it.
in the multiverse there are infinite amounts of entities and people, including those that are perfectly suited and compatible to the most degenerate of people.
free will doesn't need to be violated to enable a perfect GP.
it ALSO doesn't need to be violated to enable a SP, as when you manifest a SP you are manifesting your shift to a universe where you are on the path to being with them.
Despite the illusion of them being the same SP that you desire and wish to control, they are not, and free will is respected.

god i love paradoxes
The point is said unattractive/unlikable person would either become more attractive/likeable or find someone who likes them or is attracted to them.
If LoA is real and you can manifest yourself to look like Chris Hemsworth, then most women would be attracted to you, and you haven't violated anyone's free will. Same can be said about a job or any concrete achievement.

I really don't see how your conclusion makes any sense.
>free will doesn't need to be violated to enable a perfect GP
to expand on this, even though there is a finite amount of people in the world, you can't possibly know all of them, and this means that even if it 'seems' infinitely unlikely your perfect GP does exist here on this plant at this very moment
Actually looked it up myself cause I heard something about it but didn't know what it was. Basically its letting go of the need to control the outcome or attachment to the desire. Think it was in a book by Deepak Chopra
Thanks Fren

Yeah sure whatever
Hi, when you say people are easy to manifest could you please give an example and tell how you did it ?
I watched a video of sammy ingram saying when she wants someone to cross the street she just affirms it in loop in her mind and they do it right away. Is that really this simple ?
If there were only 10 people on earth would your opinion change? It has to work in all circumstances.
circumstances would see the arrival of an eleventh or a change in heart/etc of one of the ten
there is no unresolvable paradox
Exactly, my point is LoA can change specific people or how they behave towards you.
but you're not changing a specific person, you're cloning them and changing the clone, a subtle but important difference
if we're talking about free will it *MUST* be completely rock solid with no loopholes, because if free will can be violated from any perspective at all...
so im arguing semantics in a way but they're important
i manifest and assume for u all to have a good year, take care every1
There are infinite realities all running simultaneously. When you a manifest a gp you shift to the reality where the gp from that reality likes you of their own free will.

There I just demonstrated how loa and free will can be real. You're welcome
>That means LoA doesn't work on any GP, period, except for people who would willingly be with them anyway. In other words, if people have free will, LoA can't be used to gain a relationship.
well that's where you're wrong
You can absolutely influence other people's minds.
How they act on that, is according to them. But you can make them feel a certain way, and alter their behavior. you can make them do things
Does this mean free will doesn't exist? I guess in the extreme case where you totally control someone and they only do what you want.
But it usually doesn't work that way. You are an influence.
You can do this without manifesting
Let's say you talk to a girl and you're nice. you smile, you flatter her, etc. She smiles back
Lets say with another girl, you're super mean, rude, aggressive, make fun of her and try to make her cry. She frowns at you.
Does that means she doesn't have free will? Because you were able to influence her? No. It just means you were an influence and she reacted accordingly
manifesting just means you do it in your mind, and she magically responds as if you really talked to her. Meaning you do it with the power of your mind, not the "normal" way.
>Asking sincerely: Is there any evidence to support that everyone is capable of this?
as far as I know, everyone can do it intentionally assuming they are capable of thinking.
and everyone already is doing it subconsciously, even if they don't (or can't) sit down and use the mental discipline to imagine a scenario and exert their will to "push" it into reality.
>Sounds like you need powerful faculties of abstraction and imagination to do this and I see the quality of a fucking apple being use as a benchmark for mental imagery.
You don't need visual images. You can do it with scripts as well
In fact, some of the most powerful manifests I've ever done, I didn't visualize. I just wrote down what I wanted, and then repeated it. Perhaps because I didn't visualize it, it worked better because I wasn't deciding how it would be delivered. Just asking for the end state I wanted.
And then, in some way or another, it was delivered. Sometimes I got exactly what I wished for
hard to say what was the distinguishing factor in these cases
but yeah, you don't need to use visual images
>Basically its letting go of the need to control the outcome or attachment to the desire. Think it was in a book by Deepak Chopra
yeah, that makes sense.
It's usually a good idea. Though sometimes you can manifest things you really do want, and keep focusing on that thing. Without putting it out of your mind or anything
I'm not entirely sure why it works both ways
>Hi, when you say people are easy to manifest could you please give an example and tell how you did it ?
you can manifest "I see a bunch of tall people. Tall. Tall. Taller! Super tall giants!"
And then you see a bunch of tall people
then "I see short people. Man, they are so short. Just like way short. So short! Mega short!"
then you see a bunch of short people
Then you can do personality traits. "that person is so funny"
"that person is really nice to me"
"people give me a lot of respect"
"women are very attracted to me"
"people just leave me alone today. They respect my bubble and I just go about my way"
and so on and so on
>I watched a video of sammy ingram saying when she wants someone to cross the street she just affirms it in loop in her mind and they do it right away. Is that really this simple ?
So that's influencing someone who is already appeared in your life, in real time while they are in line sight. Not trying to make a certain type of person appear ahead of time.
And yes, you can do that too. And it can have instant results, which is really crazy when it happens that way sometimes
Other times, it's just "normal". I think "of course I can just make people do things, and then they do it"
depends on the case I guess.
>circumstances would see the arrival of an eleventh or a change in heart/etc of one of the ten
>there is no unresolvable paradox
suddenly you'd discover "a whole new tribe" of like 20 more people. That wasn't even there, before you dreamt it up.
The world would expand to accommodate your desire.
>i manifest and assume for u all to have a good year, take care every1
and you too
You need to set yourself free from bondage to what you want.
This is what i've learned about letting go.

Evaluate your desires for a minute. The million dollars, that girl, the body weight, the job. Remember that they mean nothing to someone else.
The girl you like is probably super uggs to any other man, your million dollars won't even make a dent in someone else's account, someone else thinks that job you're dying for is comical to even think about aspiring towards. We get an example of this on the boards all the time, anons laughing at other peoples' manifestations as paltry and cheap.
Everything you're holding as a sacrosanct source of fulfilment right now is flawed, because this is a world of flawed, imperfect existence, Your dream car could kill you in a road accident easier than the buick you have right now, your dream home will require just as much maintenance and upkeep as a cheap apartment, if not more.
But we want these things still - not for what they are, but for what we feel upon having them. That's the key. Forget everything else - the actual KEY to understanding your physical relation to desire is remembering that YOU are the reason the desire has any positivity associated with it. The desire itself is just a vehicle that delivers you the feelings you wish to experience.
Now this is what the source material is trying to teach you - the moment you let go of your requirement for THESE particular things to let you feel those feelings of satisfaction, bliss, fulfilment, joy, pleasure -- erase the middle-man -- you've understood the meaning of being the Operant Power. It doesn't have to mean being the sole creator of everything in this universe if you don't agree with that understanding (screw lilanon), but it DOES mean that because you are the Experiencer of the experiences you desire, you are more important than any of them.

This is where you start practicing experiencing these desires without the desires manifesting in the physical world. Put on a song that makes you feel like you're in a top-down car barrelling down a sunlit highway surrounded by wildflowers on both sides, close your eyes and feel yourself in it, see the flowers whizzing past, feel the wheel in your hands, the pedals under your feet. You don't need to ever care if you have that car again., you've already sat and driven in it.

Where the imaginary acts become solidified in your 3d, is your conscious belief, sans desperate desire, that you are seeing these things because they belong in your life. You are consciously selecting the experiences you want, and pulling them into your life, by the magnetizing force of your joy.

Step 1 - being truly, deeply happy in the imaginary experience, letting it fulfil you as much as the physical experience could.
Step 2 - realizing that Step 1 has freed you from being under the thumb of said desire, reversed the dynamic, and put YOU in the power, being the 'experiencer' of this thing and thereby giving it meaning and purpose.
Step 3 - recognizing said desire/imaginal act as an experience you are selecting for your future, because like attracts like, as above so below, insert any number of spiritual laws here, whatever helps you truly accept this fact -- but really recognizing it in order to let your physical reality reflect your possession of your desire.

The moment you shift the power dynamic with your desire, is the moment you free yourself from a desperation to experience it, and BECOME the power that a simple 3D object has no hold over. You are the reason your desire even exists. The fulfilment of being experienced trumps the fulfilment of experiencing, and therefore YOU are what's always important in any equation.

Bless you anons. I know WAGMI.
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Just wanted to contribute since this is the best thread we've had in a while, and also because I myself have had the most struggles with the letting go bit of manifestation. Hope it helps any of you too.
Have a good day.

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