Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:>Recommended /div/ links and books:>MEGA with Divination Books:>Guides made by some of our readers:/div/ starter spreads:'s tarot and rune guide:' revised divination guide: compiled Rider Waite card explanation>Useful tips before posting:•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community. Many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right/wrong.Previous Thread: >>39689120
Trading Lmao
AQWill there be anything in terms of romance for me?Female
>>39696100AQ will i hear from him soon?
>>39696109Why are you lmaoing?
AQWeek general?
>>39696188Yes, why?
>>39696192Why are typing in all caps?
Hello div. What's the card of the thread?
>>39696293Omg perfect just perfect card
anyone reading?
AQWhen will I find gf?
>>39696293just purchased the deck you're using because I love that photo
>>39696377Fortunately, you won't. This may seem depressing to you at first, but be patient. Soon you will find yourself madly loved and in love with your "perfect" man.
>>39696389>"perfect" man.:D that seems drastic though :DYeap maybe there were few people who shook the straightness out of me for a couple moments but I would never let myself pass that point.I love girls.
>>39696402Of course you love girls, but that's a now thing.
>>39696414impossible but thank you.
Air QueryWhen will I find my next girlfriend?
>>39696587What’s my love life going to look like in the near future?You?
>>39696603is choosing administration of justice at sjcc the right path for me? starting
>>39696384>>39696293name of deck please?
>>39696616The HierophantThe Hermit6 of SwordsEh. It’s a stable job to be sure, but it’s also quite isolating and soul destroying. You won’t have much if a social life if you take this job.It’s not a terrible job, but the weight of the responsibility might grind you down and compel you to leave. Take that as you will.
>>39696603rest of this month: knight of pent rx, king of sword rx, empress rx, 9 of cups clarified hermit rxnext month: king of cups rx, temperance rx, 8 of wands rx, sun rx march: 8 of pent rx, page of wands rxAll I can say is, do you even want a love life, or do you have more important things to worry about than love, or do you put yourself out there for love, or are you prepared for love? These cards suggest some disharmony in the endeavor, lack of effort/passion, delays...? Unable to make commitments, feeling emotionally volatile and lacking in optimism and happiness, jaded. :(
>>39696629just look up gold foil rider waite
>>39696643Did the recent catastrophe in my life happen because of my ex? Starting when you reply
>>39696648should i sign up for classes at sjcc this year or would i be better off trying to find a completely online college/university or one that offers completely online degrees. thanksstarting
>>39696634Hi, are you down for a trade?
>>39696650>7 of wands rev, 10 of wands rev, HermitYou can take classes but you'll have a heavy load of coursework and be wanting to spend your time in other ways even if you can handle it. I'd take the online classes since you'd benefit a lot from the freer schedule without the travel time and be able to vibe alone and study at your own pace. I'd also get a certificate of some kind
>>39696648lovers RX, 8 of wands RX, chariot RX, death RX this question is kinda hard for me to interpret with these cards, but if it was because of the ex, would the lovers be upright? all reversed, means no? lovers rx, chariot rx, maybe signifies that your past love relation has no control over you now. did they put sugar in your gas tank or cast voodoo? i would not think that it is because of the ex with these cards. i drew some more cards but it was like ace of swords rx, and emperor rx. I can't get one solid yes for the question
>>39696652yeah query?
Hi /divGood morning AnonsAQDo I have a secret admirer?
>>39696672Hard to tell I guess, we were both scheming on each other. Dude has some anti-reading shit, I never get correct answer about his doings anymore
>>39696674Next gf lol :pYours?
>>39696713What is B's financial life like? Starting when you reply
AQI am starting to meal prepping. Will I have the greek god body with it? (at least somewhat close) :D
>>39696702should i work on getting a certificate this year or work on finishing an associates degree? starting
>>39696715Anything going to happen between me and TP in the near future? If so what?Starting yours
>>39696723Ace of Swords, Judgement (clarified by Two of Wands), HermitI think you'll just decide that things aren't meant to happen for some reason (probably having other options or plans that cuck your shared destiny lol) and end up spending time alone, but whatever happens, there will be no hard feelings. So you can pursue it but it may not work out
>>39696715>2 of cups rx, 10 of swords rx, page of pents rxWell it seems they don't really have the drive or ambition to really make it good or much better than what it currently is and what it currently is; is not that great. Seem like it's only really up from here and they might have some thing to be able to take care of necessities (if that) but for the most part they are scraping by with no intention of really trying to fix he problem or the grit to really get it done. They're lacking drive according to the cards i drew.
>>39696735Thanks, he just gets everything paid for by his rich jew parents
>>39696100AQMy partner (m) recently got a devastating call which has put him and I (f) back in terms of progress. Can someone pull on who the person who set up the call might be? And possibly what the outcome between us might be? Thanks in advance
>>39696741Checks out. Makes sense why he doesn't have the drive to fix it if he's being coddled.Could you possibly answer one more for me if thats ok?
>>39696747Sure, trade if you want. I just want to know if I'll surpass him in life
>>39696749Cool, Yea was just gonna ask for TP's feelings for me, starting yours
>>39696722Emperor (devil rev), hierophant rev, 5 of pentacles (4 of wands)Get the certificate. Take the path less travelled by. Everyone goes to have a degree in something in the modern world, like cattle to the slaughter they all go to do the same thing and once they're done they can't find employment since Joe, Mary and thousonds of others have the same damn piece of paper. Step out of the heard, take your own path and be the master of yourself. Don't let others or societies expectations dictate to you what you should do with your future. Your close circle may not support you in this endeavour, you might feel abandoned, or the path might be more harsh and lonely but if that is what you'd rather do then do that
>>396967024 of pent rx clarified strength rx, knight of wands, judgment rx, hermit, 3 of cups rx Can be a sporty, gregarious, fun, lively, hands-on, fiery individual.....but is a hermit, doesn't like crowds, has a lot of self-doubt/self-judgement/lack of belief in oneself....might overspend or money falls through fingers because lack of restraint....or just lack of strength/will---or could just be someone that doesn't hold anything back at all---anti-closed off, can be too generous, and if too generous the 3 of cups rx means overspending on parties/friends. Whoever this girl is, a stable nurturing guy would really help her.
>>39696753>Devil Rev, Emperor rev, Sun, Ace of Pentacles revWeird. Kind of a mix of adoration and a little obsession, a bit possessive of you, wishy washy and goes between wanting all your attention to not really caring but overall they get really happy when they think of you. They feel like they can't have you so they see you as a bit standoffish as a result of that.
>>39696749>emperor rx, chariot, King of pents rx,Yes but only if you control yourself and think reasonable about your finances and spending and don't live unreasonably. You got the 2 strong male rich leaders reversed here but the chariot upright which tells me you can still control the situation if you drive it correctly. Be smart with your money and make the right choices such as going to school, learning a trade, networking to meet people that know things you don't to progress your career. You have to make smart choices if you truly want to move forward, your in control. Don't expect them to just fall in your lap
>>39696759my dad said he'll pay for a certificate if i get one or the degree but only the one he likes and the one he likes is gonna make me want to blow my brains out. ive avoided college all my life, dropped out 3 times but skipped 2 grades in high school. but since i moved back with my parents after getting mowed down by a car and becoming homeless because of it theyre forcing me or im gonna get kicked out. ive been looking for a job for months. i have a lot of experience even in stuff like luxury car sales but even the pizza place wont call back.thanks for the reading but...the certificate has better cards for me than continuing my associates for sure? or? sorry i just wanna be sure
>>39696772Sure, one more? I just want to know if I'll end up with the >girl I like or if I should try someone else. Will give you a few free queries after that if you want
>>39696764Thanks anon
>>39696769Checks out, We kinda ended on bad terms but they reached back out and we had a surface level nice convo and haven't talked a lot since.
>>39696782Care to tell me if me and TP will hook up again before i probably lose interest? ( i probably will lose interest honestly)staring yours
AQWill I be at my next job for more than two years?
>>39696782>world rx, justice, deathWell lol the cards suggest change and somebody different for sure. The death is a change and a reminder of someone new coming into your life and that the old was not as fulfilling or as wholesome as you would've hoped for or expected. Nothing bad Just a change of who your interest will be as this current crush won't be as ideal as you think.
>>39696805>Judgement rev, King of Cups rev, 10 of wandsUnlikely, either one or both of you is too standoffish or doesn't have the willpower rn, looks like if you want another fuck you'll be the one reaching out lol. I think after whatever happened you both decided it wasn't worth it and your love interest seems burdened.
>>39696825ah damn, all good! i appreciate the trade man.Have a good night friend
>>39696819still here
>>39696856will i have a boyfriend this year? will i be rich this year? should i work on my associates degree this year? should i work on getting a certificate this year? please just 1 card per query please You?
>>39696870Will I end up with HD, HS, or HM ? one card for each starting
>>39696895How do I make this relationship with R happen? Starting when you reply can do multiple Qs
>>39696877hd: death rx, 5 of cups, 5 of wands rx (got carried away oops)hs: death rx, strength rxhm: wheelthings are moving toward HM
>>39696870bf seven of coinsYes, but more towards the end of the year.Rich? Queen of Swords RNoAssociates? Eight of SwordsNot the best option.
>>39696899Outcome of buying the Honda Manga later this year? Starting
>>39696905can i please get a card for the getting certification option? ill answer a 4th query for u
>>39696910>Queen of Wands, Two of Wands, JudgementYou'll be happy you did, wonder if you could have done it differently, but either way, you'll gonna do it. You'll be happy about it and buy more like it
>>39696899page of coins rx five of wandsnine of wandsIt's going to be very difficult to do so, but if you wish to do it it's going require a lot of perseverance and patience.
>>39696949can you please just pull 1 card for each, should i work on getting an associates degree this year? should i work on getting a certificate in something this year? did K ever have romantic feelings for me, ever? you? i usually pull 4-5 cards for a single query, can do multiple queries for u with a single card too
>>39696984Too much trouble to pull 1 card? wow
>>39696993pass, stop spamming this>>39696999can you fuck off please? All you do is post the same shit over and over again. draws won't even be accurate anymore. fucking faggot
>>39697014its because I asked you 4 queries and you only did 3 for whatever fucking reason and didnt answer it so I gotta ask it againand the people that I asked prior fucked up my query both fucking times by not drawing cards for them as separate queries, instead lumping it into 1go eat shit faggot
>>39697026Yeah yeah keep seething stupid femcel no wonder you're too stupid for college, you can't even fucking read
>>39697045youre literally a bankrupt alcoholic that hasnt been touched by a woman in a very long time
>>39697051what the q?
aqwill gathering the phone numbers of close vet clinics and calling yield good results in my quest to find him?
>>39697105I just want to know if the girl I'm thinking of still likes me for the 100th time again. Will do you a few queries since I'm up late and feeling generous, starting when you reply.
trading or aqis CF ever coming back
>>39697121Why the hell did I spend all night dreaming about her?>>39697125>V of Wands, Star, Ace of Wands, Queen of CupsAt the moment her heart seems to be a little divided, but it seems that in fact she always ends up coming back to you in some way and this time seems no different.There's a magnetism and a very strong feeling that she simply can't leave behind.
>>39697150can you please do 2 cards for each option, please: working on my associate's degree this year or working on getting a certificate of some sort this year, to get better job prospects.if u hate that then, just general advice if you were my good friend? starting urs
>>39697150please >>39697140i dream about her too much
>>39697150Well, hope she acts on it. You have any more queries? WIll do u a few Free Of Charge Baby Girl
>>39697168nta but please >>39697140
>>39697162>working on my associate's degree this year>II of Wands, IV of Cups>getting a certificate of some sort this year>III of Cups, ChariotWorking on the degree seems to be the safest option for your future, but at the same time it's the most tedious and may generate a lot of negative feelings on your part. (Not that it's the wrong choice, but in the sense of “Is this what I want for myself?”)Certificate on the other hand seems to be more chaotic for your future, in the sense that it's also a right path, but it's more hard to know where you're going with it, but it seems to be better in terms of networking and meeting people. As well as being more fun for you, apparently.>>39697167>Devil, Tower Rev, VII of Swords, MagicianIf you force it, it might come back, but I honestly don't think you should, there's a very bad energy about it.In a nutshell the best way is to put it behind you and move on.>>39697168Will she text me tomorrow? I'd love her to text my mom on her birthday, she'd be really happy.
>>39697150Wheel RX, knight of swords RX, page of pentacles RX, 4 of pentacles, ace of swords RX, 3 of wands, emperor, 9 of cups rxI'm guessing you're going to have to revisit her in the future with wheel rx and 3 of wands, unsaid words, blocked/confused communication, unable to engage in conflict, 4 of pentacles...really pent up/restricted, did the dream give you a sense of control over her or your situation with her? It's like a 9 year....heard it is about endings...finishing things once and for all, maybe you got unfinished business with her. Deep unsatisfaction is also present. You hold that within with 4 of pentacles, the knight of swords rx and ace of swords rx... words you wish you could still say to her? Did you drink any alcohol or do any drugs? Might have influenced.
>>39697199What a fantastic read, anon. Wtf One of the best I've received here. I'm really shocked lol>dream give you a sense of control over her or your situation with her?Yes, why?>Did you drink any alcohol or do any drugs? Might have influenced.No, at most I drank industrial quantities of coffee because I slept badly the last few days.
>>396971903 of Pentacles, Ace of Swords rev, Emperor, 8 of SwordsThey're working really hard on something else and you're not really on your mind. This seems to be a lot more important to them than love right now. If they do come back they are the type to want more control over the interaction. Right now they feel a little stuck where they are and like they have to be a hardass about it. So probably no >>39697197>Ten of Pentacles, Hermit rev, 7 of Cups revShe might not because she's distracted by her own solitary doings but she still cares and will be in your life for a long time. She'd probably do it if you told her
>>39697220I'm surprised you thought it was that good, I thought it was kinda lame so I kept drawing more cards to make up for it lol.The emperor---a sense of control or finally feeling the respect you think you deserve. The brain does weird things in dreams to preserve you or plays out things in ways like that...idk how to explain better. Do you want to give her something but haven't had the chance? 9 of cups rx made me think maybe drinking/drugs. The dream is because the level of unsatisfaction with the situation is to the point is like an itch you can't scratch and just gotta hold it in and not act on it so maybe the dreamworld is your only release, and that release means finally having control.
>>39697253do you have another question? or you prefer THNTZ for your readings?, would trade this: >>39697102
>>39697263sure, should I try to get a certificate or work on a degree this year in the medical field, legal field, or business field? or nonestarting
>>39697296ok doing the reading will come back when I do
>>39697248Unfortunately she cut me out of her life and I miss her every day lol>>39697253It's funny that I dreamt about her because I don't want anything more to do with that person. Only distance.
>>39697300Hello, would you do a love general for the next month? What is yours, if its ok?
Sup retardsOffering readings, you know the drill vague and retarded queries get the boot unless they are funny or amusing. If love related or there's other folks involved gib context, genders and the relationship you have with this person. Read divgas read!!
>>39697102 this is about a lost pet ^^^page of wands, king of cups rx, fool, 8 of wands, ace of swords rx clarified 6 of wands rx , queen of pentacles, hanged man it seems to be a very emotionally painful thing for you to do go through but you'll regain optimism for your endeavor and get new leads/changes in perspective about the situation....but for real answers? unsuccessful should you do that? 8 of swords rx, 4 of pent rx, 4 of cups, 6 of cups rx death rx loversonly if it relieves stressor just don't worry about it, let it go nothing much will change, but you might recruit people for your quest with the lovers?
>>39697296>medical: SunI guess there's not much else to say, YES>Legal Field: High priestries rvit doesn't seem you will be too confident with this one.>Business: Chariot rvtotally out of control hereNone: Hierophantthis might be a good decision too, might learn something outside of those fields.Medicine seems to be your field and the card suggest that yes you should , but none of them still looks better than pursuing something you will not be comfortable with
>>39697366yes it is about a lost pet :( sadly
>>39697357HeyoooI am starting to meal prepping. Every sunday I will prep my meals for whole seven days. I am also doing sport 6 times in a week.Do you think that I will have that greek god body or at least somewhat similar in a year?
>>39696100'Have a heart'?Did my parents 'have a heart' when they abandoned me?Did they 'have a heart' and reach out a helping hand when they saw how I struggle?Did humanity 'have a heart' when they left me penniless squalor?Did 'humanity' have a heart when it's richest all laughed and mocked me for my entire life?Did humanity 'have a heart' and do right by me?NO.SO YOU DON'T GET TO EXPECT IT OF ME.
>>39697357will I ultimately get successful on my quest? will I find him?
>>39697389ive had a pet disappear for a while and show up again. id start turbo maxxing law of assumption/visualization/manifestation/subliminals/affirmations/affirmation tape videos that your pet did show up, miracles are happening in your life right now, your pet is with you now i know it would hurt you to ask, but yes, your pet is still alive, 9 of cupsi did get death rx twice too in the reading, and a hermit card came out, he's hiding somewhere
>>39697414thanks as per my reading it would seem that someone took him to nurse him, that's why I asked about vets.
>>39697357should i try to become a medical assistant or a dental assistant? thanks :D
>>39697357Week general?Female
>>39697342Have a freebie because I need to go.I’m sorry I don’t have special good news for you. There’s some stuff holding you back in love—mostly insecurities and how much you hold onto your past. If you’re single, that’s what’s stopping you from finding “the one.” If you’re with someone, it’s what’s holding the relationship where it is. You should—more than could—focus on your own self-love, at least enough to get yourself out of the 7 of Swords mindset.Ace of pents Seven of swords Hanged man
My plan is to relocate to Europe in October, will I achieve my goal? What am I missing?
>>39697357What does the landlord’s son think of me? Context he’s super hot and I have a mild crush on him, no we aren’t dating it’s pu delulu
>>39697357This pleaseeee>>39696133
>>39697465>>39697357I forgot to link my q
>>39697357I'm unvaxxed. If I got the covid vaccine would it make me a gay retarded NPC and give me a heart attack while changing my DNA, or will I be fine? Thank you.
>>39697357What’s your favourite query to read? Can I have one of those?
>>39697357So there’s this asshole called J he’s a complete asshole, Is he going to get what he deserves? He abuses the mom of his kids.
>>39697458you are so right :/ thank you
>>39697357It’s my first birthday with my boyfriend Will it be good?
>>39697357Is volunteering (applying to) at that institution good choice for me, at this point of my life? What would it bring?
>>39697394Shit man that sounds pretty dope >King of swords, emperor, world >Hierophant Yes this is an incredibly obvious yes but you will have to keep this and be consistent if you want this to be your longtime routine, if you're able to continue this you shall obtain the desired results. As advice include more protein and collagen in your meals. Eat chicken breast, fish, lean meats and bone broth those will help you get the desired results, don't consume too much processed crap and drink a shit ton of water Best of luck pal >>39697411Gonna need some context pal Read divga read >>39697429>Queen of cups, page of cups, page of wands >Ace of pentacles Medical assistant seems like a better route here looking at my cards you are better fit for this role, you are kind and patient and people in the medical field could use that type of empathy in a person. Also more money >>39697451Sure >5 of swords, 3 of wands, the fool Don't let people get in your head you tend to worry too much about what others say about you or what are they saying behind your back you should chill and let them talk shit you have other crap to worry about I'm sure, this is also a week where there could be some competition at work or school be careful with who you share your projects and plans to >>39697475>Page of wands, queen of wands, 6 of cups Lucky for you he might want to get to know you, he thinks you're visually appealing so to speak and he may be curious about meeting you and getting to know you more he may have asked an older female about you
>>39697581First one. Thank you very much :D>As advice include more protein and collagen in your meals. Yeah I am very carefull about those. I also use supplements. Thank you.
>>39697357Am I gonna get money soon?what do?
>>39697581>411 looking for my cat
>>39697357Will I get married this year?
>>39697581thank youu!!! :D
>>39697357How to be comfortable with my appearance? I have an on and off relationship with it. Of worrying what other people thinks to not caring about those people.
>>39697357M asking about FWhat does JG feel about me?
>>39697465>>39697483All good my fellow retard, we all retards in this clown world >Temperance, 8 of pentacles, 2 of wands >High priestess You need to be sure you're well prepared in all areas from financial to emotional and also legal and shit there's paperwork that needs to be sent in time and all the other process that needs to be included in order to get this the cards say yes but you will have to get to it starting now, you may think October is ways ahead but before you know it you might stumble upon this, also papers tend to take months to process so better get started so there's no unexpected hiccups. Shit looks good just be sure you're ready >>39697481Of course I can't escape this hell it wouldn't be a round of readings without one of these but sure fuck it let's see what the fuck is up >9 of swords, 3 of cups, strength >Empress Learn to love yourself, yes gay ass shit I know everyone says it. But it does apply here you give everyone else love but you often forget to give yourself love and happiness, this tends to create a bad habits of letting good for nothing men step on you. Try to set the bar a little higher not stupid shallow shit like money or looks. Look for someone willing to respect you, give you time and boundaries and dedicate the time of day for you, someone who is a decent being with a heart of gold, we often tend to forget that shit and we give in to our shallow needs. Work on yourself first before you open your heart to any good for nothing fuckboy >>39697485Kek what the hell is this shit? Sure buddy one card for this >4 of cups To be honest your life won't change much, nothing good nothing bad things will continue as is due to your life choices, but of course investigate which vaccine has the less shit effects and take that one, it's just another thing to keep yourself protected from the heavy winters if you live in an often flu season area. Check if you're allergic to anything before you take the vaccine
>>39697681Thank you. This is great and beautiful advice that I've needed to hear the most
>>39697681interesting first card being 4 of cups, i would think a heavier more shocking card would appear, cuz you know sometimes people develop insane illnesses as side effects and nobody can sue the companies either. thanks for the read ^_^
>>39697489I have no favorites to be honest too jaded for that shit. Kek ask whatever as long as it isn't vague or some shit. Something meaningful where you may actually need guidance to if it's something retarded make sure it's entertaining >>39697496Shit I usually don't do these third party queries but that guy sounds like a piece of shit >Justice, tower, judgement If he owes money to the mom then yeah chances are she might sue him for the pension or the money he may need to give the kids. She might need to lawyer up for this or this fucker might get away with it all, if still together with this loser she may need to gtfo and find a safe haven but before all that have her gather all the proof she may need >>39697505Happy birthday fren >Lovers, 2 of cups, 3 of cups >9 of cups Some people might want to help him plan a party with you, also as a welcome are you visiting him or something? Seems like they will gather everything in order to celebrate it big, after that there might be some sweet alone time with you both. It will be a happy and decent time, probably nothing too fancy but it will be wholesome and shit >>39697521>The world, the star, ace of wands >10 of pentacles Yeah it will be a good experience for growth and for your overall future, for the most part it will bring good people and connections and a few opportunities of employment or higher pay, good stable and financial future
>>39697750First Don’t blame you, I haven’t been happy in years on my birthday and my boyfriend is planning something this year. Will it be good?
>>39697750>521Thanks.I never volunteered for anything up until now, and the though of doing things for free was unappealing. But I sort of surrendered to the idea, thinking precisely of what it could bring in the future.
>>39697357What should I be doing to improve my mental health?
>>39697590Be careful with supplements make sure they are from a good source and not some charlatans selling smoke. Best of luck my fit pal >>39697601>Temperance, 2 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles >Chariot It might take some time before you find something decent that might give you the income you seek but you need to continue the hard work you're putting at the moment, from doing side jobs to applying to places or getting yourself out there. >>39697603>>39697411>Fool, wheel of fortune, 10 of wands Yes you need go keep going, your cat is probably fooling around and doing cat shit, look in alleyways and dumpsters near your vicinity, if you're the guy asking about the vets that's a good idea. Try social media or local Facebook groups in your vicinity or city>>39697622>2 of cups, 4 of wands, king of wands Sure if you have a partner already you could be tying the knot this year will be a big event but that's due to your partner wanting to show you off to the world >>39697632No problem pal >>39697643Eh there will be a point in your life where you will stop giving a shit, you're probably young I get it >Empress, queen of pentacles, strength >7 of wands, hermit >Queen of cups It's going to be an off and on struggle but the feat isn't impossible. You might want to ask yourself if any of those people are relevant in your life and if their opinion matters, those that give a shit about you will be honest but also provide you with good advice instead of purely critiquing you. But don't get it twisted pal, the best opinion the one that should matter the most is yours and yours only, that's where you should start. Self care and exercise will go a long way to accept yourself and start enjoying what you look in the mirror but don't give in to unhealthy shit. Life is too short pal, give it what you can and learn that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, accept yourself as you are and improve where you wish to do so
>>39697897i ruined my job interview. what job i will be having now, in this timeline?
>>39697897>643Thank you!
>>39697897how does RM feel about TR?
>>39697663Read divga read >>39697693Best of luck pal, shit will be okay you'll find someone >>39697717Just research first and yeah take the vaccine with the less effects, it's just an immunity reinforcement. As always research everything and ask your doctor, best of luck pal >>39697762Same man, aight >Lovers, 4 of pentacles, ace of cups >10 of cups Guy seems to be down on his luck momentary wise but that will not stop him from giving you the best birthday you could ever wish for, he will go to hell and back to make sure you feel loved that day, cherish that anon. Love doesn't need to cost a million dollars, he will do his best with the little money he has to make sure you're happy that day, you two will have a good time. >>39697769It will help heaps make you mature and shit and meet and network with others
What does the Cherubim means, the symbology behind, in the XXI Rider-Waite card? Google says:>symbolizing God's omnipresence and ability to move and act within the worldIs this it?
>>39697357will things work out between me and l (f) the situation is so fucky and I feel as though I should cut my losses but I just can't bear the thought
>>39698155how do i cure my mental issue
>>39697357Male I believe the honey moon phase in my current relationship is ending. Things are still good and she seems happy but there have been some small issues arising. Nothing serious But I am curious as to how she (female) feels about us at this point and if she still wants this to go long term
>>39697770Man I feel that shit man, I am not sure if my cards can give ya something but fuck it let's get it >Ace of swords, temperance, 6 of swords You may want to move on from certain toxic people and habits first of all then be true to your feelings and be aware that it's okay to feel the way you feel and it's not so sign of weakness or anything you're a human being looking for help and shit, it's okay to wake up and seek guidance where ever this should be. Start doing healthy habits start doing routines that will improve your life you may start out small and go your way from there, take a walk, drink 8 glasses of water ya know small chump shit like that to get you started. Write a journal if you need to let out your feelings >>39698004>8 of pentacles, strength, chariot >6 of wands Make lemonade out of these lemons you received. Get your ass up and continue to apply, it doesn't matter how many times you fall as long as you get your ass up and try again, there's something better coming but you need to be out there not just applying but also networking around and getting yourself known. You may want to look at jobs in the tech field that's where you might find success it will all lead there >>39698058No problem >>39698151Read divga read
>>39698204What message is the universe trying to send me, brah?
Taking a smoke break I'll be back
>>39698233f*ck u nigga
>>39697357Do people from that workplace know that Sb is a manipulative fraud and not that good at basic parts of work? Or do the not? Thanks.
>>39698238Sure, wine and dine me first pal, I ain't some cheap hoe. Bring some lube while you're at it :^) relax bud I'll get back to the queries just give me a moment
offering astragalomancy readings using a full dice set and geomantic readings using a sand tray. if you want a dice reading choose from the gold, opal, coal stone, or bone dice sets. if you want a reading from the sand, specify that and ask more direct questions. "should I invest in XYZ" not "hows my month going to go" I won't be taking requests based on new relationships or hookups. Other anons ruined that for everyone else.
>>39698299Who is it that dislikes me? Anyone out to get me? I’m curious I just had reasons to wonder. Coal stone.
>>39698299Wondering how she(female) feels about me(male) and the future of our relationship? We’ve talked a lot about going long term Opal please
>>39698233hello SR, could you do a July general for me? female, moving countries soon. t
>>39698299gold plshow does rm feel about tr
>>39698299opalWhat should I be doing on my spiritual path?
>>39698299goldwill i move to a countryside?
>>39698381What sort of career should I aim to get? Feeling lost/meaningless right nowYours?
>>39698392OH(f) feelings about me? Starting
>>39698392Tower Page of wands5 of wandsSomething in a new field, which will cause you to learn and start fresh. I also feel like this should be somewhat of a competitive field. Like sales or something of that nature. Something that requires you to tactfully engage some skill sets for a desired outcome, while competing against other people. This will bring you a lot of confidence and fulfillment.
>>396983974 of Cups. Death, 2 of WandsOH feels as though there's a dissatisfaction in the relationship that she has with you. It's like feeling like there needs to be some kind of major change in order to stir some kind of passion or something within her. The person in the card seems more sad and bored than anything. There needs to be something "more" to get out of it before seeking something more long term with youSorry it took so long. I'm kinda sick today hahaha.
>>39698299Coal stoneCould you give me advice for this year regarding my career and personal projects?
>>39698299Nice dubs
>>39698299Will I gain more muscle this month? I am trying to bulk up. Bone dice is my choice thank you
>>39698299Will I regret dating MC?
>>396983201 1 6 2 1 7You are an anxious person, you worry about other being in your path trying to stop you from succeeding but your path is clear, no one is out to get you. the only thing in your way is you.>>396983563 2 6 8 6 9your core focus needs to be on building stronger relationships with your spirit guides and your higher self, begin journaling your dreams and spiritual experiences, reflect on these entries to gain must also over come the setbacks you've had on your path. Forgive and let go of what you are holding onto.
Good morning, everyone. What did you guys have for breakfast?
>>39698641I just had some coffee. I woke up late and didn’t have much time to spend with my girlfriend. She’s been feeling a little confused about some stuff and I’ve been trying to reassure her that everything is okay. I love her a lot and want this to work out.
>>39698641I had McDonald's. I really only go for the sweet tea but I did have some fries and a chicken sandwich. I need to drop the sandwich at least and probably the fries if not the whole thing.I don't know how to reconnect with the person I'm in love with. Honestly, nobody seems to believe me that I'm in love with her. I spend every day worrying about her drifting away from me
>>39698641I had a piece of chicken breast.
>>39698299Do you do reads on anothers intentions?
How would you guys perceive the pentacles suit when it comes to querying about emotion? With swords it makes sense, there is a coldness of intellect, with cups and wands there is more passion? With pentacles I am left confused. For example2 of pentacles page of pentacles to queen of pentacles Would you guys say this is a good omen for love with someone? I think the wands or cups would’ve been better suits because how is earthly suit pentacles supposed to relate to emotion? At least I didn’t draw swords… drew this spread asking about someone specific being with me. 2 means trouble juggling responsibilities,and looks to not be much of a good card, not knowing how much to put into something? page means manifesting or the start of something which seems more promising right. then queen moves to something more permanent and seems homely, a nice card to get.
>>39698650Oof, five of wands was the first one to fallFive of cups, three of pentacles, ten of wandsI'm sensing a feeling of a lack of something, like no matter if one side gives their all, it feels like it wasn't enough and wasn't appreciated. I specifically heard "I'm not enough" and a sigh.There could be even some sort of comparison, comparing the relationship to the others and I sense some external influence. Both you and your girlfriend must remember it's a two person thing, it's your relationship and allowing others' opinion to interfere isn't going to make it easier and could even lead to something bad.
>>39698641I had pasta
>>39698641Good morning, I had a strawberry flapjack and tea. What about you?
>>39696100None of you are real psychics. What's my name?
>>39698670can, sureI'm going to try to get to as many people as possible, doing this as I'm free and able to around other shit.
>>39698641Tofu egg
>>39698680go ask a glowie on /gangstalking/ codeword is faggot (x3) Hello agent smith
>>39698680Doxxing isn't allowed.
>>39698660Empress, knight of cups, hermitI can tell she's like popular? Or a rather appreciated person, or maybe you perceive her as those things, she's pretty, she really is.Like, if you feel waves of affection or something, it's okay to show it, talk to her and just be romantic, she seems to be into that soft stuff. But she's probably a bit distracted right now, I think she's dealing with some stuff at the moment. Just make yourself present, I guess.
>>39698641i Had a wafflehow does HH feel about me?
>>39698673Yeah, I think she’s feeling a certain type of way. Things are happy at home and she’s very lovey and sweet and we’ve been talking about the future. But some of the stuff she’s expressed in the past couple weeks makes me worried. Everything seems okay. But I’m feeling insecure because I love her and don’t want to lose her.
>>39698682Thank you>>39698299My query is what are N.R's intentions towards me at this time?Would the sand be better for this? If not I don't mind which dice is picked
>>39698641Hello, how are you? Had a onions puff and some creamy corn cake.
>>39698740She's definitely beloved by those who know her. Her and I are very similar, we have a lot of connections all over but lack meaningful connections. Me being present in her life is a goal, there's just conflict there. I also don't know if she really wants to see me much right now
>>39698661Star, eight of wands, page of wandsFebruary seems like a cool month, whatever spikes your creativity and could give you money/recognition/whatever you want, go for it. Next month has good opportunities to learn some stuff, grow and benefit from it.>>39698678Six of swords, nine of cups, two of wandsDon't be afraid to ask for help or for other's opinions, sometimes we need to see out of our own perspective to learn and see how much we've grown. February advices to spend more time with your loved ones and start surrounding yourself with people you would like to be like.
>>39698799>661Also, checked.Thank you, Kochka! Have a great day!
>>39698641I drank water lol
>>39698641A yoohoo
>>39698171Aight >6 of cups, 2 of swords, 6 of swords >World Sorry to say pal but you should cut your losses and end things amicably go your own ways, staying in this relationship will only bring uncertainty and chaos cards tell you that it's best for both your mental health to conclude this relationship you both will find better partners in the future>>39698185>Hermit, 8 of cups, strength >Temperance Going to therapy and forming better habits and trying to surpass the pass and let bygones be bygones. Don't expect others to make amends and feel sorry for you. Live your own life. It will take a while but with effort and patience you'll get there >>39698198With time and patience things can work out >3 of pentacles, 2 of cups, hierophant>10 of cups Shit doe be looking good your relationship is maturing and advancing towards the next phase where you two actually begin a future as a couple making more solid and mature plans for the future such as kids, living together and common goals you may have as a couple, also realizing that shit won't always be pink but you'll be able to solve issues together, it's part of life pal >>39698219Retarded, one card >Temperance Take it easy and accept what life is giving you and have faith that the universe will deliver on its promise, there might be a project or shit you're waiting for it will happen don't worry pal >>39698240>4 of cups, king of wands, fool Not really everyone thinks he or she is a great person maybe a higher up has its favor and they feel untouchable for now
>>39698327I won't guarantee accuracy >2 of cups, ace of cups, wheel of fortune A change for the better, you will feel at peace and at ease if it's to move with another then things will work for the better you two will make things work as you are getting use to their world if not you may meet someone that will guide you around the country you'll feel at ease even if there might be some culture shocks here and there. Finances will also improve here at least you'll be living better than where you currently are Did I miss any of your queries, retards? You got 10 mins to quote them here
>>39697357Hi there Shitreader! I'm searching for a job and currently have 2 offers that I like. Thus I have a question regarding them:Will I manage to make a fast breakthrough in my income and achieve my financial goals working for this S investment company?Will I manage to make a fast breakthrough in my income and achieve my financial goals working for this E fintech company?Thanks in advance!
>>39698679Vegan stuff.Queen of pentacles, eight of pentacles, ace of cupsYou have a pretty vibe actually, what the hell?February suggest that you take it slow and work with dedication and patience instead of fast and striving for perfection. Maybe you should stay at home a bit more and enjoy the coziness of it, work in making your place a home.
>>39698641Hi Kochkabeef sausages with a rice
>>39698915You'll be my last reading, I'll describe each >Tech>Strength, 8 of pentacles, world >9 of pentacles Seems like the tech company is your best bet there's progress and investment in technologies in general you will gain financial independence and you will be able to branch out and shit and gain what you desire >Investment >5 of cups, 5 of swords Rx, 5 of pentacles Shit yeah outlook doesn't look good at all here you'll be let down and you might even be at a loss here NO MORE READINGS
>>39698916Beautiful reading thank you and what lovely advice too it's very welcomed
>>39697357Im curious will I get my cute/sexy black haired white woman Please op let me knowIm a manAnd the other reading, should i leave my country soon or something will finally happens to it my country is Venezuela
>>39698979fuck off we're full, no jobs here for you feggot
>>39698696Two of pentacles, nine of wands, worldMaybe you'll have to close some cycles in February, to doing something that is actually a burden and you keep trying to convince yourself it isn't. If it's not serving a purpose, hurts and takes more than what it gives, bye bye.>>39698744Knight of SwordsYou're probably a bit impulsive, or maybe you aren't but you could be perceived like it, blunt or maybe not very assertive.
>>39698299coal stoneWorking on a small project to show off at an event. Will it be popular amongst the people it's meant for?
>>39699064im not going to the us faggot!
>>39698641Just got some dominos pizza as my first meal of the day and I'll probably just be nibbling on this the rest of the day while I work.
>>39699087good faggot not colombia either we're full too
>>39698299bone how will my evening go tonight? seeing friends I haven't seen in a while
>>39698299Hi anonLet's go with bone? I'm searching for a job and currently have 2 offers that I like. Thus I have a question regarding them:Will I manage to make a fast breakthrough in my income and achieve my financial goals working for this investment company?Will I manage to make a fast breakthrough in my income and achieve my financial goals working for this fintech company?
>>39698769>>39698808>>39698938>>39699094Sorry guys, I wanted to give y'all a freebie but I have some work now.
>>39699087Mexico don't want you either, you guys are entitled little shits
>>39699133Haha, a huevo.
>>39699144Viva Mexico cabrones!Awiwi!
>>39699133>>39699095>>39698979btw, those are people calling you brown
>>39698979If even a fight with Lula didn't solve the problem, you'd better get out of there if you can. (Don't come to São Paulo)
Three quick readings before I return to work>Initials, sun sign and gender of people involved in the query.>Feedback.
>>39698641I had some nice oatmeal and coffee. What about you.
>>39699117>>39699244Hi, THNTZMay I ask you to do this one?
>>39699244>>39699251A.V, male, cancer
>>39699244S, aries, male wondering what she (O, Leo, female) wants moving forward in our lives together or what she envisions for us
>>39699244MV leo male are the morphic fields working?
>>39699244Will I be contacted by them within the next week or two?
>>39699244MMMaleGeminiWhen I had the thought pop in my head that a certain Archangel was a lynchpin between Michael and ****… Which led me to drop a Cup of water and experience a “Phantasm”….Was that a genuine revelation or was I just being retarded ?
>>39699251>>39699117Before reading and just from my experience, an investment company will take your hide, drive you crazy and you'll have “stability”, fintech on the other hand is usually more relaxed, but at any moment everything can go down the drain.Both have the potential to make money, fintech usually pays more for the “risk”, but it depends on how much you can afford to risk.Now go to the reading:Investment:>Knight of Sword Rev, VIII of Cups Rev, Queen of Disks RevFintech:>X of Wands, V of Cups Rev, V of Wands RevFintech seems to be the best choice for the moment, even with all the emotional weight of that choice.>>39699259>IV of Disks Rev, Knight of Wands, Princess of Cups, VII of Swords RevShe's in a reflective moment, trying to decide if she's feeling well, if the relationship is really what she expected and how “stable” it is for her. The future seems to worry her a lot and at the same time she seems to want to resolve small conflicts that have built up over time.The idea here is for you to have an honest conversation about your feelings, what you expect and, above all, your frustrations and fears about this relationship. You seem to need to strengthen the bonds between you more than ever now.>>39699266>Lovers, King of Swords, III of DisksYes. >>39699289>IV of Swords Rev, VIII of Disks, King of CupsIt will, but perhaps not in a simple way, it will bring you more problems at first than it will bring you joy.>>39699299>IX of Wands, Moon, Fool, Ace of Cups, Sun (The last two fell off the deck and I decided to leave them)Yes, this is clearly a revelation and a clear sign for you to either get your life back on track or see this moment in your life as a new beginning.A lot of positive energy surrounding your life, the only thing that seems to be limiting you is your insecurity.
>>39699121It's okay, thank you
>>39699318>289Lols I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
>>39699318> get your life back on track or see this moment in your life as a new beginning.^Yeah you’re probably right. And I do need to stop being so hard on myself.And that’s interesting that my “revelation” holds Truth… I guess this angel bears connection with a certain pantheon of Gods then? Thanks THNTZ. I appreciate you taking the extra time.
>>3969931866 wonderful. thanks for pulls
>>39699444Trips checked Future / potential for the business idea she and I have together? We’re going to start working this weekend. Yours?
>>39699318>39699117Thanks, THNTZWell, it's a sales position and both offers have OK aspects and shitty aspects as far as I understand Fintech is a nightshift so your comment on emotional weight kinda checks? Thanks for reading
>>39699451How will the thing I'll be working on for the next 2 days be received by my audience once complete? starting
>>39699491How will this weekend with A. go for both of us?Your Q?
>>39699493Fool Ace of swords 4 of wandsVery positively to say the least. You’ll get lots of good feedback and insight positive feelings. This will inspire you to work more. People will perceive this as well thought out, creative and tactful. Just be very thoughtful and plan it out well and the whole thing will end up in your favor. This can be a really good thing
>>39699451ten of pents, knight of pents, page of pents, the hierophantIncredible potential, actually! This is actually gonna majorly change your guys' life on a huge scale from the profits it brings you. You just can't expect this overnight however, you need to keep pouring love into this, it'll be a slow burn but it'll get there. You'll make the connections you need to do what needs to be done, and you'll eventually be seen as a huge success story and an authority in your field.
>>39699550thank you anon! i appreciate it greatly.
>>39699537How do i go about fixing myself?starting
Trading a short, quick reading.
>>39699537>queen of cups>fool>10 of pents rev>ace of cupsOverall pretty good, there will be alot of emotional kindling and mature approach to what may be of you two both. If anything, dont be too foolish and put your financial or health well being at risk
>>39699616Should I text her after all these months of silence? Or would I get a bad response? I feel like I probably make her uncomfortable with my presence on her livestreams but doesn't show it because she has an audience.Yours?
>>39699578>Knight of Wands, Ace of Wands, The Fool>Two of CupsEssentially it's about getting out more into the world and trying things out. Don't be isolated, and special warning also goes for not being impulsive. Try whatever first comes because you need to try things, it's an important phase for you now.
aqshould i return the computer
>>39699604Kochka hi are you slav?
>>39699663Does she want marriage / family in our relationship? Thst sort of thing Starting
>>39699663Justice 3 of swords9 of wandsGo with your gut but I wouldn’t reach out. seems some negative feelings are still lingering and both parties may still be dealing with hurt or frustration. Some form of lingering doubt. I get the sense that something shitty happened and you or her are dealing with it. If not that, I just don’t think breaking the silence will be positive or fruitful. Sorry anon
>>39699686No.>>39699706Five of cups, chariot, six of wandsI feel like she still slightly doubtful of the relationship, would like more dates, more romantic stuff. Probably she had some sort of expectations that are not being met yet. She probably does, she doesn't date just because, but you have to make an effort (and so does she), if you want more than just girlfriend/boyfriend, you two will have to nurture and make the relationship grow. Give your best, grow together if that's what you'd like, but it could take some time to reach such a stage.
AQ please someone did this guy scam me
>>39699914will this 2nd parcel arrive? yours?
>>39699948Four month general. Starting.
>>39699966you’ll be feeling more confident, standing out or taking charge. maybe a bit dramatic. Embrascing ur individual uniqueness. So expect some awkward moments, things getting a little uncomfotrable but dont take it seriously because it’ll be humurous to you. There might also be frustating moments or things going out of plan
>>39700024do you have cards? Or just pulling shit out of your ass? Sorry to criticize but you posted your query as an AQ before and it makes me doubt you'll deliver
trading or AQAm I done for?
>>39700044retarded fucking tradecuck enjoy your embarassing 4months of tomfoolery i am savagely shitting a stream of endless diahrea straight into ur spiritual rapius dont let beezlebub bite
>>39700093will it happen? you?
>>39700098Will what happen?
>>39700088My query is how does RM feel about TR? starting when you post
>>39700107will it happen? starting
>>39700110>ace of swords>ace of pents rxYes it’ll happen but with some delays so just wait
>>39700107RM feels conflicted and distant from tr, they want to avoid or dismiss trs behaviour, not taking it seriously. They feel emptineness/guilty
>>39700132tysm there are delays but glad its arriving
>>39700163Thank you anon.. finally my answer has been delivered ;-; all the readers have been ignoring me… Its exactly like you read, Tr did something troublesome i wanted 2 know how rm felt abt it and it resonates Tysm
>>39700184i’m glad it resonates, no problem.>>39700171and who the FUCK are you?
>>39700196ah so you're a fake reader. that explains it
>>39700200You cant even shuffle cards you lobotimized zombie. Tarot isn’t the only divination method newfaggot
>>39700200He was actually spot on for me soooo…..
>>39700229THANK you my nigga
>>39700229sooooooo they savagely attack me for asking basic questions about their methods? makes complete sense
>>39700196disabled little tarotfaggot
>>39700242>savagelyalready stealing my lines, illiterate tradecucking npc
>>39700254KEK wtf
>>39700242I asked your birth mom after i sent a gozzamer stream of jizz straight into her pussy
>>39700267Am gona die XDDDDDDDDDD>>39700242In 4month you’re parents will divorce
This tarot stuff is like drug fuelled gang rage
>>39700290Looks like operation tomfoolery has already begun
>>39700290You can always leave. Or better yet, specify your method before you trade to avoid confusion.
Taking 3 queries using a 3 card spread. Will pull clarifiers if I feel the need to. New to this and still learning so take what I say with like 5 grains of salt.
>>39700340Has the 4months of pure retardation already commenced?
>>39700347Hello, may I ask for a simple February General? I'm male if that makes a difference.
>>39700347when i have enough funds, should i buy a mac or a windows?
>>39700024This read!!! it’s accuracy is astounding!! The prophecy is manifesting before my very eyes!!>>39700340>>39700242>>39700200Awkward autistic
>>39700347What are N.R's intentions towards me currently?
>>39700347What event will split my current friend group up? I hope we don't ....
>>39698762>>39698299Please ignore my query if you are still around
>>39700340I've got my glock ready
>>39700200ya ur right. it’s true i wasn’t entirely authentic, i felt a little sorry for you so i sugarcoated your read a little. Next 4months you’ll step into your little special spectrum and perform painfully cringe inducing spectacles. There will be an audience laughing too
AQ will i date L ?
>>39700498Method used i interperted the autistic mutations using a sample of your mothers vaginal discharge
>>39700361Judgement, 9 of Swords, Page of WandsI see you having to make some major decisions this upcoming month that may cause a lot of fear and anxiety in the moment but will lead to a beneficial new start.>>39700369Queen of Swords, The Devil, King of WandsUsing card 1 as mac, card 2 as the user and card 3 as windows I'm inclined to say the windows pc has a better outlook based on the cards but the devil makes me wonder what you're going to do with it or if you even need it in the first place.>>397003768 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Ace of SwordsI'd say you too are approaching the situation from 2 completely different points of view. You might not be viewing the situation with the entire picture and may be too in your head about where it may go. Ace of Swords on their part may imply that this relationship can be the start of a reframing of mindsets but the 6 of Swords suggests you may need to drop any mental baggage you both may have in order to proceed.>>39700384 (feeling nice so I'll do yours as well.)9 of Pentacles, 5 of Swords, 6 of PentaclesI see that the relationship between you all used to be quite a prosperous one for everyone involved but recently there's been some strife, perhaps someone has been pushed out of the group. I pulled a clarifier and hot the Page of Cups so I'd assume the problems are stemming from some type of emotional inconsistency within the group. As long as you guys are actively showing appreciation for one another though I'd assume everything will work out fine.
>>39700347How does x feel about y?
>>39700347should i file a chargeback?
>>39700347Could you tell me something I need to know?
>>39700347Is No.96 reads accurate?
>>39700347Hi I'm searching for a job and I have two offers:1. PSP Company 2. Investment ComplanyMay I ask where I will manage to make a fast breakthrough in income and achieve my financial goals?
>>39700585thank you!!
>>39700585>0369 i only need it to stream and pay bills and connect to my tv thank you
>>39700585Thank youClarity is very much needed in this situation and I hope it gets resolved. That's probably why all those swords are there
>>39700585Last one hereCurrently we are all doing quite well, no recent event I know of is jeopardizing things. No one pushed out of the group.
>>39700347Take that interview this next week or on the week after that? Thanks.
Train today?
>>39700839next big event in my life ? what's yours?
Chill today?
>>39700851nah go lift
Air queryWhat happens if I cut up my face to disfigure it?
>>39700889You will suffer painful and expensive consequences
>>39700889You might get an infection?
AQHow will the outing with SO, JO, GO and GE go? Will I be able to establish friendship with SO and GE?
>>39700848Trading this one
>>39700848Sorry, multitasking. Here now.I have the same Q
>>39700889People won't look you in the face. Is that what you're going for here anon?
>>39700962Okay. Starting
>>39700898>>39700901Not like I have good looks to lose
>>39700848Queen of wands rev (knight of cups rev), 3 of pentacles, 7 of cups (wheel)This is funny to me, tragic in a way. What I see here is no big event. There will be something, likely relating to romance. Things will seem so good to be true, you'll be hyping yourself up. That this connection is fated, it's meant to happen, this is it! Like you'll really like this person and you could infact date. Thing is it'll be an "all cock but no cum" kind of situation. A nothing burger. It'll be a massive let down. I know this doesn't seem major on first glance but I really belive you'll be hyping this up for yourself only to be let down
>>39701034Even if you're ugly like you think you are, why make it worse? Seek help cuz this just isn't rational
>>39701034This is bullshit logic, stuff like this literally undermines your soul. Leave your phone right now and have a stroll outside. I will do the same to accompany you in spirit
>>39701056hmm this may have already happened but they already let me down. thanks>>39700962Five of Swords Two of Cups Nine of Swords Funny enough my read was a little similar for you. A romantic partner or a friend, but they won't have your best interest in mind and may end up cheating on you in the end. Or you'll just be a side piece. More action than I'll get at least. You'll be hurt badly it seems.
>>39700889You compare yourself too harshly to others.
>>39701117My god anon, this happened to me too lmao. It was some time ago but I think I learnt a lesson thereTrade again?
>>39701169What the fuck? This shit is heinous. Sure, query?
>>39701189I have two if you'd indulge me? Feel free to do the first one or add one of your ownFirst: say this isn't the past but in fact things to come, who is this chick? So I can stay away.Second: does he have some nefarious motive towards me or is he actually trying to look put for me like he makes it seem?
>>39701226sure, what sort of opportunities are coming towards me in the next ten days? and also similar query, have I already met the girl from your read? starting
>>39701226Oi fuck Six of Cups RQueen of Wands Wheel RKing of Cups R It might even be the same woman or someone you ended with things on bad terms with spinning the proverbial block one more time to fuck with you. Whoever she is she's hot so don't believe this shit she's gonna fuck you up and rattle you if you do.starting second one
>>39701251First10 of pentacles (4 of swords rev), tower (temperence), Page of pentacles, 7 of wands (page of cups)Likely something regarding finances. You will have an opportunity to get something big for yourself, a new job, extra income. Something others will want too. Either you will gain it and have to fight people trying to "nicely" take it from you or have to use your people skills and emotional tact to get it, to sweet talk your way into getting itAce of swords rev, Page of swords, 3 of pentaclesNo, not yet. You will meet her and get to know her and work yourself to the point outlined in my previous read. Could be a coworker or someone with whom you'll do things together with
>>39701072>>39701111why not?
>>39701318Why should you?
Today or tomorrow?
>>39701311fuck i already interviewed anon I already sweettalked I just gotta wait now>>39701226No no no he is not your friend he is just trying to use you and take advantage of you, maybe finances or your resources and time watch out for that shit he's a faggot. He's a pathetic narcissistic shit intent on stealing what he can.Moon Page of Swords RSix of Coins RKing of Coins R
>>39701329Nothing good to lose, might as well go all in on bad.
>>39701356I see...good to be sureTwo more trades hehe?
>>39701363yea, I'm thinking of getting a gun because my city is going down the shitter. Legally of course. Related to that my queries are:Polymer, Metal Semi Auto, or Revolver ?My second query is just a next fwb or gf read. what are yours
>>39701384Is the chick S, A, I or someone else?Will I get hired by any of the companies I applied for?
>>39701396SSeven of Cups AMoon RINine of Swords RI'm inclined to say either A or I but even here the cards are not so clear cut. The illusion is kept up for now. Ask a different reader or perhaps you are not meant to know in order to grow as a person and stew yourself against the bullshit of this world.
>>39701384Polymer: 2 of cupsMSA: Page of pentaclesRevolver: Page of wandsAll are good. Polymer will give you accuracy you need. Metal might take getting used to. You'll feel confident with a revolve. Aim for what you need yet I'd choose polymer, it feels like it'll save your lifeNext gf/fwbKnight of pentacles rev, Ace of pentacles, Ace of wands revI think this is that chick again. Likely fwb. You might get sex but you'll have to foot the bill for her, this is purely transactional. Passion will not be there, so sex will be meh and I sense neither one is satisfied here for long since she won't care for sex with you and you'll be tired of treating her. It'll burn out quick
AQOutcome of posting asking for help with my situation with a place to stay because of domestic issues on Craigslist?
>>39701396Any of the companies?Six of Wands Five of Coins Eight of Wands RYes you will but it's going to take longer than you think and some of your finances might be in limbo in the meantime.
>>39701466Accurate, thanks for the trade anon
>>39701472trade one last time? 9mm or 380?
aqshould I pee now or hold it in?
>>39701482Sure.How will I get through this financial limbo?
>>39701496okay, starting
>>397014829mm: 2 of wands380: queen of pentacles rev9mm is the better option. 380 might be unwieldy or awkward to use. My knowledge of guns is very basic so I'm not sure why 380 is worse of for you exactly but 9mm seems a better use
offering astragalomancy readings using a full dice setif you want a dice reading choose from the gold, opal, coal stone, or bone dice sets. I did get a new red crystal set and drew up a chart so if you want to know about relationships that's on the table. I need to see how it does.Apologies to anyone I missed earlier, had to run to the ER. if you are still around reply and I'll do your reading now.
>>39701554Let's try it then.Will I be in a relationship come valentines day?If so, how will it be?Red crystal
>>39701554>Run to the ERShit are you okay?
>>39701554Coal stoneCould you give me advice regarding my 2 projects? One is personal passion and one is career related
>>39701496EmperorFour of Coins Page of Cups Someone will help you, friend family and you'll be smart about the whole thing, and budget and keep your head up
>>39701601I'm glad to hear it. With all the trolls around here lately it's good to come up on a legit reader you know?Stay safe anon
>>39701554can I get advice for my current situation please, sorry if this is too generalopal, im female
>>39701554Are you okay?Opal dice pleaseI'd like to know in what conditions will I move to Europe, like timing, if I'll go for free or if I'll have to spend a lot of money, stuff like that. Female.Thanks
>>39701554Based dice anon.What might go wrong for me soon? Bone dice please
>>39701554>had to run to the ERhope youre good brother manRed crystalHow does my personality alchemize to the people I talk with?
>>39701554>>39698587This is me Thank you
>>39701573ye, got me all stitched up good as new. >>397015661 5 2 1 5 5yes this relationship will feel like true love. there will be an intense connection both physically and emotionally, you will complete each other and they will help you learn about and develop your self worth and keep you centered. sadly it won't last forever, it will be sad when it ends but you'll both be better people for it having happened. The good news is this relationship will be a stepping stone towards your true love.>>397015764 6 5 7 12 8you aren't really giving either project the love it needs and you are going to have to choose soon which one to devote yourself to while leaving the other to the side. if you do not both will suffer.whichever you choose, seek and follow the advice of others that you trust, this will guide you towards a much better outcome.
>>39701554I was really close to asking out a girl today, thinking a cafe date but I was too nervous asking her in front of other people. Doesn’t help that I work there with her. I get a feeling that she likes me too cause she always talks to me and seems to blush but am unsure if we will really get along because of my differences.(disability and weird interests) My question is this will she be able to accept what makes me different or should I improve myself more?(gym and money etc)
>>39701554Goldhow does Rm feel about Tr?
>>39701554If i went with this plan, would my mental issues be cured?
>>39701554goldi have a banishing spell, would it be effective against `that`
>>39701554Will there be anything in love for me anytime soon? FemaleOpal
>>39701554>>39701726Forgot to say since this is relationship question I would like my dice to be red thanks
>>39701554Hey anon, are you still reading?If yes, I would be grateful for a reading with the bone dice set:Will I be able to establish a friendship beyond work relationship with SO and GE after the outing next month?
>>39701816what would be the outcome if I posted on craiglist that I'm looking for a place to stay and explain my situation? you?
>>39701818Advice for February and March?Starting
>>39701554OpalShould I focus on my current project over the one I thought of yesterday??
>>397015782 4 4 6 12 1you won't achieve what you're hoping to. you aren't happy with who you are and who you see. you're self destructive not caring and feeling it doesn't matter. disfiguring yourself doesn't change anything, it just adds permanence to temporary feelings.the happiness you see in others that you seek is inside you.>>397016241 5 3 10 12 11you don't feel like your life is stable and don't feel fully in control. There are many things in your life that are causing you issues that you need to distance yourself from in favor of self love.>>39701642A few stitches and I'm back to normal.4 5 3 7 6 13you will move to Europe in three years time, it will be a long and expensive process that will tax you emotionally and financially. you will struggle when you first arrive to make and keep connections and to adapt. You will eventually settle in happily however .>>397016452 1 6 5 4 13your underestimation of a coming issue will lead to multiple large mistakes resulting in feelings of deep sadness and disappointment. the root of it all comes down to your failure to fully utilize the resources at your disposal. this isn't set in stone, you are able to avoid this if you learn to value and call upon what is around you and those you care about.>>39701660I'll be fine, not the first time not the last. 1 7 9 3 5 2your personality changes based on who you talk to, though not always for the most pleasant. you have the ability to charm those around you and influence them, but you don't use it.
>>39701554Hi there, anonLet's go with bones?I'm searching for a job and I have two offers:1. PSP Company2. Investment ComplanyMay I ask with which one I will manage to make a fast breakthrough in income and achieve my financial goals?
>>39701854I am not happy because I am rather unattractive. Within me? But others still wont want me, no woman will. Red dice, is it really true no woman or women will?
>>39701854Thank you friend. I'm intrigued, how can we learn from your methods? I'd like to try a dice read
>>39701711>576Damn anon, this sadly resonates so much. If you don't mind a follow up to my question: I will choose my career project because it's fundamental, but should I completely abandon my passion project ? Delay it? Or just give it less time as if it were a hobby? Gold
>>39701830feb: 7 of pent rx, king of sword rx, 3 of swords rx, wheel march: knight of pent rx, chariot, page of wands rx, moon rxI would say both months end on a good note. I would do my best to keep things moving forward next month and gain momentum, favor will be on your side, and, anything can happen, so assume the best for yourself and open yourself up for opportunity. Don't be afraid to scrap everything and start over, or you might have to because things are fruitful. There may be a very evil man present? King of sword rx. Or it might mean extreme disorganization. You might be very angry yourself that you have to start over. With 3 of swords rx, I hope it means all the pain and torture of your thoughts is over, if it doesn't it means you're holding onto those torturous thoughts--either way it doesn't matter because the reading ends with the wheel and the wheel means great new beginnings and opportunities, move forwards with it.In march, it ends with moon rx, which I feel is a good sign, all will be revealed or all paranoia/terror of the unknown is relieved in the end. You might have little to work toward, or little things to invest in, but invest in something, continuously, forever pushing forward, day by day. Take control, or you will take control, and find a way, find the right port to sail to. The only thing in life that really matters is knowing yourself and what you want, and things will conspire to help you. You might be a little bored or disinterested that month or not really peppy to try new things and chase new interests. Maybe that is the cost of the chariot, that sense of purpose and control. Maybe you'll get a new car? Either way things always work out for you.
>>397018185 of pentacles, 7 of cups , 6 of pentsThere will be mixed replies, some questionable ones but also some that are genuinely willing to help. What's important is to make specific requirements and screen responses thoroughly, while keeping expectations realistic
>>39701898>or you might have to because things are fruitful. I meant to say ***not fruitful.>>39701901Thanks, I wish I knew if it was worth doing or not , I can trade again if you want
>>39701699I am really confused, before I do the reading is there anything that would prevent you from gaining muscle?do you want to know if you'll get to work out this month or are you asking me if you're able to generate muscle?>>39701769yeah, I'm just slow as shit, I like to spread my charts out and end up looking like I'm piecing together some conspiracy with all the numbers and marks.1 3 3 4 4 9yes, there will be a lasting friendship developed but only if you be yourself. you must be yourself unapologetically and as honestly as you are able. >>39701726I'm a professional diviner and college lecturer with PTSD and a limp and I'm married. Love yourself as you are, you are enough. change is good, but change isn't needed for you to be loved. you aren't weird, you aren't different, you aren't how the world has treated you. you are you, and you should always be proud of that. hold your head to her and ask her out.>>397017323 5 7 8 4 14unclear intentions and feelings are currently dominating. the potential for a long term commitment exists but it will be hard fought. overcoming that one feels more strongly than the other and being able to communicate honestly and openly will be the main struggles >>39701736what is the plan?
>>39701854Good to hear you're okay and in one piece!>642>Mfw my scholarship in Asia ends in 2~3 years time and I was thinking of going to Europe afterwards Okay that spooked me a little, how you knew the timing. Made me super curious about what else is there to know but I won't pester you for now.Thank you!
>>39701933>if you're able to generate muscle? Yeah my bad, I’m asking if I would be successful in bulking up because I’m actually trying now. Im asking if my attempt to gain muscle and bulk will be successful.
>>39701554Opal or coal, I cant pick really.Will I be moving to another country soon? Is there a future for me where I get my dreams soon or not?
>>39701925Just read this sure i can trade again if you're still here My q is should I completely abandon my project? It's a personal one but one that's rather ambitious and time demanding
>>39701554CoalShould I develop more to do the MCO meditation?
>yeah, I'm just slow as shitNot at all D20 anon, I actually thought you would take longer>but only if you be yourself. you must be yourself unapologetically and as honestly as you are able.I think I needed to hear this. Since I know them from my workplace I wasn't sure if I should be a bit more unhinged in a casual setting, but of course it wouldn't make sense to not be if I want to build a friendship (they seem like genuine good people)Thank you so much!
>>39701933>>39702008Forgot to tag you
>>39701554hiii! this is my q from earlier >>39699084
>>39701554Coal stoneIn the weird alternate timeline where I married A would that have been optimal? Or would it have cost me my future in other ways?
>>39701554GoldWould he ever try to target me if he sees me being successful and happy?
>>39701747I am curious what that is but4 3 7 1 5 20you will need to take time to focus all of your intentions on the spell, picture the result of the spell in your mind, see yourself free. after you are done let go and move on, give no more thought to it for it can no longer affect you.>>397017614 2 1 9 3 3you find love soon, their presence will help you to heal and process past wounds and feel more at peace. In this relationship you will develop patience, tolerance, and become more understanding. things will be challenging for a while though, however if you rely on your intuition and ability to communicate to guide you through you'll be able to make it work.>>397018321 8 6 4 2 1No, continue your current project, but don't let new ones die, write them down and pursue them later. you must learn to truly finish a project before moving on to another.
>>39702029Thank you D20
>>39701554Bone diceWhat'll be the reaction if I reach out to those two after releasing my game and thanking them for giving me the confidence I needed to put myself out there? We didn't end off on the best of terms but I don't think they hate me.
>>39702029>832Thanks D20 anonYeah, that's probably the most logical course of action.
>>39701554Will I have a decent love that may even go to marying soon? Coal Stone
>>39701554Hi d20 Is L (m) into me (f) Bone
>>39701872therapy.>>39701882it is a lot of study and meditation. I'd recommend getting into tarot first before anything.>>39701944feel free to ask, the dice are the most accurate method for a lot of queries imo>>397019604 6 5 10 12 20yes, you will achieve the bulk you seek, but you need to remember that your body has limits your mind may not share. treat it like the temple it is and allow it rest repair and perform in it's limits.>>39701964I chose opal because it sounds the nicest out of the two.2 6 3 10 3 4you will move to another country but it is unclear when, the thing standing between you and your dreams are lessons you need to learn first. take time to connect with your intuition and your higher self to see where you can start down this path to achieving your dreams. the answer lies inside you and with no one else.
>>39701979yo you still here?
>>39702103>therapyPlease, just try it, thanks for the previous reading btw.I just need to know
>>39701554bonesam i going to go bald? am i always going to be shit tier in looks?
>>39701986from my understanding microcosmoc orbit meditation is just a mindfulness exercise involving visualization and breathing which is helpful for anyone.however I know fuck and all about taoism and don't really feel comfortable trying to do a reading on it. sorry>>397020244 1 6 9 12 3The project will be a smash hit amongst the people you show it to. You have devoted yourself to it heart mind and soul and they'll love it as much as you.>>39702109i feel genuinely uncomfortable man, you have a deeply negative self image that has been tainted by years of bad self talk, trauma, and being online. Me rolling dice won't fix that, I'm need to seek out professional help, the answer is that you aren't ugly and women will be attracted to you. but you need to love yourself before anyone can love you.>>397020271 4 3 7 8 3He will try to target you, but all stones thrown at you won't hurt you but shall be used as stepping stones as you continue your journey to success
AQIs there a girl who has crush on me?
>>39702118fin min my nigga wagm
>>39702146but you have to do that shit forever, what if i cant do it at some point?
>>39702115yo sorry im starting yours right now. mine is like...what would be best for me...finding someone to live with off of craigslist or living with my family for the time being.
>>3970215222 yo and doing it since 18, I haven’t gotten to that point yet but I’ve gotten to missing doses for weeks, it’s a commitment you’ve got to set yourself to
>>39702103>2 6 3 10 3 4Curious, not positive not negative but not the first time I have been told about me needing to learn some stuff from myself. I am clueless and time is speeding by so fast. If you had to give me your intuition, is it really unclear unclear on when? The further away in time the less of a good thing it is. Is there a way to ask again or something? Know more?
>>39702131>>39701554Anon, sorry, I think you missed me?
>>397020591 4 3 8 10 9a mix of confusion and happiness for you that you managed to build yourself up and achieve your goal. I would do it.>>397020761 4 4 10 3 16there is a conflicted passion, they feel drawn to you but are unsure due to the timing. it can blossom into a relationship where you both evolve and learn from the relationship, however it is a question of will it be worth the pain you go through to do it. I would say it is best to move on.
>>39701859>>39702174Sorry, this query
>>39701979should you abandon: sun rx, ace of wands rx, hermit, queen of cupsshould you keep working on it: 4 of pent rx, 7 of cups rx, ace of wand rx, emperor, 9 of wand, 4 of wand rxI would ask another reader just to be sure because it is a personal project for you; important and painful to leave. But my cards are sort of telling me for you to leave it, you are capable of doing it and doing it well but right now it has no legs to stand on, limited options or cruel reality, going to keep you always enduring it instead of thriving with it. Maybe at another time you should pursue it again? Right now seems to lead to frustration and unhappiness.
>>39702176>>39702076 Thank you ! It's a very recent crush so i guess moving on won't be too hard Still hope we could have some fun together tho lol
>>39702145>Nine of cups>The Emperor Rx>The moonThere's someone, but maybe it's not a girl, actually....
>>39702103>yes, you will achieve the bulk you seek, but you need to remember that your body has limits your mind may not share. treat it like the temple it is and allow it rest repair and perform in it's limits.Yeah I’m working on sleeping better thank you
>>39702172this uncertainty and anxiety is what poisons you. clear your mind and trust that the universe has the best intentions for you. visualize your path to happiness, every step you need to take, and follow it, not half heartedly, do everything in your power to make it happen.>>39702174you just tagged me twice, I'm not sure which q is yours.>>39702198drink more water too.
>>39702205So in other words, I am too much talk too little action. More than accurate, thanks.
>>39702159Fool, 7 of swords, 2 of pentacles, 5 of wands, 10 of cupsFinancially speaking, staying with family is the better option, however you will find yourself at time missing your independence and feeling somewhat frustrated and trapped, wishing for something better. However, if you choose that option, use the current time to ground yourself and to find better, more secure and stable options
>>397022111 5 3 4 1 2it looks like PSP, but also if you jump into either too fast you're bound to fail. ask questions, do research, rely on others you trust to prevent yourself from sinking.
>>39702225thanks a lot, few other readers told me more or less the same. >but also if you jump into either too fast you're bound to failAny further clarification on that? I like join them coming Tuesday... Is there anything I should beware?
>>39701554Where will I live in my 40s? gold dice
>>39701554Why do i feel this sexual tension with N even tho he is gay (and married) and i am a women
>>39702236What will happen between me and G in the future?
>>39702216sensible advice, thank you
>>39702196Really :(( Thank you.
>>39702247gman? or the cousin fucker ? assuming you're neither what will my summer be like? starting when you confirm
>>39701554Hope you're doing betterGoldWhat's something important I should know at the moment?
>>39701554Next job?Gold
>>39702246Sorry forget to chose a dice Gold
>>39702268I know gman but I don’t what the other one is either you’re too chronically online I don’t think you’re a good reader
>>39702282woman fell in love with a gay guy?never happened before....
>>39702290okay you're a troll, thanks for letting me know
>>39702307q? mine is should i take college classes this year or focus on a full time job only?
>>39702176first, thank you! do you think we'd be able to be friends again or no?
>>39702310summer general? starting
>>39702296Won't go as far as saying i fell in love with him but i kinda have a crush but I know nothing will happen since he is married and i'm not complaning I'm just wondering why i get this vibe from him but who knows maybe he is bi or just he just like physical contact with me for some reason
AQBest way to acquire money to buy a property to rent out?>inb4 get a jobNo shit, hence why I ask "best way"
>>39701554Opal What will Se say to me when we finally meet again?
>>39702131>027Thank you. If I may ask another, what would drive him? Jealousy? Wanting to see me suffer for eternity? Something else?
>>39701554why am I getting skipped? it is the second there something wrong with me?>>39702074
>>39702246it's just a common thing that happens, learn to respect boundaries and consent and it should stop happening.>>39702272choosing this as the last one I do before I head off.2 3 5 2 4 18right now is the time to take a decisive step towards your goal. as you do this you will need to pay attention to how you are using both your time and money and adjust them to balance out what you need and your also need to release the mindset you have that no longer serves you. adopt one of growth and the pursuit of happiness.
>>39702310college classesKnight of Coins Full time job Eight of Swords Classes are your best bet here.
>>397023285 of pent rx, sun rx, temperance, king of swords, 8 of wands rx, judgement rx, magician You'll be in a funny state sort of regretting the way things are going for you yet still meeting fate/chance/destiny/free will/the situation, with balance and doing what you need to do to make use of everything going on---no issue. You'll be in some professional position and no longer have money troubles, or troubles associated with the 5 of pentacles. Though you still might be unhappy/jaded feeling...maybe you just don't get enough sunlight/vitamin d. There's delays involved, or lack of passion/fast progress/or just have to hold your horses instead of moving how you want to move. You might take this time and this situation with how it is sort of good but bad to experiment with what you want out of life maybe using occult measures, manifestation measures, or just what tools you have in your arsenal.
>>39702380What will the half turkish girl say to me when we finally meet again? yours?
>>39702361>>39702246 I never disrespected any boundaries or consent why are you saying this lol You Say it's just things that happen then make it sound like it's my fault or smth
>>39702351I skip a lot of questions that don't feel right to me a large part of my practice is instinct and intuition and if something just feels off to me I won't be able to give a quality going straight for marriage led me to realize you're young and have a lot to work out with yourself. Figure out who you are before trying to bring in anyone else.
>>39702374Do you have another query? My read for you was quite short
>>39702384should i take classes at sjcc or carrington this year? starting
>>39702394aww. thanks for the offer. can u just draw a card or 2 for each option, stay living with parents next month, or try to move in with someone that messages me from craigslist if i post on there looking for housing help.
>>39702384 I had lovers fly out, but then I accidently kicked the card and it landed in a way that maybe I didn't originally pull it as. But... 7 of cup rx, empress, ace of swords, 4 of swordIf she's not gonna say that she loves you, she will say something that cuts through all illusions, she will say a truth, she will say something, and she will say this to you coming as a real woman....maybe something nurturing...or maybe like she's ovulating... LOL.... empress into the 4 of swords....she really must want to cuddle or more on a bed and relax with you.
>>39702430she might ask you to get her pregnant is what im saaayin
>>39702399SJCCseven of cups/ace of swords Carrington page of cups rx/six of coins rxSJCC will be a better option for you and give you lots of options as to what you want to do and will help you develop more. Carringtin will be more expensive and you might not like your classmates or your teachers there.
>>39702333you really wanna day you don't know?you befriend him and make him a gay friend among your besties then you can be a total slut with him and nobody will say you anything....
>>39702386You're asking a reader why you want to fuck a gay man instead of just moving on and dismissing the feelings. you are the issue.
>>39702430trade again?
>>39702410Living with Parents Nine of Cups Craigslist Tower Don't do Craiglist. Parents are a safer bet.
>>39702467yeah query?
>>39702515How will the conversation go regarding what happened between us in college? What's yours?
>>39702451>>397024531st he is not my friend per say but more like a teacher yeah i know it makes it worse I want to dissmiss the feeling but it makes it worse bc if i'm selfconcious about it I'm a bit cold and take my distance but when i act myself (and try to dissmiss the connection as "normal") we have this chemistry and our bound deepen I just want to know if we can be good friends or if it's "dangerous" territoryMaybe it's just cause we do music together and it's a lot of sexual energy idk But pls stop acting Like i'm an horrible person for having a "crush" on a gay man lol i won't do anything to him i swear
>>39702540opera anon?
>>39702451Sorry i did not understand your message I thought u were assuming i wanted to be a total slut with him or smth like other ppl are assuming i want to make him do things against his will I dont want to be slutty to him desu like ofc i feel a lot of desire toward him and stuff but i dont want to make him incomfortable and i dont want to disrespect his mariage either
>>39702533is pursuing administration of justice the move for me at sjcc or should i pivot into another major? starting
>>39702557Yeah !!! are you febuary Anon ???
>>39702567Yes I'm alive I'm not gonna do it anymore for now lol
>>39702578Omg i'm so happy we see each other again i'm thinking about u everytime i'm posting on here wondering how you are doing I'm glad you are not doing it How are you doing these days ?
>>39702587what really??? no need i'm just a delusional rando like everyone else, things are kind of hard but so it goes. wbu how's things besides the unrequited love part ? i'm sorry to hear that by the way it must be tough.
>>39702563Admin Justice eight of swords/three of swords something else?six of wands, two of wands Something else feels better here, but it's tough to say what based off of this. Admin Justice might not be all that good for you and limit your options to something you don't really want to do.
>>397025337 of cups, hanged man, temperance, ace of wands, hermit I'm getting that even if things fizzle out or the relationship is over, people will empathetic and willing to listen and talk and reach an agreement and go through any hard times together ( 4 of wands rx, 5 of pent, queen of cups come out too )....a lot of things will be discussed, some true and some false and each will try to get each others perspective or reach understanding, an understanding will be reached, energies will become balanced, conflict will end, people will get off their high horse, things will move forward ( had 5 of wands rx come out too and 6 of wand rx & wheel ) .......positive action will happen..........but.....people might go their own ways on their solo journey thereafter with hermit.
>>39702609This is good right? You did just say she'd be really into me
>>39702599Yeah really !i have thought about posting "is febuary Anon here" but i was hoping destiny will make us stumble on each other again and i'm glad i was rightLess hard than before ? It's good you are holding on If you want to vent about stuff don't hesitate i will go to sleep soon but maybe we can try to keep the convo going in the next thread I'm doing fine a bit stressed at Time bc the date for the singing compétition IS coming but i made some progress and idk i'm starting to feel like even if it doesn't work out it's ok cause i'm getting better each day and failure won't stop me from working on it but i still hope it will work out tho ahah No it's ok i mean i knew hé was married and gay so And i just got a New crush not married and not gay and more my age ahah so i'm starting to get less "obessed" but at the same time we are getting closer so idk maybe we will end UP being good friends or smth
>>39702627I get a feeling that she might be into you, but at a future time, there might be delays or she's just dealing with something right now or her life is out of control or you gotta work on gaining more of her respect, emperor rx came out. she might think you're both too poor to be able to have a relationship right now. I had like 5 of pent, 5 of cup, 3 of wand, emperor rx, sun rx, asking your query. Talk to her anyway fuck the cards.
Who wants to trade
>>39702663also knight of wand rx coming out, everyone definitely has to hold their horses in this situation
>>39702663Oh shit I should've clarified, I don't expect to talk to her for at least another two years. Not right now now but in the future ya know