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what are some sources on using internal energy to cause some form of physical effect in a significant sense. most every source only talks about it for health or maybe spending 30 years to obtain immortality but never conjuring items, moving puppets, or manipulating others senses/ the refraction of light around you. whenever they are mentioned it's usually with some variation of "if you want to learn it you have to join a super secret school and train for 50 years".
this ability can kill Meruem btw
HxH will never be finished.
lol idk set some sheets of newspaper on fire or some shit?
like, wooo.. he set newspapers on fire, and made us feel a slight electric tingle. like wooh...
Do you know why?
idc abt a dead school like mo pai
checked you cant get in there anyway
but there's cousin schools that teach similar stuff that will teach westerners
for exorbitant fees
You will never shoot beams out of your hands you will never conjur fireballs. All combat magic is slander. Stop trying to game your word choice to keep asking the same damn question about the combat magic strawman. It is not and never was and never can be real. Fucking kill yourself.
>or manipulating others
wherever you see those vids of the tibetan guys tossing their students around...
that is real and legit, but with a huge caveat that makes the method rather useless for attacking someone for real
the reason is that when a master tosses a student in such a way, there's an implicit trust, its done "with permission"
i.e. that the energy interaction happens with permission
not in a I'm going to let you toss me sort of way, more like a I know master isnt going to hurt me so weeeeeeeee hahaha that was funny sort of way
I can tell yous this for certain because I experienced precisely that
you do a sort of cultivation practice by some thing like a fence or a tree and all of a sudden you're drawn to it like a magnet
but if you stop the practice then the energy disappears and so does the effect
its just not going to work on some dude you never met before that's intent on punching you in the face
which is why...its just really not a self defense thing but its more of an energy cultivation thing
thank you for your insightful commentary rabbi I have learned the error of my way and will now go fall for alien conspiracy theories, lurk nobody general, and attempt to summon demons to have sex like a good little goy
>All combat magic is slander.
ehhhhhhhhh, I knew this dude...
I dont know how it would go in live combat but he put down a stack of money in front of us and said he'd make the person submit without touching them within a few minutes, but it also came with the caveat that a death waiver would have to be signed since it was at attack on the heart energy and pretty much a killing maneuver
nobody even attempted to pick up that stack of cash amongst many
this was years and years ago
but there again, if it required minutes to do, its not exactly live combat worthy
I was more so talking about inducing audible/visual hallucinations. but hearing thats how more physical manipulation works is pretty interesting and makes the most sense.


barring he did not have to do any exaggerated movements the skill still could be useful if you want the guy across the table from you to drop dead or in a court room. also the guy you are replying to is just attempting to derail the thread. I have seen other threads with a similar topic to this have some guy try to pull the same shit.
Doesn't work that way and never will, Harry Potter wannabe.

Real life combat magic is just channeling your energy to work with your body and physically attacking them normally, hitting them with objects (yes you can do that but no fancy visual effects), and shooting them. You will only notice things are somehow 'better' but not in a way that you can really notice unless someone is anal retentive about every half millimetre of detail. All silly or exaggerated depictions in media is just bullshit meant to make you wish for that stuff to be real for ritual purposes. You are like those knife fighting wannabes who want to be cool fancifully swinging their knife to a crow of adoration so they seek out fights to pull out their knives and try to torture them in a drawn out fight to look cool.
Anyone who's been to the far east and did a little digging has found out that mopai-esque stuff is actually quite common. There used to be way more before the various commie revolutions killed a lot of practitioners off. Quantify "exorbitant".
>everyone I dont like is a kike
Magic is not about vulgar displays. Continue to pursue falsehood, faggot.
Author is rich already so he's just fucking around with his cute wife until he dies
Yep thats what I have figured. issue is that even information in chinese is hard to find because of censorship on the mainland
Just through the english-speaking part of the Net is not that easy. Easier if you can read Chinese. If you're somewhere in China for a bit it's quite easy to find such people. Easier in the South and West than in the North and East I would claim. There are other places outside Mainland with a lot of Han Diaspora, the people who fled the cultural revolution that wiped out a lot of these guys.

Outside China / Chinese community Indonesia also has a lot of people with these abilities.

Honestly if you really want to find somebody you can, it doesn't even take so much perseverance and time. Then it's a matter of convincing them to give you whatever it is that you search. There's a lot of con-men out there as well, but the real deal is easy to spot if you know what to look out for.

One last thing: Don't trust anyone claiming they know the Mopai practices. They don't. Trust me on this Anon. The Mopai route's closed for westerners with J.C. dead (May he rest in peace). It's done. Don't trust anyone who claims he is affiliated with Mopai.
thank you for the advice. I will most likely look into the Indonesian side of things if that is the case
Good Luck Anon. If you have any questions I might check out the thread a bit later again.
I only have two questions. do you have any recommendations for reading material. even if it is in chinese I know a man who can translate for me and do you have any recommendations for where to learn indonesian. thank you again for being the only person in this thread to provide any relevant information.
My two obvious recommendations would be the dao de jing and the zhuang zi. The ddj is the basic text of Daoism. It's just 80 short "poems" and there are tons of translations. It's like the "bible" of Daoism, thankfully much shorter. Since it's such a short read, read it in any case. It's like an hour of your life, imagine what other shit you wasted an hour on. Definetly read it no matter what. Then let it sink in and see if it resonates with you.

If you feel you've gotten something from it, read the Zhuang Zi next, it's a bit more in depth and longer, but worth it if you like the ddj. Again there are plenty of translations and editions, you don't need to read the most complete translations, find one that resonates with you in length and topic it covers.

These are foundational texts, but ultimately also hint how you can cultivate energy. The texts will start making more and more sense as you learn more and practice more.

As for actually practices a very easy and accessible way to start is basic zhang zhuang standing practices, or just bog-standard MBSR mindfullness.

I never learned indonesian. I know it's part of the malay dialect continuum with a lot of loan words form dutch, english, arabic etc. It's not a tonal language and uses the latin script, so it seems the hurdle to learn is not that great since you speak english already.

However I wouldn't invest resources into learning a language you might not need. Better first find a teacher that's willing to teach you and then decide if you want to learn the teachers language.

If you are not in SEA already I wouldn't bother travel to Indonesia, try if you can find Silat guys in your area, it's the umbrella term for indonesian martial arts, some of the "sub"-arts that are under this catch-all-term deal in working with energy.
I will read those books and attempt to find a silat gym near me then. thankfully I live pretty close to a large city so there's a chance they have one.
Great, I hope you will attain some insights from the books. Try the Silat guys, and try to find out if part of their curriculum is working with energy or any kind of "inner" arts. Godspeed anon.
>If you have any questions
I'm not the guy you were talking to, but have you experienced qi deviations from doing qigong?
It really feels like people read two books and then decide they've seen everything available with cultivation threads.its strange
it's because it's easyer to deny everything outside of your current ability then to attempt to get to high levels of practice. the reason many of the people here are so mad is because the existence of this form of magic would mean that they are not the master wizard they think they are
Personally I haven't, but you can really fuck yourself up with qigong and deviation is a real thing. You can really fuck yourself up with any type of energywork really. It's like fire - it can warm your house and make it nice and cozy, but it can also burn it to the ground with everything in it.

It's important to have either a direct teacher-student relationship with a real Master (not one of the many con-men in the space) OR reasonable regular access to a Master with real skill that can check you for deviation (and that will help you fix it).

Trying qigong outside of the basic and harmless stuff all by yourself or even worse trying to get the practices right just from books - even from relatively "quality" translations like Fabrizios - alone is reckless and irresponsible.
dude this is the kali yuga, you don't get to do that anymore. i guess if you practice for 80 years with the perfect methods maybe you'd be able to do something along those lines.
best i've seen people do is heal others or generate small amounts of electricity/fire from their hands.
There's literally strip mall chains in the US teaching low level cultivation systems including the usual psy tests. There's also been mass market paperbacks in English of questionable systems for longer than most posters have been alive
If you can get that close without dying, sure.
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We already left the kali yuga, they don't last as long as previously thought
drawing/art/(physically creative stuff) seems to stem from imagination (mind, brain power, internal energy)

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