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Ancient Cosmologies seem to speak that the Universe is actually a Cosmic Ocean instead of a vacuum and that what we call Planets are in reality Densities of Liquid within this Ocean.

Many pieces of Media also seem to hint at this, this particular description in the Elder Scrolls lore is quite interesting.
>"Space" is how a mortal mind perceives the infinity of Oblivion - There are eight planets in visible space, which are the planes of the Aedra, and each of those eight plane(t)s is infinite in size - But since these eight infinite plane(t)s are surrounded by Oblivion, itself being infinite, the mortal mind perceives them as spherical."

Kabbalistic Cosmology also speaks of this via the Tehom/Abyss
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When you also look at how the stars of the Universe are formed, they form a Neural Network like web, very similar to our brain's neurons, these stars communicate in pulses to each other through Quantum Entaglement like our brain's neurons communicate with each other using electric pulses, this essentially forms the universal mind.

However if we take into account ancient cosmologies we can actually see that this may not be just a simple "Neural Network", but instead, a caustic light reflection of the Absolute's/Ein Sof's limitless light within the Cosmic Ocean.

Considering that light is both a particle and a wave (like a sound wave) and how sound in water creates plasma bubbles (sonoluminescence), i believe it's safe to assume that the stars we see are the result of sonoluminescent processes of the Absolute's Vibrations/Tzimtzum within the Cosmic Ocean.

There is also this weird article, how does an Astronaut "drown" in a vacuum? And why do Astronauts train underwater?

This is disinfo and it glows.
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It's soup.
>nonsensical disinfo replies almost instantly after the thread is made
100% Real Anons™
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Here's a chart to sort the realms of samsaric existence. The real truth (this is provisional truth, research Buddhist epistemology) is that it's all empty of inherent existence, interdependent, and non-dual. GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI SVAHA
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I see the resemblance with the earth, but that underwater shot with the turtle is the sky as seen from a certain depth underwater, if you move closer to it, it ceases to be spherical/circular and becomes the sky, while the earth does not.

Or do the Earth's Van Allen Radiation Belts (Firmament) keep the shape/water at bay?

And do the fish on the right photo represent souls circling around a fishing light/earth? It reminded me of picrel, an artistic representation of the Tehom/Abyss.

This movie also hints at this:
*According to Theravadins. I'm Vajaryana/Mahayana but the teachings are basically the same and this is mostly accurate.
it remains circular at all times, only the radius increases as you rise until you surface and you see the flat horzion
just as when you're above the atmosphere and descend to earth
pic unrelated
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Well, it's not. The nature and consistency as well as the principle of movement and rotation of this universe absolutely corresponds to the texture of a soup with its fluid properties. It is simply a fact.
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So it's always circular but as the radius increases it gives the illusion of flatness?

Or is it always flat but the water makes it look curved like a sort of fish eye lens and as you get closer and the radius of this illusion increases it becomes flat again?

I see, so that meme is truth hidden in plain sight, Synchronicity like.
well, yeah the water bends the light
it does work like a lense
imagine if there were no waves, or the waves are only nanometers in size
the surface would look smooth like when seen from above, the higher density
i'm not good at putting it into words but maybe you understand what i mean
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Also funny thing, this "soup" that the universe was made from was made from quark-gluon plasma blobs that look like the top picrel, but do you know what else it looks like? The 7 days of creation flower of life pattern with the circles and vescica piscis.

So taking this "quark-gluon plasma blob soup" shaped like the 7 days of creation patter into account.

I believe this is the order of creation.
>First there is this ineffable light/limitless (Ein Sof).
>It then creates the primordial waters through Tzimtzum.
>After this it itensifies the Tzimtzum Compression Waves (Vibrations) which then leads to the formation of Sonoluminescent phenomena in the water which creates the quark-gluon plasma blobs.
>From these blobs the first "cosmic soup" is formed through the 7 days of creation/flower of life pattern. (picrel)
>From this cosmic soup then forms the "Neural Network"/Universal Mind and from there the rest of the Cosmos is made
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I believe i understand.
These ideas are quite complicated to put into words.

So the higher the density, the less waves which means clearer circular image?

Do you believe the earth is spherical or do you believe it is flat and or cubical? (I know cubical sounds funny but i mean it like Star Trek's Holodeck, Bizarro World from DC is also Cubic and Plato attributed the Cube to Earth).
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their is no gravity.
density determines what goes up and down
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not necessarily lesser waves, but smaller, so tiny that they're virtually invisible to our eyes

if you're looking through a telescope you get atmospheric distortion, which is also waves distorting the clarity of the image

that's why they've put the hubble telescope above the atmosphere, and modern telescopes have optics that compensate for atmospheric distortion

i don't think the earth is flat, we can see its shadow on the moon after all
they did an experiment on earth to detect the aether, but i don't think their method was capable of detecting the tiniest movement


it's their go-to argument to disprove the aether
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>i don't think the earth is flat, we can see its shadow on the moon after all
Do you trust the moon though?
the only way to make sure is to shoot our own rocket at the moon
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The Aether is not a wind like they claim, but more like a Plasma.
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Physical Objects cannot go into a non physical space.

They already tried and this happened

It's also why this happened to Musk's Rocket, it hit the Firmament (Van Allen Belts) and got destroyed.
I keep seeing this movie pop up again and again on here, is it full of gnostic references? Is jerry YHWH? Why does Pete Doctor claim to be a Christian, but yk he’s a MEST adherent satanist Jew?
The true nature of the cosmos is that there is no cosmos at all. Spacetime is but an illusion.
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Time is an Ilusion, Spacetime isn't.
Time is like frames, and each moment in time is a spacial coordinate within a higher dimension, look at what a Tesseract is and how it works.

>Is jerry YHWH
I saw this question of yours on another thread, and to answer you, no, YHWH/Demiurge/Saturn creates the material world, in the movie the Jerries are multidimensional beings that guide souls into the pleroma, they aren't archons (as archons are planets).
I would say they are Aeons/Emanations of the Pleroma/Absolute.
>Physical Objects cannot go into a non physical space.
but if it's a non physical space then our eyes wouldn't be able to perceive the moon either
>>39715051 and >>39714680

Also keep this lore in mind
>"Space" is how a mortal mind perceives the infinity of Oblivion - There are eight planets in visible space, which are the planes of the Aedra, and each of those eight plane(t)s is infinite in size - But since these eight infinite plane(t)s are surrounded by Oblivion, itself being infinite, the mortal mind perceives them as spherical."
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from a rosicrucian booklet from the 17th or 18th century

it's written in german but it shows heaven and hell being separated from the earth by "Himmlisch Wasser" or heavenly water and "Todes Wasser" or deadly water, or death water
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This. Exactly.
Even DC shows this in it's comics

The Earth works like Star Trek's Holodeck and it has a Skybox that keeps us trapped.
just noticed while listening to this
the way she's singing "youu-oo-oo" it sounds like "cuuu-u-uube" lol

gonna watch this now
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>just noticed while listening to this, the way she's singing "youu-oo-oo" it sounds like "cuuu-u-uube" lol
LMAO i also had no idea of this

You should also watch these:
In this song they are in a Cube shaped stage and tell you to be taken in by the lights and sounds (holograms within the cube and vibrations).

This movie series is also telling.
>>39715339thank you for the response, someone else mentioned Soul and it got me going, What scared me is the lack of concern they have for soul wanting to enter the pleroma (lose freedom of choice)
Now that I rewatch this a little older and with more pattern recognition and knowing the 1% are crazy. everything is right in front of me literally, cube worship, (gnostic references) this is what you came for… everything being a hologram on a cube
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>someone else mentioned Soul and it got me going
I believe that was me...

>What scared me is the lack of concern they have for soul wanting to enter the pleroma (lose freedom of choice)
Not really, in the movie one of the Jerries (Terry) is very concerned that Joe didn't go into the Pleroma and instead went back to Earth.

Now what is interesting is that in the movie Soul they call the Pleroma "The Great Beyond".

In the equally Gnostic Movie "Sausage Party", the supermarket products/food that is alive believes they will go into a good "Great Beyond" with the humans, but then they find out that they are just food and they will meet a terrible end and be violently eaten.

What is interesting about this is that the Great Beyond/Pleroma is shown as an Illusion, maybe the Jerries are concerned because if Joe returned to earth he could warn others about the true nature of the Beyond and the Jerries would possibly loose their food source (Souls).

And in the movie Soul, Joe is terrified when the other souls get zapped by the Pleroma/Beyond, as if he subconsciously knows, and on top of that many other movies mention not to go into the light.
(go to timestamp 0:39 on this shrek one and hear what Donkey says).

Check this website out to for more interesting info.
in the bible the holy of holies in the temple of solomon has the dimensions of a cube
so does the new jerusalem
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Yes, it's also where the Cross came From, watch this video:
I am seeing a theme here, using anthropomorphic characters with lots of math to soft disclose.


this was the website i found talking about gnostic references to Soul.
Yep, exactly right. Here, I like to call it "directed auto-memetics" or "memetic warfare."
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It's always the same theme/message, that being that the Pleroma/Outside of the box is an Illusion/death sentence.

This is interesting because some Buddhist philosophies believe that Nirvana and Samsara are one in the same, two sides of the same coin.

Now if we take the tesseract aspect of the cube into perspective and how moments in time are spatial coordinates within it, then we have a cube that stretches infinitely outward in every direction, which is impossible or near impossible to escape.

When we look at movies, from the Cube trilogy to even the NBC Cube Film here >>39715623 ;
we see that it's either impossible to escape the Cube or it's outside (if there is any) is very bad news.

In the matrix movies after Neo escapes he just lives with Morpheus in Zion which is a complete dump, in NBC's the Cube the main character remains stuck at the end after an illusion of escape, in tThe Cube Trilogy movies the ones who escape are killed, etc... etc...

My personal theory is that this Cube which we now view as a trap was originally designed as a sandbox for the expression of our souls, but with time it got hijacked by multi dimensional entities like the Jerries or Machines from the Matrix that turned it into a prison, but if one does truly wish to try and escape this i also believe the best way is through a Wormhole, many movies with Gnostic undertones show characters leaving reality via a Wormhole.
Here are some examples:
at the end of NBC's the Cube the main character tastes his blood and it tastes like strawberry jam, suggesting that he is not real and it's all in his head

to me it seemed like an allegory on how thoughts or dreams work. furniture shows up of nowhere, people come and go, he get's told he could leave whenever he wants to, if he wanted to. it's all in his head. and you can't escape your mind
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>And these are the secrets of this oath And they are strong through his oath And the heaven was suspended before the world was created, And forever. And through it the earth was founded upon the water, And from the secret recesses of the mountains come beautiful waters, From the creation of the world and unto eternity.
>And through that oath the sea was created, And as its foundation He set for it the sand against the time of its anger, And it dare not pass beyond it from the creation of the world unto eternity. And through that oath are the depths made fast, And abide and stir not from their place from eternity to eternity.
>And through that oath the sun and moon complete their course, And deviate not from their ordinance from eternity to eternity. And through that oath the stars complete their course, And He calls them by their names, And they answer Him from eternity to eternity.
>suggesting that he is not real and it's all in his head
If that's the case how come he can't leave the Dream/Nightmare? Can you even leave the Dream/Nightmare?

Please elaborate, Plato ascribed the Dodecahedron to the Aether or Universe to as seen here >>39714941 ,but how can this be?

I also see a cube and a star of david around it on the lower left corner of the white pentagram in the middle, what does this mean?

possible glowing man, unsure.

I'm aware the Bible already has all of these secrets embedded into it, another good one is Adam (Atom) and Eve (Ev).
The true nature is that all of this complex design leads to a garden of Eden. That’s it.
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Adam and Zoe and the talking donkey
mfw we're in the corn syrup dimension
Word riddles...
To draw in on our focus...
Around and around you go...
Ignoramus et ignorabimus...
Awfully pessimistic...
We must know...
We will know...
Definist fallacy...
Sup so crates...
Miss ya dude...
>If that's the case how come he can't leave the Dream/Nightmare?
dream and reality happen in our minds. to leave the dream he would need to wake up, or become lucid and control the dream. there was a scene in which he predicted what would happen and it happened like he imagined. if he realized that he caused that, he would have become lucid and in control. are we "lucid" in reality? if not, how do we get there?
>Please elaborate, Plato ascribed the Dodecahedron to the Aether or Universe
consider a regular pentagon. a 2 dimensional representation of the number 5. it contains the golden ratio. 5 is the quintessence. a dodecahedron consists of 12 of those in a 3 dimensional shape. 5 * 12 = 60; our base 60 system that defines time and angles.
all the other platonic solids can be created from the dodecahedron and fit perfectly inside of it
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LMAO, unironically, this is one of the lower densities, bellow that is the unspeakable horrors lowe astral densities.

>all the other platonic solids can be created from the dodecahedron and fit perfectly inside of it
The Kepler Cosmology has the Dodecahedron inside a Cube and a Cube within a Sphere though. See >>39722356

>are we "lucid" in reality, if not, how do we get there?
We aren't born lucid but we can become lucid, this requires specific Gnosis or Knowledge.

>our base 60 system that defines time and angles.
The 60 System came from Babylon
(Timestamp 1:29)
>The 60 System came from Babylon
and you think they were unaware of geometry?
>The Kepler Cosmology has the Dodecahedron inside a Cube
well then construct a dodecahedron from a cube
>and you think they were unaware of geometry?
No, but considering how our modern society uses their system specifically is very revealing.

>well then construct a dodecahedron from a cube

>They claim that a universe with the same shape as the twelve-sided polygon can explain measurements of the cosmic microwave background.
Didn't that cosmic microwave background also show that the universe was Egg Shaped?
that's a cube within a dodecahedron
i asked you to construct a dodecahedron from a cube
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Also keep in mind Metatron's Cube can create all of the Platonic Solids, it's all Cubes anon.
where do you get the 30 degree angle from?
that's wrong
he's using a 30 degree angle which should be 31.7° (=arctan(1/Phi), with Phi = golden ratio 1.618...)
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If we take the theory that the universe is indeed holographic and and an ocean like the OP and ancient cosmologies say, then i say the light/vibrational waves within the water form that angle.

There is an emitter (Ein Sof) who emanated this light into the Cosmic Waters (Tehom) which then under the pressure of compression (Tzimtzum) and through Sonoluminescence formed the first quark-gluon plasma blobs and then Stars that then connected to each other through Quantum Entaglement (using the 7 day of creation pattern seen here >>39714912) which then formed the Galaxy Filament neural network that we know as the Universal mind that then formed the rest of the material cosmos.

I could be wrong though but i'd say this is a good guess. The universe is quite literally a song, it's a light hologram and light is both a particle and a wave, like a sound wave, it's also why the word Chromatic is associated both with the Musical Chromatic Scale and the Color Chromatic Scale.

7 Notes in the Musical Major Scale
7 Colors in the Rainbow

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