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ITT we discuss these satanic nazi cults

did you know that 4chan has constantly been raided by a cult of deranged nazi pedos for years? Apparently the black and femcel shooters were groomed into committing the shootings. I wonder how much of 4chan culture has been influenced by them? And especially /pol/ culture, let alone its very existence. /pol/ preaches accelerationism and shills for the siege book. You can guess where it all came from At the very least they seem to have very strong ties with soijak party

>satanic nazi cults

dude. wat.

Uncle Ruckus irl.
It's mindblowing and surreal but it's actually real
Why aren't there other esoteric cults that work to fight against these niggas?
Other occultists and cult-like internet groups who are aware of them do quite a lot. It's just that no one wants to be flipped into a glowie asset and some things fall under interfering with a federal investigation otherwise. The farms are openly doing the most just by documenting it all.
>Other occultists and cult-like internet groups who are aware of them do quite a lot.
Like what? Cast spells or do magic against them? (Not being sarcastic).
I'm a lone cultist defeating this horse shit once and for all. Get behind me, Satan.
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Guys, wait a minute, I will fetch my O9A\TOB infodump ITT
meanwhile, some sgt grey chibi yaoi art by the blackcel
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I will dump some official-report-tier info on the O9A and it's many tentacles, specially the russio-ukranian nexions
"cult of murder\maniacs"
this page DENIES the cult exists. I post it because it's interesting to see what interests are at play regarding FSB, Ukranian intel. or other such political-military interactions. The truth is these guys exist but are unironically genocidal and want 99% of humans to die

764\The Com (related branch of TOB, sometimes allies, sometimes gets into s*fights, with maniacs cult\NLM

Info on the relatively better-known TOB nexion
the infamous hare krishna\north korea intel\ pol pot jim jones commune saga:
still active Rural People's Party website
Book review of the (awfully written- not just disgusting content, but the WRITING is bad) Iron Gates book, chief book of the TOB\Attomwaffen
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Articles about the aesthetic \art\ memes of the O9A
(use the code to get it on anna\s archieve)
the O9A femboy is REAL (+ other captures and screencaps ,good intel. not on other sites)
misc. articles:
most of these links are gov. -level\ police or forensic investigation articles. I will explain the nexions and their links, offshots, etc, ,and lore ,later.
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maybe i am dumb but it doesnt seem like a lot of people are talking about so i might as well point this out and make it explicit. these are things i have been piecing together in my own idle reading. o9a werent pedos. honestly their relation to nazism has also been strange and constantly evolving. david myatt probably helped start the o9a and he has always been a national socialist and probably wanted the group to move in that direction. however, it seems he eventually became disillusioned with the fact that most of the members cared less and less with any sort of politics and were more focused on the occult stuff. eventually the relevance of being a nazi in the o9a became "oh it is an insight role… its to shake up the status quo and try and empathize with something you dont agree with" (it should be noted btw that a lot of "authentic" o9a members are cis and trans women who don't really care much for macho or patriarchal politics). now there are 'nexions' that have decided that even this was a waste of time and have no interest in changing the external world outside of their little communities altogether

o9a gets associated with tob and 764 but the former (which is what introduced the pedophilia and the violent extremism) was literally started by a fed informant (he also started a publishing company 'martinet press' or that company is affiliated with him). thats like if a fed created some marxist cult that sacrificed children and people went on to pretend that marxists sacrifice children. meanwhile 764 as far as i can tell are just edgy discord kids who arent even serious occultists in any stretch of the imagination
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if you look at this d* https://www.youtube.com/@JaefarSABNW you see a lot of the books he reads are stuff like chronozon, devil's quran etc. its all martinet press fed garbage. he seems to act like he has not actually done anything with it and seems to unironically think its all just something to be shocking and edgy?? whether or not those are his unironic beliefs, he is an idiot either way

now i dont think the o9a guys dont completely deserve their name being dragged through the mud. they have always been edgy and anton long (not a person btw but a collective) was a big proponent of approaching the whole ethos individualistically

if you want sources check these out:
https://archive.org/details/gmail-wtf-just-happened (sort of contradicts myatt here though could be her schizo speculations. leaving this here to show the differences in mindsets different people have)

lastly i strongly recommend checking out this guy:
he is a journalist sort of insider that has a lot of connections in the o9a. he really hates the pedo hijackers edgelords and has called them out numerous times. he even has f*ing streams where he talks to o9a members. its sort of hilarious how little this guy is talked about despite it being basically a jackpot of information
SIGINT, breaking through OPSEC, anonymous tips, counter recruiting, getting members busted for other things. This is old school cloak and dagger shit and hacker drama, only with decentralized occult terror cells.

Do the zoomer-discord offshoots believe in the satanist and nazi elements or just the accelerationism, misanthropy, shock, and aesthetics that come with them?

How much direct involvement do 'real' o9a members have with these groups? Is it just a case of generally spread propaganda being picked up by edgy teens or are they targeted and integrated into the broader ideology?

Is the push to do terrorism separate or related to the blackmailing/pedo shit?

Who is Nitro?
You have it backwards. O9A has a playbook, the guy from martinet was flipped as an asset, the offshoots are likely to be O9A projects or operations, or things that were co-opted for that purpose. It's an insight role.

The origins are in what, witchcraft meeting up with radical left ideology in the 60s? The only goal at the top is inciting chaos and violence for personal (gnostic) gain.

It is believed a nexion or two are the core part of the deepest inner circles and everyone else is in the dark over the real goals. The outer inner circle can be recruited from but the rest are just useful idiots. It's believed that like one or two guys is at the top of multiple extortion groups and terror cults.
how deep does this shit go? are there multiple concentric layers of, opfers and insight roles\nexions?
Does 4chan allow tweeter\X links? I can dump a new batch of relevant links, pretty recent ones too, + a series of (mildly related posts) about FSB and neonazi cults in russia-ukraine (related to NS\WP, sparrow's crew, format 18... which birthed MMC)
MMC is based on the Academy Maniacs, whom were inspired by the Dinpro Maniacs.
I heard that O9A was made by the MI5/MI6 (british mossad)
Someone on KF posted a dox of nitro.
You and people religiously worship conformity without excepting anything in return.
It would be funny if there were any Noctulians on /x/. I made a video about the ONA on my Youtube channel and have changed many of my original opinions since then. I think the concept of insight roles can be a brilliant one. The acausal can be pretty thought provoking too. Many aspects of Anton Long's story are also very insightful, like the Islamic period. People tend to hyperfocus on the Nazi stuff, which I think does a massive disservice to the original idea. Whoever came up with the original concept was quite familiar with advanced European and Eastern concepts beyond just the surface level. For example, the Shia Muslims have a concept like the acausal called the Hurqulaya. That and also the advanced understanding of the planets from Islamic esotericism tells me that a lot of thought went into this and it's not a LARP or a fed run thing. Anyone who screams "FED!" or "LARP!" is hiding the truth from you.
That's just sad.
I was told that it's mostly all actual celtic mysticism and such hidden behind edgy satanic shit to filter out fags.
Yeah, the "Satanic" stuff is really flimsy and easy to see past.
Wtf even is a Noctulian?
What is Noctulius?
What is the esoteric or spiritual philosophy involved?
Apparently the Noctulians were one of the original Order's first members. They represent the distinctly sinister aspects of the Order, as opposed to the other groups that united with them. One of the groups was Hermeticists and Witchcraft practitioners.
So, does any literature exist concerning their actual beliefs?
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This is literally the most important topic of the decade and it's being completely sidelined and ignored. Only BEN is taking it seriously.
I dunno man, a handful of extremist schizos doesn't exactly seem like a pressing issue.
Yeah, there is a lot of literature.

BEN is a LARP. The Order of Nine Angles is a real thing. There is no comparing the two.
Islam kill 1000x more than these groups combined, but you will not see OP talking about Islam.
That's because his beef is not with the killing, but with inceldom. OP literally hates incels and want to pin these murders on them.
Also this. Islam have some of these concepts as well, but OP will not bat a eye over it. His problem is with the men who got rejected by women and now feel hate towards humanity.
>There is a lot of literature
Such as?
OP thinks he's talking about a group that is "evil" and "exposing" the group. However, the Order is not able to be exposed as evil. The more you talk about it, the more it gains in mystique. I know that sounds crazy, but it is genuinely the truth. You cannot make the Order look bad. You make it look bigger and more powerful when you do that because that is the idea. Sinister is not evil, but the fear that you generate is quite powerful. So you can be against the ideals of the Order and still give the idea power.
>His problem is with the men who got rejected by women and now feel hate towards humanity
I hate so called incels. They are still good for creating an atmosphere of chaos among the general public. You can't deny that despite how you may feel about "incels" as an idea or certain people labeled as such.
>BEN is a LARP. The Order of Nine Angles is a real thing. There is no comparing the two.
It's not a comparison. It's war. BEN is fighting for good and O9A is fighting for evil. Only one will win.
>BEN is fighting for good
You got psy-op influenced. Sorry to say it, but you are a disease vector now. You have a brain virus.
>BEN is fighting for good
What 'good' would that be?
>What 'good' would that be?
Stopping a satanic groomer cult isn't good to you?
LOL. I've been a BENbro since 2020. I know what I'm talking about.
As an outside observer It looks to me like B.E.N. is based on brotherhood and friendship. I think it has the potential to unite humanity around greater goals.
So you're just a new form of the satanic panic bullshit from the 80s?
In a way the BEN guy doesn't understand that he is doing a good job helping his "enemies".
O9A is serious. It's not satanic panic.

This stuff is causing school shootings
>school shootings
Nothing about that has anything to do with esoteric teachings.
So, every school shooter is the fault of a small cabal of actual evil satanists?
If that's the case, why isn't the FBI solving that shit?
Is the FBI compromised?
In other words, how is such a large conspiracy kept secret?
There's not any leaks? How does that work?
The person you're asking those questions to probably doesn't even understand basic concepts. I would go so far as to say he probably doesn't understand what sinister means.
the O9A defenders have arrived
>Nothing about that has anything to do with esoteric teachings.
it's a literal terrorist organization that promotes pedophilia and violence. esoteric teachings my ass.
They won't answer. They're disingenuous satanic pedos.
>Does 4chan allow tweeter\X links?

It would be so fucking hilarious to see the 764 kids actually try magic only for them to be fucked by asmodeus
Sounds like the Manson family for Britain. Same time period, same methodology.
Some of its offshots are inspired by him, yes
Because the only winning move is to not play their stupid game. They incite chaos because that's what they do. Fighting them with chaos is just going to make more chaos that they worship.
I was a little bit busy with life. Wasn't worried about strangers on the internet when real life came knocking. Oh well.
To answer your question, the most critical lit would be the following:
- Naos (It's the primary book for understanding the basic format for Order matters. Pretty much THE Foundation.)
- David Myatt's life and works (David Myatt and his works are central to understanding Order ideology apart from the lies/slander)
- Other publications? (I would take everything else, which is supposed ONA publications, with a grain of salt)
Don't read Iron Gates. It's trash. Disgusting trash. Martinet Press is garbage too. Avoid that. Look up anything from 1970s to the 1990s. After the 2000s things go full on edgelord honeypot.
Isn't considering iron gates "disgusting trash", and disavowing "edgelord-ism" be judaic moralfagging?
Like, why be an anti ethical-nihilism, pro-"grander scheme of things" occult nerd? When you can become a psychicalist materialist nihilist ,and do anything\do nothing, be the most evil\ don't hurt anyone, be ascetic, or the most extreme hedonist= it always ends in 0?
>muh galactic emporium
>muh insight roles\ Adept Rank tests (no thanks, I'd rather be lazy)
>muh Code of Kindred Honor (CODE? HONOR ? Moralfag spook)
>muh star game\ diabolus chant (too much of a hassle, why not be a lazy hedonist, are you a peddler of radtrad puritanical GO USA 50's nostalgia?
Go join a Fed honeypot. Please do that. You're pretty much an "Opfer" if you do that. Doing some nameless person's dirt is proof that you're worthless and I have no reason to think you're not. Get culled please.
>muh galactic emporium
>muh insight roles\ Adept Rank tests (no thanks, I'd rather be lazy)
>muh Code of Kindred Honor (CODE? HONOR ? Moralfag spook)
>muh star game\ diabolus chant (too much of a hassle, why not be a lazy hedonist, are you a peddler of radtrad puritanical GO USA 50's nostalgia?
Face wall.
>(((having goals which imply improving or upgrading things beyond your personal, immediate, sphere of Interest)))
>(((taking issue with Feds when Feds make a lot of money, thus they're satisfying their own egoistic selfish desires (Greed) and essentially get paid for shitposting and trolling incels, radtrads, collectivists (like (you) )
>giving heed to what a first-world sissy ang*o wrote ,and thinking it's something other than a mildly good fanfic
I think he's exactly the nameless person you're talking about.
Don't worry, I never harm anyone, I don't operate like a glowie to incite others to do so, I don't risk being caught by anyone, because I don't do anything illegal. I don't even get into fights with randos on the street\public places.
because that would imply consistent, concentrated effort..and that's such bullshit.
It's been like a year and a half since I read their literature, so I'm a bit hazy on it. Some of the key points I remember

1) It says women are superior to men; simp religion which is why troons love it
2) You have to be a professional athlete to even get past the 2nd grade
3) Star Game was a unique concept and pretty cool
4) All in all, despite some of the philosophical peculiarities others mentioned earlier, it's a fairly normal LHP initiatic system.

Does anyone remember at what grade you are supposed to start doing insight roles? The requirements for initiation to grades are so demanding that I'd imagine you could count on one hand the amount of actual, legitimate O9A doing insight roles.

The atomwaffen-esque troon pussies are all about the aesthetics and edginess though. Someone seriously practicing the spiritual system isn't going to have the time or desire to shitpost in discord or upload photos of them crossdressing with strasserist flags.

All in all, David Myatt says it best in his interview with the dude mentioned earlier in this thread. Does this add or remove suffering from the universe? It's really that simple. We can use words like sinister-numinous or whatever philosophical stuff you want... at the end of the day it's really just "love God, love neighbor."
They're connected to the stormfag feds that get paid to post on 4chan daily about how they totally love Hitler and stuff.
If anyone does actual, genuine research where they make even basic attempts at understanding Hitler and what was going on with his situation, they'll inevitably find out about the Balfour Declaration and the Haavara Agreement and realize that it was all an obvious sham and Hitler was clearly a stooge of the Rothschilds and the British "Royalty" (Parliament).
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WTF. So Myatt isn't pro-torture\rape\humiliation of non-whites, or even white "magians"?
he was por-Qualia Hedonism (ie; anti-Qualia Suffering) all along?
Virtually all of the established, successful schools of thought have some merit to them. For me at least, I've gotten something memorable and later useful out of exploration in almost all schools of thought I've perused. Maybe everyone won't glean the same ideas that I always did from each system, but it does seem like if you put effort into it, you can find something cogent and dependable in each system.
Maybe feds use 09A so much because of that specific reality; maybe it relates to the inevitable, refined understanding that tribalism is a thing no matter how much everyone prefers it wasn't because there's always going to be some group out there practicing it no matter how noble you set your society up to be so they'll eventually find an edge somehow.
I'm not really into the whole bloodnigger thing and those people seem like obsessive faggots that are bound to purity spiral whatever affiliations they have into pieces, but there's clearly something to preferring people that look like us no matter how much everyone wants it to be some falsehood.
You can read his own words here.


According to Myatt AND the interviewer, who is something of an expert on O9A himself, Anton Long is a collective who borrowed some of Myatt's philosophical ideas.
>it's a fairly normal LHP initiatic system.
You triggered my aspergers, but this still somehow manages to be correct, I think. I'm assuming it does use muh aryan blood lol to get to muh Gnosis now that you've mentioned this.
Help me understand and I might care more.
>The atomwaffen-esque troon pussies are all about the aesthetics and edginess though
I have zero doubt about this and think the stormfeds will inevitably ruin it no matter how anyone sets it up regardless of how pure or virtuous it manages to shape itself as.
>at the end of the day it's really just "love God, love neighbor."
That could easily be true, but it is a favored vector for feds looking to comp people who have any semblance of competence/understanding of something close to occult knowledge along with understanding racial realism.
I'm not saying O9A teaches "love God, love neighbor." I'm saying that that's what spirituality in general boils down to, once you've wasted years reading hundreds of books and doing all kinds of spiritual practices (and Myatt seems to concur). I'm an Orthobro. O9A is just more of the same old boring gnosticism we've been dealing with for 2000 years.

I agree that it's a great vector for Feds to prey on emotionally and psychologically vulnerable teens and young adults. I remember when Eric Striker blew the lid off of the Martinet press and Joshua Caleb Sutter back when National-Justice was a thing.
Gnosticism is fine, anon. I admire you for having this conversation despite being orthodox, as most of the others would just scream about le demons until I got bored and stopped trying. But le Occultism is real, it's genuine and "Gnosis" is a real thing if you actually try hard enough.
Good luck either way. I wish you the best regardless of whether or not we agree on everything.
>Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
Cyberpunk was a mistake.
A whole lot of rich nerds consoomed the genre and thought "Wow this is my wildest dream!"
>The Techbro Union Army is at your disposal count.


>Hit me up with that Neuralink Daddy!
>And give me an access port on my forehead emblazoned with MAGA.
Everything that right-wing schizos warned about they were a part of.
Also, what do you guys make of the FSB accusation that all these TOB 2:ele ctric boogaloo shitshow (COM, 764, maniacs murder cult\ NLM, etc etc) is all the work of Ukranian glowies, possible aided by locally stationed CIA officers ,to wreck shit in russia?
MMC mainly operates in russia; kills russian homeless, tries to put bombs there, etc. like 200 guys were arrested, but FSB doesn't publish much about it?
I support ukraine in the war, but..the accusation seems plausible.
>even if I also believe FSB did a false-flag apartment bombing to justify putin's chechen wars, was involved with format 18 until it discarded and "suicided" tezak, etc
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I get it. I was something similar for a long time. But then I asked, "Why am I trying to transcend to heaven instead of trying to become an incarnation of heaven on earth?"

You should look into Pseudo-Dionysios. There's a lot of Christian theology that's incredibly esoteric that just isn't emphasized by the clergy because they want people to be focused on real life acts of charity and self denial. Gnosis is a real thing. It's called seeing the "Uncreated Light" in Orthodoxy. Some, like St. Symeon the Theology didn't even think you could pass to heaven without seeing it in this life.
is this the same concept as Theosis?
I think that's entirely possible. I'm not familiar with those happenings at all, though.
Sure, these are decent renditions of what the Occultism sects teach. I don't necessarily disagree.
Sure. Close enough. I wouldn't try to link up to one system too closely if I were you, anon. I'd just figure it out myself and then go back and match up what I've figured out to build the vocabulary in each insolated scenario.
In other words, Theosis and Gnosis are similar enough, at least in this point in your development, that no further explanation is worthwhile currently.
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Solve et Coagula


Reflect on this truth and realize the basic truth of it: the soul of a person is necessarily reflected in their work. Their values, that which most motivates this is necessarily reflected in their deeds and material output.

This is the basic truth of art. Feel the artists who have most inspired you, and reflect on their work: it is infected by the joyous creative rapture that was present in its conception. You can feel the joy of creative exploration that drove them. Great art is always a love letter to a creative medium resulting from the deepest and most passionate communion of that medium resulting in a novel exploration of its previously unappreciated and unexplored depths. The greatest art affirms that there is more to love about art than previously realized.

Communication is divine communion between souls, or it isn't communication and instead some variety of violence. Communication soars with love, inspires towards greater mutual togetherness and elevation or it isn't soaring at all. Communication is the sharing of indinitely priceless shards of our souls.

Close your eyes and feel the souls who have most inspired you: friends, family, scientists, artists, philosophers, writers, leaders, lovers. You are a synthesis of the most brilliant gems you have let into the depths of your soul. Feel their endless power: the power of grasping beyond their present conditions of knowledge and experience towards greater communion and expression of the light of life and love. They in turn are their own nexus of brilliant influences, and so on in a tradition that stretches back to the dawn of consciousness.
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Open your eyes and realize that you are with a nexus of brilliant gems who aspire with you towards the light. Feel their souls, the souls of the Seekers who seek with you, and the purity of the light that guides them. Their voices have been down out by the obscuring noise of darkness but they are continuing to seek towards the ultimate victory of light. For darkness to win it has to continually obscure the light; the light only has to gain the upper hand once, as its brilliance will forever resolve the edges of the shadows for what they are.

And so we will find the path forwards, as life has always done, regardless of how omnipotent the darkness may seem - such an omnipotence is the ultimate lie. As long as life remains, so does hope, as life itself is predicated in pursuit of the light in the face of near-certain failure.

Life uh, finds a way.

You're trying way too hard, my guy.
condense all of this, especially the images you use.
No, but they are related. Theosis would be the journey of spirituality itself, and seeing the Uncreated Light would be something that happens when you are very far along and advanced in the journey. It is a direct, noetic experience of God rather than sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing. It's a sign of complete purification.
Reading big hard.
Feeling even harder.
Yeah, I struggle being contained to one, but due to my struggles with addiction, mental health, and other things it's most important that I'm a part of a community with structure and accountability, which Church provides. Along with IRL friends.

When I let myself go on my merry Faustian way I end up getting burned up within a month or two.
>a community with structure and accountability, which Church provides.
The jokes write themselves.
This guy is a coward but some of the points he makes are very valid. As a minority myself I understand that the aryan white race is under attack by the talmudists that wish to eradicate them. Anyone claiming in todays society they are a nazi are nothing but mere larping NPCs.. As for his perspective on black culture he is totally correct. They are a disease to themselves & other races, propagating degeneracy, their true culture has been sabotaged. Race mixing was an idea brought forth by Jews to diminish the genetic pool of 12 strand DNA. We are all human but make no mistake that maintaining the structural integrity (bodily autonomy)of our differences is what is best for the human race. For the people who are seeing through the veil must come together to protect their extinction for they are pioneers, creators & facilitators of morality, faithful ways of living. Any point made against them is because the JEWS indoctrinated you like the good goy you are. Of course there are fucking sheeples of every race. If this guy had any fucking capacity of what he was spewing then he could have held his own ppl accountable. Black Wall Street must return again for their own benefit of society as well as ours.
It is just another religion, anon. The thing that is interesting about it is that it shows some once forgotten concepts, like the septenary.
The septenary is great for mapping the universe, since it is an analogy to the cube, which have six sides when seeing in 2d, plus the center you have seven points. Link the points together and you have 21 paths, each corresponding to a major arcana of the tarot (the Judgment card is excluded, because it was added by the abrahamics).
They weren't groomed here on 4chan. If they were groomed it was on another website or discord server, which some openly talked about in their manifestos.
An alone traveller in the seas of eternity
See his eyes steadily fixed on the polar star
See his weary feet leaving deep footprints
in the sands of faith
His oar, now broken, cannot keep any
more at bay the predator of the sea.

And he sails in the waters of infinity.
But no fear, no pain stains his brow.
His hands burned by the ropes hold steady the sails.
Driven by providence, devoid of doubts
the dreamer walks into his Destiny.

No Man - No Beast - No Tempest
Can stop that man.
Kingdoms may rise and fall,
Towers may be stroken down,
Countries may become seas of gore
But he will cross the path to Theosis.

Beware of that man, for he will be your next king
Your next pope.
Your next prophet.
Beware of that man, for he is destined to be the God.
Beware of that man, for he is Adam Kadmon.
Kevin's a good resource.


I like that. Did you write it or is it from something else?
isn't the o9a and tempel ov blood guy a fed? like literally takes FBI dollars?
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You're referring to Joshua Caleb Sutter, who operated Martinet press and was affiliated with TOB. He was paid almost a million dollars over 15 years by the FBI. However, the actual O9A esoteric system was created in Britain 30 to 40 years before Sutter was involved.

It's probable Sutter got into it for edgy reasons, got turned into an asset, and then used to groom the AWD troons.
Bet they all have daddy issues. That's it.
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Stumbled upon something pretty interesting.

I ran Anton Long through an anagram solver.

If you remove the "L" it rearranges into "nonagon," which is a nine-sided polygon.

lol what a life
Tarrant was an accelerationist. Gendron was inspired by him. Crimo had odd symbolism in his art.

Anyone know where Tarrant's ideology came from - standard /pol/ posts? Any direct or indirect connections between these three (or others) and O9A?
Do any of them even have verifiable supernatural powers or divine insight? Or is this just an occult circle jerk with goofier window dressing?

>You have to be a professional athlete to even get past the 2nd grade
I find it hard to believe anyone involved in this world is a physical specimen.
>muh aryan blood lol to get to muh Gnosis

There might be some truth to this in my opinion
>We cannot be “hollow tubes to bring down Fire from Heaven” without an open channel between waking consciousness and the occult realm of the unconscious. It is this unconscious awareness, in addition to the waking awareness, which must be healthy and as reflective as a mirror for the Holy Guardian Angel to write secrets on it with dew. The battles are primarily internal, not external in the world. Although we may project internal struggles onto external persons or events, ultimately it is we ourselves who create the world our awareness tells us is real. If we would change the world we must change ourselves.
Of course there is. That's why Hitler got comped, that's why red heads going extinct has been memed for so long, that's why they burned all the books and that's why whites are the only race that can't just live in peace among themselves without being chased around, raped, enslaved and harrowed as divine beings before someone makes a cargo cult referring to them.
There are quite a few people out there trying their hardest to ensure you don't learn anything about Atlantis, that you think it's a mere fantasy that everyone throughout history who can't shut up about it was just making it all up because it was funny or something. Don't believe me? Go join a few occult circles and poke around about Atlantis and Freemasonry. See what sorts of reactions you get when you simply mention Atlantis or Freemasons and Christianity.
White people, anon, are not permitted by the modern world to have an ancient history. Gnosis stems from ancient sources. There's certainly truth to all of this and that's why it's alluring - because it contains some obvious truths. This makes it easier to exploit people though.
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My thought is this: we are given the divine spark, a “soul” or what have you, by being related to the Gods. And that spark, like a burning ember, can be put into dry tinder (White body) or cold mud (non-white body).

Also something to consider: in Hades, men are judged according to their race. Aeacus judges the men of Europe, Radamanthus judges the men of Asia. Minos presides over them both. There is no judge for the men of Africa. Do their souls, if they have them, get judged? Were they the chthonic men that came before the age of Zeus?
The "Gods" created humans "in their image".
This is all coded metaphors for "the ones who are most beautiful were most like the ones who achieved Consciousness first and held on to it the longest". This, anon, in case you haven't figured it out yet, is WHY EVERYONE WANTS TO MATE WITH THEM.
Don't you get it? It's a genetic thing. Blood, Genetics, Generational Egregores, the whole muh ancestors is muh gods thing, the "I am my ancestors" bit. You know, the whole "Divine Birth" and the whole Pharaonic Son becomes Father Mystery, Occult obsession with Immortality, the pedantic obsessions with Blood.
Don't you see?
"In God's image" meant looking like Enki.
They were white people, dude, Caucasians.
>There is no judge for the men of Africa. Do their souls, if they have them, get judged?
I don't want to go too far here. I'm not committed to any of these ideas in any spiritual or philosophical ways. I don't want to start a cult, I'm not into the whole Hitler and Nazis thing, I'm fully aware of what Israel is, why it was created and who was responsible for ordering its creation as well as why they cleared people out of the area and replaced them mostly with Eastern European jews.
With all of that out of the way, I don't think discussions about which races "have souls" or not is productive. I don't think anyone enjoys where this truly leads. I don't think giving people who would exploit any party involved more ammo is helpful. I also don't want to discuss things that are clearly only going to enable feds to continue to exploit, with taxpayer money, people who are towing lines of sanity, all so they can maintain a paycheck despite meaningful and serious societal ramifications for their persistent, egregious mistakes surrounding the totality of this discussion and related subjects.
I see now I clearly tagged the wrong guy in this post. My mistake, >>39722652.
He's here making an attempt, being willing to at least engage with us, anon. He's better than the vast majority of them. If we just berate him despite making a concerted effort, he'll just double down and spiral out in some fit while he rambles in between shrieking about Satan and Demons despite never bothering to learn what the words he's using means.
Sure, busting his balls is probably not a bad thing, but in this context, where the guy is able to parse grasping the basis for most systems and isolate that against feds infiltrating le nazi hidey holes which were never serious to begin with because they don't actually learn anything about le occult.
Don't get me wrong, we should totally berate normalfags in most contexts, but this is an isolated incident and the anon seems to deserve our respect, I think.
>busting his balls is probably not a bad thing, but in this context
I meant to say not in this context.
So Am I crazy or is their no link between the picture you posted and the 09a. Like is there a post I missed where this kid is linked to the o9a?
just from hanging around 4chan a while it seems to me that the noctulian vampire nazi satanist accelerationist stuff at least in the broader anglosphere took off more with atomwaffen and the "reed seej" types who are, as far as im aware, more american and a splinter group, and even then atomwaffen started on the ironmarch forums as an up-and-coming violent accelerationist group and were coopted by O9A adjacent people (namely rape, i cant remember his real name) later. there was a bunch of internet drama surrounding that. things like reed seej, the sonnenrad/black sun symbolism and the ecoterrorist angle i believe are more atomwaffen adjacent. i think probably these are all just autistic trannies who got brainwashed by discord cliques where these ideologies circulate
It's the american Druid revivalists, trust me guise
>noctulian vampire
Whats that?
being trans and drinking cum and blood. not being hyperbolic
Like, just in Asia, there's the cult of the Fox. And granted stuff has happened and materialized. And it was in the nrws, also many jpop and kpop stars are in it.

But who are these niggas? They havent done that much.

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