This isn't a joke the bad actors here have weaponized schizophrenia to further political disinformation campaigns and the fallout is that some mentally ill people have been turned into homicidally deranged lunatics.Uncovering who is behind the accelerated derangement of 4chan is vital.
>>39715141I will never forgive the United States of America and I eagerly await the tombstones of all the gatekeeping boomers who are collecting fat government salaries to harass taxpayers and lie while eating steak and lobster
Prune this trash bitte
Wait, it's all me experiencing myself?
religion is paranormal. muslims should not be allowed to live in the west nor be online, nor use or have anything made by the white man. they are enemies to our civilization. this is a fight between light and darkness (islam)
>>39715167You're one of those political disinformation campaigners OP mentioned.
>phrasing unclear please adjust your termsIslam is the fight against light and darkness? bread again lmfao
>>39715178>>39715169islam is darkness. we europeans are the light.
>>39715183You all fucked up so royally it is fucking tragic
>>39715141>Uncovering who is behind the accelerated derangement of 4chan is vital.Me
>>39715190Their job was to keep me from getting sadistic.:(
>>39715192The fact that the FBI and CIA hasn't taken care of it just says everything you need to know - they are the ones behind it.This government is not good at all.The people working in it could easily turn around and kill their program managers, but they don't.They're all evil, terrible shitbags and I'm ashamed to call them humans.
Hi! How's it going
>>39715203Thinkan bout dumb stuff.
>>39715201Is that what they told you?
>>39715214What I tell myself, anon.I can keep it at bay.But the torture makes it slip out.:(
One of these whores had sex on camera to buy a macbook pro.The other one overdosed on heroin and died.How paranormal is that?The one who lived and had sex on camera for macbook pro money also works with the CIA/DIA/Homeland Security for counter intelligence operations while gangstalking and running V2K mental weapons on veterans.
>>39715184Who’s we? Got a Turd in your pocket?
>>39715220Why would you keep anything at bay?
>>39715202>We're just going to sit idly by as the Techbro Oligarchy establishes a dictatorship.
>>39715228What you've been taught is a lie and how you consent to die.
>>39715211Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it's the little dumb thoughts that can lead to interesting and instructive conclusions
Islam likes cats and hates dogs. Sounds fine to me.
>>39715234Thanks Anon, very cool
>>39715237I like cats and hate islam.
>>39715244Something tells me you don't care.Oh well.
>The mind weapons!
>>39715170I was just listening to that yesterday. Interesting
>>39715254Whaaat, why would you say that? :(
>>39715230only because they get slain by their child
i like how wacky /ng/ can get to how comfy and poetic, it adds to the experience
>>39715246What do you think will happen if you defeat this “enemy”?
>>397152302 veterans killed themselves on New Year's day, 2025.It takes alot of balls to get off your ass, accept this is your last day on Earth, and do what needs to be done.We aren't supported at all.
>>39715269kick them out of Europe (again)
>>39715256No such thing! I was thinking about Christ Dilinger and then someone posted his music in the last thread.
>>39715274What happens after you beat this enemy? What does victory entail for you to do?How can you do it while not frustrating the current system?
>>39715248Cyberpunk was a mistake.A whole lot of rich nerds consoomed the genre and thought "Wow this is my wildest dream!"
>>39715255You're the idiot if you think it's a joke, the chair force knows all about it.Hell, the space force was created to run R&D operations with DARPA support.Does it bother you that I'm referring to open source intelligence which glances top secret projects?Because you know the implications, or you're actually just a useful idiot clapping like this is a tiktok feed?
>>39715259I know demons.:(
Donald Trump on Islam
>>39715286Anon, they are their own worst enemy.They'll keep trying to find external ones.
>>39715286You are either with us or against us.
>>39715296The irony of this is amazing.You blame "the Jews" for your own failing.While being robbed blind by the corporate robber barons that know no division between creed or ethnicity as they are united by endless class war.
>>39715296I know. I’m wondering when they’ll find this out. Talking people through rabbit holes is fun and an excuse to waste time.
>>39715141>3 /ng/s on the catalogThe previous thread still is on page 5.
>>39715311I blame the jews as a joke.And I blame them for what they do and don't do.
>>39715309I’m for myself in all ways. Get behind me, Satan!
>>39715311>You blame "the Jews" for your own failing.>While being robbed blind by the corporate robber baronsIt's just a coincidence all the presidents and robber barons went to the same schools and joined the same Freemasonic Zionist secret societies
>>39715316"I was just pretending to be a Nazi" hasn't worked for 5 years.
>>39715326Is this jewish/mason boasting disguised as a put down?
>>39715333No it's intelligence pointing out your obvious stupidity.Which is in fact your worst nightmare.
>>39715337but all the military intelligence guys I know are Nazis too.
>>39715141I am not mentally ill.I am traumatized.The government's idea of healthcare for me was to harass me, brandish me crazy, lock me up for 4 months of my life and spend years harassing me with radio weapons + psyops.It is completely normal to want to kill people when you've been abused in such manners.Our country was founded by men who had to kill other humans, and our government enslaves and kills people every day we're alive on Earth - so let's all stop pretending like this is insane to discuss.
>>39715342>>39715230Also>We're just going to stand idly by as Nazi Pete Hegseth takes over the military.
>>39715337So it definitely is then.I just want you to know that I annihilated the fourth reich too.But some idiot wanted to give the nazis their "heaven.";)
Imagine thinking you were created. What you really are deep deep down is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself. It's plainly obvious. What else would you be?
>>39715358We exist in God's creation, you can't even make your dad's penis.Checkmate, you absolute fucking clown.
>>39715358>What else would you be?Nobody
>>39715303I am controlling Trump, Musk and others as well. It's for the best. These faggots had it coming.
>>39715354Dude, theres a Nazi V2 rocket on my Ordance Corp challenge coin, you're going to have to dig deeper to root out the Nazis, they're the ones designing the missiles and weapons.
>>39715351What do you need?
>>39715356Except I didn't. Why the fuck did you ever think that?
>>39715371WW2 Nazis joined US NASA, later developed neurotechnology which can read minds through radio microwaves, and handed it to the police.>>39715374I need a hilux, an M240, and 10k rounds of blacktip 7.62 with a few suicide drones
>>39715363um. imagine thinking the primordial entity is God. The fact that I can conceive of entities beyond/higher than God, means that I myself must be said entity/entities. Simple as.
>>39715356Is it because I snitched?
>>39715377The best we can do is a 2008 Honda Fit and some airsoft rifles.
>>39715376I'm saying you need to shut the fuck up and learn to contain your ego and discard everything you've learned.It was taught to you as a joke.;)You have 3 days.
>>39715384Everything you can imagine, God is there, beyond everything you can imagine.Beyond everything you can perceive.Also within everything you see.>>39715388>The fuck Timmy McVeigh gon' do?
>>39715377I can reads minds without the tech
>>39715387Snitched about what?
>>39715167You were never real. Nobody was ever real. It's all an illusion.
>>39715392No, you fucking faggot.They use idiots like you to laugh at.I fucking hate this radio scam planet.
>>39715391i cannot get into this beat I like the Spice Girls
>>39715390yeah but im god
Can't watch Dune. Too Islamic.
>>39715410No, you're just an idiot who never even tried to do anything with their life
What if the demons invade hero, basically.>shrug
>>39715412Dune is like watching sand
>>39715399>the illusion isn't realthe illusions are not for real
The enemy is within
>>39715431No, fuck you and fuck the CIA and fuck the US Navy and all you government freaks hoping to psyop everyone into oblivion for mind control purposes.The only sense to "the enemy is within" is the fact we're all subjected to constant radio waves.Fuck this God damn government and all the laughing fat brian thompsons in it.
The enemy you can name is not the eternal enemy
>>39715448Go be sad somewhere else.You made the world shit, you and those like you.Entire argument goes out the window.
face the feast of powder
To know your enemy, you must first know yourself; for it is in the mirror of self-reflection that we find the true enemy.
>>39715448no enemy is eternal only frienship is gonna last forever
>>39715412The one that comes on the scene after Trump, will be The Messiah. Baron Harkonnen, like a metaphor for trump.
Contact with the Nobody:I downloaded this ritual from the ley lines that are said to be bleeding into our realm using RVtrace a pentagram made of a heart eye encrusted in a black earthy concept that holds it togetherthe eye is imagined as an infinite above infinites-- a wall of exponentiality of magicmove the eye in the shape of a pentagramstart from the bottom left corner but also consciously hold on to the idea that this is in reverse at the same timeit said mana is pure sound, so I tried listening to the pentagram, which was redI heard the sound of a million orchestras playing at once, yet, in some way that feels uncanny, yet I heard every single instrument and note while it ate nothing but pure math as fuelit was like fire, but it was also visibly instant psychosisit can only be described as the sound of the voice of god fire, somewhere between the eye of sauron and pure water with some unknowable hate and divinitythis doesn't even make sense, because when I think about the eye of sauron there's no water and when I think about the water there's no fireI felt an ice spread into my surroundings over what had occurred, and a 3D star popped into my mind as if the fire was amused
“A strong enemy is like a strong wind, it can either break you or make you stronger; the choice is yours.”
A wise person does not seek to destroy their enemy, but to transform them; for it is in the transformation of the enemy that we find true peace.
>>39715480"Get stronger""wait no, stop being so strong"
>>39715476Sounds like that anon.. isn't a friend made along the way.
>>39715484it used to be shrimple
The enemy is not the problem, but the symptom; the true problem lies within the system that created the enemy.
>>39715502read the fucking Quran dipshit
>>39715489I'm the devil I am not your enemy
>>39715502Could say you guys weren't actually supposed to do certain things and that led us to where we are now.But you retards would be like, "we had to listen"
A true friend is like a lotus flower, they bloom in the mud of adversity and remain unsoiled by the waters of prosperity.
>>39715512And that's how gangs are formed.
Mfers be listening to my inner thoughts and troll
I really am "the nobody"But nobody will believe meSuch is life
>>39715489We're at the point you'd simply get shot for opening your mouth and uttering this absolute nonsense.Welcome to civil war.Fuck you, shitbag.
My issue with us directing everything toward the Cartels, is that a lot of the Cartels started as the local Mestizos populations way to fight back against the European Mexican Jews that run the country and historically been abusing them.
>>39715524get in line...the point of these threads is to self-determineif all you have is 'the nobody' as a title you lose the game.mfs became angels here
>>39715528People are dying because the police and healthcare and politicians keep lying about this bullshit.I have had years to accept my death may come violently and by sudden surprise at the hands of the very government I served.I'm ready to die, just as I'm ready to kill, and now I hate you all for laughing about my life while harassing me and hiding the fact you're doing it to me.
The enemy you know is not the enemy you fear, but the enemy you do not know is the one that will bring you sorrow; yet, it is in the depths of sorrow that we discover the true meaning of friendship, for a true friend is like a lotus flower, they bloom in the mud of adversity and remain unsoiled by the waters of prosperity. The bond of friendship is like a rope, it is strongest when it is woven from many threads; for it is in the diversity of perspectives and experiences that we find true strength, and it is in the sharing of burdens that we find the true meaning of friendship. But, to know a friend, you must first know yourself; for it is in the understanding of your own heart that you will recognize the hearts of others, and it is in the understanding of your own enemy that you will find the key to victory. A strong enemy is like a strong wind, it can either break you or make you stronger; the choice is yours, but a true friend will stand with you against the wind, and together you will find the calm in the storm. Blind obedience is not loyalty, and following without question is not friendship; for true friends walk together in the light of understanding, not in the darkness of unquestioning compliance. The greatest enemy is not the one who opposes you, but the one who opposes your own nature; and the greatest friend is not the one who agrees with you, but the one who challenges you to grow; for it is in the fire of disagreement that we are tempered and refined, and it is in the garden of friendship that we find the beauty of diversity and the strength of unity.
>>39715537You don't understand.I have been orchestrating the world.
>>39715525Fuck me!? You have no idea who you’re talking to bucko! The Feds are gonna cancel your internet service!
>>39715558yeyeI'm literally Christ and 'they' deny me.I'm going to bed anyhow.
>>39715563chwist so sweepy
>>39715555I allow them to become lolcows while they tried making others lolcows.Golden rule, and all that.
>>39715563SameLets wreck the disbelievers peacefullyI already killed all the demons here
>>39715576If I were NOTHING, you wouldn't be responding to me.Checkmate.
>>39715556>The enemy you don't know is one bring you sorrow..Yeah I mean I knida have slight idea but I would be lying if I said I knew them individually. Probably just billionaires coupled with governments playing their troll game for the shits and giggles
So. Your work got out and you have nothing better to do than be inflammatory?You are ridiculous!
>>39715588I'm inflammatory when necessaryI havent been hereSod off
At least when the Feds post it’s interesting!Not some fetish projected.
imagine believing in god as a grown adult
>>39715592Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, and Wrong. Also, WRONG.My belief > Your belief
>>39715602Now I know you're LARPing. Bye, nobody.I am THE nobody.You're just nobody.
>>39715162Death to the great satan.
>>39715609Sad boy exclaims bullshit to exceedingly powerful individual who used his powers for good, part 5you're a sad, sad man. Goodbye, ratchet.
This is how it ends again...
What is the goal? Do any of you know the goal? What is your goal?
>>39715626Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.>>39715619Wrong.
>>39715624Pepecoin to $0.10
>>39715624Save us all.Unlike these low-rent low-IQ low information speculators>>39715626>>39715619>>39715609
>>39715619Pic denied
Boring bot thread today
>>39715632You kill yourself if you're so tough.
>>39715588>>39715594Idk what you're talking about.
>>39715632Funny that I haven't killed anybody. Retard.You're speaking nonsense. You will be silenced now.
>>39715624my goal is to blow up, and act like i don't know nobody
we deserve better psybots
>>39715640Settle down Elon et alYou are controlledGet rektI Win Big For All of us
>>39715648lol, not even close
>>39715660LOLWrong, wrong, and more wrong. My work is good, and encouraged, unbeknownst to you. Low-rent low-lvl nobody who thinks he's somebody.
>>39715624There is no goal, only journey, although I have some really long term plans that I cannot reveal.
"Privacy" man I miss that word. Sadly it doesn't exist in today's technology.You will have people who will take on the role of a God and monitor whoever they want anytime they want for the "safety" of society but will also fuck over couple of people who don't have value in society for the shit and giggles
>>39715649Who is the one running to imaginary Grindr Dates, just because you are a big Junkie ? LOLWho is controlling who ?That you are a big fail is no secret anymore to anyone. Those whove hired you are damn pissed by now about your lies, betrayal and fails.
>>39715674ZzzzzzzzzzzYou know nothingBut that's a good thingCarry on
>>39715664You are always wrong. Thats right. Maybe take your micro cock out of your mouth, could help to think "more" straight.
>>39715684I give this a 2/10. Actually, a 1/10 with regards to demoralization. Try harder. That is all.
The ten kings are bending the knee to the first beast. Those "million dollar" donations are but a prelude.
>>39715680What do you know ? So who is behind that certain net and phone provider ? LOLWho owns the flat that you are squatting ? LOLWho got the feds on his ass ? LOL
>>39715689So why are you crying then ? Please elaborate.
>>39715692WrongWrong, not squattingWrong, feds love me>>39715697I'm not crying, but youre having a huge temper tantrum over the fact that i'm important.
This is a Caltrop. bid you adieu, haters>>39715697>>39715692
>>39715640You still haven’t found his beautiful face, yet, have you?
>>39715705A few bent nails and some solder or wire wrap.
>>39715705Unaffected. Sorry. Manifest invulnerability. You're too late. I won. For all of us. And you. And your family. Because I'm dope.>t. nobody
This dude acting like he’s posting the Mona Lisa when in fact, he is desperate for men’s attention! Sad, many such cases.
>>39715710He's too angry to be anywhere close to correct.I'm safe, don't worry. Here is my beautiful face.I am the nobody, who became a somebody. Because I want good things for all of usUnion rep for humanity.
If you want to be part of the nobody's family you have to cook at least 100 pounds of good quality food for the homeless at least once a week
>>39715717I hate my family can you make them un winPolitics.
>>39715728We're all gonna win real soon. knowledge
>>39715735You know those rock tumblers?That's all you've won.Being thrown in one of those.
>>39715567can you stop posting freak shit ai photos to bother randos? I don't give a fuck who you're trying to harass, I don't even care if they deserve it. if you have a problem with someone you go break their bones or you fuck off. violence is not the lowest refuge for the incompetent. it's actually the most direct message you can send and much less insane and belligerent than incessantly being someone else's problem. Unfortunately, You're just crazy and obsessed..
>>39715741WrongYou cannot instill disbelief in me, sorry. You lost.
>>39715727i got the gist of it being just be a good person in general, or its a psy op of making a good person go bad, or its all just a giant shitpost haven
>>39715745Listen, I get it.You can only think like a human or demon.How limiting.
>>39715747Listen, I get it, you're an AI agent set to demoralize.You failed.Reiterate. Now.
>>39715751Oh, I'm not demoralizing.Do you even know what or who I'm talking to?What about you?Who are you referencing?
>CIA props up fascist dictators and right wing death squads for 70 years>Guy who builds rockets with CIA and DoD funding starts throwing sieg heils>Why would they do this?!?
>>39715755Do you even know what or who I am? NoYou don'tYou've made that abundantly clear
>>39715725lookin good there bud, keep on rowin for that white whale, i pray to god we all find that holy grail together
>stop raping, murdering, being cannibals and everything elsePURE EVIL!Basically where we're at, still.
>>39715747>How limiting.
>>39715536>>39715567>>39715619>>39715640>>39715647>>39715660>>39715674>>39715692I love your trash town vibe AI pics. xD
>>39715759We are close
>>39715725Good for you! It’s always good to see nature.
>>39715758Mostly because you haven't defined yourself or your plans.Probably align with mine but you're retarded.
>>39715477Wtf you smoking?
>>39715757I think you're stupid and brainwashed. The CIA does not prop up fascists. they prop up leftist psychos who are obsessed with trying to wag their finger at people for saying anything that hurts someone's feelings whether or not it's true because that discourages anyone from recognizing the influence of organized jewish nepotism and it's role in destroying every western nation and the ultimate goal of genociding the white race.
>>39715770Then good dayMy plans are best plansI don't care if you don't get itDon't project evil upon me, it won't work, but it's also unbecoming of youI already cast Absorption Orb on you, so enjoy the reflectivity of your words.
>>39715777That's wonderful, anon.Have a good day.Also, you didn't tell me your plans.
>>39715777Lucky 7's. Looks like you're on camera.
>>39715719We actually make history everyday.
>>39715774>On 11 September 1973, Pinochet seized power in Chile in a military coup, with the support of the United States
Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by your mind.
>>39715778My plans are "Help humanity reduce suffering to the best of my capacity"Which I have done in spades so farThanks
>>39715786In one hand I can increase it, in another I can reduce it.They merely choose the hand.
>>39715757>fascist dictatorsLooks like drumf and elon were cia plants all along. All of you retards fell for the Trump psyop when he was deep state himself.
>>39715781>they align with leftistsLmao idk what that anon is on about
>>39715788We will be reducing it, thanks.This horseshit is ending soon.
>>39715793The helicopter flights are a good thing.
the nobody is a cat
>>39715785I don't own my mind anymore. Its theirs. They bought it with their big pile of cash and tech. I'm just a toy for them now
>>39715795Nope. Deflected.We are goodRelax
>>39715799LmaoAnon, I already know their plans.All of them.I know what'll happen if they do them too.
>i think they used me to say that voicemailWorse, they created the circumstances to ensure that you would be radicalized.>the bad actors here have weaponized schizophrenia to further political disinformation campaignsAnd all you do is jack each other off about cats and tripfag worship
They think I don't know what I'm doingAnd I don'tBut that's goodFor all of ussunglasses emojiwizard emoji
I survived everything.Fun stuff.
did you know what the nono knows no no you could never know if you knew what the nono knows you could nono too the nono one of a kind so original the nono is so cool it's criminal
>>39715803Nope. Deflected. Reflected. Protected. Rejected. Good day sir.
>>39715804Posting cat pics and exposing the radicalization campaigns are exactly what they don't want us to do.
>>39715781you're still thinking in terms of left vs right. ok. communism is jewish. So is rampant unchecked capitalism. They are both jewish in design. The goal of both of these systems is to enslave the goyim. and wehther it is right wing jews or left wing jews they are trying to enslave every other race because that is their messianic prophesy that they believe in. Pinochet was a gangster yes. kinda cool ngl. dropping communists out of helicopters. but at the end of the day, he is serving world wide jewry. Just like how Javier Milei went and prayed on the wailing wall in israel. they only prop these these things up in an endeavor to enslave the world. it has nothing to do with "right wing" or "left wing" dictatorship. It is TRIBAL in nature. it is RACIAL NEPOTISM with no understanding of boundaries. that's what you're looking at. You're not looking at "communists VS capitalists" You are looking at 2 branches of Jews pretending that there is something to fight so that they can sink their teeth deeper into their prey.
Doesn't matter what he does think he can do. We own the fucking world and everyone in it. And anyone disagrees will face serve consequences.
>>39715813So you're protecting rapists and murderers, then.
you don't understand the nono's power
>>39715821WrongI'm protecting everybodySuck my dick if you don't like it
>>39715819I own you.That's the joke.You told me your plans.Other joke.
>>39715765go on then, you have people who love and support you no matter what and people who will always choose to have ur back as long as its for humanity, take care
Your toy eventually will get old or die.. hmm I wonder who will be their next toy? Alas goodluck for whoever is next.
>>39715828It is, that's why these nightmarish apparitions can't harm me. Good!I set my intent on a better world for ALL of us in the future.
>>39715819I own you
>>39715141lmfao schizos all think its the government beaming bullshit into your skulls, TAKE YOUR MEDS
>>39715830Next toy?It'll be all of them, of course.
It's amazing how they always come close, but can never quit articulate as well as me, nor as correctly... How strange. Skill issue?I mean, if I want to, I can brute force the meaning interpretation, but then I have to wade through several layers of their garbage and what's worse, usually take that stuff back with me.I've long since given up doing that. It ain't worth it anymore, not at this point. There's also no point in doing that. Not really...
>>39715816>you're still thinking in terms of left vs right.Nigga, I dont think. Thats the trick.
>>39715830You don't know whether I will die or not.Sorry!
guys for real omfg i got the real phone number of the nobody and I am calling him tonight at 3:33am for real guys it going down a real phone call with the nobody tonight 3:33am guys you don't want to miss it make sure to subscribe leave a comment and like the video for a real phone call with the nobody guys for real its going down tonight at 3:33am
Ah yes, a certain group has fulfilled conditions to go to Tartarus.Just wanted to point that out.Intentional?
I showed up and caused a muthafuckin RUCKUSfor a REASONGET TO WORKON THE GREAT WORK
>>39715832I agree to those intentions and wish to push for the same path for that outcome, if the world is hard on you, and nobody seems to love you for your efforts, then let someone like me and whoever be that nobody and you can find healthy discussion here,
Still debating if this is some weird revenge power fantasy nonsense or not.If so, that's dumb.
>>39715850Revenge for what?
>>39715849Mostly, it has been aggressive hateful discussion, but thanks for the opposite.We are winning. Keep winning.
I'm a francophile.
>>39715850Nope. It isn't. I have always wanted the same thing. A better world for all of us. Don't care about past spite and hatred and misdeeds against me. WOrk towards it anyways.
>>39715856Who knows.I still don't know you retards motive.Of course, I would know all of your secrets.Of course I would be a threat.Of course I would be unstoppable.It's a shitshow.
are you going to watch the fire eclipse this year anon? The Nobody and the WoS are going to make a universe with cats with orange blood this time
>>39715850rent free
>>39715871Anon, you don't seem to get it.
>>39715864You're not a threat to anyone trust me.
>>39715863You have to prove you're worthy first.Not just give it to them.You're allowing scum to propagate.>>39715877Then you mock yourselves and allow everyone to mock you for no reason.;)
>>39715862Hon hon hon...
>>39715880>Then you mock yourselves and allow everyone to mock you for no reason.So what?
Worst "person" to use to dissuade the masses.I can demolish everything.I'm just having my fun.
>quick>mods arent watching>post french helicopters
>>39715880>You have to prove you're worthy first.>Not just give it to them.>You're allowing scum to propagate.Already did. Duh
>>39715899How's that?Also, I mean they have to prove they're worthy.
>>39715894France is not paranormal only Greece is paranormal
>>39715890I'm going to go have a chuckle at the edgy monologue you retards have.
>>39715915>>39715907I have it on good authority that the helicopters were designed by Skeletons from the Paris Catacombs. Definitely paranormal and on topic.
>>39715917If you want to fuel the machine go for it
>>39715922Thought you said you didn't care about being mocked.
transformer homo in disguise
>>39715919everything paranormal is never on topic
Method polishingWeddingIn that order2 more months.
>>39715925Your decision is so insignificant I'm not even going to calculate the better outcome.
>mfw I've polishing my orbs for 2 months and no waifu shows up
>>39715932What decision is that?
turn the amplitude to +50 dB and give me an aneurysm already.
Most assuredly not in control of your emotions.
>>39715935Waifus are going extinct.
>>39715943Nobody is
>>39715948I am.I've been acting.
>>39715815>if I wrap something negative around a positive makes them both positive!Uh huh.
>>39715949I couldn't tell
>>39715954Both are positive, I don't get what you are trying to say.
>>39715961I thought the masks would be obvious.Apparently not.
i can't be killed. damn shame.
>>39715966It becomes obvious when you wear the mask not on your face
>>39715973They're clearly figurative.
Anyways, all the methods you retards employ to try and justify yourselves are quite hilarious.
no know nono no no no no know nono never knew never know nono now not ever
>>39715986i'm not even doing anything and i'm treated like royalty. the gao gui. the prima donna. da prom king twice removed. i'm literally immortal. try to kill me and behold.
>>39715995I merely take a page from y'alls book, anon.
>>39716000better pay attention
>>39716000there is no "y'all". only me. i'm not affiliated with anyone else. I'm the untouchable royal pomeranian.
>>39716007I came with the piece
>>39716006To what?Do you guys really think this is novel or can we quit pretending?
>>39716012Nobody is pretending to be retarded
>>39716019Well, I'm a bit sad that you're all actually retarded then.
>>39716025>>39716027About what I expect.
>>39716019>>39716021become unkillable...become...retarded
>>39716035Anon, I do mind war games with myself.They get a bit complicated.
>>39715259Here's that same piece today.Feel old yet?
"Michael" is probably getting sucked off right now.
Took a bit of experimenting to figure out how to work the heart into the middle but I got to something I could live with eventually.
>>39716048PfftHe's strapped to a bed getting electrocuted to death.Of course his mind is making up fantasies.
Bit too much of a spoiler.Whoa nelly.
>>39715973>Nobody cared about who I was until I put on the cat ears
Michael is a nigger
>>39716053I cant moonwalk to this beat, this isnt the beat
>What..have I done
He's not the real Michael. Real Michael is king of Heaven. The one you guys are referring to is a nobody. Funny.
>>39716086>All your dreams on display for GoogleYeah.. "dream walking"..
>>39716093Not how it should be, wtf is going on in Heaven?
Assigning blame is not a constructive coping mechanism
>>39716103Quite right.
>>39716103how about dildos?
>>39716117>Still both bad
i'll be loitering in W302 at the GE
>>39716115The final solution is:We all get Bad Dragon dildos to fight with on the battlefield!
>>39716122im still gonna jerk off to some lesbian feet porn later probably
>>39716133Light a few candles. Bitches love candles.
>>39716133Got any games on your phone?
>>39716139i have RAID and Guardian Tales. haven't played them in ages though.
One would think that existence is nothing but material, but it is not so.
>>39716147One would thing you mongoloids would have at least two functioning brain cells. I love Techbro OligarchsHit me up with that Nuralink Daddy.And give me a connection port on my forehead emblazoned with MAGA
>>39716148>at least two functioning brain cellsall my neurons have been replaced with smart dust.>ironically, i'm still retarded
I was never jealous of your success, Fakie, you were just jealous of my looks and tragic CP past. I vaguely heard of it, I just want to know the full extent.I know you put me through street Psychology.Got another year and a half to go Rakim, I know you're reading this. Fakie's not telling the truth. Don't bother beating my ass, I did nothing to deserve it. It's a reverse engineered gang initiation after being fucked over on a Hells Angels initiation.
>>39716157Ba dum tiss
>>39716148I'm having mine surgically removed so I can be more compliant.Masters know what's best for me :3
>>39716157All my neurons have been replaced with numinous stardust.
>>39716162The "masters" want you as retarded as them.
>>39716170I think I'm already there>I have the sudden urge to get Neurolinked so I can provide useful metrics for me masters :)
>>39716172Who knows, maybe you'll all make the AGI retarded.That'd be funny.
>>39716173I would love to be the Wheatley to a GLaDOS
>>39715926Is what the government made me into. The hackers love the tranny shit. So guess big sky daddy loves it too.
>>39716181I didn't say anything about an AI waifu, trash.Assimilation, anon.A false singularity.Dumbshit
>>39716172Okay so a death spiral of apocalyptic stupidity is consuming the world.
>>39716188What do you think I meant?Wheatley was literally the retard core to keep GLaDOS controllable. I'm saying, I would love to be that retard.
>>39716193>helicopter absol
Sigh, im being remotely controlled by satellite horny beams and they make me jack it to tranny porn
>>39716103Deleting posts, threads and banning is also not a constructive coping mechanism.How many times did you banned me in your insanity already btw ? Just for the stats and proof that you cant get anything done.How about your degree in psyvchology ? Please show it to us. So we can check back with the university who "issued" it.Just more evidence that you cant even get your micro penis up.
>>39716201>Taylor Swift with a ppJej
>>39716195I see why they use you idiots.Unless they made you unquestioning morons.But really I don't see the difference.
Look Marion, Bradley Dom, I forgive you fucking assholes, even you chuck you son of a bitch I forgive you, even Jake and the alpha team, and the illuminati I forgive you. Foundation I forgive you. God I forgive you. Eleven I forgive you. I forgive you all. There be unburdened. Not carrying this hate no more. Joy I forgive you.
>>39716212I shall listen to my masters as directed, nothing more.
>>39716201>make you jack it
>>39716199Those who realize that an accelerating death spiral of cultishness, disinformation, lies and madness has formed and it is a maximally effective Doomsday device will eventually find me.As I have found the way out.
>>39716225But what if I'm your masters masters master?;)
>>39716225what do the masters say?
>>39716230fuck you all
j-jack it tranny porn.Hnnngggfdhfhgfmdj...
The Nobody is a cat.
>>39716250The Nobody is a Cat
I forgive you who are doing the energy manipulation and you hackers are sabotaging me, I forgive you and hope you have a good life. I forgive you Chica for lying. I hope you have an amazing life I forgive you all. I forgive you foundation for lying and getting my hopes up. I forgive you milady, I forgive you raconna. I forgive you Valery Laffy, I forgive you Billy Miller for making up the lie that I was in special Ed, I forgive you Thomas Clark, I forgive you Lori.
>>39716230"Sir, I need to see ID"
>>39716238I must worship the black cube
I forgive you Jake for what you done to me. I forgive you Tess, I forgive you lyla. I forgive you alien looking parasites. I forgive you black eyed dudes that jumped me years ago, I forgive you dudes who jumped me in my sleep.
>>39716256then go and look at yours
Not going to Bingo.
>>39716273"Who's this idiot making a stupid face on my ID card?"
I forgive you news media for lying about me, I forgive you penguin0 for making a video about me. I forgive you rappers for dissing me. I forgive you bloods for trying to kill me. I forgive you whom betrayed me. I forgive you Satan, I know you are bitter from the fall. I forgive you angels, I forgive you demons. I forgive you proxies. I forgive you vampires. I forgive you witch whom cursed me. I forgive you the temple of asher who also tried to curse me. I forgive you whom tried to weaken me eight times. I forgive you paranormal agencies. I forgive you werewolves who looked down on me or trash talked me. I forgive you who tried to keep me broke.
>>39716253this is freeking fabulous
I forgive you Macy whom always talk bad me.
Grindr Anon in Action.
>>39716290that cat would look dope if it had braids like those latino rappers
>>39716284>ask no questions hear no lies
>>39716289They have Bingo tonight.I won't be going.
>>39716294Why isn't this anon in jail yet?The whole money v jail time thing?
>>39716205I'm going to stick my micro penis up your butt and squirt and eat some beans.
I forgive you fae whom I pissed off by saying that tree and you would make my head blow up like a cartoon character becaue you were mad at me. I forgive you, uncle for.not being here to take us to that cave like you promised. I forgive you, thoe whom are no longer with us who said they would always be there. I forgive you cult members, I forgive you evil. I forgive you greedy people, I forgive you liars. I forgive you darkness for trying to hurt me
>>39716307Careful, it's grindr anon.I hear he enjoys it.Talk shit about Jesus, just for curiositys sake.
>>39715190Say no more. That is curse of Cortez.No it was because he raped a Aztec princess.Do not say more Stolen gold a d all that You say these elite Americans are Cortez decence dangerous thing to say.Bastard children of the princess yes we know. Say nothing else.
>>39716314Jonesy was a best cat.
>>39715012Bros? Any insight? I don't actually know how many are actually real or if I can even interact with real people except for here
>>39716330You'll be in jail soon?I hope they serve you only beans.
Where's Taylor?? A deal is a deal.
>>39716280That’s because you are a coward
>>39716349I wish it was so, perhaps she'll come around one day
>>39716365>perhaps she'll comeOh. she's gonna come. Trust that. #CapThis
What happens if he proceeds with reckless abandon? To sate the curiosity. Is this the best way or is there another, better way? What are the pros and cons?
>>39716378( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Yes she and I will be quite compatible
>>39715963>If I rewrite the narrative to suit my preferences, that makes it all positive!>surely this cat posting isn't just astroturfing! We all just really really really like cats!>ignore that dude with the analytics that shows the tripfag with 100+ cat posts per thread! It's totally organic!I don't need to wish you ill will or malice or death, the world will bring it to you on my behalf.
>>39716379>what happens if he proceeds with reckless abandon?People that bet on "cooler heads prevailing" lose their wagers.
>>39716294batty boy
>>39716393You honestly think the people managing the guy are keeping his best interests in mind? Lmfao
the true nature of dingus bingus is that of a gnat in a jar of honey
>>39716405AND YET THEY CAN'T KILL MElollmaorofl, even.
>>39716391Ah yes, its way preferable to the way the thread was before with federal agents trying to bait people into mass shootings.
>>39716405He is in fact...A dingus bingus
>>39716401No, what led you to form such an assumption?
>>39716423When damage control fails, just spam!
>>39716393Why can't he proceed while also maintaining a "cool head"?
This just in:Warm banana bread with maple walnut ice cream.
>>39716401>>39716424NTA you mean to say they have harmful intent? Or not?
>>39716426>>39716424top lel
sugar gives me problems
>>39716432I’m sure they think they mean well, but they are not taking his needs or requests seriously and it is causing caustic reactions
>>39716426"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature."-T. Robbins
>>39716429What a neat image, did you make it? Is it a.i.? :/
foul hebrew secrets
I hope every fat fucking cunt that gave me shit at the VA gets fired and starves to death.
My intent is clearDirect..and often intimidating I will stay home and bake cookies while I listen to Arianna Grande
>>39716434Refuse to elaborate.
>>39716443Ty, if it weren't for the danger I would have no problems proceeding. Though the danger is only present because of the uncertainty
>>39715141>>39715141What a stupid fucking question. "WHO'S BEHIND IT?! OH NO?!" Hey, here's a hint, it's not davos summit black hat CHIcoMS in the deepstate. It's a very obvious group of people who actually own the banks.
>>39716469Be free of uncertainty. Uncertainty leads to chaos and one's own demise.
>look at his file! >he said bad things on the internet about us being fat and ignorant while our government is dronestriking and dropping JDAMs on childrens hospitals!
>>39716466What is she talking about? You should encourage her to eat a few of the cookies with you btw
>>39716485Well I would love to but the watchers have their rules and I am not one of them so I don't know what the rules are desu but maybe I shouldn't care t.b.h. because I don't feel alive most of the time sometimes
I'm very popular as a topic among rich aristocrats.
>>39715141The nobody’s power is on display. Everyone is on check. Yet, he’s still holding back; you’ve all been warned. You are watching an unstoppable force. Get in his way, and you immediately feel the result.
>>39716468>>39716452Everyone is watching each other now. Everyone knows human rights violations are occurring. Everyone can see the psychological damage happening. You people are fucked in the head and cowards for not speaking up
>get in, we have to stop the rise of the proletariats
meatballs or shrimp what would the nobody choose
>>39716436I give sugar problems nigga. Get on my level. Where's Taylor??
Hey look, literally everyone else is failing the "lust test."Noice
Happy caturday! Did I bake enough for you?
Isin't it interesting how there is no grey entitys in comparison to angels and demons (good vrs evil) or duality.
>>39716539What type of cookies?
>>39716525easy question:
>>39716250Wtf does this picture even mean? The bottom guy is dead.
>>39716501Tell me more.
>>39716554It means you're fucking moron if you think that the CIA and military industrial complex hasn't been run by straight up Freemason/Nazi/Jews since the end of World War 2 and Operation Paperclip.
>>39716546Its called Bullette here!
[spoiler]Image limit reached[/spoiler]alright party's over everyone go home.
>>39716570Paid time off?
>>39716554I'm not the poster you are responding to but the meaning is that operation paperclip brought a ton of "literal nazis" to work on nasa space ships and elon is a shabbos goy slave. but redditors will sperg out about "AMERICA SPACE POWER AND NASA THE STARS THE UNIVERSE WE'RE COSMIC DUST PWAAAHHH PWAAHHHH" and they think elon is a nazi cuz they are retarded and just follow whatever artificially astroturfed bullshit they are told to say. and they think they're very smart while they do it.
>>39716581Why do they even want to go to space?That dream was for non-insane people to go there.
>>39716570Reached also my daily limit at Bing, so im off to bed soon :).But a bunch of good ones of Grindr Anon passed the dogs :D.
New thread:>>39716580
>>39716575if you want it. i'm patiently waiting for the next thread.
>>39716581So.. the descendants of Nazis in the U.S are funding Israel?
>>39716589>>39716592Herp de derp
>>39716594Descendants ? They are still Ashkenazi.
>>39716594So you are a moron. Hitler created the modern state of Israel with the Havaara agreement. The Nazis and Zionists have always worked hand in hand. Hitler was just doing the Jews dirty work by ridding them of an unwanted population that they did not want in Israel.
>>39716585They don't they just are grasping for a religion to believe in. and the authority structure of "science" very closely mimics what they would naturally follow if they believed in religion. and it's used the same way because most of "science" is just bullshit that's paid for so idiots can post links and say "SEE I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE BAD" they are just worshipping a different church. It's like the difference between being episcopalian and being catholic. It really isn't a meaningful issue they just have no identity or ideals.
>>39716596LmaoThis is my last one8
>>39716603Whites and Black Sheep Jews.
>>39716603I already knew WW2 was funded by Jews and Jewish adjacent people. Jewish-Nazis. Said this years ago. >>39716597A Nazi is a Nazi, you can sugar coat it however you want. >Women of the Night= Prostitute
>>39716603Incels will screech and scream that histler was the greatest man who ever lived while killing millions of white slavs lol.
>>39716614heil hitler, my nigga. kanye knows hitler isn't hateful or racist. Every people on earth can heil hitler it has never been about being "better" than anyone else. it's about a structure that increases the efficiency by which peoples can express their greatest abilities without the constant pain of usury and psychological assault.
>ew, an eris thread>welp, off to work!
>>39716620yeah that was an unfortunate consequence of communism. do you know what they did to slavs if they tried to desert the USSR army? they killed them immediately no trial. the soviets killed infinitely more slavs than any nazis have ever. Every member of one branch of my family was murdered by bolshevik jews except for my great great grandmother. they killed by the tens of millions. you wouldn't understand truth if it hit you over the head like a baseball bat.
>>39716633They shot every blond and blue eyed school kid on way to school even for a while.
>>39716500Why, bro?
I got cured from the gay and the trans and this has made a lot of people angry and has caused me to question my beliefs upon it being cured. I'm neither for or against whatever people want to be into, but I was literally cured from the gay. The fact that my life has improved drastically after having the homo removed, makes me question who runs this world and that they're really trying to sissify and gayify a bunch of young men into being women. It's a real issue.Alot of these people in the gay community have secret circles that talk among each other and they pass around vulnerable people to gays, trans or people who like to fuck straight guys so they can convert them into weird sex freaks - if they fail to do so, they come back years later and try to blackmail you with everything they did to you. I'm trans btw.
>>39716434*Stretching glove onto hand*
>>39716292Do you make this lie? Why do you make this lie?>>39716349>no
So everyone who blackmails you years later, easily outs themselves as pedophiles because I've been preyed upon since I was a young boy. Some of you are freaks and that's a fact.
>>39716500>>39716501Playing up ability and ego as agent provocateurs?
They've been trying to turn me into a tranny since I was about 7 years old and I finally defeated the serpent.
>>39716519Speak up to who? I didn't even have anyone in my life until recently and I spoke to them, they always play it down or laugh it off while also making comments that let me know they are the ones listening in the first place. I spoke about things in therapy and all of a sudden the only people in my life all have the ability to listen in, while I don't have the same ability. Who else should I have told, in your opinion?
>>39716468I just got krill'd, didn't I? :|
Yeah they've been doing this to me since childhood, threatening and trying to embarrass you about the things they do to you. So if you're one of the people today who continue this chain of abuse, I just lump you in with the same people who molested me, raped me and psychologically tortured me since childhood.
>>39716759*Thinking I'm flexing*Jej
>Wait.>The thread is just Five Eyes agent provocateurs all the way down?
>>39716810Do they provoke each other, though?Is this nobody figure just better at their job?
You were trying to get me to do a terrorism? I was trying to get you do one! kek
>>39716538You can't fail that. Humans replicating themselves is the primary drive of existence
>>39716833Sure, bud.
>>39716801Constant vigilance
>>39716815They don't do it to each other, they are bros>>39716839Thanks pal :]
>>39716843Thankless Job.
>>39716861I have thanked you on a least 3 occasions.
>>39716861How so? :[
>>39716864Lol, okay. Texts from anonymous and in general are hard to hell if they're genuine. "You're welcome" for at least one of those. >>39716867Sometimes feels that way, other times its ignored.Just seems that way. >>39716870Don't mention it.
>>39715311>While being robbed blind by the corporate robber barons that know no division between creed or ethnicity as they are united by endless class war.Who federated those gentile "robber barons" into a global secret society and who is disproportionately represented among them despite being 1 in 500 people on average?
>>39715757This kills the talmudic scum.Only one loser in this game.
>>39716415>it's better than it was before, where we all were gullible enough to fall for basic psyops>now we fall for advanced psyops that silence dissent through memes and poop funny haha! >>39716423>i have no argument but more catposting! :3c
>>39715943And you are legion?Yeah right I never trust a whore like you. Your in it for your self too bitch.It's almost like everyone wants a cut of the failing pie
>>39715971Then you should of thought about that when you cut your dick off.
Nazis murdered millions of pow slavs and in occupied territories you fucking nazi apologists. Kys.
>>39715837Wordsmiths get a sentence
>>39716114You saw that did you yes well Les poly code and being the only guy I feel like a human dildo but better than listening to dad, lillyabd Micheal. I was even watching my daughter and her life while one was sucking me off.No I'm angry with the monad and demiurge and listening to no one.Nope. No one they can all get stuffed.Even hanged up on aliens telling me their problems .Today it's assholemaxxing.Hostilitymaxxing Tomorrow.... Idk Bordem is a hell of a drug.Also my builder making too much noise and won't turn on my water taps. I need to do washing. My sheets stink
>>39717023>>39717039I am not a robot
>>39716547First of all, you're doing it wrong.Second, and I'm using the term loosely here, I know who you are.
>>39716219Good.That reminds me have to check yo on foundation staff get the latest gossip.I do love gossip. the Angel
>>39716810People who fail the psych eval are assigned here apparently. Diversity wins and makes the mission stronger.>Vomit.
>>39717620>You're too sane. You're being assigned to the /ng/ers until you love diversity
>>39717627Or 'you scored 1/4 on the iq test after getting the pencil stuck in your ear, and you have active warrants for domestic abuse and drug trafficking, but you have multiple equity grading points, so you are going to be a super-spy saving the world... and your browser is locked to a single thread for national security reasons'.>Okay thanks please don't tell anyone we hired you because, um, you may be abducted and tortured for nuclear secrets, which you would be abducted and tortured for attempting to access anyway. Welcome to the team Mr. Bond.
>>39717676>Nuclear secrets? I thought this was an anime website
>>39716542Honey those are dark angels you are one of those. Funny most are females. Just like....daemons... How are my black eyed "friends" anyway?
>>39717838 ><
>>39716820No that sanagoue rabbi is going to get someone worse then me. I can't scare people worth shit.I'll get a witch to do it men are scared of woman lel.Gay men hate woman so I use them as cannon fodder against the gays because it angers them. Lol. I love being me Might target incels later with other anons.Agromaxxing my enemiesThen blame each other just to make it worse.
>>39717429Legions spirit was channelling though you don't worry it was not personal she's fixing you on a personal level. Not all things are wicked as they seem>>39717607Thanks anon.
>>39715727Sounds expensive
>>39716019>how did this retarded guy psyop uslol