The further away from “fundamental” that is asked, the less likely I will engage with the question unless it touches on a relevant topic.First: yes, it is one eternal infinite moment. Easiest given.
>>39717465the universe is finite. you already failed
I have been having recurring dreams this past week of an old high school acquaintance whom I have not thought about or spoken to in 20 years, at first I thought I was just imagining their existence until i found a class photo from 2003 and confirmed it, I have been unable to find them on social media & none of the school friends I still have on facebook remember their name, what could this possibly signify as it feels to me of great importance, I have become almost obsessed with trying to establish contact with them to no avail, as for the dream, I climbed up onto a bunkbed and there the were, i knew fully & 100% it was that person and i felt comfort by them and love for their presence despite never socialising or engaging with them outside of class so many years ago, i struggled to remember their face after i woke up and thought maybe i had imagined them as the distant memory of them is so vague, until i saw the class photo
>>39717519This person represents an archetype your inner self believes it is missing. Identify the archetype and what it manifests as in your life, and seek inwards to find why you believe it is missing subconsciously.
What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?
>>39717465Why can't my loved one manifest in the real world whenever they want?Why can't I escape reality and come back whenever I want?
>>39717587thank you, do you have any advice on how i could go about identifying the archtype? Am i misguided in trying to establish contact with this person then? I have dreamt of them the past 3 nights in a row & been feeling an urgency to find them
>>39717632to be blunt my dreams have lead me to basically fall in love with this person which is confusing as im happily married with kids & never felt such things for them when we were in school
>>397174651. What makes you any more qualified than anyone else here to answer questions2. Is the truth in materialism or idealism? I'm curious about the nature of consciousness and what (if any) impact it actually has on reality
>>39717664aswell as being aware that the person i am falling in love with from my dreams is essentially 22 years younger than the person they would be now & i have no perception of how they would be now
>>39717465I have been having regular hypnogogic visions, where i can still hear music & people around me but get the very real sensation I am being anally penetrated, it feels like extreme intense pleasure, too much to actually bare whilst simultaneously feeling i am being abused and it is wrong. I often feel guilt for enjoying this sensation and often beg for it to stop because it is too intense but have no grasp on what it may be or the source of it, honestly any tidbit on this would be extremely helpful for my own sanity, i am a hetero male who has never partaken in such activities in waking life. Thank you
>general knowledge bearer here!>the less fundamental a question, the less likely I will answer it!Lmfao
>>39717474(((broker fee)))
>>39717606It is truly arbitrary. To experience what the creator experiences.>>39717616Despite being a cocreator, we all reach consensus here>>39717632Find that which you deem unacceptable in others and find empathy for it in yourself>>39717664If there is fear involved, discernment is key. Understand what you are afraid of and why you need not be>>397176661. Nothing inherently, currently I have access to “answers” in the form of an understanding of sorts.2. Both. The physical and spiritual are entirely intertwined and operate in the same way, they rhyme.>>39717729This sounds like negative entity contact to induce fear or the sense of hopelessness. Paradoxically, attempt to exert love when this begins or you notice and note what the reaction is>>39717748Things like “why does Elon musk do xyz” have answers that are meaningless because at that level of abstraction we’re working in probability space.
>>39717823Slight adjustment to the first.There is an inescapable trend to unity/love and understanding of the whole, so while the “meaning” is definably arbitrary, this is the closest “objective” meaning
>>39717823But Why can't I see my spiritual lover in the flesh physically whenever I want?
>>39717823>This sounds like negative entity contact to induce fear or the sense of hopelessness. Paradoxically, attempt to exert love when this begins or you notice and note what the reaction isI appreciate the insights, I have personally felt this is exactly what it is and that i am in a sense being raped, there's no longer dread associated with it more that of confusion & guilt as i have tried to enjoy the encounter due to its recurrent nature, im concerned im becoming a willing participant & at a complete loss as to how to comprehend the nature or origins of such an entity
>>39717465Is it true that we live in a simulation, like Plato's cave where a 3D world is projected from a 4D reality?
>>39717465An anon was yapping about soul contracts the other day, what are soul contracts?
>>39717892>4d are you even thinking in 12th dimension yet?
>>39717465what is good in life?
>>397178923D and above are all linked. This is illusory, but so is the non-physical. Anything not the One Creator is illusory>>39718319We all agree on our life templates and what we plan to do before incarnating, yes.>>39719664Everything is good when you see the Creator in all, nothing is good when you see separation in all
>>39719784separation doesn't exist
>>39719784Why the label Creator?If all is the One, then how could there ever be something absent that needs creation?Which parts of the One are created?
>>39719842Yes. I was implying that if it wasn’t clear>>39719868The math is very long but:Take the only thing anyone knows fundamentally: “I Am”This is a distinction from void that references itself.This mathematically means:0=1=infinityNonexistence is the state of infinite potential for probabilities.It’s less that something was absent, more that the painting, canvas, and area the canvas gets set up are all part of the same Creator.Creator is chosen as the word because you, I, and everyone else (and everything else) are all fractals of this initial 0=1=infinity in an experiential reference point. “God” has implications as a name, but Creator is always correct, since even when one feels they have little input into their circumstance, in reality, they are creating and cocreating consensus reality around them
>>39719896>voidOH, I wholeheartedly disagree that void is anything but a mistaken concept.As you say, there is no void, there is potential.Potential is not nothing.As you say.There is no void, there is canvas and paint and area the canvas is set up in.They are part of the One, and that One is eternal, and they are as eternal as the One is.So when can they ever be Created?>you, I, and everyone else (and everything else) are all fractals of this infinity in an experiential reference pointHere, we agree, correcting for the error of void.But this is not "creation".This is the Infinite, and the infinitesimal.The Independent eternity, and the dependent eternity.The points on the number line ARE the number line, but no point is the number line.Nor is there any moment when the number line is without any of the infinite points.
>>39719924This may clear up the language I’m using, as I believe we’re hitting language constraints rather than disagreeing:
>>39719930>I believe we’re hitting language constraintsYou could use chaos, or Primeval.But yes - void is the most limiting concept and word to ever put to it.
>>39719924The second half of your comment is something I don’t think I can respond to linguistically and preserve meaning, but I agree wholeheartedly with it and its implications.
>>39719934True.Personally I refer to it as “state of infinite potential” as I believe this is the most “accurate” descriptor (which is also inherently wrong)
>>39719935>I don’t think I can respond to linguistically and preserve meaningTrue, I find it so weird that despite being on a linguistic site so many here are inexperienced with the usage of them.I've told others before that just because the Uncertainty Principle exists doesnt mean we have to stay at a yardstick level of measurement.The finger may point to the Moon, but you can try to stop having such shaky hands.
>>39719940Ironically the uncertainty principle is a direct result of reality’s topology.Time is the measurement between states, not actually real, so any measurement we make that results in a “time” operator will inherently result in an “uncertain” state measurementUncertainty only exists because we like our subjective reference point too much
>>39717465There is a particular term or practice which matches phylogeny to astrological signs.I was looking it up in the past but lost track of it, still looking for the technical term. I'm looking to see if this somehow rings true.
>>39719972Not sure the exact word or terminology but the concept is true if I’m understanding you correctly
>>39720013The few examples I saw, Capricorns had a very 'abrasive' look to them. Pronounced bony features too. I think it was Sagittarius that had soft rounded features.
>>39720026Astrology is one of the markers of the galactic clock the Milky Way runs on.That, solar exposure, geography etc all impact a groups developmentIt’s not exclusive, but astrology does impact physiological development, and in groups, this feedback loop is more pronounced
>>39720038I'm still trying to conceptualize the "how" and "why" astrological principles seem to 'fit'. Is it really simply because humans assigned traits and that assignment -made- the traits become real?Generally curious because I have so much Plutonic and Saturnian energy on my charts.
>>39720065Life is a feedback loop of synchronicity. As above, so below. As assign meaning to that which has meaning in tandem, and that association increases the meaningBut physically it’s all tied to an EM cycle of the galaxy that runs on a ~25700 year clock (which is what astrology lines up with)It’s both cause and effect at the same time
>>39720080>As assign meaning to that which has meaning in tandem, and that association increases the meaninggood. It is like a resonance.
>>39720098You’ve got it.Causality operates on resonance.Sounds simple, but the implications are powerful
mind over matter? yay or nay? if yay, then is the very experience we are having right now, with physical objects and energetic sensations part of that mind?
>>39720130For individual experience, mind over matter is important for your mind is more eternal than the physical.However, putting one above the other misses the truth that they are inherently tied and interwoven with each other The physical “world” exists in probability flux, conscious experience latches onto the information of this probability flux into a directional vortex we experience as navigating physical reality
>>39717465favorite exercise? favorite food?favorite alchemical substance?favorite musical instrument?Thanks.
>>39717465why can't these damn communists get it together to develop, install and use their shitty spying software without me, the ass being spied out, noticing it all the time?
>>39720160I seem to get the picture you are painting.
>>39717474The system depicted in your diagram is a scam because as time tends towards infinity, the percentage of the money supply owned by the blockchain broker tends towards 100.
>>39720172I like resistance training, prefer cycling over runningFood is more texture based. Love a good crunchDon’t have one, but I enjoy the simplest of mercury and lead in tandemI play drums and piano, but Bass is my favourite >>39720173Because the point is the world is a stage shoving it in your face until you notice the Play>>39720177Beautiful metaphor for life itself actually
>>39720189>Because the point is the world is a stage shoving it in your face >until you notice the Playthere I am, noticing the play same as the stage, now what happens next?
>>39720207Now accept your role as an actor in the play, and look inwards to find out how you are also the director
>>39720210me main character also playing the spectator. Also, assistant cameraman!
>>39720210Nah, I am not here to accept any role that I didn't write by my very own. And of course I write for my own play exclusiveley. The director of the other world is Sigourney Weaver, I guess.
>>39720238You did write your role. Your soul planned this lifeNow that you’ve remembered you are your own director and actor, you have the empowerment to write your story more clearly
>>39717823>currently I have access to “answers” in the form of an understanding of sorts.Did you "ego death" yourself recently?
>>39720289Ego death is just a state of dissolving your self identity into the whole. Easily achievable with substances and usually results in not much information beyond someone getting a messiah complexI’ve experienced it yes, but that was years prior to what I now consider “awakened”Communing with intelligent infinity is the more apt descriptor of where the knowledge comes from
>>39720302>I’ve experienced it yesWas it with drugs?>Communing with intelligent infinityWhat do you mean by that?
>>39720330DMT yes. Fun experience, but other than showing infinity, not necessarily enlighteningMost of us are conditioned through life to misidentify what our intuition is.It’s your higher self communing through intelligent infinity.Once you’ve stripped away who you are not, and accepted that shadow self as existing but not in “control”, you can begin to filter the authentic information that truly exists within your intuition/higher selfUnfortunately I can’t describe this in better detail. Some accomplish it through meditation, some prayer, and some in other methods.For me, it’s now an awareness I either am cognizant of actively or not. Most of the time now, I’m in “flow state” during day to day life, which is essentially just letting intuition guide the present moment.I’m actually quite “bad” at meditation. No path is incorrect
>>39720354humanity is suffering, humanity is polluting air and water and it's own bodies. What are we co creators to do about it?
>>39720398We are being shown humanity’s shadow.We must see it, accept it as existing, treat it with compassion, but choose to be and create something else.The confusion, chaos, and untenable nature if society will continue to ramp up until we collectively change from the inside. No saviour figure or leader will offer the True path out
>>39720405>treat it with compassionmakes a lot of sense. May not be able to express it in this post however.
>>39720354>Unfortunately I can’t describe this in better detailNah, it's great actually as close as you can get to describe it. I guess this is the so called " Christ consciousness".>Most of the time now, I’m in “flow state” during day to day lifeThat's the thing, how can you mantain this state?
>>39717465Is Quantum Physics the scientific approach to understand Consciousnesses or everything?Does Destiny exist? You said earlier, that before I incarnate I planned this life. So I just accept everything that happens?How does one reach the awakening?Is it possible to communicate with higher entities?
>>39720431The easiest is through appreciation.When you see a tree, it is you, and runs on the same rules you doWhen you eat a delicious meal, every aspect that went into that meal is from the Creator/yourselfIf you take an extra moment to notice and think “wow that is beautiful” it will compound over time.This is why connecting with nature is the easiest way to feel this. It’s obvious in nature, it’s more difficult to see the same connection in the human made world, but still possible. The key is to even be able to appreciate the negative, for the negative existence is what allows one to choose the light in earnest
>>39720439QM is 100% accurate just misapplied. It exists timeless, and GR describes how we observe “time” in relationship to QMDestiny exists in the sense of this:Before your life you choose the valley. Once incarnate, you have absolute freedom on how you traverse the valley, but the more you try to leave the valley, the more difficulty you find. Between lives, you have more valleys to investigateReaching awakening is essentially remembering it’s all you, always has been, and accepting that this means every action is a necessary dance between cocreators and creation.And yes. Though, most open communication without an attuned group will reach negative influence first due to how respect of free will operates in the astral
>>39720475Thank you very much!Just one question:Does Duality exist? If yes what is beyond Duality (Non-Duality) or what can I expect to experience?
>>39720475>valleyis the earth we're traversing simply one valley surrounded by rocky cold mountain which we find difficult to cross over to other valleys which is also same earth? Is earth forever in all direction like some generative computer map in a video game?
>>39720431>>39720475>ValleyI was shown lifetime (on earth at least) is more like a journey on a river (pushes you forwards, very difficult or almost impossible to go back) but valley kind of makes sense too, especially that you mention some kind of boundaries that prevent you from leaving.
>>39720512Duality “exists” in experience so that we may find our way back to nonduality.>>39720517This is a complex question to answer.Earth isn’t unique. The valleys can be on any plane of experience.Earth however has a complex history of spiritual development experimental “failures” resulting in a much more chaotic process.Earth will continue in 4D positive, with those who have also reached that alignment carrying on here in future incarnationsThose who are still in indifference (haven’t polarized to negative or positive) will continue 3D incarnation elsewhereThose who have polarized negatively will also continue elsewhere in a negative 4D sphere
>>39720565Both are valid. Metaphor always loses some precision like this but you seem to grasp what the intent behind it is
>>39720567>Earth will continue in 4D positiveI try to manifest that as well but how can you be sure?>elsewhere in a negative 4D sphereNot on earth?Do you have any idea how would positive 4d and negative 4d look like?Btw I was kind of thinking Earth's "timeline" for a lack of better word will split to negative and positive 4d so that the transition is seamless and maybe merge afterwards.
>>39720663I can’t really cite my sources, but earth has begun the transition (positive) in 2012Both positive and negative 4D involve a lack of social barriers. No secrecy, fully open communication consciously Positive, this is fully accepted and differences are celebrated with graceNegative, this is fully accepted and differences are utilized to form control hierarchies There will be no negative earth sphere, at least not one with continuity to what we call current reality
>>39720713>There will be no negative earth sphere, Let's all hope for that>at least not one with continuity to what we call current realitySo we are on positive 4d right now? My little theory with splitting earth timeline was that whoever goes to negative timeline doesn't know he's in negative and whoever goes to positive timeline doesn't know he's in positive and everyone thinks it was always meant to be either way and those timelines would supposedly merge "afterwards"
>>39717465Does the concept of good and evil exist? Or is it just one source and everything we channel out is based on our incentives and the outcome being interpreted as good or evil?So apparently there are evil forces on the top of our society who use "dark" practices. How can one protect themself against these forces?
>>39720758Earth is positive, current incarnations are 3D or dual activatedAt the end of harvest cycle, the incarnations will only be 4D positiveI can’t say much about what the “transfer” to other spheres looks like however
>>39720834It exists in duality so that we may embrace the paradox of oneness and see through the separation of good and evilYou can protect yourself by aligning with love and treating yourself and all with love, negativity becomes fruitless against that
>>39720835What was that dual activated thing? Also what do you think would happen if entity reached 100 polarity to positive or negative? Is it even possible?
10/10 threadthank you op
>>397209844D ready soils incarnating for their final 3D experiencesNeurological disorders are indications (ASD and ADHD are two of the common patterns)
>>39720984Also, somewhat possible, but 100% polarity is actually the removal of polarity that happens at high 6th densitySTS and STO become Service to All
>>39721008Souls*Autocorrect is fun
>>39717465i am frustrated with my own battle between intention and surrender; i want/need X to happen or to have it in my life, but i think that i must surrender to this and let go of all desire. you can see the circulatory nature of this thought process, constipating and stifling the mirror world from delivering it. how does one resolve this? or am i just retarded
>>39721054By seeking to understand why your intention is what it is.Most of what we think we want or need comes from a false belief in what we’re lackingIdentify the root of the motive, there is fear of failure there, and give yourself grace because failure doesn’t exist. Once you accept “failure” as a necessary process to self actualization, the path becomes clear and smooth
>>39721008>>39721013>Neurological disordersWhy would that be? I wouldn't want that to be my 3d experience>100% polarity is actually the removal of polarityYeah, that makes senseWould you say that this duality universe will "someday" be "destroyed" when it serves its purpose? I know that it kind of doesn't make sense in the context of "one eternal infinite moment" but maybe you get what I'm trying to say.
>>39717465Is it possible with Esoteric/Spiritual practices to enhance oneself? For example to change ones inherent attributes like intelligence?
>>39721177Neurology forms in tandem with the soul structure, feedback loop generation. It’s only a “disorder” in 3D standards, in 4D it would be more harmoniousIt’s already end been done and destroyed. The universe is infinite recursion of creation and ending all in the eternal moment
>>39721191Over time and gradually yes. You’re essentially “reprogramming” your template that way
>>39721203Sorry if I ask again. Are we talking about the "same" intelligence? I meant the one where you need to solve/understand abstract Problems (see Math, Physics...) or are you getting to the point that by Esoteric/Spiritual practices one can understand patterns of reality and thus can be applied to any field?
>>39721257Spiritual and intellectual logic are identicalWe just misapply it because we believe they’re separate(Hint, all of psychology is just social abstraction of spirituality)
>>39721264Bless you, thank you very much!
>>39721192>It’s already end been done and destroyedYeah i sort of get all that but I wonder if there ever will be the point in the exitence of this duality universe where we (every soul) will collectively decide it served its purpose, there's nothing "more" to learn from it and we decide to "end it" and turn it into sth else. I know it kind of exists in the same "time" but it's hard for me to truly understand it.>all of psychology is just social abstraction of spiritualityThis, and also "science" too
>>39721339There is no “final” endingThe point at which you mention is simply the beginning of a new infinite set
>>39717465Can I GTFO of this world?I've been practicing "lucid dreaming," or more like consciously moving into a kind of second awareness/attention and actively dream there, for a year now. It has gotten much better by now, but still quite a lot of chaos. Yeah, but overall, by ability to use my mind has improved I have to admit.Now the question is, what is reality? Is something like a dream a real reality? Is the belief in 9 to 5 hell the only reality, and my practice is cope?Some spiritual texts hint at dream lucidity and this kind of control being useful "in the afterlife."But I genuinely want to become more "free."I want to not be bound by the system of rules imposed upon me since forever. I just want to relax and have fun while growing, forever. I also do not want to "return to a source" or "reincarnate" or something like this. Just let me be me and be free, ffs.Some could say, "but it's just a matter of perspective!" I think so too, but my currently majority perspective is being an average guy, which is hell if you aren't really lucky. So my strategy is moving my attention to this awake dreaming reality state and hopefully making the impossible possible and completely moving it there forever. Aside the awake dreaming practice I also do "energy" practice to develop intent, concentration and movements.What do you think of this?
>>39721013>removal of polarity that happens at high 6th densityWhat are the purposes of dimensional levels/densities? Is it to vet or forge spiritual entities (either individual, communal, planetary)? Or is it just the manifestation of reality, a coalescence of similar energies?Unrelatedly, are there other online forums outside the unfortunately compromised and degenerated state of 4chan with similar substantive discussion by knowledgeable people? I always ask this when I come across interesting bread OPs.
>>39721448That’s a lot to unpack so I won’t comment too deeply as I may introduce bias in understanding.But, separating the spiritual from the physical won’t be ultimately helpful. You’ve identified your spiritual direction, the next step is to relate that to your “average life” and what reflection that looks like. After incarnation, you choose what’s next, but it is restricted by how compatible your soul is to the destination.>>39721453The idea of “purpose” here is a bit circular. Densities are simply the “distinctions” we can label between different vibratory compatibility levels of soul experience. They are otherwise arbitrary as a labelEvery forum is compromised by design. Truth cannot exist without deception in 3D as every individuated soul must choose to find truth and cannot be told Truth directly.
>>39721446Yeah, I guess what I really wanted to ask is will there ever be a point in time of this universe in which every soul reaches the level of awareness to see the reality for what it truly is, or at least understand it as a positive, learning experience and through that perception the concept of "evil" or "negativity" will be truly gone forever.To answer my own question, yes, I think that this point will be reached, and as you said, new set of (opposing?) concepts or ideas currently inpercievable will be introduced. Maybe that would be the so called "Big Crunch" and next "Big Bang"
>>39721533Here’s what I can say:Black hole cosmology is the correct physical interpretation of the cycles
>>39721482>as I may introduce bias in understandingWhat do you mean with that?>But, separating the spiritual from the physical won’t be ultimately helpfulThe way I see it is that it's all one, there is no separation, just a change in "perspective" as well as limits that hinder the willful movement of attention, or reality.A movement from one focussed attention point to another is what I want.Instead of being here, as a human, I prefer being more ethereal and within dreams of my own making, growing "there," or within.>the next step is to relate that to your “average life” and what reflection that looks likeI'm not sure how to understand this.>After incarnation, you choose what’s next, but it is restricted by how compatible your soul is to the destination.My plan does not entail dying at all. I'm sure that after physical death, it will be near impossible to realize the crazy idea I have formulated from gather a lot of other ideas that seem to point to this odd possibility. There is no reason to believe I will remain 100% lucid and not be deceived after "physical death."I hope to achieve this permanent transition in this lifetime.
>>39721579You effectively told a story, and my interpretation of the story won’t be unbiased. So I can comment on what I believe the main beats are but I don’t want to interpret something personal to you in my own personal inflection.The main point I’m getting at is you’re treating the physical as a limitation to your growth, rather than a tool to work with in tandem. Believing in an “escape plan” places yourself in prison. Believing you already have freedom, and this current incarnation is a method to develop that freedom, will open more doors.
>>39721540It's just my baseless theory but have long supposed that "this place" (material universe/realm) is a "hole" of sorts in the fabric of some other, "higher" reality. It may or may not be the ultimate Base/Highest reality (if there even is a thing like this). I don't know about any scientific theory but I had at least one significant vision about that and one significant dream. Would the end of the cycle be "closing" this black hole? After every soul gets out?BTW I have long supposed I was thrown into this hole against my will or entered here out of some (now impercievable) necessity, maybe to try and get someone out, but now my perception has kind of evolved. This hole may also represent what we think of as "Earth".
>>39717465How to realign after steering away from your own path? How to re-energize when in unexplainable torpor in this reality?
>>39721622You’re right in a way but there is no “highest” realityA black hole is a causal boundary where all future world states coalesce to the “final” world stateHowever, the “inside” of a black hole as experienced would be a white holeA white hole mathematically identical to the Big BangWhether this gets interpreted as identical at every level of “big bang” or as every “big bang” being a slightly different infinity is beyond my scope of knowledge
>>39721635Forgive yourself for anything you feel you did wrong, and appreciate what you’ve learned through the shaky path. Once you’ve stripped away self judgement, your path will be more clear.Self forgiveness is the easiest path to understanding
>>39721591I see now.You may be right that I give too much bad rep to this incarnation as a human or this world, or hold a limiting belief that way.But on the other hand, I have a lot of hope in my approach and definitely realize that this life as a human has its upsides in its stability and gradual lessons.However, let's be real by looking at the path of most people:Born, make a family, generate offspring and die. This is where a lot of people end up naturally, in this timeless cycle, and it's absolutely ok to do so. Maybe even beautiful in a way.This is where I will likely end up if I cannot make significant progress over time, in this one lifetime. I won't gamble and wait for death to surprise me with another jungle.To make significant progress over time, I need to know real steps towards, whatever this movement to another state of being may be called. Light body, rainbow body, magnum opus, reaching samadhi and going further beyond, "union with god", etc.Would your recommended reflection, or relation to average life, help me this way? I'm not sure what is missing, or what I would gain from this. All I know is my currently distilled practice and that I'm somehow making slow progress over time.
>>39721656Thank you for your insight. It's been pretty rough lately, so this stuff helps along the way. Simple truths are the most powerful truths, eh?
>>39721662The best step forward is to connect with the intuition you utilize astrally while in the physical. The same rules apply, just through layers of illusion. Your hope is the most powerful tool, remain hopeful and confident of success, and you will succeed.>>39721667The simplest truths are the most true truths, yet become the most difficult to elaborate on.Hence why “knowing” is better than “understanding”“As above, so below” is a known truth. The formal math proving it takes tens of thousands of words
>>39717465So all of these Ancient Cultures/Religions, Secret Societies, Occult etc. have gathered profound knowledge about how everything works and ties together. Interestingly a lot of content from these different groups overlap and converge (hopefully)to the same goal. Meaning one can just follow any of these and study and gain knowledge which *can* lead to enlightenment?
>>39721692Thanks, I'll try to pay more attention to that now. It's really easy to get lost in the everyday doings of life at the moment and truthfully create too much separation, so you may be right.
>>39721739Every religion, belief and spiritual practice points to the truth.All are useful, however most have negative influence.Take what resonates from any belief system, and discard themes of doom, fear, failure etc. and you’ll have a decent picture of Truth
>>39721646>A white hole mathematically identical to the Big BangI didn't know that but that would explain a lot>the “final” world stateSo there is a "final state" of sorts, but what if I (as a soul) decided to enter this particular black hole for whatever reason? Would it be included in that "final state" somehow? Or would that mean that there is not a final state after all? I guess dwelling on that is ultimately pointless from our current standpoint.
>>39721771The “final state” is the state at which all complexity has emerged and propagation through “future” ceases to be possible.This “final state” should be the same state for every black holeIt’s what the “singularity” is, not a place, but the “end of time”However time is non-linear, and inside the event horizon, causality operates inverselyAnd so, the “final” state, is simply the “initial” state of the recursion cycle
>>39717465Can I make a fireball spell?
>>39721829Can? Yes. Whether it works depends on the flexible agreement in consensus between you and greater reality however.
>>397174651. Shadow work good right?2. Is this (duality) the hardest difficulty mode?3. When I try to imagine non-existence, my brain stops at some "point". Is there such a thing as non-existence?4. Should I pick a ritual and just follow it?5. Will there still be art? Like, will I still be able to enjoy Kendrick Lamar's music? Or 4d equivalent of art.6. I could go on forever. Will you pray for me? I just want to do some good. But I've done bad. I should forgive myself but I don't think a sane person should be able to think what I think. Will I to negative side? What does negative even mean, it like bad? Or do you mean it's just disharmony?
>>39717465OP, Thankyou for this thread. Your writings resonate deeply with that which I live. What are dreams according to you? I have reocurring dreams about sexual encounters as well as a constant lust for them in real life. Even though I have a girlfriend with with I have sex. These often result in wet dreams. Also, connecting with dead family members in dreams, are these interactions to be considered genuine? Thankyou.
>>397218751. It is paramount2. It is the most intense yes3. Yes but it is merely the springboard for infinity, so “achieving” it isn’t what one thinks4. As long as it is authentic to yourself and your will5. Art and creativity are hallmarks of 4D positive6. I already love and forgive you. All you have done is as part of the Creator knowing who he is and is not. You’ve made no mistakes in the grand scheme and you are loved unconditionally Negative is service to selfPositive is service to othersNeither is truly “bad” though STO tends to be the “harmonious” direction for obvious reasons
>>39721796>The “final state” is the state at which all complexity has emerged and propagation through “future” ceases to be possible.>It’s what the “singularity” is, not a place, but the “end of time”Thanks for your answers, I've been wondering about that possibility(from spiritual, not scientific perspective), good to know that there is math to confirm that i guess. I still wonder if this "singularity" or end of the cycle would be a point where every lesson is learned, every soul is evolved to "current maximum" and we collectively decide to remade universe/reality. It has to be like sort of like that.
>>39721884Dreams are your consciousness exploring alternate disconnected world states to work through subconscious desires, thoughts, and intentions. It is your sandbox of creation.Sexual energy comes in two ways:Red ray survival instinct (not overly helpful for spiritual development)Green ray love transferIf your survival instinct is what drives sexual arousal, work on grounding your eternal self.Connecting with dead family members is both your own inflection of subconscious as well as interaction with their soul’s vibratory influence. Both genuine and made up if that makes sense.
>>39721906Essentially yes. Though, at this point, “collectively” is simply The One
>>39721264If sprit and intellect are identical, why my sprit fades away when I take alchol? Or people become dumb with brain ilnesses?
>>39721939Souls connect the spirit to neurology as an anchor, each individuals neurology forms in tandem with compatibility to the spirit. Alcohol interrupts portions of this neurology that act as the anchor and “dampen” the spiritual influence that would normally be there.Psychedelics for example disrupt the default mode network, allowing your spirit to still be “anchored” while accessing additional spiritual information (not universally good/bad or true/false information however)
>>39721927I think that even at that point our sense of individuality, or I AMness/"I AM" principle, (whatever you call it) would still be somehow retained and you won't convince me otherwise, lolAlso, what are chakras, truly?
>>39721948Wow you are saying we are the ghosts in the machine :DDoes that mean I can attach to my soul on another thing that would be able to think and become immortal?
>>39721846So probably no. I wouldn't want it though.
>>39721969Chakras are physical/spiritual links for pairing conceptual energies with physical manifestations. Very real and chakra/energy center work is useful.I simply can’t comment on the individuated aspect, I suspect you’re correct, but have no confidence one way or the other>>39721971Everything already does think and is immortal. The inanimate objects are simply experiencing a different state of consciousness than you are currently But yes. Salvia can induce this temporarily. If you want to know what being a chair is like
>>39717465?????EverythingAnything - Somethingyada yada yada>YouAtleast that´s what Georgio said last week.
>>39721986>If you want to know what being a chair is like:D nope. Ok. One more questionHow do you fit the evolution in this picture? In which point souls like us started jump into these apes? Did we started to say things like>You know what? Those tailless monkeys have a potential, I think I will become them...What about neandertals, homo erectuses, homo habilis...
>>39721986Thanks for answering my questions so thoroughly, and yes, I recently found out that chakras are real. What would those "conceptual energies" be in essence? Are they connected with light? Were they qualities of light/love or something? I also recently found out about vibrations being true. Would you say that the higher your vibrations the more "knowing" or "truthful" you are? That would be the case for me.Also, can you maybe see people's auras?
>>39721899Will you recommend some literature or anything. Last year was when I embarked on this great journey seriously. I enjoyed the ride. But then, it kind of died out, the experience. My perception of reality has not changed much from that time, but the agency is not so much there. I would describe that time as being some kind of "flow" state, the positivity was intoxicating. But now I'm fighting just to remaining neutral. Or slightly positive.
>>39721919Grateful for your reply. Any advice on how I should ground my eternal self? Another question. I work with people for a living. One thing I am sometimes baffled by is the incapacity for some people to understand the simplest of things. Could there be something as first incarnates? I'm assuming this because I see this desire for their life to be most simple and plain.
>>39721986One more question In which moment those soul become the baby?in zygote state?in development in belly of mother? or in birth? how about babies who came early?
>>39717465How does one stop getting disinterested in this realm because of its ubiquitous mediocrity?
>>39722018Ra Material details this. Genetic interference 75000 years ago>>39722042They are expressions of light/love in different forms yesI’m not sure “higher” is the right word but essentially yes, truth and honesty are in tandem with spiritual growthI can’t see them, but I can “infer” in my minds eye if that makes sense>>39722045The Ra Material is the best starting point. Seth speaks and general hermeticism as wellUnlikely first time, more likely extremely confused life path>>39722057Self acceptance, knowing you will be fine no matter what current circumstances seem>>39722060Not certain actually. Before birth, after conception.>>39722073By seeing the beauty of the Creator in the smallest thingsI must now leave. Physical callings require me.Much love to all
>>39722098Ok thank you
please explain the 5th density polarization as I don't fully understand it
>>39722098>I can’t see them, but I can “infer” in my minds eye if that makes senseI'd like to know more about that, are you saying you're more of a clairsentient than a clairvoyant?Anyways, thanks for your answers and until next time, Much love to you
>>39722045Not OP, but I can vouch for Seth Material, check out Paul Selig's book "I Am The Word", I actually believe that Spirit Guides/Entities engage with you as you read it>>39722060Maybe check this out:
>>39722018I hope OP doesn't mind that I invade his thread one more time but I encourage you and everyone here to check out Seth Material
>>39721875>Kendrick Lamar's music>musicplease, god, please, please please please, let this be bait or some kind of weird attempt at humor
>>39722397I almost validated myself hehe
>>39722098>>39722170Thank youThank you