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The following footage was captured by an external load camera and shows the retrieval of a disc-like UAP at Mount Agung, located in Bali, Indonesia, in January 2000.
This is not the raw file. The original was recorded on tape (VHS-C).
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shit nigga 2025 really finna be the year isn't it
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Holly shit! This one's clear!
Are you the Antarctica OP? Are you?
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I knew I recognized that terrain. Also, this is creepy as fuck because there a photo circulating around that shows those exact mountains and a ufo on them, in Indonesia.
Does anyone know if Helicopters in 2000 had external load cameras? If they even looked like this?
I mean if that info checks out, this is probably one of the greatest footage we've ever got of a UAP.

Is this the same guy that leaked the egg video?
>AI shit with crappy VHS filters
oh joy
please post more
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It's not ai, if it was it would be 10 seconds, it's not, it's 16 or 17.
Ai has fucked our perspective and cognition, I swear...
It could be real, it could be 3d, it could be painted, but no, your mind goes directly to ai.
Ai can't maintain consistency like this through so many frames.
I could ask but I would get flagged because the government do be gay like dat.
That's a classic pic. I don't find much info about it online anymore, but I remember watching a UFO documentary in the early 2000s (probably Discovery channel or something like that) that talked about many Indonesian sightings.

I'm guessing they wiped out a lot of the old internet stuff related to these sighting, for obvious reasons, but here's a run down on an active page:
le VHS filter effect ruins the LARP anon
again with bait to fool newfags and plebbitors?
jannies should permaban this mongoloid ip. guess what bozo, nobody bought the egg video and nobody will buy this ai diarrhea
how is that even safely secured? just a few ropes?

bad larp op
Why does the object move but the mountain range stays the exact same in frame?
In October 2001, I was part of the first wave into Afghanistan after the towers fell. Back then when we needed to lift heavy cargo we used CH-47 Chinook, and the recordings of the sling load cameras was just like that. Like OP says, it was VHS-C, back then we still used analog technology.
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It does move, look closely.
Helicopter is clearly moving, anon.
Are you sure you're not a glowie?
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How do you know it's the same guy, fed?
OH, you just shot yourself in the foot!
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I almost believe this one, but the VHS effect seems very much 'added in post'.

Again, I feel like all the posts that have been made here recently about UFO retrievals and the egg, after the original Jake Barber egg video dropped, are part of a huge disinfo campaign to ridicule Jake's video and his testimony. I honestly thought Jake was full of shit, but every day that goes by I believe him more and more.

What's the reason for such a big disinfo campaign?
heli is moving, but appears slow on the camera
what's fake is the VHS effect
Can confirm am glowie…
>I almost believe this one, but the VHS effect seems very much 'added in post'.
According to this user >>39721374 and OP, it's using vhs c, or something. It's from the 2000s.
I don't know, this one looks real.
Could be an old tape, like, it's probably 25 years old by now, right?
Thats my goonpod
I see now looking at the rope. Can confirm I was wrong
I think that's all just fake and gay.
I see now looking at the rope can confirm it is moving
What I dont get is: person doing these fakes clearly has some talent, but then they fuck up the presentation only ever so slightly... if you're doing a convincing fake like this with so much attention to detail on the mountains and the UFO itself... why put a VHS effect like this?
it's almost like They want to get called out...
The video doesn’t contain AI-generated content or editing. Also, the "VHS effect" looks more pronounced because, as some of you mentioned, the tape is old, and the OP likely had to compress it to fit the 4MB WebM format required by 4chan.
I believe it’s real, and this might be the clearest UFO video we have.
Remember, Barber mentioned that there were real videos circulating. He was referring to the Egg we have here, and he could be referring to this one as well.
I'm sure if someone looks around on common video editors or websites with stock video or overlays, they'll find this specific VHS effect in less than an hour.
I won't waste my time because that's what the glowniggers that are uploading these fake retrieval videos want from us. to waste our time.
>I'm sure if someone looks around on common video editors or websites with stock video or overlays, they'll find this specific VHS effect in less than an hour.
Fair enough, we'll wait.
What if they can't find it? It does look realistic, I'll be a skeptic for now, but if no one find said VHS effect, I'll bite again.
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they'd better give 4chan its due in the history books
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It does look similar to the mounts on the video. Nice eye, fren.
>its so EASY to deboonk because blah blah blah but I won't do it because I am sooo smart
fuck you
I'm sorry my nigger, but this is the gayest deboonk on the thread. Maybe it is an added visual effect and the video is fake, but you can't just say it's fake because it looks fake, but then refuse to prove it actually is.
this is very much tranny homo behavior, anon.
This is VHS-C, it is literally the same medium as VHS: the same magnetic tape, just in a smaller cartridge, with one spool. They even made adapters to play VHS-C tapes in VHS players. Picrel
I'm not saying it is real, but the VHS effect is literally what I would expect to see on 25 year old magnetic tape. If it's a fake, we can check for the pattern of the VHS glitches in other known VHS effects assets
I was a video technician from 1994 to 2002, and I can confirm that a dirty tape.
25 years is like ancient history for a VHS tape. These things are fragile as hell. Dust and dirt get in there, especially if it’s been sitting in some crusty attic or basement. Humidity? Yeah, mold loves that crap. You ever seen a tape with white fuzz on it? That’s mold, and it’s nasty.
Video related:
Would it be possible to line up the mountains with actual satellite imagery? I'm checking out Mount Agung on Google Maps and it does look like it's possibly from around that area, but can't pinpoint the exact spot, not really something I commonly do lol
I am sure we can do it. But it won't be easy, mount Mount Agung is huge as fuck.
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Don't know if it counts, but I used to work at Blockbuster; I worked until 2001.
When we had damaged, or old tapes, they looked exactly like that.
I am not claiming this is real, I am not even a UFO guy lmao. But when I saw the webm on the thread it kinda caught my attention. Looks way better than Barber's video.
If it's fake, the government should learn from this guy.
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Got goosebumps watching this video. This is literally the sports model Bob Lazar has been speaking about for all these years. I feel so anxious right now, holy fuck. Is 2025 really the year bros?
>Again, I feel like all the posts that have been made here recently about UFO retrievals and the egg, after the original Jake Barber egg video dropped, are part of a huge disinfo campaign to ridicule Jake's video and his testimony. I honestly thought Jake was full of shit, but every day that goes by I believe him more and more.

you're half right. its ALL disinfo. jake included. the essence of controlling a narrative is to just throw every piece of shit you have into a pot and stir it all around. you can paint polarities in for extra added effect.

see: https://youtu.be/USw8uE8yxpM

just remember barber + skywatcher came out with claims that they have captured a ufo dogfight that they summoned psychically. but we have yet to see anything. literally nothing. it has become so tiresome, its always the same shit. stay vigilant.
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>sports model Bob Lazar has been speaking about for all these years.
I thought the same thing.
I don't see anything wrong with the VHS thingy, I think most of us here don't remember VHS technology, and others don't even know about it and always associate it with creepypastas and shit; it has been a long time, after all, and no one uses VCRs anymore.
I believe the video, can't vouch for the egg one, but this, this I believe.
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It has been a while since I saw the classic UFO disc shape, my god. I dunno why, but this video is eerie. Not saying it's real or anything, but it scares me.
wait until the redditors get a hold of this and schizo out with the stupidest fucking deboonks.
fuck it. I believe this and even if it's not real, this is how I imagine a UFO retrieval to go down, so it's a good recreation even if fake.
ayys exist and if you don't think so you're a faggot.
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you retards are so gullible godamn

where is the 3rd rope that should be visible and is keeping this thing secured in the air? there's only 2 ropes, the craft would just spill out. it doesn't look safe even if there was a 3rd rope.
surely you can both believe aliens exist and also employ higher standards of proof. idk just me, might be a triple digit IQ only thing.
It's clearly behind the long tube thing. There's a thin line between skepticism and being retarded.

Just a reminder to everyone that these are standard operating hours for our green glowing friends.
just don't listen to reddit it's all glowniggers and bots anyways
when you say >CLEARLY
what do you mean exactly?
as in, we can reasonably assume its behind the >long tube thing

so we are just going to assume theres a third line there securing this payload. when we cant see it. because otherwise it would fall out. rather than concede this as a gigantic nigger faggot larp. ok
This is fucking corridor digital trying to hype a fake UFO video for their channel. I have a feeling
its literally showing the area where the rope should be, more than half of the diameter is exposed in that frame and the last rope is not visible where it should be for it to be secured. I believe in the program, but stop falling for every larp on /x/ bro.
what constitutes this feeling of yours. random asf
corridor digital is slop
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It's clearly the same terrain.
Okay, I wan't expecting that.

>so we are just going to assume theres a third line there securing this payload.
Don't wanna barge into your debate, fella's, but we can't assume it's not that either.
>It's clearly the same terrain.

you and I have different ideas of what the word "clearly" means, clearly.
These videos ALWAYS drop around this time. It's like another anon said in a previous thread, I think it's a discord group or maybe even actual feds doing this and coordinating the thread, replies, etc.

Nothing on the /x/ board gets even close to the bump limit, except for Nobody threads, but those threads are bots training farms, 90% of the replies are fake.

These threads get insane amounts of replies. It's not organic.
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>its literally showing the area where the rope should be,
It doesn't. Picrel. As you can see, the "missing" rope, which I believe it's not missing, could be in any of those positions.
>These threads get insane amounts of replies. It's not organic.
I don't agree, seems to be a normal mix of believers, non believers and cautions people.
don't even entertain this deboonk kek
obviously the line would go there, what people need to look for is the VHS effect, everything else is a false flag

notice how this talk of the line popped up when people questioned the VHS effect. it's probably OP himself throwing this shitty deboonk into the mix to add confusion
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my brother in Christ, this is literally the first frame of the videoj4w2
I think some of it is organic to be fair (albeit not a lot)

It gets a lot of attention because frankly whoever is larping this shit put some effort into it, fake or otherwise. UFOs are in demand this month with all the egg bullshit so disinfo agents with their bots, larpers, and retards will all converge.

It's sobering to realize that the idea of actual disseminated objective truth is forever obfuscated behind a limited hangout operation.

Oh boy I love waiting for the Barber psionic summoning footage that is being gatekept from the public domain for undisclosed reasons! Jake is totally not a cog in disinformation. Let's align ourselves with cope!!!!!
find me a thread on /x/ in the last month that passed 300 replies that isn't related to the egg/ufo leaks or isn't a nobody thread.
I don't believe the video is real, just for the record.
But I don't think that is the problem here, the rope could be there, the ufo is moving a lot during the video.
Also, we dont know (if the video was real) what kind of grapple system they are using under the thing.
None of us are engineers, so we should stick to what we can definitely tell is fake.
Fake. it has indentations. UFOs are fully smooth, no seams no cavities.

Well, unless it's a US reproduction.
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>Well, unless it's a US reproduction.
seems like it, if it's real (it isn't)
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Yes, Barber is a fucking con artist. So is the person leaking all this shit on /x/. So are the Greer, Elizondo, Coulthart, Grusch gang. So is James Fox.

Literal disinfo agents.

I accept it now. I don't get mad anymore, because I know the phenomena is real and these shitters will never ruin it for me, no matter how much bullshit they spin. The truth will be known one day, even if we're not longer here to witness it.

I know they're out there.
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>Fake. it has indentations. UFOs are fully smooth, no seams no cavities.
Bro, let's be honest, the UFO myth has given us all sorts of discs, no discernible shapes, and even eggs. Who are you to say what a UFO looks like? Or maybe you're a UFO specialist? How many did you study personally?
aptly put anon
i mean, you dont have to be an engineer to deduce that using a few fucking ropes to transport the most advanced tech on the planet isnt the best idea. the shitty vhs effect, the missing third rope, the fact its using some sort of rope which doesnt seem secure. it all points to a arp

the other video of the egg in the secure container was more believable and seems more realistic when transporting valuable alien tech desu
We gettin' beamed up soon.
>the UFO myth has given us all sorts of discs

OP is quiet, no way this is the same guy from the egg.
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Ross and Barber said in their interview some organizations do retrievals of human replica UFOs, after failed tests. Could be what we're seeing here.
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I noticed it, his silence is almost eerie.
I don't see any reason to not take the video seriously. I still use VHS to this day, because I like to watch OVAs on their original format.
But, I was expecting an interesting Q&A like the other threads...
Can't be the same guy. Wonder who or why is leaking this.
I'd say it's still interesting, even if its human made. I believe the video and Barber.
Didn't he mention there were other videos circulating online?
Anyone have any luck identifying the mountain range in the video? If the US military stole it, one would assume they took it to the nearest base of theirs, so maybe we can draw a line from Agung to said base and identify the location.
>I don't see any reason to not take the video seriously.

I can think of many.
Try expanding your limited perspective without it being filtered by wishful thinking. Could help.

ffs stop falling for these glowie larps that are always posted without fail at the same time of the day.
It does seem to be the same type of terrain, and the same type of mountains structures.
However, erosion’s always doing its thing, wind, rain, rivers carving out valleys, making cliffs crumble. Landslides happen too, especially if there’s heavy rain or an earthquake.
I still think there are 3 or 4 different "OPs", leaking stuff (in my opinion releasing fakes to muddy the waters).

There's the original egg video and photos thread. That's 1 OP.

Then there's the egg/sphere photos that are very realistic that were posted on a different thread, that's another OP.

Then there's the "alien interview" posts that seem to have been made by a different person and most recently there was another set of photos from the 2022 Antarctica mission, that I believe were also a different person.

Now this OP is clearly non talkative, so I assume another person?

This or it's all the same guy/group and it's a huge disinfo campaign.
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I couldn't imagine there'd be that significant a change in the landscape in only 25 years. Indonesia is rainy, though.
I was trying to use this smear as a landmark because I figured it'd be easy to identify regardless of the angle due to the size, but I've had no luck.
Also, no trees in the mountains in the clip from what I can see. That only applies to the north-east side of the mountain and the summit. So the footage may not be actually over Agung.
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>I can think of many.
>stop falling for these glowie
And yet you don't mention them.
Can you do a video like this? Can you prove with 100% certainty it's fake? Perspective and cognition differs from person to person. Why should yours be right?
Unless we can 100% this is fake, through analysis, from SPECIALISTS, not people like you or myself, we can't come out and say larp or fake.
At this point, how can we make sure you're not the glowie?
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>This or it's all the same guy/group and it's a huge disinfo campaign.
I believe the first option.
There are three Cargo videos now, Barber's, first OP and this one. It could mean something.
Also, Egg OP told us there would be agents, as he called them, impersonating him and leaking false info, but I don't think this is false.

Can't we get someone to analyse this? Like that Twitter/X guy, who analysed the first egg?
The only reason I'm even on this thread is because Barber did say there are other videos. I believe that was him preparing people for more videos that will be dropping over the next few weeks/months/years.

OP video looks fake, but so did the video of the egg on News Nation. Unfortunately right now we're stuck with Barber and Grusch and their stories and they're the only ones we can believe, for now.

So until this, the other egg video and the news nation videos are truly debunked, I will have to believe them.
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Also, on X some CGI specialist, analysed the "4chan egg" and said it had no Ai, no CGI or manipulations, I believe that one. This one looks as credible, but we need to make sure someone analysis it first.
We can't be gullible.
>And yet you don't mention them.

low IQ nimrods like yourselves always whinge when they arent being spoonfed. you said verbatim: "I see no reason not to take this seriously"

you're on 4chan you dumb nigger. not just that, the fucking /x/ board.
pending ur gay reply about how I didn't specify why this footage that has been circulating on schedule alongside other larps as soon as barber's gay retard testimony was released is indeed fake and gay.

if you cant think, don't try. just keep sucking cocks. u love cocks. suck mine. gobble gobble
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>seethes, insults and yet doesn't mention why the video is fake.
>you're to retarded to understand muh arguments

>seethes, insults and yet doesn't mention why the video is fake.
>you're on 4chan
As if 4chan hasn't had actual info leaks posted to the boards or irl shit first pop off here
also calm down, why are you so mad? if you think it's fake, move on. people will analyze this either way. you're aggressive, angered, monkey like stance on the video towards others that don't agree with you isn't going to change their opinion.
If you cant handle flippancy, get off this board. It isn't for you newfag.
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His attitude is weird, the way he's chimping out against >>39721848 is just so...glowie? Or maybe a kid...still, sounds glowie.
>The following footage was captured by an external load camera and shows the retrieval of a disc-like UAP at Mount Agung, located in Bali, Indonesia, in January 2000.
>This is not the raw file. The original was recorded on tape (VHS-C).
>I knew I recognized that terrain. Also, this is creepy as fuck because there a photo circulating around that shows those exact mountains and a ufo on them, in Indonesia.
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>If you cant handle flippancy
Nah, forget the glowie argument, he's clearly a kid lol
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Is someone samefagging, anon?
name a zoomer you know that says shit like "flippancy" kek blew ur cover. find a new career.
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Is someone samefagging, anon?
OP, are you answering questions?
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Doesn't seem like it, he's been silence ever since this dropped.
I love u OP
holy shit this is low effort, baby's first day on After Effects. Absolute retard bait
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If this is real, this might be the closest pic we got of a disc ufo.
Hope this is real, does look like it. Better than the egg shit we've been having lately.
Looks like gay af AI generated slop with retro VHS filter. OP you faggot nice try
Where did you get this OP?
Looks way to real, almost sent me chills, because I saw something like this once in Arizona.
It's not AI slop. If it's fake it's 3D rendered with a filter over it
>Looks like gay af AI generated
Looks fake, but doesn't look ai, there are other forms of faking this shit, like blender or miniatures.
Avaliable ai video generators only give you 10 seconds, and rarely can keep up the consistency of frames, everything changes and goes while in 2 seconds.
This is either blender, miniatures, or...real (which I doubt).
I believe it's real.
Why do people's mind go directly to ai? It looks nothing like an ai video.
someone send this to the geoguessr guy to check the location
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Konbanwa OP

Nice one :D i hope u r fine!

I think it is real, but i can understood that one may think, nah dats a fake, cause it looks kinda weird. But that is also supposed to be, when it is the real Thing.

Like this

19°19'38"N 69°15'12"W
People will actually believe this.
Some of the leaked stuff gotta be real, there is a distinct smell of pilling disinfo around the egg stuff. The truth is being diluted, but there's gotta be a nugget at least, otherwise this activity seems out of order. Glowies are confirming something by faking the rest, naice. 27 tomorrow, we are expecting some news in Europe as per first OP, if we get something, then is going down
I am curious.
27 tomorrow, we are expecting some news in Europe as per first OP, if we get something, then is going down

I am so excited :D i wait since 21.1.
Everything coming out is real now, glowniggers in panic mode
There was also a time in my life, where i thought Pentagon und Co would never say anything. And then 2017.
NHI03, if there is going to be a reset, do we all have to be reset? If so, why? I understand you said something about us being corrupted or tainted. Can we not learn, can you not teach us your ways? You said yourself that we are childish. You have been looking out for us for so long and protecting us. Please show us and teach us. How can we better our selves if our teachers are the very beings that control our elite. Our makers corrupt us and we have no light to guide us, shows us, teach us and be our light, please! <3
I thought Egganon said April was the big month.

Where are you getting 27th January from? Did I miss something?

27th January was when the team will meet with Euronews to talk about the retrieval with journalists.
April was about NHI03's kind revealing themselves
I thought Egganon said April was the big month.

OG OP said tomorrow will be NHI03 seen on TV Srceen.
Maybe I am confused the 27 was mentioned, also April was mentioned but I think in separate responses. We'll have to wait and see. This could also be hype for another grift/documentary book and so on, but he'll it's about time some real shit came out
27th January was when the team will meet with Euronews to talk about the retrieval with journalists.
April was about NHI03's kind revealing themselves

Well i think that have that point wrongly remebered.
This is a 1973 Photograph of a UFO near Mount Agung by Ryo Terumoto and reminder that Indonesia as been classified as a hotspot for UFO sightings for literal decades.

Look up Michael Herrera's story and what happened to him in 2009. Jake Barber also corroborates the story, so you know it's real.

I don't know if the video is fake, but it looks decently made if it's fake and the story behind it certainly tracks. Who knows at this point, but this year has been crazy for UFOs thus far.
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here we go again without another fake pysop video leaked to fucking x kek
Exactly what a glownigger would say
reminder that every person who has posted this image has been a glowie.
even if the video is real it does not prove much, this could be some sort of construction element that is disc shaped
okay now I'm getting kind interested, because out of all videos we got of supposed retrievals, this one is by far the clearest. considering no video analysis expert was able to debunk Barber's new nation video or the 4chan egg video, if this video also cannot be debunked, I'll honestly just have to believe there's a dude sitting on a ton of these retrieval videos and is slowly leaking them.

Barber confirmed that there's a bunch of missing laptops that had sensitive information and there were more videos. whoever has these videos seems to be releasing them now?
the video looks decent, maybe even real - but without a face, name or more proof attached to it... leaking this ultimately achieves nothing. Half will believe, the other half wont and it wont further anything significant.
at least the egg anon asnwered questions this OP just dropped the video and ran. again this achieves absolutely zero even if real
Waste our time like our time matters hahaha, nice one. Glowniggers confirmed, shit is real
I'll honestly just have to believe there's a dude sitting on a ton of these retrieval videos and is slowly leaking them.

Dont know to quote ;D

Eggcualy i think that this so is. I hope there come way more Videos like this and more interaction with these UAP
We demand answers!
Nice try, but all data counts, I think it is beyond obvious that a face doesn't legitimize anything. The UFO world is dominated by faces of charlatans and grifters, those who deal with the reality of the situation want their faces far from anyone's eyes. There is no profit in the truth, only the lies can be sold
Well & truly spoken!
THIS NIGGA OP really took a video from above his lamp with an ipad serving as the mountain background below and thought his larp was good

I'm 44, grew up watching VHS tapes, that noise filter is so fake it's not even funny.

Fuck off with this garbage.
Garbage that looks exactly like the fake egg retrieval that was posted here a few days ago. Its just an ugly 3D model on a jpeg.
what are those marks supposed to be? never seen anyone describe any disc alien craft with those marks, usually the UFO is perfect without any marks whatsoever.
If this is real, it's definitely a human made copy, not an actual alien disc.
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Ross Coulthart is actively exposing bullshit like OP video. There's an online disinformation campaign actively going on and whoever is releasing these ""leaks"" is part of it.
Don't trust any videos or images except for the Jake Barber egg video.
Check out the reflections at the start when iit swings the most. If the video is fake then it's a modern fake, would require ray tracing. So if we can find proof the video existed more than 10 years ago then I would say it might be real.
I think i saw an Ufo like this, in an Book that my Parents gifted to me. But i gifted this Book to an Neigbour that had give me some painkillers.

And dont forget

Be peace and kindful.
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Look for John Lenard Walson. He has gome awesome Footage.
Looks fake. We all know UFOs are made of egg.
>delusions of grandeur
I believe it to be real, if only to make reddit fags seethe
This literally isn't possible given the context, and date. Meaning they used xenon arc light recording to simulate day light to capture footage from that distance and have it displayed with contrast we can see. More over the artifacts and glitches from VHS conversion wouldn't be as easy to see, since the compression of converting to VHS would make the resolution basically incomprehensible. But I do like this larp going on so please keep it up
OP, where did you get these vid? Are you the same larper who share antartic eggs?
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Scully Poasting in epic bread
Oh no it slipped off. I bet they dropped the fucking thing and broke it.
Subject to a lot of wind and rain, every monsoon season.
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Gay and fake
Thank you.. it took long enough for someone to mention it.

Kids these days can't tell what is or isn't fake.
Don't get ahead of yourself you millennial trash. It was older generation that fell for the UFO bullshit. Zoomers literally laugh at all that boomer shit about UFO.
Nah they don't. They are the ones pushing it right now.

And they have real trouble knowing what is AI, what is CGI and what is a composite.

These discloosers have been testing their photoshop skills, their AIs and their Blenders, since the egg video and it has been sad seeing people give them the time of day.

We gotta bring back the "This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time" meme.
serenade the vestige with the echoes of reality
It's over, anon.
psyop retelling of history right here, by a faggot anon.

both boomers and zoomers absolute cum for UFO shit. Facebook, youtube, tiktok, are full of UFO content that get millions of views and by looking at the comments you can see that there are more belivers than every before.

if anything, I'd argue that gay atheist millenials were the ones to first act like UFOs, spiritual and paranormal shit were all fake and it was 'hip and cool' to act like the phenomena was a joke.

millenials ruined the world.
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is she the perfect woman?
>white redhead
>incredibly beautiful
>cute, small girl
>very intelligent, but not a smart ass
>catholic, but not a loony religious chick
>has a dope job and career
>has strong opinions, but eventually always accepts her partner's mindset
I hate anime and manga schizos that cry about their waifus, but anons... I feel weird about Dana Scully. Is... Is she my waifu? I'd do anything for her.
im down to turn this thread into a Scully posting thread if other anons want to join me. that will make the fed niggers posting these fake videos seethe kek
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As fake and gay as op heterosexuality
The Barber/Herrera testimonies are a mess, and it's clear someone is lying. Or maybe both of them are.
Herrera originally claimed he thought they were smuggling drugs. Then he said someone (Barber) told him they were actually involved in human trafficking. A year later, Jake Barber comes along and flips the story, now claiming it wasn’t human trafficking at all. They were transporting "psionic assets".
If Barber didn’t give Herrera any specific details about the psionic angle and only mentioned trafficking, why even contact Herrera? What’s the point of reaching out if you’re going to be vague or misleading? Did Barber lie to him?
Or, if Barber did mention the psionics to Herrera, why hasn’t Herrera brought it up in any of his interviews?

They are literally adding shit to the story as time goes on. Whoever’s scripting this disnfo narrative is worse than Akira Toriyama when it comes to retcons and forgetting key details.
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This shit got Scullied
can my boy Mulder get any love?
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I would also add that OP's framerates are all over the place. The video is 30, by metadata (which is not impossible for vhs cassettes), but the vhs effect seems to be going at a different framerate than the swinging object, far less smoother. In other words, the footage was crafted by zoomer hands who never had a vhs.
Do the three letter people pay you well, fed boy?
don't even bother debunking this garbage
just scully post, anon. just scully post :)
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just wait until they release the paper that Nolan helped to write, with HD multi-camera footage and stuff. I believe it's due this week.
This is obviously a drip-feed, it's going to become progressively more aggressive over the next few days
why is she so perfect?
fun fact, I had zero interest in girls until my late, late teens, but then I started watching xfiles and this was around the same time I got first got internet, so i'd get pics of Gillian Anderson to jerk off to every day for like 6 months
i'm literally laughing right now, because i was so fucking horny and i'd have to wait so long for images to load up kek good times

Scully saved me from being a faggot
it's a shame she did so much plastic surgery, but I still like her, she's my girl
You're still a faggot.

But yeah, Scully is awesome.
>Feds derailing thread with a fictional fed
derailing what? a shitty 3d art project made in blender with incorrect frame timing and a capcut vhs effect?

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