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According to a top-secret book written by the yogui Anandamurti, Kalki will come to this world after Russia invades France and Spain.
>>40008693 (OP)
Fuck your stupid drivel.
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>>40008693 (OP)
Kalki will be an avatar of Vishnu, not of Shiva.
>oh nice, a thread about Kalki
>Shills instantly come out the woodwork and try to start a flame wars

Nice to see you faggots, exact same writing style as /pol/ shills. Never heard of that guy OP, is there any more info about that source of yours? I ask because im genuinely interested, I've always been interested with anything involving the end of the kali yuga, as its an aspect of hinduism that is barely spoken about abroad. Also ignore the shills like those 2 itt, they'll just throw ad hominem and vitriol at everyone trying to have anything resembling a discussion, even if it doesnt make sense from the content of your post, I see them all the time on /pol/.
>>40008693 (OP)
>Russia invading Spain
Sure buddy, guess we're not seeing no kalki
>>40008693 (OP)
Right now, the anvil alien prophecy seems more likely. Cartels in mexico receiving help from russia to help kickstart a proxy war with the US as payback for 2022.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQDd1AhGIHk [Embed]
they do that for every threat about dharma
they’re pissed off and scared that they might have invested their whole being into an escheatology that is plainly jewish while claiming to be ‘based’ anti semites

they cant handle it .
OP is bringing some retarded takes to the table, /pol/ takes, Russia invading France and Spain. I don't think people here give a fuck about Kalki or know who it is. This isn't about dharma kek.
>top secret

Obviously not since youre posting about it on a public forum.

Kalki more like Krapki
Does someone like you only understand and respect force and violence?
Don't try to dharma me faggot. OP made a stupid thread and gained a barrage of stupid responses relating to the content of his thread, go chew on it.
they’re seething freemasons and you’re doing an ineffective job of being their goysoldier
imagine trying to gangstalk someone in dehli
>>40008693 (OP)
i love Shiva!
Don't know what you're talking about, we can't all be characters in your headcanon.
>>40008693 (OP)
So Kalki's never coming?
>>40008693 (OP)
Retarded Jeet, that will never happen.

Even more retarded jeet, afraid that the destroyer of filth will eradicate his fallen race.

Edit - Jannies tongue lick my anus
Maritime versus Central Sovereigns once more
That's what it always defaults too when it comes to power blocs solidifying. Conflicts of a large enough scale usually have the 1st and 3rd vs 2nd and 4th power.
https://contraperiodismomatrix.com/el-zar-putin-ya-prepara-sonriente-la-invasion-de-europa/ the vidéo about tha is in spanish read the articles of this blog they are very informatives
Whut lol?
Nvm I read it. Jesus Christ.

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