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This fight would immidiately end all the "size vs skill" debates
he's sure to win because his speed is superior

of course the environment is what determines who wins and everyone knows it
the lion wins on land, the crocodile wins in water
the big guy wins in an elevator, the small guy wins in an open field
Big man looks like he's used to dealing with black guys in a field.
>size vs skills debate
Weight classes already exist. Also the small could still dodge most of the attacks of the big one if this is completely untrained
Mills Darden's height and weight claims are entirely unsubstantiated, and nobody can actually verify whether the picture associated with him is unaltered or even supposed to be a depiction of him. If he was genuine, then he'd have been one of the most impressive specimens humanity has ever produced, which is why there has been a significant amount of internet sleuthing done to try and establish the facts. The defunct website thetallestman.com had extensive discussion about him that never turned up any new evidence. For now, Darden should be considered an extremely dubious exaggeration of a "normal" big man. More to the point, a man a foot shorter and half as heavy as Darden is claimed to be would already be able to tear Demetrious Johnson in half.
It would look like Yarbrough vs Takase, except Demetrious might be unable to escape from beneath him and intead tap to sheer mass
Every fat fuck vs fighter fight plays out the exact same way. They don't do shit, gas out after a few minutes and lose.
That mid-air armbar was pure manlet insecurity, I don't see anyone else putting that much effort into fighting.
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/x/ here.
Bigfoot is a demon. So is every other cryptid. Including so called "aliens." Jesus consistently repels them. Here's a book full of testimonies.
Bones used weird shit like guard pull from stand up to triangle choke and he's not a manlet at all
One word: knees
that's not bigfoot
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>he's sure to win because his speed is superior
To weigh that much and be that tall he would have poor coordination and no stamina. Him walking at that size would be difficult.
One good hit to the knees of that fat fuck and he's toast. Demetrius would win.
"Size vs Skill" is a dumb argument because they aren't singular factors. "Size" includes height, weight, reach, strength, and durability. "Skill" includes techniques and maybe strategy. 5 vs 2 is not a fair comparison.

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