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Did Dagestanis debunk striking?
No, they are threatening on the feet too which is what allows them to set up the cage wrestling
Khabib was going toe to toe with Connor on the feet for example

And a lot of it comes down to strategy, they have a good wrestling style for MMA that utilizes the walls to great effect
Would they be as effective in a different type of ring or mat?
Maybe, I don't know for sure though
No. Islam got KO'd before and Ankalaev had his legs turned into minced meat when he fought Jan Blachowicz. Dagestanis have a great style but it's not foolproof
Are these the famous neckbeards i read about here?
>Khabib was going toe to toe with Connor on the feet for example
I think it debunked advanced striking. I believe Conor practiced striking more than Khabib and he looks like a better striker on paper but a haymaker to his face hurts him just like it hurts a mere mortal. Same with Adesanya vs Strickland. Izzy was a kickboxing champion and lost to a guy who ordinarily punched his face and kicked his belly. On the other hand, Jones' advanced striking always worked, even against Gustafsson who was a good boxer.
I don't think it really debunked anything. I think fighting has a rock-paper-scissors-ish aspect to it, where some people can give you a lot of trouble because they're simply a bad matchup for you. The power scaling isn't linear, to put it one way
The Dagestanis are dangerous because they're all well-rounded and dangerous both as strikers and as wrestlers, meaning they can give the "bad matchup" to anyone
Most dagestanis fighters are "bred aristocracy" for wrestling style fighting, they are born and raised in an environment where you wrestle your whole youth with an effective military combat system while being in a high altitude environment the whole time.
That being said, that is the perfect match for strikers that are weaker at wrestling, prime example is khabib vs connor, they just wear them out and close the distance while not engaging fully to avoid getting ko'd.
That being said, a competent matchup like khabib vs gsp would result in GSP smoking khabib
Also account that most of those dagestanis with good winrates were usually paired up against strikers that get shat on when brought down
Not at all. They are on average, very hard men, their skill floor is higher than the average man from pretty much any other country. But their skill ceiling is the same, they aren't superhuman. Khabib and Islam are great because they are exceptionally gifted. Who else is as dominant as them, no one. The more the Caucasians fight, the more we see they're more or less on level with fighters from anywhere else.

If anything, they debunked BJJ. There was a time when BJJ was king in the cage but with the Dagestanis it's become clear that fence wrestling and folkstyle leg and wrist rides are far more effective. The smothering, hold-down style is really demoralizing and exhausting for anyone to contend with. High level fighters can't just rely on knowing some good submissions anymore.

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