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what does this mean here
It's mean no-gi Judo is the best martial art.
I'm gonna pay more attention to satoshi ishii
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It's a garbage chart. They had Machida listed as a BJJ guy when he literally came from karate competitions and walked to the cage in a street fighter gi.
guess we're going to ignore GSP as well too
It means the American fighters did wrestling as a school sports activity
That being good at holding someone on the ground is very useful for scoring TKOs
You see these people in sport karate, they don't give a shit about being "real fighters", from kids to theirs 60 years old instructors, there is even a japanese guy that lost all of his teeth because he don't knows that mouthpieces exists, nobody of them cares about the UFC, they just want to have fun.
>lost all teeth in karate
How did he do it?
they just don't really have good dental care in japan, lots of soft foods and smoking
It's a point-based fight but without gloves and sometimes they kinda go full-contact (just the japanese black belts), their face punches can't be compared to the average punches of boxers but since they don't wear a mouthpiece they lost their teeth easily.
Karate punch adds in a lot of force from the speed and the straight line approach and pulling back the other shoulder, shooting from the hip giving it more reach and depth to the strike, one can easily knock out teeth if it lands square on the mouth with even little training.
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Boxing is the one least favored "style" by the ruleset, yet it's the most popular striking style of champions...
Really makes you think.
Maybe it's cause in a fight, regardless of context, something that matters even more than technical floritures is the wit of the fight and distance management.
Or like wrestling it's just by far the most accessible striking base in the US. And works well enough

Anything with gloves is favoring strikers
tbf gsp is more of a wrestler
KOTS proves without gloves boxing is still king
Nobody uses boxing in the UFC. They use punches.
The boxes would probably fall apart I bet
He was a dan-holding Kyo black belt before he ever startes wrestle.
KOTS doesn't "prove" anything
How do you mean boxing is unfavored when they use gloves and handwraps?
>no Bas Rutten
>no GSP
>no Lyoto
>no Iceman
Whoever made this chart hasn’t watched a fight before 2019.

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