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why is skiing culture like this?
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Never know, we might.
Like how? Civilized?
i mean it'd be kind of fucking difficult to take off with boards or skis from mid mountain. what gets me are the people who just leave their board down at the mall overnight. i often think about how easy it'd be to grab one, use it as a demo board for the night and then put it back without anyone ever knowing.
It’s almost like when you’re around where people crime doesn’t happen
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Fucking kek
i dont think stolen ski equipment are that easy to sell. almost every pair of skis have unique combination of length/model year and bindings, making it relatively easy for the owner to recognise them if they pop on your area's craigslist equivalent. generic consumer electronics are much easier to take with you and find a buyer for than skis.
we actually had that happen here a few years ago where someone tried ripping off a bunch of stuff from ski shops and got caught instantly once they put it on ebay
I'd imagine a nonzero amount of thieves either rent their equipment or don't actually even use any, so details fall to the wayside.
black guy immediately thinks of stealing.
>nog's first out da hood experience
How long will this last?

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