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How would you beat him?
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>GIRTH --- 80 IN.
my man was picking up anchors

you aint beating him
Jog at a moderate pace around him shouting insults until his heart explodes in a few miniutes.
Repeated leg kicks while maintaining my distance until he falls, at which point I Chandler-Ferguson his chin into oblivion and keep kicking until he's unable to fight.
Or at least this is my Sherlock Holmes (2009) style prediction.
In reality I can't get close enough to kick without him also being able to reach out and grab my skull to squeeze it like a stress ball.
Maybe I can have a chance if I bully him by reminding him about what a tragedy it is to be like him, so he gets depressed and I can exploit the moment of distraction to do some Jackie Chan shit like pantsing him to incapacitate him or something.

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