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Did we jump timelines again? How the fuck is this actually happening? Am I being fucking bamboozled?
>fixed match
>easy money for Tyson
>clout for youtube eceleb
damn so is netflix doing PPV or is it just included in the regular subscription?

I'm certain there's a no KO clause here. The 30 year age difference doesn't matter, mike is too good and has performed at the highest level
jake paul is too sloppy, he wouldn't be able to touch him if he really tried
4 years of business school majoring in marketing did not teach me the #1 rule that I figured out eventually: always ALWAYS market to children and women. It's free money.
In this case, its children.
hello /xs/

i was not allowed to participate or watch any kind of bloodsport and i lived a sheltered life without a father figure.

being an internet denizen, i have seen video of mike tyson throughout his career. the man moves so brutally quick, i feel a rush of excitement. truly this man mike tyson has dedicated his life to his fighting style.

i have also seen video of jake paul. he was not distinguishable from any other middling professional fighter i have seen.

i hope and pray mike tyson destroys this white nigger trash.

my question is thus, does mike tyson have a chance? if so, how much of a chance.

PS; also, i thought mike put up the gloves and retired with alot of money. its also my understanding he has good branding deals. he doesnt "need" the money right? he just wants it. he goes out after 1 last horrah, he hears the crowd once more, then walks out with a truck of money. sad to see a legend die, but im happy for the guy.

TLDR; i know nothing about fighting, does mike tyson have a chance? if so, how much of a chance.
>question is thus, does mike tyson have a chance? if so, how much of a chance
Mike Tyson is objectively a more skilled fighter. However he also is nearly 60 years old, basically a senior citizen, and has at times been seen walking with a cane or in a wheel chair because of sciatica. Whether or not he has a chance is entirely dependent on how bad his medical problems are when he steps into the ring. Jake Paul is, as always, a faggot and a coward too afraid to fight people in his own league and instead focuses on big names who are old and retired.
>Whether or not he has a chance is entirely
dependent on how bad his medical problems are when he steps into the ring
well put. thank you for your insight.
>Jake Paul is, as always, a faggot
i had hoped the plague would kill more people...but alas it was not as deadly as the experts claimed.
Boxing died when Tyson retired.
Peak casual opinion
To think it seemed like Jake was fighting more appropriate competition in his last few fights. Hoping Tyson flattens him in a round because if it goes past round three I don't see it going well for Mike.
That's the case for everything the Paul brothers ever did
No one is getting steamrolled, these exhibitions are prearranged draws. They're gonna trade a few shots and go home with bags of money from the millions of retards paying for this.
rumor is it'll be with with 16 oz gloves
Holyfield vs Belfort?
Should be just with wraps like bareknuckle, would be kino.
Well I hope you're right and it's an exhibition like when Tyson and Roy Jones fought a few years back. Tyson is old and has a fair share of health troubles.
It’s a gimmick

>implying this isn't true.
>implying MMA isn't more interesting.
>implying Muay-Thai isn't more interesting.
>implying bare-knuckle fighting isn't more interesting.
>implying fucking competitive-slapping isn't more interesting.

Blame Mayweather for boxing being boring now.
Slap fighting more interesting? Yeah that's some peak casual bullshit. Slap "fighting" is for fat retards that couldn't hack it in any other sport so they get paid 2k to show and 2k to win to get guaranteed CTE.
You can blame Mayweather for his style all you want but the fact is there are still great and entertaining boxers today. Lots of them. It's not as popular as it used to be but no one's gonna tell me Usyk, Naoya Inoue and Jarron Ennis aren't entertaining.
Dude nobody gives a shit about this garbage all they want is to make the biggest PPV for the 21st century to make a shit load of money from faggot who actually care about this shit like you
Yes...and no decision either. KO or go home...
Just as an aside, tyson fought with 18oz gloves for most of his professional career. So 16s ain't shit.
they will dance around each other like a couple of fuckin fairies for 10 rounds then collect their fat checks. No one will get knocked out. Jake Paul will continue to be a twat. the end.
>Jake Paul
This guy is low IQ and has a hair lip right?
I'm not the only one that notices this, right?
Guy seems like a righteous retard, although not as half as bad of a scammer as his brother.
You say this like I’m gone going to pirate it like every other fight lol

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