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File: skullbroken.jpg (70 KB, 713x718)
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What are the best nutrients/supplements for bonemaxxing?
>bone composition
>precursors to bone creation and repair
>hormones that give denser bones
>things that boost those hormones

Unbreakable bones are useful for extreme sports, so any help is appreciated.
raw kefir/ raw milk
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Just get your dna tested by nebuula genomics.
Is it normal for your leg to hurt from kicking a thai bag full power?
If so, my dna results don't mean much.
From the linked study.
>Measures of eBMD (bone mineral density) derived from ultrasound are highly heritable (in the order of 50% to 80%), are independently associated with fracture risk, and are moderately correlated with DXA (scan) derived BMD at the hip and spine (r = 0.4 to 0.6)
So dna results account for 50% of density.
i have nebula also i think its broken cuz i have a lot of stuff that is 100 percentile and 0 percentile also but its not statistically possible
I cherry picked those ones.
Research Botox in water. Great source of boron and increases bone density.
Take tamarind, it increases the amount of fluoride leaving body, prevents it from being absorbed, and helps keep minerals like magnesium and zinc stay in system, increasing bone density.
Get wooden pole and firmly wack your entire body before bed will help.
Take empower supplement
Stupid fucking tablet autocorrects

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