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Best martial arts if I don't want to break my nose? Broken my nose twice through boxing when I was younger and a year and a half ago I got it fixed through surgery.
Want to start training again but don't want to risk breaking my nose as it's now weaker than before. Boxing is out of the question so I'm considering bjj? Anyways idk
Any grappling is less likely to break your nose than striking but it is still a possibility.
Pretty much anything grappling and if you really want striking you could go for some TMA, maybe Kyo or some other full-contact school if you want the intensity from combat sports. Also, how did you break your nose in boxing, was that during training? That shouldn't happen.
I've done judo and wrestling for years and I don't think I've ever hit my nose or witnessed any nasal injuries. I've hit my mouth quite a few times though.

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