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Can I be still be good at martial arts if i have a bad knee?
Attacking the knee is illegal in boxing, american kickboxing, karate, taekwondo, greco roman wrestling (freestyle also doesn't allow to attack it but it's still more hardcore for knees than greco), bjj below brown belt, judo and partially in amateur mma (kneebars are ok, strikes are not) so I guess you can
Fix your knee. How is it bad?
>Illegal below brown belt

Most gyms now a days start training leg locks at blue.

My own gym starts at white, once they can prove they're done spazzing
It's just a holdover that then became a cope
Judo said no more leglocks because in 1890 there was no such thing as arthroscopic surgery or knee replacements
So the Brazilians didn't learn leglocks because they were removed from the syllabus before it got to them

The end result is Brazilians were bad at leglocks therefore BAN! And make up some ridiculous cope that they're 2dedly4u even though they're no more dangerous than any other submission
Unlike a choke, twisting someone's knee never killed or paralyzed them

Leglocks are non-fundemental so they can wait for later on that front. But no reason you can't introduce them to someone within their first year
>good at martial arts if i have a bad knee?
of course

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