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How did this happen???

I thought wrestling was useful in the street????
it worked, all his suffering is over now
jesus, he's seriously fucked. kind of could have gone either way though, the other guy's lucky with how the fall went.
Suplex is literally the stupidest move ever.
If you're shit at it
It's just a generally retarded move.
The way wrestlers do it where they throw their heads back on to the mat is retarded. The way judoka do it makes sense.
Wrestling turn the head as well. It was just a terrible throw. Dude didn't even use his hips at all either
If only he ippon osoto gaeisha'd him
the most useful thing on the street is not to be a retard. Using what you learn in the sport for self defense should be the very last resort only, after you tried to remove yourself from conflict. Sadly, this guy found out the hard way that pavement is not a cushy tatami.
I really doubt based on that throw the guy had any kind of grappling experience at all.
This. Proper suplex makes sure the opponent is the one crashing to the floor. If you did it the judo way your arm will hit the floor and be stuck underneath
Its only useful if you're not a total wimp
You can notice that retard had 0 athletic skills the way he tried to lift the other dude with 0 leg strength
"Legit" self-defence instructors say that you can't do shit in a street fight due to stress

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