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File: 16576-acl-tear.jpg (92 KB, 800x936)
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Was training muay thai in class with my friend. Got my kick caught and he pulled. When I was hopping in my grounded foot, I landed funny, felt something in my knee like a pop and collapsed. No swelling at all, feels weird and tingly. Hurts when I attempt to walk on it. Doctor claims only meniscus tear but nurse told me the doctor half asses his job. Going to try to schedule an MRI.
Do you guys thing its a ligament, and how bad is it to come back from those?
I think it's a ligma
Who the hell is Steve Jobs?
For real though it's impossible to say without knowing which ligament and how serious the tear is

An ACL will never heal correctly on its own because of the way it crosses over
An MCL might heal just fine from a much more severe tear because it hangs straight
I use those as an example because they are labeled in your picture so you can see what I'm talking about

Is same with the meniscus, Certain tears would need to be patched, other tears would need to have tissue removed (this is controversial if it's even a good thing to do), and some you can just leave alone

No matter what the goal should always be to explore non-surgical options first and seeing how far you can get with rehabilitation alone

I had a complete tear once and that was confirmed through imaging
I did not get surgery, and I really didn't do much deliberate rehab either
It took about 2 years for it to start feeling normal again, and I mean I was walking with a limp for a good while
I developed some arthritis but that eventually went away when I started being more conscious about restorative exercises. And now I'm pretty much fine, It's an area I'm careful with because it is prone to injury more easily but I do all my normal activities and don't think about it much

So yeah, the qrd is it depends
how many covid boosters are you on?
He's taking them all and now he's shocked.. how could this have happened?????
Thanks for the advice. If I do continue to go back to muay thai I will never train with clumsy retards again. I'm hoping its not ligament related because of what you described.
How's the myocarditis going buddy? I'm sure it's because of global warming and not your shot. Remember, for each booster you take, 10 palestinians die for the promise land
>for each booster you take, 10 palestinians die for the promise land
How many fake identities can I get away with before the nurse notices?
>Doctor claims only meniscus tear but nurse told me the doctor half asses his job
did he at least do a lachman test?
Yes and my tibia is intact. No shifting. Just an update, I can walk but can't straighten my knee or twist.

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