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/HEMA/ General - Power of God and Anime Edition 3

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?

Previous: >>177304
Heh, buttcheeks
Why do the degenerate pedos who jack off to children's cartoons always feel driven to spam their masturbation material where they know it doesn't belong? 4chan has dozens of boards dedicated to children's cartoon masturbation materials of all sorts, why aren't they enough to satisfy the masturbators? Do the masturbators have some sort of mental illness that compels them to spam their pedo cartoon pics in places where they know its unwelcome?
>pedo cartoon pic
>tits halfway to her elbows
Anon may be a degenerate mentally-ill coomer but it appears he has an adult woman fetish. Cartoon women have been used in arms treatises for decades at least.
take your meds, schizo
Just to upset people like you
>tranime OP
It's over for HEMA
Astronaut gun meme
>complaining about anime
>on 4chan
Newfags get out
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HEMA was over when painted masks and colorful jackets were allowed. It was over before it even started, in other words.
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i will remind them
Tiny pecker compensation albeit
keep telling yourself that
>t. 8 in
>first thing he thinks of when seeing a dude with a muscular body is "wow, I wonder what his penis looks like"
Who's the faggot here?
Fell for easy bait award.
Kendo vs HEMA (sorry)
Hema is just a bunch of autistic larpers beating each other over the head with rubber weapons because there are zero actual consequences to just lunging in and wailing on a dude, unlike actually fighting with weapons. Fencing has a similar problem.

Unless we’re willing to go back to gladiatorial combat or medieval melee standards, Homo will remain the gayest sport on earth for a long, long, time.
>rubber weapons
Are you retarded?
>there’s zero punishment for just lunging with no regard for your own safety.
You’re definitely retarded then. I guess there’s no punishment so long as you don’t mind being concussed with blunt steel.
Did you just find it out? It has been known for years now.
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Got a Sigi King a Month ago and one of my Teammates (wom*n) told me that it was too pretty for training because it would get ruined? Is that true? Isnt wear and tear normal?
She's complimenting your sword and you might be autistic.
t. former HEMA fag
How much do armored combat gym memberships usually cost?
/jsa/fag bait used to be believable
What is this goofy ass shit? Why is he using a saber with a parrying dagger? And why is the saber user going forwards instead of going breaking distance into neutral after getting parried? Looks like some lame choreography thing.
The opponent doesn't want you to know this but the gauntlets on his hands are free.
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HEMA peaked in 2015. My countrys scene never recovered after Covid and seemingly everyone is trans now. Which is fine but I do miss sparring the sort of guy the new club image chases off. Bigots i guess. I remember 20 years ago the first response you got when talking about Fencing was ‘isn’t that for girls’. Now we push the marketing that it is.

It worries me that no one has actually founded a club here in 15 years and with the cost of living no young people are travelling to compete now. Its ogre.
>everyone is trans now
there weren't enough girls, so we had to make them on our own
>everyone has axe wounds
Who could’ve seen this coming
I dont get people that obsess about HEMA not having enough hos doing it.
Like bitch shut the fuck up and fence who gives a fuck who does what focus on yourself.
If one of you posts me at SOM someday without asking I'll be pissed.
It's already publicly available on Youtube. Why get mad if someone reposts it on a Cornish dry stone wall building forum?
The principle, I guess. No good reason.
Tell us which one's you so we know who not to post.
>open hemaratings.com
>longsword has a troon specific division (underrepresented genders)
>no other weapon has such section
I blame ttrpgslop and other nerd media. When will they be cancelled on Tiwtter for putting women and trannies appart?
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Need to make a gambeson soon just for ren faire purposes and I already bought some prequilted cloth. Does pic related pattern look okay? All the ones on youtube have these elaborate patterns that I don't have time to download or buy. I do have a tape measure though. Will this work okay enough?

My girlfriend's brother told me that USA HEMA is a bunch of trannies and fags anyway. I just want to get into it so I can feel like the equivalent of a level 1 D&D fighter one day.
>open HEMA general
>nonstop discussion about trannies
It's easily the most obnoxious aspect of HEMA that you can't discuss bluntly in mainstream HEMA settings so it makes sense that anons would take the opportunity to vent.
Seems pretty ok, but then it depends on what's your purpose. Has it to be historically accurate (and if so, for what century)? Do you need more protection, more mobility, or a compromise of the two?
I want it to be a comfortable undergarment for this chainmail hauberk:


I wanted to do a super-realistic hand-sewn historically-accurate-tools-and-methods gambeson but now I'm using pre-quilted cloth so maybe next time. I just want it to feel as heavy as the real thing and provide a bit of padding for sparring with rattans or something real basic.
A simple design won't be as comfortable as a well tailored one. You might find it a little cumbersome on shoulders, armpits and elbows: if the gambeson is thick and rigid it kinda forces you to stay in T pose. Nothing impossible to deal with, especially after breaking in it using it for some time, just don't expect the same comfort of a HEMA jacket. You can add some gussets here and there if you're willing to put a little more time and work in it, they help a lot.
That's what I'll do most likely. Just cut the fabric today. I'm excited for it even if it's kinda shit I like the idea of it being cut without a pattern. It seems more "real" that way (even though I cheated and used prequilted fabric but whatever).
Funny, none of the trans people I fight annoy me, unlike the cis dude who won't stop making fucking lightsaber noises while sparring
Lamest attempt at bait award.
>the cis dude who won't stop making fucking lightsaber noises while sparring
Get the based department on the phone immediately
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Are the TSL guys secretly based?
I've seen multiple sigi king's break earlier this year, right at the base where the crossguard meets the blade. They weren't all that old either so be careful of that
I'm planning to grab the learnings over a few years and then go make my own HEMA club! With no rainbow flags, and hookers!
The parry dagger is with what looks like a cup hilt rapier. The saber looks like a Swiss saber used in the mid 16th century before the parry repost saber style really developed. That being said it is awkward and choreographed.
That really looks like he just let it happen
I assumed it was some kind of cooperative demonstration. Was it supposed to be a competitive bout?
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what if you hit them with the flat part instead of the sharp part
That is martially valid and described in several manuals as a way to incapacitate people without killing them
but what if you're trying to kill them, or trying to not kill them, now there's a right and wrong way to do each.
>but what if you're trying to kill them
A non-lethal shot can set up a kill shot.
I guess if you are a thin skulled sissy that is. You are NOT knocking me out with the flat of the blade dude. Don't think such a technique is useful unless you are doing it against someone who is unarmed and can't slice back.
>Striking someone's head with the flat to set up a lethal shot when you could just strike with the blade.
That's just pointless asshole.
Looks more like a cut and thrust/military rapier. Still, why is he closing the distance as he cuts? You can see that the cut would have landed on the hilt of the blade and nowhere near the sweetspot of the blade.
git gud
inb4 meyer is sport fencing
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Training for the first time since august last year guys, wish me luck in sparring
A hit with the flat against the opponent's blade. That is, merely to set up something else. I was talking about something else, you absolute cretin.
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OC for u
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read knigga read

>however, while striking step well around towards his left with your right foot, and as soon as it hits or connects, pull it upwards and wrench out simultaneously towards your left side and nimbly strike from the outside with inverted hands again towards the same opening, that is with the inverted flat when it strongly rebounds in a ricochet motion
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I need to buy some of those poofy pants and be a real knigga
>The Prellhauw (Brellhauw, Rebound Hew) is a strike in which in which the flat of the blade is presented which then bounces of the opponents blade to another or the same opening. This strike is one of a number of Joachim Meÿer's named strikes.
The flat bounces on the blade to then strike with the edge to the opening you choose.
Read knigga, read.
Read beyond the first line you stupid ass knigga. Second play is a double prellhau. Here's a video for your adhd arse.

Meds now.
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My friends are still training and were happy to see me

I was not as bad as I thought I might have been
That's rough, going back after having been gone for a while.
you laugh but this is happening rn
I found it like riding a bike, but because i've been training in other stuff while away my cardio hasn't suffered and I was much better at fighting in lower positions
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>and I was much better at fighting in lower positions
I don't like fighting from the bottom, I prefer to stay erect
I want to please Meyer's ghost by squatting whenever possible
You mean ritualistic warfare that doesn't ammount to anything besides muh national pride and is a waste of blood? What of it?
>and is a waste of blood
Do you know how many Indian and Chinese men there are?
You know what, you are right. Factory accidents probably are a bigger issue.
I cant think of a sword where thats the case. Swords are not effective purcussion weapons. except for the back if its not bladed. Seeing as the sides of the blade bend and/or have to much surface area to to consistanty effective bludgeoning force.
You are not doing anything usefull hitting someone with the side of most any saber for instance.
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Im having some trouble with one handed moulinets, specifically the one coming from the bottum up from your off hand side (cut 4). the other 3 diagnal cuts im completely fin with, but that one it always seems like my wrist locks upfinishing it instead of fluidly completing the circle. I think it has something to do with me pronating and supinating my forearm, and maybe because the inertia/weight boing into my thumb instead of my other 4 fingers. anyone else have this problem?

so sad these poor 3rd world countries cant afford guns :(
How's the concussion and hearing loss risk for full contact rapier fencing? I can deal with leg injuries or busted ribs, but I just can't be risking noggin bonks like armored brawls require for tl;dr reasons. I know ppe isn't perfect and eye injury etc can happen. Foil fencing doesn't appeal to me though.
My club's only had 2 concussions in about 7-8 years of sparring, in one case from a sword point managing to find a joint in the helmet. I'm not sure how you'd ever get an eye injury through the mask though. Much more likely to get a hand injury from what I see.
Very unlikely unless your protection equipment is dogwater or yoy opponent is an asshole. Rapier is the safest weapon to spar as hard as possible with, you can only get fucked up if your opponent goes out of his way to actually hurt you.

Speaking of concussions, how come there are no fencing masks that use propper suspension like a costruction helmet or bike helmet does? Could be useful for longsword sparring.
If a blade snaps and the mask isn't rated to withstand it, then it can pierce through.
Went ahead and joined a club. $200/mo which was steep but included training at a gym 4x a week with the coach so whatever I needed a gym anyways.
What the shit man. 200$ a month is fucking ludicrous. You could buy a new sword every 2 months for that price. Real fucking expensive.
t. Pays 20$ a month to be able to go 2 says a week (it's the only place near me where I can do this)
Yeah its because of the whole personal training package as part of the gym he works with. If I were only meeting up for sparring and events then it'd be much less. Which will probably be my situation later.
Uhhh, just do SS for 1 month brah.
Oatz n squatz ass2grass brah.
No need to pay allat.
Well that would be like
>Opponent thrusts at face
>Blade snaps
>The thrust continues with the now sharp broken edge going through the face mask
Is that right? I would think it would be rare to get thrusted hard enough for that to happen.
It has happened in olympic fencing, altho lunges in there are way deeper than what you see in HEMA. It can still technically happen but the risks are way lower.
can=/= likely, which is what realy matters. You CAN also slip and impail yourself through the armpit, doesnt mean its a good idea to put a foam block in your pit.
New fear unlocked
Ok nigga lol. Just say you are too broke for a 1600N mask.
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What unarmed martial art/combat sport do any of you think would be the best to cross train with HEMA? At first I thought that the best options would be either boxing or MMA. Boxing has a lot of focus on distance management and many coaches train with the "hit and don't be hit" philosophy, which is fundamental to evade doubles. On the other side, I believe MMA is a good mix of grappling and striking, and it could translate well to my fencing due to how attacking with a sword can be done either without controlling the enemy blade and requiring to break distance into a neutral state afterwards, reminiscent of striking; or while keeping control of the enemy blade up until you wound the opponent to make an afterblow not possible, which is reminiscent of grappling, as it's a constant tug of war for control over your opponent. Is there is something else that I should take into account or any other options?
Boxing is a meme, and so are most other martial arts because the rules are too stringent and they don't compete against each other. MMA is the only practical martial art because it came to exist as a result of constant freeform competition.
Do judo.
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The point is not to excell at any of that but to rather use it as cross training so that I benefit in HEMA, like increasing hand eye coordination and footwork. Also, I know everyone likes dunking on boxing, but a fuckton of good MMA strikers had a competent career as boxers before. Still, I think that MMA might still be the better choice.
I have done Judo and it gets mogged by greco-roman and freestyle wrestling. Judo is mostly hip throws that are done by grabbing the opponent's gi and a few foot sweeps. Don't think that can properly transfer to HEMA except for very niche and specific situations.
>throws that are done by grabbing the opponent's gi
Many of these can be adapted to no-gi throws with about half a second's thought if you have reasonable competency and more than two brain cells. I've used hip throws, ankle blocks, sacrifice throws, and kata guruma in Dagorhir. Being able to grab hold of a HEMA jacket gives even more opportunities.
>Judo is mostly hip throws
For sport full of nerds you sure are a fucking retard
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For being a judoslutta you sure don't know much about your martial art. It sucks ass, SPECIALLY the olympic variety, which us what most people train, which has a LOT of stuff taken out from it. You look like an outsider, and the fact you needed to reply to me dissing on Judo on this thread proves how much of an inferiority complex you have. Go back to your containment thread, retard.
>judo bad because olympics took stuff out of it
>greco roman good even though it has an even more limited ruleset than judo
You do not train.
Greco-roman wrestlers would own you.
Oh no he posted the e-celeb take!
>posting the biggest noodle armed faggot imaginable who doesn’t even understand the rules of judo in his takedown video to prove your point
Holy shit, HEMA nerds get this faggot in line before he makes you look even worse.

What’s incredibly funny to me is the knowledge that the guy who’s been constantly trying to talk shit about judo while claiming he learned wrestling from YouTube was actually just a HEMA fag the whole time. Fucking embarrassing lol.
There was an entire thread where this video got BTFO >>197626.
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Well, first look around to see if you can find anyone who teaches pugilism (usually from the 1800s) and/or anyone who teaches western-style wrestling. If you can't get historical wrestling, then freestyle (what they teach in high schools) works as well. Maybe if you're in a very special and/or very Greek area you could even learn the pankration. Why only do HEMA for swordsmanship when you could also do it for striking and wrestling?

Main problem with all that is availability of course, just because it exists and you want to learn it doesn't mean anyone near you teaches it. Failing all that just do MMA, you'll learn what you need from boxing and what you need from wrestling. Just make sure you're not in a stealth BJJ gym where you spend all your time rolling, everyone loves that shit now.
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Samefag taking the same bait 3 times in a row.
I did judo dude it's just lame. If you put a guy that did freestyle for 3 years against a guy that did Judo for 3 years, the freestyle wrestler would win with ease.
Yea I'm not interested in BJJ and that would have the least carryover into HEMA.
>I did judo
You took 1 trial class of judo and have been seething for 3 months >>189557
I'm not that guy, schizo. I did judo when I was like 11 and got to the orange belt.
Can't believe it took me until now to check if there is a 4chan hema group

Does anyone here have a black and orange or black and brown jacket? I'd like to get a spes ap light jacket with a bit of orange, but there's not a lot of patterns online I can find. Would appreciate any inspiration

Infact, post your gear if its not just black

>Just make sure you're not in a stealth BJJ gym
Man, the nearest gyms with availability seem to be that, and I live in a big city. Wish it was more popular to teach wrestling to oldfags out of highschool. And all fighting gyms are even more expensive than hema. Whatever, I don't need additional brain damage
>If you put a guy that did freestyle for 3 years against a guy that did Judo for 3 years, the freestyle wrestler would win with ease.
I wrestled all through school and then switched to judo as an adult. It's a different skill set and there's a bit of a learning curve going from one to the other. Assuming identical quality of the grapplers and their coaches the outcome would depend on the rules and setting of the fight. If they know the rules and setting ahead of time, they're going to train to that instead of pure wrestling or pure judo and correct any blind spots in their training.
Damn bro you trained for like 6 months as a prepubescent kid? Clearly you’re an expert.
BJJ is insanely popular, so even MMA gyms can end up doing mostly that just because it is technically part of MMA.

I mean I get it. BJJ is a relatively low-risk martial art that meaningfully resembles childhood roughhousing, which is why I think it's so popular with modern touch-starved men, and thanks to the Gracies it definitely still has the reputation of being a killer martial art for "da streets."

HEMA's not "practical" but I don't care, I've been in all the bar fights I'll ever be in at my age.
What would piss off BJJ dudes but is totally true; HEMA is built from warfare and in war it's simply not practical to spend 5 minutes wrestling around on the ground. You need to make dudes into casualties in less than a minute and be standing to move on to the next.
>muh le epic warfare
Ehh, it's more like you don't have the chance to do BJJ stuff when there's sharp and pointy shit involved
Doesn't matter if it's a it a duel, a battlefield, or being attacked by bandits in an alleyway. Point is that with stand up wrestling I can at "increase" my skills for "feeling the blade" in a bout and with striking I can hone distance management and reflexes.
Shut up already you obsessed faggot, Judo is and always will be the stuff you make kids learn after class. Even Karate is way better. Now gtfo and back to your thread nigger.
I can AT LEAST increase*
HEMA isn't built from warfare, it's built from historical sport fencing and duelling
Really ironic coming from the guy who’s been seething literally for months
>Judo is and always will be the stuff you make kids learn after class
I'm sorry your Mommy abandoned 11-year-old you at extracurricular programs you didn't pick while she got railed by her clients but this is an 18+ website and we're talking about big boy judo.
>What unarmed martial art/combat sport do any of you think would be the best to cross train with HEMA?
Boxing for the reasons you mentioned. MMA is fine, but if your intention is to train it to supplement for HEMA, there's a lot of superfluous stuff that you won't ever use.

As far as wrestling goes, I'd say Greco-Roman/judo/sport sambo are good since wrestling in HEMA tends to start from more upright positions. Folkstyle wrestling would be good for armored fighting with its pins and rides letting you shank someone at your leisure. If you want the experience of mixing striking and grappling, something sanda or combat sambo would be fairly applicable.
Not me tho. Sorry but most people don't care for Judo. Now go start flamewars in the /jsa/ thread pretending like you post here.
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That would be wrong because there are a good amount of HEMA sources that are explicitly aimed at military personnel, clearest example would be the sources regarding the training that infantry military officers got for the use of the saber during the Napoleonic wars, many times including exercises and techniques to use against bayonets. There was also training in the use of swords for cavalry, as unless you were a dragoon or lancer, you would mainly fight with a sword against either infantry or other cavalry. Lastly there are sources that teach the use of the bayonet, which instructors studied to later teach soldiers.
Previous to the Napoleonic wars sources also taught more "formal" styles for the sake of teaching instructors and "bodyguard" type roles. Many works treat "self defense" type scenarios. Not "self defense" in the sense of modern "disarm this dude doing this elaborate and retarded technique", but just knowing how to use a sword to defend yourself from criminals.
>be retard
>irrationally hate judo because mommy made you go when you were 11
>talk shit and samefag in multiple threads
>get BTFO everywhere every time by multiple people
>continue seething for months
lol, lmao even. Cope. Reminder that you were the one who was initially talking shit about judo while praising wrestling despite training neither
Meds now.
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Boxing is only good for boxing. It doesn't work outside of the constraints of its own rules.
>punching someone in the face doesn’t work outside of boxing
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Yup. Boxing is aikido tier.
Main problem with boxing is the gloves. The gloves are quite large and change your tactics significantly, both how you punch and how you guard. All pugilism sources I'm familiar with teach you to punch in a completely different way, you punch with your fist vertically aligned and use your bottom three knuckles instead of the top two. That's to protect your knuckles/fingers. Martial arts that teach punching horizontally with two knuckles typically have wrappings and/or gloves; boxing, Muay Thai, etc; that protect your hands from injury while doing it that way. The big gloves are also much better shields than your bare hands are and get used in a way that wouldn't really work with bare hands. And IIRC in the pankration you only strike the head with an open palm and never a closed fist.

That said I guess it depends on how you train HEMA, since you'll have gloves while sparring with steel.
Oh, and the wrists. You align your three knuckles directly with your forearm which helps your wrist absorb the impact without bending weirdly.
I'm not going to punch people in HEMA, the point is to train cardio, footwork and distance management skills through it that can carry over to HEMA. That's the point of cross training.
Even the footwork doesn't apply outside of boxing.
>Even tho Destrezafags love getting offline like boxers do.
It's just getting started. All we need now is to get some actual athletes in there. I'm a fat retard and I can pwn nerds who been doing this for over a decade
There's a lot of variety of hemp now. I think most people fence with steel now? Buhurt people knock each other out.

Gladiators were usually pretty fake and gay.
I keep seeing HEMA ppl talking shit about JSA on Reddit. What is it, Japanese Sword Association?
Japanese Sword Arts. They are infamous for being very closed/insular and never sparring or sparring only under extremely hard to meet criteria, specially by older/more experienced practitioners. "I will only spar you if you have at least 2nd degree black belt" type stuff. Basically the only ones that spar are kendo and other similar ones, which have incredibly rigid ruling about whether a hit counts or not and whatnot.
Post body.
HEMA is almost entirely overrun by pinko commie faggotry. I try to stick to smaller clubs now. Most people in the larger clubs aren't worth sparring anyways. I watched in real time as a dude was transitioning from a normal opponent to a bitch that tires after two swings and cries about breaking a nail.
That's literally what HEMA is now
A legitimate tactic from Meyer. You can use it to bend your blade around your opponent's sword, slap him, then use the rebound to cut him from the other side.
Marrozzo recommended wrestling.
What passed for wrestling in his time was probably a hell of a lot more free style than our modern sport equivalents.
why not just slap him and leave him to live the rest of his life as an embarrassed slapped man
There’s theories that flat blade attacks existed primarily for the reason, to be a good Christian and demonstrate that you could have killed/maimed your opponent but chose not to. If he continues to
Fight is when you would follow up with a lethal blow.
Ah, yes. Chivalry.
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Is it a good idea for me to put some sort of padded cloth lining inside my practice cup hilt rapier so it's a little bit more comfortable? Some manufacturers like Hanwei sell them with lining inside too (pic rel)
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Depends how loud you want the bowl to ring
Yes but it has to be in some pride colors
>erm lining is for fags!!!!
Insecure pencil neck award.
judo gene was the ref?
>go to judo
>taught by old farts
>ask for leg shit and forbidden shit
>they usually get a twinkle in their eye for the heyday
wow is that so hard
This guy touches tatami.
He actually was...!
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My biggest weakness when sparring is my general inability to fully commit when I should. I tend to fumble many maneuvers because of this. It also doesn't help my general lack of experience and accidental telegraphing (been doing this for 10 months). What's the best type of solo training I can do to fix my lack of "commitment"? Happens with all weapons, altho specifically when using the rapier.
When I was younger and I was into boxing I had a similar issue. I could easily punch the bag at full power but something inside made me weaker when I fought against another opponent when it wasn't technical sparring. I know I won't hurt my opponent if I commit appropiately, but I don't know if this "reflex" is in any way related to my lack of commitment.
Plz help.
Honestly I don’t think this is an issue you can solve solo. What I would reccommend doing is making intentional small goals during your sparring sessions. You may end up doing “worse” than if you play your normal game but remember sparring is training, you’re not trying to win anything.

Here’s an example of a sparring goal you can use. Go in with intention to use as little retreating foot work as possible. Invite and push your opponent into the fight, and then force yourself to stay in the engagement.

Obviously it’s not smart to not use your disengaging footwork when you need to in competition, but in sparring it will force you to work on the things you need to work on.
You're hurting your opponent by not fully committing and not allowing him to train properly and it's an inefficient use of your time and energy to show up and perform half-assedly. Perhaps close your eyes when you do pell work and envision your training partner or set up your protective kit on the pell and strike that so it looks more like a person in order to condition yourself to participate fully in practice.
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I am intellectually aware that what I'm doing is possibly harming my peers, but it still feels like something deep in me stops me from commiting enough to anything seemingly violent in any way unless I want to actually harm the person in front of me. I guess that just doing more pellwork is the only think I can do besides sparring. Maybe LARPing in my head that I hate the man in front of me and I must humiliate him.
idk what yall about but i just like swords
swords are cool
When one of my partners has trouble committing I usually made them do the strike against me and I'd guard several times in succession then one of them I wouldn't guard then start having them strike with me blocking or not with them focusing on always striking with commitment
Any martial art, it doesn't matter what, is invalid unless open sparring happens. Otherwise, you end up the way China did when MMA was introduced, and millions of Chinese found out their traditional martial arts isn't shit against a guy kneeing you in the face and then taking you to the floor. Sparring is essential to find out what works and what doesn't. Hell, half the things in the HEMA manuals don't work under sparring conditions. They'll work when fighting an inexperienced newbie, but rarely anyone who has been doing it longer than a year. I'm thinking specifically of longsword and messer grapples. There's a reason everyone hangs out in longpoint at tournament.
>It also doesn't help my general lack of experience and accidental telegraphing (been doing this for 10 months).
Then you're beating yourself up for no reason. Nobody is good at 10 months. After two years, you'll have no problem. Really, what becomes muscle memory is the reading of distance and your opponent's body mechanics. You won't have to be told that when someone is making baby steps forward they intend to lunge, and that you should cut into their blade and extend your point. You'll just do it.

Sounds like your problem is calibration. You're afraid of hitting hard because you can't control yourself when you swing. That's a skill you have to develop, and the way you develop it is with sparring and having an opponent tell you, "That's too hard." Otherwise, you're going to get bounced at a tournament.
I like swords. I like messers and jians especially. Imagine my chagrin when I found out Chinese people use a jian like a rapier, and not like a messer.

>I saw a Chinese martial arts dude fight a Dutch guy with a messer, and the Chinese guy was utterly baffled by the Dutch man cutting into the blade and then false-edging into his chin, over and over and over.
>it's because he was hunched over in some weird Giganti pose, but while holding the jian in longpoint
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Are you sure the Chinese guy knew what he was doing? I'd say the jian is closer to sidesword than anything. There are thrusts sure, but jian is very cut heavy.

Here are some videos from Scott Roddel, a Chinese swordsmanship expert:
Any videos of him sparring? Those deflections are huge movements that don't look practical.
The Chinese equivalent is dāo (刀) (literally "knife" in English and "Messer" in German) and can refer to pretty much any single-edged blade. Jiàn (剑) are double-edged straight swords of various sizes.
>Otherwise, you're going to get bounced at a tournament.
I don't think it would be an issue in a tournament, if anything the problem wouldn't be there. The context is completely different here.
>Imagine my chagrin when I found out Chinese people use a jian like a rapier, and not like a messer
Dude, it's a thin long straight blade, why do you think it would handle like a messer?
some Jians are basically built to be rapiers, but it's a more generic term. Covers everything from a gladius to arming/militia swords to full on Zweihanders, depending on period and use.

Taijijians are generally what you're thinking of though, they get a bunch of use in modern Chinese opera and martial arts movies. probably where you get the strongest rapier impression, too.
>Those deflections are huge movements that don't look practical.
Doesn't look that different from your bog-standard hanging parry to me.
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I finally found a fairly local place that teaches a few courses, but the beginner's course only teaches longsword.
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SIGI Montante or Kvetun Two-handed sword?
Those arent women those are Christian monks
I.33 is also known as the Walpurgis manuscript, after a figure named Walpurgis shown in the last sequence of the manuscript.
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New to hema
What is this stain? What's it from and how can I clean it
Had the sword for maybe 3 months and I got 2 spots like this
Our enemies may rest but rust never sleeps
No tonsure, no monk;
also lurk more.
The text literally refers to them as priests
Most of the text referes to the priest and the student, in the last pages the students is replaced by Walpurgis.
Thank you for confirming you don't know much about I:33
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When are we ennacting TTD in HEMA? Shit's ridiculous at this point.
How about you fuck off back to pleb bit where you belong
>anons will complain about the one sport where they can hit troons no problem
It's like you guys are TRYING to be miserable
I don't want the company of a mentally ill man who tries to force everyone to participate in his fetish. I don't want the social cancer these retards inevitably inflict upon hobby spaces. I don't want autistic kids getting groomed into self harm. I don't want tomboy genocide. I don't want men invading women's HEMA and creating an environment where my wife and sister don't feel safe in restrooms and changing areas. Troons in HEMA are not a net positive, even if you can hit their safety equipment with blunt swords.
>be me, poorfag
>trying out local longsword class
>unable to afford all the gear for sparring
>talking with someone else about class
>he says "no helmet or armor anon if this were medieval times I'd cut you in half, easy"
>reply "but this is modern times, so I would just get my gun and shoot you through your armor"
>acts like I said the most upsetting thing
>coaches pull me to the side, tell me to avoid making death threats
>but I was just responding to what he said in a similar way
>you're new here anon, you don't understand
>wtf he said he'd cut me in half
They redirected me to their general etiquette rules and shit, but man, I don't understand that point of that exchange
You and the club both sound autistic
some people never stop playing pretend
so this is a completely retarded question but seeing as i cant find a LARP general i thought id ask here

i wanted to use three clubs identical in length as weapons because im playing a jester are there any actual manuals or manuscripts that focus on combat with two one handed weapons?
Two equal-length batons is a staple of FMA, you might try their thread if you don't get a good answer here. >>>/xs/eskrima
and there lies the fault with most HEMA clubs, they think their version of fencing is more "real"; therefore it is more practical. Then they make the jump and delude themselves into thinking they're learning a practical skill.
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Fiore has a play involving two clubs and a dagger.
The Bolognese school covers two swords, IIRC. Also Giganti but I don't think rapier would translate well to club. You could also kind of use Pringle Green cutlass and pistol, maybe.
>bro is gonna LARP as a juggalo
I didn't expect people to still be down with the clown.
You're being a sourpuss nigga.
You're being a fag that got owned at sparring and tournaments nigga.
Some of the very first people I met in Dagorhir 10+ years ago were juggalos. At least one of them routinely went out in public with a painted face, trip pants, and a sleeveless shirt showcasing his hatchetman tattoo.
Damn are you serious? As someone who doesn't LARP, that only makes it more off-putting than what it already is by default.
Haven't really noticed a juggalo problem in the game, just happened to meet those guys right off the bat. Dagorhir isn't any more of a LARP than HEMA and they both attract some similar subsets of weirdos in my experience.
>Dagorhir isn't any more of a LARP than HEMA
Nigga you put on costumes. HEMA is experimental archeology.

I do buhurt. It always makes me laugh when we get a HEMA guy in, and he realizes I ain't stopping just because he's popped me in the head.
HEMA also puts on costumes, as do most other sports. Dagorhir is boffer combat with no roleplaying game attached. Its combat rules have been used to develop actual LARPs like Amtgard and Darkon but Dagorhir itself technically isn't a LARP.
>protective equipment is the same as dressing up as an elf
Dude, I...
What's your bench brah
>HEMA also puts on costumes
Olympic fencers also put on costumes by that definition
Anyway rip sidesword
>Dude, I...
you what, paint fag shit on your mask and wear troon socks to tournaments while LARPing as a swordswoman?

>Olympic fencers also put on costumes by that definition
Yes, that's my point. You'd look at least as ridiculous wearing fencing garb in public as you would Dagorhir garb or football pads. Wearing special clothes for a game doesn't make it a LARP. Dagorhir has the Live Action but it is not a Role Playing game--no character sheets, no storyline, no setting, just boffer combat in funny clothes.
Try telling with a straight face that puffy pants are a necessary protective equipment and not a costume
Lads I have a question

I want to do British military saber. Is the Kvetun Easton mkIII worth the money? Is there a comparable, cheaper alternative?
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What do you use for target practice at home? I use my boxing standing bag, admittedly since I already have it for boxing, but I also like it cause it provides a moving active target and you can kind of simulate binds with the stand. ofc, on the negative, its a small target and doesn’t quite simulate a whole body.
I put a hole through a tennis ball and hung it with with paracord.
I don't wear puffy pants? Take your meds nigger.
>3 troons paint their face masks therefore all HEMA practitioners do it
Go dress up as an orc or something nigga lmfao.
>3 nerds wear pointy ears and therefore all Dagorhir fighters do it
You might be close to getting it Mr. Poofypants.
Here’s the real difference, retard, HEMA is an actual martial art where the focus is on fighting. Dagorhir, or amtgard, or whatever other LARP group you’re a part of (sca included) is a game with martial elements. Some particularly extra autistic members of HEMA clubs might dress up like historical freifechters, but that is not the end goal of the sport. Contrastingly, larp groups are ABOUT being in character and doing improvisational character acting. If you are honest with yourself, you can admit the martial elements are secondary which is why you don’t just have straight up tournaments like hemafags do and instead create characters and stories for them.

I actually don’t think there’s anything wrong with that if you enjoy it, by the way, but you are being dishonest if you consider it a real martial art.
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Literally every Drahorhir person wears cosplay of some sort. They are dressed up as a fantasy warrior of some sort and sometimes as a fantasy race while at it. I have looked up pictures and never find anyone dressed up in "plain clothes", specially if they are in a tournament.
You don't know anything about Dagorhir and you're ignoring what I'm telling you about it. Amtgard is a LARP originally built on top of Dagorhir style combat. SCA has some LARP elements depending on what you're doing in the organization. Dagorhir is combat sport/battle game with no story or role playing game attached. Without the martial element there's nothing left to Dagorhir, it's literally the entire game. This has actually been a problem for Dagorhir versus the other organizations because there's no official activity support for non-combatants which limits the options for dragging your family along to events and practices.
>HEMA is an actual martial art where the focus is on fighting
HEMA is a branch of scholarship with a combat sport attached. Dagorhir is a combat sport with loosely historical/fantasy aesthetics attached. I would argue the latter is more focused on actually physically fighting.
>which is why you don’t just have straight up tournaments
Interestingly, the stronger tournament scenes for stick/boffer games in my experience are in some of the LARP groups, likely because they have extra motivation to actually win and have larger participation numbers. Dagorhir often seems to have a weaker talent pool than Amtgard, for example.
>if you consider it a real martial art
I don't know that I consider it a "real martial art" but it's definitely a real combat sport. The worst habit you learn in Dagorhir from a martial arts perspective is not protecting your head since it's not a legal target area (except for projectiles), but otherwise you learn some good body mechanics, grappling entries, aggressive shield work, and so forth. I primarily come from a wrestling background and got to apply that all the time when I fought in Dagorhir; grappling is always allowed by the rules, unlike in HEMA competition. HEMA as a whole is more of a martial art than Dagorhir but sport HEMA in isolation is probably about as much of a "real martial art" as Dagorhir.
> is combat sport/battle game with no story or role playing game attached. Without the martial element there's nothing left to Dagorhir, it's literally the entire game. This has actually been a problem for Dagorhir versus the other organizations because there's no official activity support for non-combatants which limits the options for dragging your family along to events and practices
Holy fuck so you faggots are so gay you engage in bigger combat as a hobby, despite steel and wood combat being available to you, for no fucking reason with no role playing involved? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of. Why are you doing this?
>HEMA is a branch of scholarship with a combat sport attached. Dagorhir is a combat sport with loosely >historical/fantasy aesthetics attached. I would argue the latter is more focused on actually physically fighting.
LOL, Lmao even
> Interestingly, the stronger tournament scenes for stick/boffer games in my experience are in some of the LARP groups, likely because they have extra motivation to actually win and have larger participation numbers. Dagorhir often seems to have a weaker talent pool than Amtgard, for example
Then why are you doing it? I genuinely do not understand. If you want to larp, go to a larp group. If you want to fight, why not do so with wood or steel?
>I don't know that I consider it a "real martial art" but it's definitely a real combat sport
> The worst habit you learn in Dagorhir from a martial arts perspective is not protecting your head since it's not a legal target area
LMAO, there have been studies done showing the head is the second most safest target to attacks, followed by the hands.
>I primarily come from a wrestling background
Ok buddy
> sport HEMA in isolation is probably about as much of a "real martial art" as Dagorhir.
555-555-5555 Come on now
> Holy fuck so you faggots are so gay you engage in bigger combat as a hobby, despite steel
*boffer combat
You say Dragorhir is more physical than HEMA. I say, again, what's your bench brah.
>Literally every HEMA person wears cosplay of some sort. They are dressed up as a renaissance beekeeper of some sort and sometimes as a fantasy gender while at it. I have looked up pictures and never find anyone dressed up in "plain clothes", specially if they are in a tournament.
You're more likely to see Dagorhir fighters in plain clothes at weekly practices, though the culture around that varies by region. Larger events have rules about attire. Costume as a sport uniform does not equal a roleplaying game.
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>HEMAfags are troons even tho it's a loud minority while cosplay is mandatory for boffer tournaments.
Stop being so disingenious, bro.
Again, what's your bench son? This is the third time I ask, and you won't even acknowledge my request. Makes me think you are a pencil necked nerd and not the "true fighter" you claim to be while calling us sissy fags as a whole collective.
You write this as if hemafags don’t wear normal gym clothes when they’re not in kit. You’re completely deranged.
>f you want to fight, why not do so with wood or steel?
Two main reasons:
1) It's the cheapest. You can build a sword for ~$10 and you don't need any other equipment. You can just show up, borrow a cheap loaner stick, and start swinging.
2) There's a different set of safety concessions when you pad the weapons instead of the fighters. I like grappling and can do that more in Dagorhir than SCA (which I also like) or steel combat (which usually stops on the ground).
>LMAO, there have been studies done showing the head is the second most safest target to attacks, followed by the hands.
This goes back to the point of safety concessions. A Dagorhir sword is built to be incapable of causing deep bruises or breaking bones (though it can happen) so hits aren't really a safety concern unless they're rattling your brain box.
>If you want to larp, go to a larp group.
It's fun to fight without the complication of a roleplaying game. Even the LARP groups that do boffer combat (Amtgard, Darkon, etc.) have martial practices where they stickfight without the LARP element attached.
>Ok buddy
Wrestling is the only combat sport present in pretty much every single school in America, I don't know why that sounds less plausible than being into the comparatively rare sports of stick and sword fighting.

I've been slacking after moving to a new place (no nerdfighting, either) but last time I was in the gym:
bench 5x5 235lbs
squat 5x5 385lbs
deadlift 5x5 415lbs
I used to do a lot of high-rep stuff for wrestling and not worry too much about 1RM but I want to pull 500lbs off the ground at least once in my life.
>You say Dragorhir is more physical than HEMA
It's a different kind of physicality, you can haul off and punch people with the edge of your shield and grappling is always part of the game. I like both fighting formats.

What's your deadlift?
>the "true fighter" you claim to be while calling us sissy fags as a whole collective
You are illiterate.
You're either illiterate or stupid. My point is that both HEMAfags and Dag fighters wear normal clothes when they're not in kit. I've worn gym clothes, jeans, and milsurp pants to both. Neither HEMA events nor Dagorhir battles are Live Action RolePlaying games, they're just fighting games with goofy aesthetics.
I can diddly 460 for 3 reps.
Btw I doubt you did 5x5 for deadlift cause no one basically does that. And less so with that much weight. I don't believe you did that much deadlift volume every fucking week. So I hope those aren't made up numbers.
Many HEMA tournaments have grappling involved. Holy shit dude you have no ides about HEMA and it shows.
>HEMA is a branch of scholarship with a combat sport attached.
There are way more poofypants and painted mask wearers than treatise readers out there
Samefag. Or a jsafag fucking around.
>I can diddly 460 for 3 reps.
Nice. You have any goals on that front or are you just trying to stay strong?
>Btw I doubt you did 5x5 for deadlift cause no one basically does that.
That's not even that much from an athletics perspective. I was doing 3x18 (lighter weights, obviously) two days a week when I was staying in wrestling shape. I figured to focus on getting stronger for the sake of getting stronger instead of focusing on muscular endurance for wrestling I should do heavier sets of fewer reps and 5x5 seemed like a good meme number so I stuck with that for a while for the big three.

Not all? Was that maybe what I said? Read twice before you reply.

Is that a new-ish trend? A regional preference? When I was dabbling in HEMA a few years back there were a lot of guys who wanted to ramble on about theory and do slow work instead of suit up and spar, part of why I stuck to retard stickdork sports--already had enough reading to do without holding book club during gym time.
These "book" theory nerds you cry so much about have fucking pwned me at sparring even with me being younger and fitter than them, so you should probably show them some respect instead of being existentially scared of theory.
My goal is pulling 480lb for 3 reps.
I'm not scared of theory or crying about nerds, I just don't want to stand around and have an academic debate during what should be a fighting practice. Outside of scheduled fighting time I'll happily talk theory and I'll gladly show up to scheduled slow work, but when it's time to spar it's time to spar.

I actually have a fencing book in my reading rotation right now, pic related. I saw it recommended in the Olympic fencing thread. I've barely started it but it's a fun read so far.
>I was doing 3x18 (lighter weights, obviously) two days a week when I was staying in wrestling shape.
Just curious, what weights did you use for squat bench and deadlift when you trained them for 3x18? If you did rows I'm also interested
What weapons do you practice?
I was the one who reccommended that book. I also am baffled at your reasoning that you would rather do boffer fighting than steel fighting because you think HEMA in real life is constant academic debate in real life rather than just on the internet.
Not only is he a master with every single medieval implement out there, western, eastern, and otherwise, he is the king of all combat forms, could win the olympics if he wanted to (he's smart but lazy) singlehandedly beat all of Russia, and is so tough when he once got shot at the bullets got scared and crawled back into the gun
There is no arguing with larpfags, their egos are off the charts for how shitty their "sport" actually is. The adult version of kids genuinely thinking winning in fortnite is the same as being on seal team 6
I honestly don't remember; if I find my old gym notebook before the thread dies I'll post it. It fluctuated a good bit depending on what felt right in the context of recovery and the other training I had going on.

lately I've been training the following weapons at home, in order of priority:
>pistol (daily holster work and dryfire for anywhere from 1 minute to 1 hour, make it out to the range roughly every other month)
>FMA knife (most days of the week, brief drills as the mood strikes)
>Olympic epee (a few times a week as the mood strikes)
>SCA single-handed stick (same as epee)
>rifle and carbine (dry fire roughly once a week, live fire same as pistol)

In the near future I want to study HEMA staff techniques. I'll probably take SCA stick and Olympic epee out of the rotation for that. It's always intrigued me as a historical weapon and seems like a practical skill to have when hiking, just need to get around to finding a good staff (looking at Purpleheart hardwood and/or rattan staves) and finishing up a few books that are cutting into treatise reading time/energy. If anyone knows of any good compendiums of staff resources please let me know, otherwise I'll just be scouring Wiktenauer.

In the past I've been in an Olympic fencing club and have trained lightly with some HEMA rapier guys. I've done FMA knife, baton, and machete work. I've mostly fought in Dagorhir and SCA heavy and to a lesser extent in SCA fencing, Amtgard, and Darkon.

My main reasons for favoring boffer over steel historically are availability, convenience, and cost. My particular gripe with the specific HEMA groups I encountered in real life are as I described but I understand that there's a full club spectrum from all-sport to all-academic. My personal sample size is small because I've never lived anywhere where HEMA was bigger than SCA or boffer games.

Was it in-character or out-of-character when the elf-eared LARPer fucked your troonwife?
>I honestly don't remember; if I find my old gym notebook before the thread dies I'll post it. It fluctuated a good bit depending on what felt right in the context of recovery and the other training I had going on.
Pls post even in new thread, really interested.

>>pistol (daily holster work and dryfire for anywhere from 1 minute to 1 hour, make it out to the range roughly every other month)
Do you train for IPSC?

Seems like you become very weapon focused (I don't see a lot of wrestlers that lift heavy turn to
training to use different weapons, usually such people go to BJJ or just stick to lifting). Why? Is there any philosophy behind this turn?
>I do a bunch of home practice
Nigger please this is what you sound like
>pistol (CoD)
>rifle (Fortnite)
>Sniper rifle (Halo)
>Shotgun (CoD again)
>demolitions and explosives (R6 Siege)
>Longsword (Dark Souls)
>Polearms (Dynasty Warriors)
>Lightsaber (Battlefront II)
>Karate (Street Fighter)
>Dragon Shouts (Skyrim)
I'm reminded now of 90s guys who insisted they were too lethal for regular sports practice, only to be noodle-armed mcdojo bitches or mcfattyfats
>bro I know everything, I troon at home all the time by myself with no one around

fuck off, lol
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>Pls post even in new thread, really interested.
Will do. Might take a while because it's packed away and I don't know where.
>Do you train for IPSC?
I should get into that someday but I just shoot casually with my friends when I visit my hometown. We have shot timers but we mainly use them to analyze what we're currently trying or to score short impromptu challenges. Some of those guys actually travel to compete in different formats, some of them are just gun autists, and some of them are content to show up and magdump into the berm. Trying to stay good enough to not get accused of being one of the ones who merely magdump into the berm is a decent motivator.
>usually such people go to BJJ
I did judo for a bit and I really enjoyed it. Should go back to it.
>you become very weapon focused
Largely because I grew up in rural America shooting and hunting while reading fantasy novels, folk tales, and history books. By the time I started wrestling in first grade I knew how to safely shoot a .22 from rest and had toy swords that I used for chasing birds around ponds at the parks. I used to read the Museum Replicas Limited catalogues back when they had longer historical blurbs and made a couple wooden swords with my grandfather and great-grandfather. Knights and cowboys (knights of the Old West) were the coolest guys a kid could grow up to be. I saw a theater production of Don Quixote for a Spanish class field trip and found him relatable.
>Is there any philosophy behind this
A man has a duty to be capable of protecting his family, and a Citizen his community. Some Socrates bits along those lines that I like:
>Xenophon's Memorabilia 3.12
>Socrates chastises his friend for not staying in good enough shape to be useful to society
>Xenophon's Memorabilia 1.6.1-10
>Socrates mocks a sophist for promoting soft lifestyles which ruin men
I'm sorry you're too mentally ill for your parents to let you keep firearms in their basement. I'm training at home because I moved to the middle of nowhere and the nearest martial clubs are at least an hour away. Any sport or martial art I've ever trained from organized sports in school to literal LARPs has recommended solo training in between practices/classes, anyway. What's your home routine?
>bro I know everything
I'm not claiming anything close to that. I have mediocre exposure to several things and solid exposure to a few. My stated current training volume is low and not at all impressive. Go for a run or do some hard pell work to calm yourself down before reading and replying next time.
>pistol (friends/father)
>rifle (father/grandfather/friends)
>Sniper rifle (I want to learn PRS from my friends but have never shot past ~300yd and have never had to use a DOPE card or calculator)
>Shotgun (father/grandfather)
>demolitions and explosives (wrecking bar and sledgehammer; fireworks on the 4th of July)
>Longsword (held a HEMA longsword a few times and messed around with a longsword-shaped stick in SCA, would definitely like to properly learn longsword fencing someday)
>Polearms (Dagorhir/SCA only)
>Lightsaber (I have a flashlight in my pocket)
>Karate (three trial classes at two schools)
>Dragon Shouts (anyone can yell at asian people)
Dude, this anon (>>202683) fucking called out your bullshit before you even wrote it out. You don’t do shit, have a million excuses, and still claim to be master of everything.

Fuck right off lol.
>hurr durr muh guns
I’m an American, buying and owning a gun is trivial and if you think dry firing at your mirror like Travis Bickle makes you a badass then you’re a retard.
You are illiterate.
Noooooo you read my whole cope post, I’m not claiming to be a master of everything I’m just saying that I’m a demolitions expert because of Fourth of July fireworks
Lmfao, nah. train in real life and then I’ll give a shit. You talk like a 12 year old with something to prove.
>I’m just saying that I’m a demolitions expert because of Fourth of July fireworks
Literally the opposite of what I'm saying you fucking retard. Are you ESL or do you have a severe learning disability?
Cry more, you don’t train. Gtfo of the thread
>t. doesn't own a pell
>t. https://youtu.be/OYWGF8Hrkg8?feature=shared

If you are so retarded that you don’t recognize that drilling at home is only supplemental to actual training there’s no point in talking to you.

Imagine being a LARPer who LARPs as a HEMA fencer lol
>recognize that drilling at home is only supplemental to actual training
I do recognize that. If you had reading comprehension you would have realized that. You're getting worked up over things we probably agree on because you can't read.
>worked up
Lmfao, nice projection from the retard boffer guy who doesn’t actually train

Imagine LARPing as a LARPer
Caesar LARPed as Alexander, et cetera. If you're not LARPing as a LARPing LARPer who LARPs what are you even doing?
I am the LARPer what LARPs at midnight
Doomsday Clock but instead it's a measure of how much of a LARPer you are
>at home
Only really useful as a noob when it comes to HEMA or FMA or olympic type fencing. Homeboy you gots to spar.
>muh HEMA equipment is too expensive
dude you are practicing like 10 things at once
Post body.
>Only really useful as a noob
Everybody does solo drills for skill refinement, reinforcement, and maintenance until you're at the level that you pay someone to act the part of your grappling dummy/heavy bag/pell/etc. The best grapplers, fencers, and stick fighters I've personally met all engaged in solo training (in addition to regular training, obviously).
>Homeboy you gots to spar.
No shit. There's no one around to spar anymore, see: "I moved to the middle of nowhere and the nearest martial clubs are at least an hour away." Until I figure out how to get a raccoon to stand en garde or find a neighbor with the right kind of autism my only option for now is training on my own.
>muh HEMA equipment is too expensive
It was back in the day when I was first getting into this stuff as a broke college student. A full set of protective kit plus steel weapon is more expensive than a single boffer sword made with a PVC pipe and dense camp pad foam.
>dude you are practicing like 10 things at once
I'm doing very, very minimal skills maintenance with some of the weapons I've picked up over the years.

You could have an Aldo Nadi or Adolfo Cotronei physique and still agree with my points that:
>Dagorhir has no character sheets, story lines, etc. and is therefore not a RolePlaying game by definition
>the full corpus of scholastic wrestling is allowed at every Dagorhir event; different stick/sword sports have different grappling rules
>boffer with no worn safety equipment is substantially cheaper than blunt steel with worn safety equipment
>solo training is useful as a supplement to group practice, or to keep the rust off when group practice is unavailable, in essentially every sport
I don't claim that solo practice beats live practice or that Dagorhir, etc. is superior to any other stick/sword nerd sport. Genuinely not sure why you're finding any of this controversial.
>people who use books and theory in swordfights are retards
>no anon you're the retard
>actually I do foam sports and a bunch of other stuff too, I'm an expert, bookfags don't know shit
>foam sports are gay and the other shit is gay self-practice you don't know shit
>waah why is everyone so mean i just want to get respected as a foam sword knifefighter gunman pro shooter sca king olympic fencer that I know I am I just don't have anyone to spar with
I will reiterate my suspicion regarding your literacy. You are tilting at windmills and strawmen.
>noooo I didn't say that shit you're all understanding ym masterswordman black ops rifleman skills and words wrong
Going to link you post by post then, bitch
>bookfags are retards: by you
>people calling you a retard
>No I'm a tough cool guy who has guns skills and foam skills: you
>everyone pointing out self practice is meme and you're a fag
>waaah I'm right you're wrong respect my foam dick please: you
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You know every HEMA club will loan you shit right? Your excuses make no sense. Take your meds.
His excuses make no sense because he’s literally just coping. Bofferfags are lazy and stupid but want to be thought of as a real martial art.

It’s really embarrassing considering HEMA is itself thought of as a dork sport amongst other martial artists. Imagine being the dork’s dork.
An astonishing lack of reading comprehension. I don't think bookfags (other than myself) are retards and I don't think any of my hobbies are exceptional. If you're ESL and having trouble understanding English syntax I would be happy to work through any confusing sentences with you.

Sometimes, yes. However, the clubs with the most loaner equipment tend to charge the highest fees. The less-stocked clubs I've seen have much less loaner equipment for sparring and still charge more of a fee to practice than boffer sports, which typically have zero fees for practice and only charge to cover site rentals for events. This would be less of a factor for me today but was a deterrent when I was a student with no money. It's also relevant to consider cost if you're the one organizing a group: you can get a lot more people swinging swords/sticks if you can make them for under $10 each and don't need to buy protective clothing in many different sizes and that smaller pile of loaner equipment will be easier to transport to whatever park you use for practice.

HEMA clubs are a lot harder to find than boffer sports or SCA in America in my personal experience. As an example, one of my interactions with HEMA was in a city where the guy who ran the local HEMA school would train with the SCA fencing group to try to recruit there and to fence far more people than he had available at his HEMA classes. Maybe you live in some city or foreign country where HEMA has greater popularity but that's what I've encountered in a number of regions stateside over the last 15 years or so. SCA started in the 1960s and Dagorhir in the 1970s but HEMA didn't really start to take off until the 1980s or 1990s so the former two are much more established here.
How many times do you have to get btfo before you leave the thread? Are you just pretending to be retarded?
I don't feel BTFO at all. I've been in /hema/ off and on since /xs/ started and I'm not going to leave just because one retard can't read.
>itt: LARPfag who just got executed pretends the thread secretly loves him and he’s the cornerstone of Hema general
Next you’ll be putting on a trip code and acting like even more of a faggot
>one retard
Holy cope
>itt: illiterate loon tilting at strawmen
Explain yourselves Fiorefags...!
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There's nothing to explain.
imagine playing dnd and complaining about trannies and fags
D&D stays at the game table. Troons try to get you to participate in their fetish roleplay anywhere you find them.
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>Where can I find these treatises?
Do you guys have physical books that you like? It'd be cool if somebody had a project going like the Loeb Classical Library but for HEMA texts.
Why asking us when you can directly ask to Fiore. That's the point of Fiore's Mail.
Newfag here. The closest club to me is about an hour from where I am and it seems they meet 1-2 times a week. Is a commute to a from a place this far normal for you guys?
When I was a teenager I used to drive 45 minutes twice a week to do judo since I was in small town with nothing else around. I know people who drive over an hour to do HEMA with my club today. Whether or not that’s worthwhile is up to you.

Start listening to audiobooks in the car or something if you do decide to do this and it won’t feel like wasted time
Will do anon. Would you also recommend practicing forms and stances at home or with your club under proper guidance?
Ask your coach about what stuff you should be drilling at home, don’t just start watching YouTube videos and try to figure shit out from there. You can do that after you have a good grasp on the basics. To many new guys get way too excited and start trying to learn techniques they don’t properly understand the use case or movements for.

When you first start, en gaurde is going to feel like an incredibly awkward position. As is the basic footwork. Once you have someone show you how to sit and how to step proper you can start drilling that at home then get feedback when you return. Just remember, the value of home drilling as a beginner is not learning new things but reinforcing the things you are already being coached on. This shit is probably going to be boring but it will help you immensely in the long run.
>good coach acts like the retard in the fight so you learn how to move properly and take advantage of certain scenarios
>bad coach tells you to act like a retard, fight slow, and pull punches because he's so cool and awesome he needs to show how he's the badass
Understandably, there's a mix, especially when coach needs to teach you proper form, but you'll pick up quick which coaches actually want to see you grow and which are the faggots trying to jerk off about being an ebin swordfightan mastah (who will still lose to Meth Mac and the hipoint he got 20 minutes ago)
You sound like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
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Could there be made something like those VR haptic suits that make you feel pain using electrodes, but instead of it being a videogame thing, it's something you wear under the jacket so it makes you feel pain whenever you get cut or stabbed by the opponent's practice sword? Shouldn't be too complicated or unsafe, right?
Please don't push your bdsm fantasy on HEMA, we already have to deal with too many freaks.
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, /sp/ is two blocks down.
Oh no HEMAsisters! we got too cocky
>even tho /his/ knows as much history as the history channel
>hating on the meyer puffy pants
I get painting your mask.
>/his/ is full of complete and utter retards who don’t know or care about history
Is this supposed to be news? Have you not seen the 50 daily thread on how aryans were actually every single society in history? They “we wuz” harder than the black Israelites.
People will do anything except buy gear and go spar.
How can a complete newbie know if a place is good or not?
There's an open even this 21 at a local club (the only club), I'll go to check things out and maybe register myself, But I want to know what I should look for, if there's even anything to look out for. I'm interested in sword and rapier, they seem to only do longsword but there is one video of someone using a rapier and dagger.
Retard, here.
I don't have access to a car at the moment so I don't have access to a HEMA club.
Is there like a good youtube channel that'll take me through drills or something so I can fuck around in my room?
I'm not expecting to git gud this way what I'm thinking is maybe I can be fit enough to hold a sword and shield up for a whole session without getting gassed if I fuck around now.
This is for sparring thoe. Learn to read. You wear it under your jacket as you spar.
I don’t blame him for not actually reading your post, it was cringe and fucking stupid.
>This is for sparring thoe.
Nah you want to try something stupid to make a video or get attention, which would take away from your time sparring like a normal person. Stop trying to be a hematuber, just put your gear on, and spar.
>Is there like a good youtube channel that'll take me through drills or something so I can fuck around in my room
What's your weapon? How high are your ceilings? Your light fixtures are in danger.
im considering attempting this hobby, but all of the videos of it seem to be so boring. it doesnt even really look like a workout, the weapons are light and you never use power since thats irrelevant when youre just trying to tap a person literally anywhere to get a point, or whatever. all the nuances im sure there was originally in sword fighting is reduced to 'hey look ive trained my dexterity at manipulating a stick in front of my body'. i mean, obviously i know nothing as a complete outsider. im not sure that it looks fun. i dont think i have seen any clip that could be considered a showcase of athleticism, at best just wheeling the stick around quickly to graze someones finger, and then they seperate. is there any other viewing material than this kind of thing?
is there some form of the 'sparring' where you dont instantly separate the moment someone touches the other person once? do you get more points if you hit in particular areas?
Yes, HEMA is boring to watch. I recommed you to find another sport more suitable for your taste
It's probably boring to watch most of the time unless you participate enough to understand the nuances of what you're watching or imaginative enough to envision what wounds would be created by each scoring hit.
>a showcase of athleticism
What does this mean to you?
You might like buhurt.
okay. im sure there is a lot more nuance involved then how it looks. also, i just hoped that maybe it was physically demanding enough to incentivize getting fit, im searching for that life long hobby that will be both fun and a reason for me to always stay in shape.

my last question is: how likely would you say it might be to sustain a moderate blow to the head doing this, compared to something like kickboxing. also, this buhurt thing is wacky, interesting and thank you.

im sure any of you would attest that this is a fun hobby. just wish i didnt have a medical issue that might prevent me from trying something like kickboxing. this is what happens when you wait too long to get into something youre interested in, your capability just fades away..
sorry to come into your thread all negative. my favorite place is the entire world is the renaissance faire. i am desperately needing to try to meet people roughly my age and in my area. I am guessing that the HEMA club 30 min drive away might be one of the only places. I am guessing that the people there could be similar to me. i also know that the hema place here performs at the ren faire sometimes, which sounds fun. sadly if there is similar precedent for head blows to kickboxing ill just have to take up knitting instead. god damn it, i just wanted to get into a combat sport.
>the weapons are light
>i just hoped that maybe it was physically demanding enough to incentivize getting fit
The weapons are weighted to be pretty close to the real thing. If you're not already fit, then I guarantee you'll gas out quickly should you ever spar.

>you never use power since thats irrelevant when youre just trying to tap a person literally anywhere to get a point
People don't just stand there and let you tap them. You need power for many actions in HEMA.

>just wish i didnt have a medical issue
such as?
okay, those are encouraging things to hear. my only issue is significant retinal thinning from my very shit vision. they say it causes significantly higher risk of retinal detachment from a blow to the head. i have absolutely no clue how careful i need to be or if it is even significant. my eye doctor said 'live your life, basically anything should be okay except for something like boxing' so im really at a loss. my vision is -8 diopter which is like twice as bad as when they first telling you you have high myopia and thus retinal thinning. i dont FEEL fragile. ugh, sorry for polluting your thread with all this bullshit. i need a meeting people hobby that i will actually enjoy desperately.
US President Teddy Roosevelt took up judo/jiu-jitsu after detaching a retina during a boxing match and deciding that a President shouldn't be blind in both eyes.
It's certainly possible to take a hard hit to the head, but it's rare
In a year of longsword sparring I got hit maybe twice in the head with any force, but it was never all that bad through the helmet. Not remotely close to a concussion
Generally your opponent isn't going to put full power into a swing.
i don't mean to piss on your parade but you will learn so many bad habits
sounds safe enough. i am currently researching parallel things to HEMA to try and get myself more interested, things like larping, and this 'buhurt' thing which i probably couldnt do but its funny watching these people trundling around wacking each other clumsily.

researching other uses for a sword training thing is helping make this more interesting. i genuinely looked at larp stuff for several hours yesterday
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Something I always found neat was the single gauntlet often worn on the offhand by cavalry during the english civil war. To protect their rein arm.
It would be interesting if there was a fighting style that incorporated it on foot. I could see someone holding up their gauntleted fist to protect their head like the back hand in a boxing stance while the main arm wields a sword.

I know something similar was done in Pringle Green's Naval treatise, but using a pistol flipped backwards as an off hand arm guard.
The pringle green example.

I think he specifically recommended the pistol to especially be used to protect the head
any red flags you can see on the website for this local place?

flags arent red idiot.
They are black and white like a checker board.
I have to do basically that. Honestly you're lucky to have anything available at all, it's a pretty niche hobby.
Why does gayszlen make losers so fucking mad?
I live in a major city with 4-6 clubs in it and my commute within this city on public transport is about an hour for any one of those clubs. Yeah, it's pretty normal.
They mad cause bad.
>Captcha: RAPR
it looks okay right, i might be trying this relatively soon...
>I live in a major city with 4-6 clubs in it
Very nice
im guessing essentially everyone uses this longsword, and if you invested in a different weapon it would just cause problems most of the time? im guessing its not so much about 'choose a path' at the beginning?
Which longsword?
sorry im dumb, i just meant 'longsword' in a general sense, as opposed to one of these other weapon types. im asking about how likely it would be to ever attempt approaching a different hema weapon. seems like all the clubs just use longsword right? if you walked in with some other hema weapon, would they be forced to give you the time of day?
Seems like you've fallen victim to a common misunderstanding here, where you "choose your weapon/style" and then fight others with their own weapons/styles in mixed sparring. HEMA is not like this, it's virtually 100% matched weapons, and most of the variation within the remaining scrap of a percent is just people doing rapier with asymmetric off-hand devices. In fact, a club doing a lot of mixed weapon sparring is one of the surest signs of a McDojo there is in HEMA. There are a number of reasons for this, of which the chief two are that all the historical treatises cover matched weapons almost exclusively, and that there's very little actual art in mixed weapons fighting: one guy just has a clear advantage and will use 2-3 simple methods on repeat to assfuck the other guy.

Having said that, yes, longsword is the most common HEMA weapon and if you roll up to longsword night you'll have to do longsword or leave. Second most common is rapier, then sabre, then sidesword, then all other shit is in a small lump of eccentricism on the side of those. Note that many clubs do several different weapons on different days (evenings) of the week. It's actually pretty rare for a club to be strictly longsword-only unless it's very new.

It ought to be obvious that you can never *force* anyone to give you the time of day with any weapon whatever, also. Where would the force come from?
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Really depends on the club. Most clubs are focused on learning one set of material; it's not like they hate you for doing a different set, they just won't want to do it with you, they're focusing on something else. Like if you went to a pickleball club and wanted to play tennis;
>okay but that's not what we do here.

Like any other martial art choice, which type you commit to depends almost entirely on which clubs you have available to you. If you're near a longsword club and all they do is longsword and you want to do HEMA, you better do longsword. But if you're near a Spanish smallsword club and they all do smallsword and you want to do HEMA, you better do smallsword. Or if you're near a Slavic saber club you better get a saber. Only if you're lucky enough to have more than one option can you start thinking about your preferences between Italian single sword or German longsword or Spanish rapier or whatever it is that's available.

If you're stuck practicing on your own you can do whatever you want, and if the idea is to plan ahead for when you might be able to join others; German longsword is very popular, yes, and would be a good option.

Are you thinking about needing to buy something?
>seems like all the clubs just use longsword right?
You’re retarded
>in mixed weapons fighting: one guy just has a clear advantage
It's a fun handicap when there's a sizeable skill gap.
Sometimes it's the only way
sometimes, people use the word all, colloquially to mean the vast majority anon!
thank you very much. im getting closer to going in for a trial class.
>most clubs only use longsword
That’s still retarded, retard
Yeah, just go for it man. Don't ruminate too long, go find out.
>anime website
>anime mods
>anime jannies
>anime threads

sorry zoomer, you have to go back
what do you think about poleaxes? They are the ultimate weapon:

>pointy stick
>hardened staff
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I am incredibly bad at sparring with the rapier. I get mindblocked and don't know where to even begin. Doesn't happen as much when doing longsword, saber, or sword and buckler. Feels like I have hit a plateau like after 5 months of HEMA when it comes to the rapier. How do I git gud at sparring so I don't get constantly fucking smoked? Should I speak about this with an instructor or something?
t. has been into HEMA for 14 months

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