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So I've been trying to get the balls to attend a gym that does freestyle and Greco wrestling. It took a lot to go to it as I know it's the toughest sport, and I'm not "young".

Twice now I have managed to gather up all my strength and start making my way to the gym, only for freak occurances (train literally going straight past the station, train being delayed for an hour) which left me unable to get there on time

I'm just wondering if any of you had the same sort of issues when you started training. Was the universe basically telling you to stay away but you persisted? Feel like im pushing my luck trying to go a third time lmao

Thank you for reading
Im a girl btw
I take signs from God as they come

Like I have a few cars needing repairs laying around so my drive way is full and I have to park one on the street at night next to a hydrant
Been doing this for almost a year a this point and then 2 days ago a guy randomly comes to the front door and says "I see there's no plates on that jeep in the drive way, I'll give you $400" for it
So I sold it to him and now I can park in the drive way
Then last night wouldn't you know it ther was something going on at the neighbors house and the fire department came and needed to use that hydrant which I had been blocking for months
Wow that's lucky. it's weird the universe didn't stop me from going to judo or BJJ even though I did not enjoy those and only went for three sessions yet wrestling it just seems to not even want to let me go once
very weird. Maybe I'll get suplexed and dieded
That means you have to go now
where do you live that they actually teach wrestling to adults?
Not doxxing myself but near a major city, there are exactly 2 pure wrestling gyms (too far away for me) and 1 martial arts gym that does 2 wrestling classes a week

There are MMA gyms located more frequently that do striking/bjj/wrestling but usually only one class a week and very expensive. It's rare here and I still have to travel close to an hour to reach my nearest one

Also we don't have any school or college wrestling here.

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