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>this kills the grappler
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>this kills the striker
Stupid thread
Grappling looks way cooler than a stupid head kick
Grappling looks stupid and gay that's why everyone in the world hated it and didn't take it seriously compared to boxing until ufc 1
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>*Feints you*
Wrestling was WAY more popular as a spectator sport in the West until all matches turned into works.
> Wrestling was so naturally popular they had no choice but to turn it into a dramatic fake show that made it less successful because of reasons!

Holy cope
No it's not. Matter of fact I think striking is so fucking gay and feminine.
>back up and jab
When wrestling you are the danger putting yourself into the danger which is why Dricus Du Plessis is the champ
>Enemy taunts back
yeah but wrestling someone makes u win
I got 4 years of Muay Thai experience and 1 amateur fight. My only grappling experience is 2 weeks of training take down defense with my friend who does BJJ,(He is brown belt)
I plan to compete in an amateur MMA tournament. Do I have a chance of winning my fight?
I've seen the striking level of the guys who compete there and its absolute dogshit.
Cage size usually heavily favors grappling at the amateur level. If it's a ring, it'll depend a lot on how reset heavy your referee is. All that said, if you're not in an area known for its competitive wrestling, you'll probably be fine.
The grappling to pro wrestling pipeline was simply guys wanting to keep the money coming in without fucking their bodies up so bad without realizing faggots would overtake the sport (""sport"")
Real matches took very long and the performers were constantly injured, so they decided to start working the matches to make it easier for themselves and make the matches more exciting to watch, which brought in more money.
From there it quickly snowballed into the absurdity that is today's pro wrestling
The whole point of MMA it's being good at both
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Really focus on take down defense and escapes from mount/back in the time you have. You probably mog the fuck out of those guys striking so keep it standing at all costs. There are pro fighters who go far with the sane gameplan so it's certainly doable but training MMA where they can teach everything within that context is gonna be best.
This also kills the grappler


>"new rules. grounded knees and 12-to-6 elbows are allowed"

>This also kills the grappler
Its exactly opposite. Rise of stand up game is associated with fact that strikers learned ground dense and its difficult to finish them off when they are in down position, many tools were banned. Fighters get raised and strikers get knockout chances again.
While if there are effective tools to finish downed opponent its last thing you want to do is rolling on the ground with better grapplers.
This, wrestling is incredibly boring to watch cause it's much slower and there's less cool flashy fast shit going on. Unfortunately, in our reality, boring shit is always the most effective shit, which is true in warfare, combat, economics, pretty much any meta
And even in UFC 1 the most entertaining parts was watching that dutch savate dude roudhouse kick the sumo guy in the face and any other fights with lots of striking. Literally fell asleep when it was just Royce Gracie laying on top of people slowly choking them with his bathrobe sleeve
Escobar made $30 000 000 000
that match was so cringe to watch
Ronda getting told by her idiot coach
>you're a striker now, you can knock women out
so she proceeds to try every way possible to put her face into Holly's fists
and after too many tries at putting her face in Holly's fist, the head kick was just right there
That must have been why he ended up dead on a roof
anon, we're all gonna end up dead on a roof one day, it's about what you do before than
Hide in shitty houses and burn cash for warmth? Or were you referring to murdering people?
Cash 4 Warmth
>wrestling is incredibly boring to watch cause it's much slower and there's less cool flashy fast shit going on
I don't know what you're talking about.
>boring shit is always the most effective shit, which is true in warfare
Nigga what
>this kills the brappler
Airstrikes are cool and fun for the pilot. It's boring for the rest of us back at the fob or carrier.
Greco seems cool when you watch the highlights, but actual matches are boring AF. Even people who wrestle will say the same thing.
Well personally I'll watch when I'm out competing and invested in one of my buds winning, otherwise not really, but I don't see how boxing, for instance, would be any more exciting. Wrestling has so many more elements and moments of tension. There's the fight over positioning on the mat which ties into getting throws. There's par terre, the suspension of if you're going to get the pin. It's simply more visually dynamic, there's more going on. Andthe matches aren't that long, for that matter either, couple minutes on average. I will give you though that heavyweights are a lot less flashy and you can get matches where they just hug eachother until the time runs out, but that's true of most combat sports.
>but I don't see how boxing, for instance, would be any more exciting
Boxing has knockouts.

>There's the fight over positioning on the mat
Which looks like boring hugging to the layperson.

>There's par terre
Which looks like boring hugging to the layperson.

>It's simply more visually dynamic, there's more going on
Which looks like boring hugging to the layperson.

I respect the hell out of Greco but you have to be dense as fuck to not understand how the average viewer who doesn't know anything about grappling would find it boring.
I simply disagree. When I said "there's more stuff going on", I'm not talking about some BJJ "yeah it looks like he's just laying on the mat but if you learn all the moves you'll realize he's actually a technical mastermind and one thousand things are going on just this instant, there's a hecking human chess game going on bro"-shit. I'm saying the complete opposite. Let's compare here actually. Look at this:
Now look at this:

Bare in mind this was just some random greco match I found vs. a Mike Tyson fight. It's ironic you want to talk about "boring hugging" since half the match here is just clinching. Boxing has two blokes standing up and exchanging blows, sometimes slightly weaving in place. Compare this to wrestling, they're throwing eachother unto the ground, going all over the mat. Truth is you revealed it all here:
>Boxing has knockouts
And fair enough, a knockout is just naturally satisfactory. People like to see it. That's where the success of boxing comes from. But as other anons ITT have mentioned, there was a time, c. the last turn of the century, when wrestling beat out boxing in popularity. The dominance of striking arts today in comparison to wrestling is primarily due to social-historical factors that could change in the future. I simply don't think wrestling is inherently less interesting to watch than boxing or muay thai or something. Wrestling is fairly intuitive. Any odd fucker from the street can understand a throw or a pin. There's no reason wrestling cannot be the spectator sport it once was. Outside of Britain and Russia, any time boys wanted to try their manly skills against eachother or any time they wanted to put on a show for a carnival or market meeting, they would wrestle. It's one of the oldest sports in the world, pretty much every culture has had wrestling in some form, and it has always been a spectacle.
>Bare in mind this was just some random greco match I found
And it was dull as hell. Was that supposed to be your gotcha example of an exciting match? You could've posted Karelin ragdolling guys and you might've at least had something to stand on.

>It's ironic you want to talk about "boring hugging" since half the match here is just clinching.
While the Greco match you posted is 95% clinching and 20 seconds of actual throw attempts.

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