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>this kills the grappler
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>this kills the striker
Stupid thread
Grappling looks way cooler than a stupid head kick
Grappling looks stupid and gay that's why everyone in the world hated it and didn't take it seriously compared to boxing until ufc 1
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>*Feints you*
Wrestling was WAY more popular as a spectator sport in the West until all matches turned into works.
> Wrestling was so naturally popular they had no choice but to turn it into a dramatic fake show that made it less successful because of reasons!

Holy cope
No it's not. Matter of fact I think striking is so fucking gay and feminine.
>back up and jab
When wrestling you are the danger putting yourself into the danger which is why Dricus Du Plessis is the champ
>Enemy taunts back
yeah but wrestling someone makes u win
I got 4 years of Muay Thai experience and 1 amateur fight. My only grappling experience is 2 weeks of training take down defense with my friend who does BJJ,(He is brown belt)
I plan to compete in an amateur MMA tournament. Do I have a chance of winning my fight?
I've seen the striking level of the guys who compete there and its absolute dogshit.
Cage size usually heavily favors grappling at the amateur level. If it's a ring, it'll depend a lot on how reset heavy your referee is. All that said, if you're not in an area known for its competitive wrestling, you'll probably be fine.
The grappling to pro wrestling pipeline was simply guys wanting to keep the money coming in without fucking their bodies up so bad without realizing faggots would overtake the sport (""sport"")
Real matches took very long and the performers were constantly injured, so they decided to start working the matches to make it easier for themselves and make the matches more exciting to watch, which brought in more money.
From there it quickly snowballed into the absurdity that is today's pro wrestling
The whole point of MMA it's being good at both
>shane carwin: 12 first round KOs in a row
>couldn't touch jds for 3 rounds
>jds gets rag dolled by cain for 9 rounds
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Really focus on take down defense and escapes from mount/back in the time you have. You probably mog the fuck out of those guys striking so keep it standing at all costs. There are pro fighters who go far with the sane gameplan so it's certainly doable but training MMA where they can teach everything within that context is gonna be best.
This also kills the grappler


>"new rules. grounded knees and 12-to-6 elbows are allowed"


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