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Is sailing extreme?

Introducing the sailing, boating, yachting, etc general.
Any sailors? I recently started as a skipper for a local crew and it's quite fun.
>Is sailing extreme?
>Introducing the sailing, boating, yachting, etc general.
I saw sailing thread one day here, it wasn't popular, too few people do it.
>Any sailors?
I was enjoying sailing at one point of my life, but I live in place where no seas, only small lakes. I travelled to Ladoga (it is a big lake actually), Canary Islands and White Sea to sail. I stopped doing this because where I live it is hard to do sailing.
I'm thinking is it possible to become a skipper and earn money with it somehow and what the job looks like. Is it always ride office workers along the sea during vacations?
It also would be cool to make ocean crossing one day.
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>I'm thinking is it possible to become a skipper and earn money with it somehow and what the job looks like. Is it always ride office workers along the sea during vacations?
Probably very poor money. I sail with a local yacht club as a skipper just for fun. Nobody pays anyone; they just needed more crew.
I once sailed around the danish islands
got hit in the head with the boom
got a concusion and had to be taken to shore
never sailed again

Sailing is too extreme for me i'm afraid.
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>got hit in the head with the boom
Regular pleasure yachting isn't extreme, but high level racing like SailGP, America's Cup, and Ocean Race most definitely is

Get a friend with a boat if you want to sail, owning your own boat isn't worth it.
Ok sure

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