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Knee'd to know info edition
How to Change a Car Battery:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYZbm--04j8
previous thread (nice get) >>191222

Basic brand info for beginners http://pastebin.com/C6rEGbzD

Shoe reviews: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnSv7MyhLozYdGM1a1FUMHNtTkRFN0xkVmt3dEZ0NHc#gid=0

Submit a shoe review: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y70Tug_iI9-dW2VqBBzsI9PCnFlw1jIOu9yTlHcc-wY/viewform

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.
wait actual fucking previous thread, right after I flamed that other guy
>real previous thread
This thread is fucking gay use the other one
thanks for trying
tony hawk is a wigger
chad muska is a fucking retard
rodney mullen is a faggot
>two threads
I'm gonna piss in your cornflakes nigga
Today I learnt
Board to primo
Body varial
Like vid related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYpqU-2feLw
Not skateboarding: I tried basic parkour roll after so many years.
It went well.
I guess skateboarding has made me more agile, confident and daring.
It doesn't remove the sperg but it strengthens the adhd
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Haha woops
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>Before I skated, girls stalked me
>10 years later, pic rel
Are we necroing this failed thread?
Last few days cute zoomies have been giving me the eye. Not sure why my mojo is so hot right now but things are looking good for this washed up skater boi.
Washed up millenial women still stink eye me tho.
This might fit the thread theme
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new Slop Machine video

Will be popular with those weird, kind of gay zoomers and goth larpers.
This video was pretty excellent. Hoban and Axel killed it. The goth girl section was cringe thougheverbeit

Captcha: STDYAP
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God I'd love to go to FDR some day.

Does anyone else have any parks or spots they really want to visit?
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i really want to visit cool parks and places with a girl who thinks the same things i think are cool desu
>slide out on a fakie noseslide and take a hard slam straight to my tailbone
>stiffly hobble off, can literally immediately feel it swell up
>my first thought is "fuck man I hope this doesn't keep me from skating tomorrow"
luv me skateboard, simple as.
based, that's how you know you love it
very based some local old guys were skating next to my crib and i heard the pop snap callout and skated over and discovered a local spot thats actually very mellow and fun its the smallest little curb manual pad and its shaded
The most trendy video of the year just dropped
holy shit when did chris millic become so hesh and steezy its like he let go of being intentionally ultra tech bro
>Geoff Rowley on Toy Machine
I did not see that one coming. Rowley in his hayday was a fucking animal. Obviously in his gray years of skating now but I guess it's nice to see him find a home with an old school company he should be familiar with.
What's your opinion on skating on wet terrain/when it's raining bros?
His part was my favorite, he really did a line at hollywood high with a revert in there lmao
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should i get platipus XT-wheelz or MBS all terrains to stick on a normal deck?
or should i cave and get a real mountain board
not worth it
really? i think his footage usually have pretty good variety and balance of gnar and tech. but i just got super into his skating fairly recently so i've only seen whatever is on youtube
I have a wet weather set up with cruiser wheels. The deck is an old 8.5 that I stopped actually skating like 2 years ago. Its completely water logged. I used it a lot in the winter.
>before learning heel flips

-no bitches
-always skates alone
-“ohhh muh old injuries”
-have to pay for grip at the shop

>after learning heel flips

-constant rotation of ramp tramp pussy
-homies always come to the sesh
-snaps their shit back into place. Still no health insurance
-homies at the shop let you go behind the counter
Man I learned heelflips in 2000
I liked the Toy Machine video and I'm going to watch it again :D
Hell yeah, I've watched it a few times. Very rewatchable. Its been that and Gabbers recent part on repeat for me. I liked the Last Resort video too but some of the music is hard to listen to.
i still don't believe the rumors that mango posted on here. cant see that guy using 4chan
it's just us here man
did you boomers see that Ipath is coming back?
Never tried much after learning to ollie. Can shape heelflips and could probably get them down in a few days if I really wanted to. Kickflips are just weird.
why are you even here?
to fucking shitpost. i save my good posts for slap
(slap mentioned thread ruined)
Sucks we are missing out on your genius
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So what's the deal. Is this nigger actually blind?
He is, but I swear to fuck a tonne of those blind skaters aren't even remotely blind at all and don't need a stick.
that's tough bud. maybe you should lift some weights
lmao oof sorry anon
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Are we posting pics of Burnside we took?
Is that Rodney million
nah thats not that faggot, its that fucking retard chad musta (been in special ed)
is bam margarita
bang margarita the famous male stripper?
Yes, the very same.
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I'm gonna go bash some curbs and maybe skate some stairs later
Same. I'm just waiting for the sun to go down because it's so hot today
You guys are all invited
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first deck I've had since I was a kid, picked it up at a skate shop that just opened across the road from my house, I road it down my road, they have a ramp behind the shop but I haven't been brave enough for that yet.
Nice. Gotta find a smooth parking lot to roll around in.

New Snappy is up!
more mistaking of names
you-toe origami
Its been 6 months since I returned to skating and Ive got 180s, nose slides, board slides, working on 5050s on rails, and a rare kickflip. I can ollie about 2 feet, but want to go higher and my pop shove for what ever reason isnt reliable or as high anymore. I used to be able to launch them even day 1 when I started skating again. I definitely want to get my pop shoves high again, but Im so focused on kickflips when Im not cruising.
>Hey guys were gonna see if this set up makes me skate like Ishod Wair!
>We have a REAL SKATEBOARDS Ishod Wair pro model deck, SPITFIRE Ishod Wair pro model wheels, THUNDER Ishod Wair pro model trucks, we got the SHAKE JUNT grip and DIAMOND SUPPLY CO bolts and you know we have those BONES SWISS ceramics in there to roll nice and smooth and of COURSE what makes this special is the bushings, Ishod famously uses TWO top BONES MEDIUM WHITE/YELLOW Ishod Wair pro model bushings which gives him that GREAT FLOWLY style.. I've popped an Ishod Wair limited edition MONSTER ENERGY and got my NIKE SB Ishod Wair pro model shoes. Let's go skate!
>*pops some jeffwonson teir kickflips*
>*does some gay carves*
>So as you can see from the Ishod Wair pro model ..
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landed my first kickflip yesterday
rocket as fuck but we're getting there
Dont be critical of yourself because I landed my first kickflip in 7 days of trying and they werent even bad, but it was all timing, almost no pop required and my buddy said why dont you level them out even though they didnt rocket and I was getting consistent. I knew I wanted more height, but he messed me up with that criticism and Ive experimented so much that I can say the most important thing is no matter how shitty your kickflip is, the landing is KEY. Land consistently and get consistent then make the changes. I know I can flip the board every time and different things happen, but I get rarely land.
why do you guys know so many skatetubers i only knew ben degros and gifted hater until hater started putting these dorks in his vids.
If you didn't watch Garret Ginner back when he was good and Bryan Arnett since day one, and now watching Snappy and Freddy, you're reddit. Thrifted baiter is a newfaggot.
Very based post anon
Very gay post anon
>ben degros
Originally found him after I watched a drywall tutorial on his other YouTube channel
I'm still super psyched i can land it. I've been at it for a while on and off. I'm used to flipping it but i would never be able to get my front foot on top of the board. my friend explained flicking in a way that just clicked and i landed one the next day. I'd rather learn how to kickflip the right way once desu. I really want to perfect it. Today I landed 4. One, I'm pretty sure was super clean because I caught it pretty high up. My mind might change since I'm still new to the trick. Practicing consistent good ones makes more sense than consistent bad ones.
I am mostly amazed at 6 months of kickflips and I thought I wouldve had it by now for sure when I landed my first ones so quickly. There are so many variables to change but if I could learn faster, I want to land them.
i watch actual skate videos and parts...
Those are the only two worth knowing about
Also this
>quit skating for like 10 years, only ride longboards here and there
>fuck around with it again one day and remember how fun it is
>try to relearn all the flatground tricks i knew
>for some reason everything feels 100x easier
>only a month back into it and relearned almost everything
>almost getting sw tre's, sw fs flips, sw hardflips

maybe my frontal lobe actually developed. everything seems way easier to understand perform
im tired of disabled skaters begging for attention on social media. the legless ones are the worst. normies eat that shit up though
you are probably stronger now
Don't remember asking.
Yours is yes.
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first time taking it out, got a little confident too quick going down a steep hill at the park
hahahaha how the fuck do you get fucked up this bad at a skatepark not even trying anything. you need to take the other anons advice and go find an empty parking lot to push around in.
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It wasn't a skatepark, it's like a community park with walking paths and stuff, and a couple nice big empty parking lots. The paved path was really steep and bit uneven.
Ok maybe hold off on that shop ramp before you snap your legs in half.
so you tried a hill bomb on your first day out? can you even powerslide?
funny you mention that, that was the next thing I tried, but it has like a little baby ramp in the middle, I wasn't very successful but didn't incur any injuries
are you stalking me or is it just common for skate shops to have a ramp behind them?

I can barely ride it but it was a lot of fun.
>are you stalking me or is it just common for skate shops to have a ramp behind them?
holy shit nigga you mighta fuckin gotten a concussion you literally mentioned it in your original post
that was a day ago, I forgot
go to the hospital lmaooo
I'm fine.
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>are you stalking me or is it just common for skate shops to have a ramp behind them?
You just told us about it...
when I was responding to myself I wasn't even considering the full context or relation to the ramp at the shop I just wanted to talk about my experience skating for the first time in over a decade, I wasn't even really good at it as a kid, I'm a lot more confident now though. I was a pussy as a kid. I feel a bit silly since you guys reminded me of what I posted.
Are you sure you don't have a concussion. I think the other anon was right.
I'm a bit retarded even without head injuries but I think that's okay.
Why are you making fun of the dude for eating big shit? Let the dude skate and learn on his own.
>I'm fine.
says the guy who thinks hes being stalked and forgot a post he made yesterday

this isnt r/newskaters we dont give praise for being retarded, bombing a hill and eating shit when you can barely skate isnt cool, it isnt HELLRIDE YEEEEEAAAAAAA and it isnt going to help progression, its just embarrassing overconfidence. irl he'd be getting the same reactions too. nobody likes seeing anyone get hurt and when its someone whos doing something clearly not within their ability its even worse. if you ever seen this happen irl you'd know this.
I thought it was cool and it wasn't any serious injury, I'm just skint up a little, I basically rolled and held my hand out like a retard at the same time. I feel like I'm learning because I absolutely could take that hill, I just need to practice more, and the pain teaches me not to be overconfident, even though I openly admitted to that.
You can eat shit at any time doing anything, regardless of skill level.
total non sequitur, try again.

>thought it was cool
well it wasnt.
post a clip
go back to slap
no YOU go back to slap
stop appropriating our culture
slap has no culture
Have fun brewski
Also, this
But not this
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frontside slappies really started clicking for me today
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no context needed

I had to do it
This guy gets bitches.
>funny you mention that, that was the next thing I tried
Respect for getting back on the board
i got nosegrinds and crooks but cannot for the life of me do a noseslide. that means i can't do the cool kids tricks like noseslide to crook and noseslide to 50
nose slides are just kinda awkward because you have to set your feet up in a way that you dont use for any other trick
so i don't get it, in a 360 flip you have to pop down then scoop or you don't have to pop at all
i have a feeling that the board flies too far because i don't pop or i don't scoop correctly.
I get it that it's more of an ankle flick, just have a trouble keeping the board under me so that i don't have to jump that far
give fs nose slides a shot, i find them easier than bs nose slides, they also look cooler anyways. then maybe once you have those you will become familiar with what it's like to sit on a nose slide and figure them out bs
try doing slappy noseslides to get the foot positioning down.
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was at a plan b thing
That's pretty cool.
I'll always remember his "True" part as one of the best I've ever seen.
anti-vaxxer :-/
shut up troon
based as fuck
probably the best trick of all time
rent free
You have a penis and you will never be a woman
i do have a penis and I dont want to be a woman
Oh yeah? Well in that case you WILL be a woman.
Man fucking trannies bussy is based but that's it it it just a sexual fetish you never give them power just like you never give woman power they ruin everything
I'm off 18 600mg gabapentins do the math and two temazepam I'm walking on sunshine lying in my bed and oh yea only fucking hot tranny's is based but theyre so fucking gay online n shit I would fuck arins bussy n have mixed kids tho
Please keep your vax aids out of this thread
hell yeah great thread guys, having a normal one again i see
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Guys my Thunder bushings are falling apart. I feel betrayed. This didn't happen when I skated Ventures...
You know when I used to smoke meth I went on grinder and found
a lil nigga tranny that wanted to suck my dick I pulled up but I couldn't get hard cause I was too tweaked, I woulda buck broke that nigga let that nigga suck the BWC what a faggot
go change a car battery ya horndog
chris cole is an abusive groomer lol and his real name isnt even chris its james
Chris cole did nothing wrong sometimes you gotta scare a bitch and smash the windshield to keep them in line fuck slap for trying to cancel someone over some drama 10 years ago whoop dat trick
I've unironically gotten completely burnt out from all the cancel culture, me-too bullshit to where I legitimately just don't fucking care anymore when I hear stories of domestic abuse.
Between that and the bullshit ways women act these days I'm 100% dry on fucks to give.

That being said I'm sure this will sunset his career and we'll start seeing sponsors drop him.
what sponsors? he rides for 2024 Zero and a south american reboot of fallen. that thing where he may or may not have punched his wife out is ancient news. nobody wanted to go near him after his DC contract ran out some time ago. i dont know why slap is bringing this up now of all times.
Not sure if he still is, but Cole used to be sponsored by GoPro and I think Monster, some of the other typical "contest" skater sponsors.
I'm not sure about recently but he was also frequently an announcer at contests and events, which is likely to change now.
hang yourself pedo troon
Ain't shit gonna happen don't no one care about slap shit everyone knows it's gay aids
If I got 15 yo pussy when I was 15 and still jerk off to the memory am I a pedo?
what does that have to do with anything troon? but yes that would be fucking weird and would indicate pedo brain.
When did you lose your virginity
16? again what does this have to do with being 20 and dating a 16 year old? your giving off intense pedo vibes. hang yourself
Imagine being this mindbroken
bro what the fuck are you talking about?
have you like not gotten laid since high school, is that whats going on here? cause im 29 and I dont even think about girls I fucked in my early 20s. I get more pussy now than I did back then thanks to apps like tinder.
Can you give a tl:dr I don't trust these hysterical zoomies
Nvm I read the thread. Slap trannies are gay.
This is like Peewee Herman being caught jacking off. I think people are upset because it seems so out of character. Chris is now a loveable friendly guy. People are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, change and become better. Otherwise we should just kill everyone who ever fucks up. I don't think someone's entire life shouldn't be ruined because of some dumb shit they did as a 20 yr old. This isn't murder etc.
>This is like Peewee Herman being caught jacking off.
> I think people are upset because it seems so out of character.

I dont think anything will come of it especially since it seems like his wife doesnt care. there might be an apology video or insta post where cole says some shit like "I was a angry young man and it was wrong Im changed now etc etc." I am not going back on the 20yo dating a 16yo tho, its creep shit but was definitely more common/accepted back then.
from here on this thread has officially gone to the gutter

fucking do your job jannies
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>I jut did 900

Get ur money up
Fuck the jannies bitch ass nigga
literally nbd then nbd now its his wife
This is my 7th month since I returned to skating and everytime I drive I look for skate spots. I found a 2 stair rail that I want to try soon. Ive seen a ramp to a 1 stair. Ive seen some really cool spots that I will get kicked out immediately from though like this really long smooth ledge that snakes around a little at a hospital. I also found like a 10+ stair rail that I probably can get away with after business hours, but no way Im ready to try skating it especially since the only trick I think I could attempt is a frontside board slide since the rail is on the right side only. And Im trying to find smooth ground in a secluded area to make my first slappy curb. I dont really have skater friends yet so Im hesitant to go somewhere just to get the police called and idk what these places look like at night.
front board on a 10+ stair rail? That's buck
Im definitely not ready, but I dont want to tell anyone about the spot til I try it. I wish I could 5050 rails better or lipslide so I can frontside lipslide and be going down facing forward. I could probably get an hour or more of attempts in with out attracting attention there. The hospital of course is going to have cops right there any time of day.
btw Ill try out the 2 stair rail first lol. I feel like if I go in the afternoon no one will bother me there either, but idk how the lighting will be. I just feel weird driving out to some random spot to skate for the first time alone.
how the fuck do i learn to skate the fucking rail

Do I just make it a slappy and say fuck this rail

rocking onto boardslide made me teeter back and forth and I couldn't get the center balance point, I did fuck around and feel the cross lock position but
If you're teetering back and forth it's because you're going too slow. Turn your shoulders when you ollie onto the rail and square up your with it. Don't just turn your hips when hopping on.
>going faster
>staying low
>putting full weight on your trucks and practicing lockins for grinds
>more experience will help you balance your slides

You honestly should try to learn by not even rolling and ollieing into a slide or grind and just balance as long as you can. I bought a round rail and set it up next to a fence as a sort of safety net for grinds. I started just hopping on and off the rail to test out how I can lock in which mostly has to do with how you commit your full weight to your trucks, then to try to balance and then, my biggest problem with grinds on rails is how to get off if you arent going fast enough. Board slides aint shit but you have to ollie. If you have a rail, get the height higher for a boardslide to learn how to actually ollie onto it.
Boardslide a rail anon anon please film it and you've got this!
Maybe learn how to webm before you try tho
Not that anon, but until today I hadnt googled how to make a webm of my videos. At some point I could upload stuff, but ive just kept my own progression to myself so far. I learn something new tho everytime I watch something I recorded even with a different set up and months ago.
you never cared in the first place, lets be honest.
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I just saw Polar jeans for 170 dollars at the shop
yeah that shits ridiculous but you know whats crazier? you dont gotta buy em...
Sometimes I feel a bit "extra" skating in my Perry Ellis slim dress pants, but then I remember these cost me $40 and a lot of these new trend baggy skater jeans are easily selling for $100+.
We'll see how long it takes me to put a hole in these.
>Perry Ellis slim dress pants
this was the style at some point like 10ish years ago tho. everything old will become new again
skating in slacks is straight fucking drip imagine some wall street goon backside flipping down his 3 stair post work exit

i have some old slim straight jeans and now a days they just feel like straight up nutt huggers I don't even know what I was thinking at the time.
are the slap posters unironically into/are trans-sexuals and liberal as a whole or is that just the canonical slander for slap-troons?

theres nothing wrong with being who you are fyi plus its anonymous so who cares
im never buying a pair of levis 511s again, I have 2 pairs left and never wear them they are so awful and I used to wear 510s the really skinny ones when I was a teenager.

its just anons being salty but of course a skateboarding forum is going to be overall liberal. but you can say trans women dont belong in women competitions, that someone is a diversity pro etc etc your not gonna get banned. everybody there hates beatrice domond or whatever tf her name is. its really not a problem unless you start using slurs and shit, if you're too 4channel brained to use other websites thats a you problem.
hey slap anon you're alright thanks for the knowledge but i like 4chan as a board, alot of trash but sometimes good stuff

all about what boards you're checking out desu
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Opinions on skating with work shoes, bros?
sick until you fuck the shoe and cant wear it for work
Other than looking like a dork on your board, Why would you want to ruin your work shoes? Just buy some skate shoes and keep your work shoes for work.
ive been here since 2009, been on several boards throughout the years, but these threads are basically the only reason I come here anymore.
I actually got a pair of work shoes that look like Vans Slip-ons that I originally bought to test the waters on how the non-slip works on the board, but I never got around to it and ended up using the shoes for work anyways so there's that. I imagine it would be overkill with the grip.
My entire exposure to slap beyond the woodshop guide is random anons coming here telling me I am a kook for posting here and that slap is better. I never asked or cared.
>telling me I am a kook for posting here
cool story bro
Gay post faggot
yeah thats what I thought
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his real name is james colestein
lol gg
the average slapcel just has a reddit mindset. if they see something like someone being sexist or racist they will comment just to signal to other slapcels that they are also in the cool leftoid club. the mods there are fucked lol

no that's normal
in fact there is literally nothing abnormal about being attracted to women who are sexually developed in their teens. it's not good to try to have sex with them because their brains aren't developed yet and there is an unbalanced power dynamic but if you don't feel your dick twitch when you see a 16 year old with big boobs then you're just gay i guess. this is objectively the most rational take on this issue and if you disagree you are just brainwashed

lol you literally cannot say that trans women should not be in women competitions on slap, go and try it and see what happens

outside of political issues at least people on slap are actually knowledgeable about skateboarding even if it mostly is just reddit tier takes like zomg max palmer greatest skateboarder of all time
unironically the gear and videos section is the only reason to check that site. they have a separate group of autists that weigh and measure things like bushings. the photo/video threads are interesting because they have lots of posters from other countries posting local vids.
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Did you know "The Gonz" made and sold the worst piece of skate merch to ever exist?
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would you take this to the skatepark?
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fuck yeah
slap is heavily moderated, and users will get banned for wrong speak
I'd take this anywhere but at the same time I wouldn't play my Nintendo DSi XL in public. I feel like I'm not in the wrong though.
>no that's normal
it is not normal you are just another pedo

>lol you literally cannot say that trans women should not be in women competitions on slap, go and try it and see what happens

i see people saying shit like this all the time youre a retarded pedo.
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Would you sticky her dickies?
Does she skate?
Is this ugly bitch supposed to be a skater?
no I'm good.

she skates a bit. she's friends with sammy baca. she also was a huge meth addict. she mentioned it in some little interview. with that vacant gaze I'd put money on her still using drugs.
>You're a pedo for thinking breeding age women are hot

Okay libshit troon lover
hang yourself virgin pedo
notcheetos owes me sex
>sammy baca

sorry I unironically only have eyes for one qt
>sammy baca
bro I googled that and thats some dude, how the fuck are you gonna hit me with

>shes the friend of some obscure skater
fuck kinda source is that A NAME
When you guys post nonsense like that it just further confirms that most people here really have no interest in skating.
For real wtf, educate yourself kooks
i agree these generals have taken a massive nosedive since 2020/2021. no one post clips, i don't blame them cause you are all weirdos desu when a skate vid gets posted no one replies so all that really leaves is beginner questions and talking about gear. i use to try to post webms and talk about skating but dorks rather argue about girls skating, trans people and other gay shit. so whatever
sorry I don't spend all time looking up to basers
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>no one post clips
I got you. Rate my boardslide.
certified sex machine
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If you read interviews by pros from the 80s and 90s,they all were going to skate camps and many of them were discovered that way. Since I am neither from the usa nor savvy in all ways of the skateboard industry, can someone explain what these camps were about and who set them up? Were they training facilities provided by companies/for the industry's sake? I think they are an unexplored or at least underreported facet of skateboard history.
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>when a skate vid gets posted
Speaking of I've been obsessed with this guy since a vid from the last thread. Coolest foot placement I've seen and made me thing a lot about my back foot.
I used to envy Slap a little and then somebody here posted that they were banned for doubting the covid narrative. They linked to the thread, I went to check it out and it was a DNC-fest. They were just attacking him, one guy even randomly said that if Rittenhouse was found innocent that would mean it'd be ok for him to carry a gun and kill white rightwingers. I say this as someone who is ONLY leftwing. That was the last time I went to Slap forum. I think Slap is infiltrated and the test drive MAY (because I have no proof) have been the cancelling of Jason Jesse (who for sure is a surf nazi type, "100% - wink wink ;) - skateboarder"... and to think Glen Friedman had the audacity to say in the 9club that there were no rightwingers in skateboarding back in the day...yeah,except Jay Adams lol)
kek this is why i tell people to go to slap for actual skate discussion and constantly post bait and feed the trolls. its just too easy. these threads were much better in the /asp/ days but even then they werent that great. first for asuka

but mention slap itt and you get retards like >>200463 and pedos like >>200245 yapping about how youll get banned for everything and newbs believe it like hiding your power level is not a thing anymore. i think clip posting is stupid especially considering 90% of the clips that get posted itt are from parks/driveways. I dont really care to see more park clips from people who look like their mom just bought their clothes from kohls/old navy and cut their hair like this dude >>200455 and the most discussion you get outta clip posting is just "nice!! sick!" or whatever. its pretty sad how nobody can talk about a vid or anything and a lot of anons seem to not really give a fuck about skateboarding outside of their personal progress which just leads to constant beginner and meme/troll posting. look at this dipshit >>200427 who doesnt even know who tf sammy baca is, or the amount of people who claim style doesnt matter or whatever other bull shit these kooks come up with. if all you care about is your personal progress then you really dont need to be posting about skateboarding, you can just work on shit yourself, if you dont care about skate culture and shit then you're just blogposting which is fucking gay and doesnt lead to any actual discussion and explains why these fucking dorks have such a hard time making friends irl. its kinda amazing cause ive never met anyone or seen anyone online who plays pick up basketball or soccer or whatever be like "fuck pros and fuck the industry/league I only care about getting better myself."

tl;dr trying to earnestly post in here is a lost cause, these threads are only good for shitposting. your time is better spent changing a car battery
>post clip of skating
>khaki shorts and haircut get roasted
i want to die
not speaking on actual facts but skate camps in the 80s/early 90s were probably just some old surfer dudes who built ramps and put them in tennis courts or parking lots and charged kids money to skate and had competitions too. but back then the scene was so small and there were no parks so that was the only place you had to actually skate/get gud and competitions were how you got sponsored back then in the days before vids and shit. mid/late 90s saw the rise of cheaper home video equipment and "sponsor me" tapes became a thing, parks started being built, street skating became much more the norm, magazines were getting bigger etc.
its ok man, id rather watch you skate then the ripper at my local who shaves his legs and wears jean shorts cut off at his thighs with hair down to his ass and a 80s burt reynolds stache.
>sammy baca
i want zoomers to die
I got banned from slap for saying people should be free to refuse business to anyone they want even if that includes black people
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Guys can we keep it 100% skateboarding?
What percentage of flat ground kickflips do you guys land? What about heelflips?
A gay lil flick kicky like 9/10 but a properly popped and flicked one 5/10. Heelflips like 2/10.
I have wasted so much time trying to get consistency and have shit on lock that I gave up and moved on.
same troll

>I shitpost and ruin the threads
>"these threads can't hold real conversation man, that's why you should go to Slap! "

Also you gave yourself up when you said first for Asuka.
Actually, you make some good points now that I read your post, lol.

I have lower back pain and skate rarely now.
But why am I a retard for>>200463
hell yeah brother
what vid is this from?
i can kickflip, i can heelflip more consistently when im wearing high tops
i didnt post jay adams (altho it is funny) i went to bed shortly after drunkenly posting all this >>200472 >>200475 >>200476
>Drunk posting on a Thursday night

Seek help you faggot
>bitchmade mormon ass doesnt celebrate thirsty thursdays
>getting upset about someone getting drunk in a skateboarding thread

get lost dickhead
I don't understand why retards equate liking young women (correct) with troon/fag behavior (wrong).
SD park footy? yuck.
my brother actively rides his nudie hookup deck in public and you can see every time he starts to second guess it when there's kids or parents around the park but literally zero people have ever said anything about it
lol i had the same thought, that miniramp at that park looks nice though, none of those guys in the video probably ever skate that

anyone ever skate hollow trucks? do they break or wear down faster or anything? im eyeing these slappy trucks hollows that are on sale for $40 a set but I dont know anything about hollows, have always skated regular indies
Inability to think for themselves
Wade is an OG
speaking of OGs

Good lord what happened to Dill?
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he looks like a 65 year old Polish grandfather
When I was like 10 I thought the older guys with hookups boards were the coolest out.
>speaking of OGs
Feels like the guy who hung around on the group project and got an A. Now he signs for a corporate company and he is an OG skaters skater.. and that sock shoe is retarded
Your future >>200602
>Feels like the guy who hung around on the group project and got an A
What does that make Dill?
He made a name for himself in his own right, he wasn't just "there"
does skating really fast with decent style make up for having an extremely limited trick bag?
Hell yeah, every time.
You don't even need style, look at Cardiel
Geoff Rowley had no style but went fast and everyone loved it
what is style for you?
Rowley has always had style, he just doesn't ham it up like a lot of new skaters do these days.
His Sorry and Really Sorry parts are insane, and even his more recent gray age skating still has his own flair to it.
do i get to go on the osbounes tho
Cardiel had style his style was going fast and looking out of control
skating in the driveway and making it all the way down.
lol remember his wrestling match with jack
just two junkies going at it, wonder how much oxycontin they were on lmao
oh my god it's even worse than I remember lmaoooo fucking hilarious
when jack started spanking dills bare bottom I lost it. they dont make tv like that anymore. zoomers dont understand.
I also recall, when they introduce Jason to the show, they play a montage of his skating, and it's all falls.
i was at the skatepark and some black dude was there with his kid who was riding a scooter and the dad started talking to me and then his kid just came up and literally snatched my deck from my hand and started trying to skate it lmao fucking niglets they just cant' help their niggarly ways

also first thing he did was shoot my board nose first into a wall lol oh well
they were showing ozzy clips of him and he was all "izthatyou, yourafukkinmadman, thascrazyidonteven (unintelligible)." must be pretty sick to have ozzy osbourne giving you props. they used to have a bunch of the osbournes on youtube idk if they still do anymore but I rewatched a lot of the dill eps a few years ago when my coworker reminded me of it and had a fun time.
i think it's cringe as fuck when skate pros talk about skating as if its such a profound and epic thing that changes the world, it's pretty clear when they do this shit that they just have no real world experience and all they know is skateboarding

skateboarding is just another hobby man it's not that profound
I've seen her around a few times and she kinda rips. I also think she is fucking Dill currently. Where did you get this picture?
Nah it's based
>A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God
I’ve seen a few clips where he does. It looks such a pain in the ass to even attempt to grind
Like riding a bike. I previously stopped for 2 years and when I got back to it it just took two hours to get the feeling back.
I’ve given up now forever. I got really bad sick late last year and I’ve just been worse since.
I may well get back to it again
Fuck it does not work like that for me. I have found random things I learn easier, but some of my old shit seems like it's never coming back. Maybe the changes in body size.
I think for me it was because I skated a lot when I was younger and I’ve stayed friends with people who stayed faithful to it after I quit the first time.
That November-December I had last year ruined me. I was getting fat before then but not nearly as how much pork as last year. I’ve been losing it since but my landings haven’t been as good and feel heavier. And now my knees are feeling more banged up than normal. I’m not autistic enough to wear pads. I’ll heal
these are our pros?
i liked my hollow thunders made flipping my board easier when i first got them but im thinking of switching back to my aces AF1s cause my thunders are so worn down now
i cant stand this dude, it's all he does and it's so gay
lmfao anon most skaters are just completely retarded. The pros are even worse. At least he isn't smoking crack. His clothing/haul/jeans videos are harmless compared to the other things they usually get into if you think about it.
They're like teenagers except they're in their late 30s :DDD
it's profound in the sense that no one got good at it without eating shit repeatedly. Most difficult hobbies don't compare in that sense.
>They're like teenagers except they're in their late 30s
i've been realizing this a lot more lately, skating keeps you young but sometimes not in a good way. brad cromer seems chill though his little youtube vlogging stuff is pretty funny tho
nobody cares or knows who this is theres a million people making this type of stupid ass content.

pat burke in the lower left corner tho very nice
He's my pro not yours. You can have Marbie
I've seen this guy pop up in my feed a few times. I appreciate where he's coming from even if he is probably wrong
why would I hate this guy, he seems like hes trying to do good? I'm not gonna look, interact or give a fuck but cool good for him im not mad at it
why do so many of you faggots hate skateboarders/skateboard culture. is it cause you're friendless dickhead losers who are going through a quarter/mid life crisis?
because most skaters are just braindead normie consumers and you're on 4chan. imagine trying to have a conversation with brad kromer but all that dude has ever known is making his skateboard do flips and collecting ugly ass t shirts that teenagers wore in the 90s.

i've met some really awesome people skateboarding but they never let skateboarding define who they are as a person.
ugh yeah and he's a jewish beaner
I lived the skate life, I got gnarly did all that shit. Now it's time to grow and move on, I'm not getting paid from skateboarding. Are you telling me I'm gonna do the same thing I've been doing since I was 9 and I'm never gonna change? Lol alright manchild. It's a niche subculture for children, some people move on in their teens, some in their 20s, 30s is really pushing it late 30s is sad, if your in your 40s all about "skate culture" your just flat out gay. I'm talking about the physical act of skateboarding, quit that, just talk shit online. just wear skate shoes sometimes.

i didnt say you had to be 100% skateboarder or whatever gay shit. Ive met boring ass people who make skateboarding and being a piss drunk their entire lives and I agree they are lame and shitty. all my best homies from skateboarding that ive met ive connected with because we share other interests besides skateboarding, either life philosophy or hobbies/interests, but skateboarding always comes first.
How fat are you?
Cromer seems like a chill enough person. I don't understand why you think he is so one dimensional. Do you know him?
>I grew out of skating now I am a full time reddit troll
Stop posting faggot and actually go do something with your life like those skaters you hate did
Honestly I never connected with much skaters after middle school except one I was more the only skater in a piss drunx adjacent crew I connected with people over dude weed and would just meet randos at the skatepark at night I was kinda a gangster skater

I just weighed myself for the first time in years, I'm 217, I used to be 180 before I quit skating 2 years ago, kinda fat but not bad
I wanna be like Mikey taylor
nigger you're just a fat fuck, i said skateboarding culture is wack but you're not a skateboarder so why are you here
if i see another kid do a floppy landing im going to kick his fucking head in
Her Twitter.

Also, I looked up a couple of other skate thots recently after not thinking about them for years, and a whole lot of them are getting legitimately good now. Maybe not the best in the park on any given day, but decently good now. It's not fair, bros.
I think it's overstated and sometimes total bullshit (especially "skaters are the most disciplined people ever because they, like, fall and get up woah") because there is absolutely no shortage of skaters who are complete burnouts and fuckups outside of skating itself. I can't count how many pros I grew up watching in team videos in the 2000s who are fucking nowhere to be seen now. And even the best of the best are usually dysfunctional in some huge way.

But then again, you can't underestimate how little normies have going for them. Any adult normie who gets on a board for the first time has a nigh religious experience engaging their body that way for the first time, and just learning how to drop in is probably the most therapy they'll have in 5 years. So, idk, appreciate being a skater I guess. You don't have to go so far to think you're superhuman, but in terms of numbers, about 0.75% of everyone alive right now skate at all, and and even smaller percentage of that are semi-decent at skating. Odds are when you go to the local park you'll see tricks that a couple dozen of people who have ever lived have done them, and every now and then see something that has never been done before in the history of earth. Plus you're probably in the higher percentile of fitness to boot.
So I guess that counts for something if not "I am an inspiration and should be in charge of a crypto currency".
I have nowhere else to go, sometimes I even troll slap I think I've been banned 20 times there you tell me where you want me to go

I could still hop on my board and skate better than the you
wow skaters are so special omg
speaking of james cole....what are you guys thoughts on blizzard flips (bs 360 flip)? i think having them on flat has to be one of the coolest looking tricks, it's not in circus territory yet but is close...still tasteful imo
Skateboard culture was good before Phelps hit the fent, they put they gay issue out soon after he died lol, the skate rock hellride tours were based
>pros I grew up watching in team videos in the 2000s who are fucking nowhere to be seen now
That's not a bad thing. You'll find in most cases they moved on, got a job, had a family and probably still skate for fun. Basically living the life we all do. Does anyone really give a flying fuck what new idea Muska is coming out with or what ever bullshit he hyped in those latest podcasts? Or Gonzs vintage t shirt collection?! Dills fat ass? The respect is there due to the past but fuck.. bow out gracefully.

Second paragraph is based. I see it all the time in surfing and also drug partaking.. people who did nothing in their 20s finding out what the hype was about in their 30s. It's great they enjoy it but also you cringe a little. At least skating is positive compared to a 35 yr old who just took his first molly and is peaking.
As you age you really get to choose your own adventure. The guy ITT quit skating. Others get addicted to molly. And some explore new hobbies. Only one is respectable.
Alright guys, I'm going to say something that may be a bit controversial in this thread:
>they put they gay issue out soon after he died
Thrasher did what now?
I don't care if he has a wife and kids the guy who runs thrasher now is 100% gay
Why did Brian wenning go to jail? Can't find the specific charges - just him talking about jail.
I put a clip I posted here on my dating profile and got more feedback from random thots than you guys
he was on instagram live, drunk, waving a gun around near his daughter. went to jail for child endangerment
how legitimately embarrassing
Put a lgbt issue out soon after he died I can't find it online but it happened
>3 hoes told me to stop shopping at kohls
impressive anon, very impressive.
Holy shit
is it safe to say that nike blazers are THE greatest skate shoe of all time?
i prefer the janoski but everyone seems to love the blazer. I switched from dunks to janoskis years ago.
greatest would be bespoke barefoot/minimalist shoes but with thick soles
see >>200786
do you ride a carver board too?

i kinda hate carver boarding riding faggots except i have this one guy i'm actually good friends with who rides on and he gets away with it because he's just a straight up based schizo and not a 'yeah i surf' dudebro
nah that's going on the wall
you mean a surfskate? not interested in that
i mainly just appreciate not having my toes mashed together just because a few gay fashion designers decided humans should have narrow tapering toes
I'm a fan. They last a long time too.
What clip was it?
has anyone invented anything new in skating yet this century or is it still just all the same ollies, tailslides, kickflips and handplants that grandpa was doing in the 1980s?
speaking of which, new bustcrew video bros
Yeah they're doing all that now but trans
if i wanted to see nobodies doing the most mid shit ever i'd watch halloween stickers
why is it embarrassing to learn? Most people can't even stand on a board but learning basic things little kids are doing makes me feel like an idiot
you think about yourself too much
how do I stop?
idk for me I developed a drug addiction and became so busy, depressed, and isolated from working daily grind that I'm almost completely apathetic now to how others perceive me.
Not saying that's the correct solution.
>Does anyone really give a flying fuck what new idea Muska is coming out with or what ever bullshit he hyped in those latest podcasts? Or Gonzs vintage t shirt collection?! Dills fat ass?

I-I do...

I unironically love Muska's Farmland Saga. He's been forced to let skating go due to his spine, and getting over his Chateaux Marmont years and turn into this homely, back to the land kind of guy has been fascinating to see. Most of the legends seem to be fairly healthy about it.
Hate to bring him up, but I think the saddest one right now is Bam. He keeps doing these conventions where all the promotional material is 20+ years old when he was young a sexy, and then he shows up looking like he's from that one scene in The Wrestler. He lacks so much self awareness it's unreal.
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I'm working on it but doubt I'll have anything to show for a couple years.
sick, this actually just popped up on my youtube will watch tonight

>halloween stickers
great company, good boards and they sent me a pair of cool ass socks when I bought a mystery board pack from them.
soft wheel large board gang who up
I kind of want to get like 53-54mm 90-97a wheels because Ive finally left the skatepark and the vibrations kill my feet street skating.
>have a bad day
>decide to drive to skatepark
>tire is flat, change it in the driveway for a spare
>get to the park right as everyone else is leaving
>miss almost all of my warmup tricks I normally get first try
Life is pain
>get to the park right as everyone else is leaving
sounds perfect
I actually did like hearing about Muskas farm. But then he moved onto talking how helped being back in Hollywood. At least in the Tony Hawk podcast I skipped the 9club one
Nah... My hometown in general is a shithole and the skatepark is on the seedy part of town. It's much better when there's at least a few other skaters at the park.
fear of failure is the strongest gains goblin and it stops most people from doing anything
>but they never let skateboarding define who they are as a person

And why not? Why is that bad?
>Muska is coming out with or what ever bullshit he hyped in those latest podcasts? Or Gonzs vintage t shirt collection?! Dills fat ass? The respect is there due to the past but fuck.. bow out gracefully.

Why? They are making money. That's their livelihood.

>people who did nothing in their 20s finding out what the hype was about in their 30s. It's great they enjoy it but also you cringe a little. At least skating is positive compared to a 35 yr old who just took his first molly and is peaking.

Yeah, but at least they experience things, even if they didn't before.

Not everybody goes through the same experiences at the same time, that's a schewed viewpoint straight from a marketing executive's statistics. Very neoliberal in its essence.
It's a fucking wooden toy. You do tricks on it. It's never a good idea to let one single activity define you.

guys I bought one of these specifically for a short tail, but when i measure, I honestly cant even tell which is the nose and tail. Is it a twin tail? its probably like 6.75 and 6.8 or some shit if theres a difference.
Its def not twin tail, I can hold down the tail and the nose touches the wall slightly lower than if I hold the nose down, but still disappointed the specs of the nose and tail are way off on any website I looked at.
saars do redeem skatebard
the "L" is the tail no? did you already grip it? Real has their little logo down by the tail and the sticker up by the nose.
Yeah i figured out the L was the tail after like 20 minutes of being like, this board feels fucking weird.
I like it now, but if I knew it was mostly a regular shape and dimensions I could have found any other graphic.
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>I kind of want to get like 53-54mm 90-97a wheels because Ive finally left the skatepark and the vibrations kill my feet street skating.
I got two sets of wheels for the same reason, soft with a large surface area to run over shit and hard with rounded edges for nicer unfucked surfaces but i almost never even use the hard ones cause they r gay and i am 4 tha streetz
>i am 4 tha streetz

Yes this is how I want to progress. I aint need to slide when I do a 180. There are no good skate parks near me so unless Im going far for a nice park, I really dont need 101a. tho I am currently running 52mm 101a spitfire conicals f4 and an ace 1/16th rubber riser which helps my feet. I think my next wheel is going to be a 53mm 97a classic wheel shape spitfire f4, but Ive been considering ricta clouds or dragon formula, etc. The skate park doesnt do it for me.

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