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Lmao if I can deadlift 500lb I can just pick you up and slam you on the fucking ground, all you're little bjj and wrestling bullshit doesn't mean jack shit XD
Okay. Now go to an mma gym and try that theory out
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>throwing a shark into the ocean
You're in my world now...
You're less durable than a fat guy, with only slightly better stamina. More willpower, but you can't take a punch, or beat any form of technique. W/ proper technique, any guy could pick you up and slam you on your neck just the same.
tank abott talks about this and I bet technique matters alot less when you're 200+ lbs fighting regular sized people
It just doesn't translate at all.
I trained powerlifting in my teenage years and my 20's, I trained BJJ & Judo in my 20's and 30's.

Powerlifting is AWESOME when combined with Martial Arts but it's absolutely terrible on it's own.

Powerlifters have mentally trained themselves to TAKE TIME to hype themselves up.
Then to TAKE TIME grasp the weight, clench it tight, grit their teeth.
Finally they explode into the lift, which is very good.
Then afterwards they TAKE TIME to mentally unwind and decompress, before restarting this routine.

The mentality of the powerlifter is "build up"
But there is no "build up" in a fight, everything happens all at once and doesn't let up until the winning decides it's over.

There's no hype up phase, there's no feeling out phase, there's no unwinding phase.

A real fight is just a relentless pursuit to not be the loser.

Powerlifting on it's own is absolutely terrible for self defense, now combine it with a martial art and you are golden.

Look at Gordan Ryan and Jon Jones, they were both very into powerlifting, and are almost unstoppable during competition.
But they also train martial arts.
Ironic that you use a photo of Tom Hardy because the dude trains BJJ
Barbells don't bite you.
Someone's never wacked their shin on a competition bar.
further proof that mma is scum
Explain this:
Roidtranny free body building is. Almost every muscle is trained. No abusing leverages or partial reps or being obese so you can move a little more weight
Go to the ufc then nigga simple as
Powershitter cope. Sit down.
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why is every bjj shithead thug maxxing
all someone has to do is wait for you to be taking a shit
or alone somewhere taking a break and you're dead
every murder case ive listened to on youtube goes like that
you're retarded
>what are you gonna do when you get old BRO HUH

not be a hot headed shithead like you lol
I think the instinct is correct. Martial arts is fighting ability times strength. A guy who has done bjj for 2 years and wants to get better at fighting would gain more by lifting for 1 year instead of 1 year of bjj. A guy who has been lifting for 2 years would gain more fighting ability by learning to box than only lifting.
Lifting a bar with two heavy wheels on it is way easier than lifting a sand bag 10% lighter, let alone lifting an actual person with enough easiness to actually throw them kek
If I take off that mask, will you die?
Yes but you're not gonna do a sandbag lift of 700lbs, the same can't be said for a barbell deadlift. Barbells are a very useful tool for overloading and targeting specific weak areas. They allow you to focus more on pure strength and size, creating a general base that you can then transfer into sandbag work and then unto the mat.
Does it matter how strong your deadlift is if you never train neck?

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