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I want to do some sort of martial art but there are only judo places and an MMA place nearby, the MMA place focuses on BJJ, kickboxing and catch wrestling, they are part of the Zé Radiola team and some jap jiu jitsu org so I don't think it's a mcdojo at least, no clue how to check if a judo place is a mcdojo or not tho.
I'm mainly worried about tearing an acl due to my fatness.
*be better
Judo is the most high impact sport with the least control of the opponent's landing etc.

Make of that what you will.
Okay, but does any of that impact your knees worse then someone stomping you in the kneecap?
Who's stomping you in the kneecap? No one should be doing that in sparring.
Every contact sport has risks of freak accidents. I've seen knee injuries in boxing ...

Personally as someone who's tried all the major combat sports, I've felt the striking ones are WAY easier on the body. If you spar, don't go too hard and you'll be okay. Make sure people know you're a hobbyist and keep the intensity light.

Being a fat fuck is dangerous in judo. Especially if you don't know how to fall or move your body etc.
If you want to stay healthy then don't do either. If you just want to get a hobby, pick whichever one is cheaper or more convenient. If you want to do it as a sport and compete, pick whichever sport you like more. If you want to do it to learn self defense, do MMA.
Either will be 100% healthier than staying a fat fuck or skinnyfat couch monkey
If you want to lose weight then do some jogging. You will fuck your body up with combat sports. They're fun but there's nothing healthy about them.
I lift weights and do archery, I wanted to learn some unarmed combat because it good to be physically capable of violence if that makes sense? Not neccesarily to get healthier.
For the weight, I just have to figure out some way to stop shoving food down my throat.
This anon is right. Ever since I started getting back into combat sports I've been injured one way or another all the time. As soon as one shoulder heals the other one gets fucked up. I also lift and stretch for years, god knows how bad it would be without that

If you want to be safe do boxing or kickboxing and spar light/moderate contact
I guess I should just go with the MMA gym then. Wouldn't BBJ literally be the worst as a fat guy tho? Cause of all the joint locks and stuff? Plus I just feel it's kinda rude to get into a sport where you rub up on each other when I'm a hairy, sweaty fat guy.
The problem is there are no boxing/kickboxing places near me that do that exclusively, it's literally only like 4 judo dojos and the one MMA gym.
There's other fat people in bjj and MMA
Do MMA then. Usually there's classes you can pick and choose which to attend. Try it you may hate it ...
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>I lift weights and do archery
You need to learn wrestling so you can be full Mongol-pilled.
I wanted to do horseback archery too but they ain't got no horses big enough to handle my fat ass.
>the MMA place focuses on BJJ, kickboxing and catch wrestling, they are part of the Zé Radiola team and some jap jiu jitsu org so I don't think it's a mcdojo at
I have no clue what Zé Radiola is but if they do catch wrestling then they must be based.
You can practice an awful lot of martial arts skills solo. Obviously not as good as partnered practice. Wouldn't even call it martial arts at that point, more like 'martial fitness'
Like boxercise? Even if it's mostly dumb bullshit it should at least teach you how to throw a proper punch right?
If you're really that fat you should be doing exercises in a pool and getting your diet in check.
I mean theres that but I meant more like, shadow boxing, bag work, solo drills, hojo undo. Boxercise is more like an aerobics class for chubby women that's based on boxing, like literally, I doubt you would find a class with any dudes, and its rare. Theres a lot of training you can do solo, both coordination & conditioning, but may require investing in some equipment.
What's your current weight and height
I'm 6' 330lbs so really fat but I'm not a cripple or anything, nearby horse places just don't have any big draft horses that could carry my fat ass.
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You're on 4chan. There is a 95% chance you're just as big & shorter. He already pointed out he was overweight. You're just being a downy captain obvious.
you should just start. go and do it, don't worry about being fat. the first classes are going to be tiring and you'll have to take it slowly, but your body will adapt in time. fighting is very cardio intensive. you're likely going to lose a lot of weight. i'm a skinnyfat and i lost 33 pounds the year I started doing judo.
boxing is for fat fucks
head it's not good for ya knees
What should a fat guy do to prepare for starting MMA next year? I've been lifting for strength and playing basketball for cardio, a guy I know who did a little MMA said I should pick a wall and start hitting it until my knuckles bleed to harden my fists and start developing pain tolerance.
>Wouldn't joint locks be worse
Just tap sooner dummy
>Oh but I'm fat
If you actually get good at a martial art you learn to be efficient because it's a martial art
Upping your work rate is all about your style
If you're fat and lazy now there's nothing stopping you from being fat and lazy on the mat
That's fucking dumb
You should only condition if you want to do it for money
Sparring ideally doesn't leave people with grievous pain and injury because that is not an effective way to train
Power is useless in MMA if you lack flexibility and poor form
Good flexibility prevents injury and improves mobility and both are useful in martial arts as well as not ruining your normal lifestyle
You should learn how to fall, and a good way to start is judo breakfalls or just learning how to roll forwards or backwards while preventing your head from impacting the ground, it also has the bonus of conditioning your resistance to nausea, as I know alot of people who learn to forward roll for the first time in the gym and need to step out due to severe nausea from not being upright or whatever
Ideally I want to compete locally.
>What should a fat guy do to prepare for starting MMA next year?
Start MMA now.

>but I'm fat
You'll be less fat after you start training.
This anon gets it, the motions are more important
In general I think everyone should understand dead lifts though
Healthy deadlifts establish
>Good form
>Good base
>Full range of motion
>Safe movement
>Hip stability
Hips are everything
You can condition if you want, you'll never touch a freak from Thailand who's been training since they were a child or whatever but honestly I would only do it if your coach is performance minded/isn't suss/has clout/ can supervise you
I did say local competition. I feel like I need a minimum level of stamina to get anything out of the lessons don't I? Otherwise I'd just spend all my time gasping for air after the warm ups.
Let's say there's a fatfuck who's equally as fat as you and you fight him 2 years from now.

>he starts MMA right now
>you start MMA a year later
>fight day comes
>conditioning = equal
>you = 1 year of MMA
>opponent = 2 years of MMA
Now do the math.
>I feel like I need a minimum level of stamina to get anything out of the lessons don't I?
Warmups are going to warm you up
Good technique is all about efficiency
Being physically fit is all about making up for your technical deficiencies with physical power
Since it's a martial art where the technique shines is where you're expected to
>In grappling
Maintain energy and work rate, preferably with low-effort techniques
>In striking
Generate power and stay defensive with good mental conditioning and good form
As a protip UFC people mostly demonstrate exceptionally poor form and technique
If you want a recent example of technique beating athleticism watch Strickland beat Israel adesanya
Adesanya frequently changes from and does a bunch of mixups but Strickland maintained his hands up and did real basic kickboxing to beat Israel

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