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Onosato edition



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>194268
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Sumo wrestler Vs BJJ fighter no rules street fight

Who wins?
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I like this pic because it looks like they're in the middle of a heated discussion, Abi trying to explain why his perspective is the correct one, but Onosato has already heard that same line of reasoning before and knows why it is erroneous
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With his family and his hot sister
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>no rules
I hope you like a tachi to the face.
you better take care of her or onosato will slap the shit out of you
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Kise looking lush.
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My fantasy sumo picks all went to shit, but my nigga Nabatame made it to juryo. Love that fuckin guy, hope he keeps advancing.
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does he have the potential to be a top division guy?
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Only time will tell.
Currently, no. But he also just turned 22 a few months ago, so he likely hasn't hit his peak yet. Hopefully he can avoid major injuries and keep getting stronger.
I wish Souga hadn't come up a bit limpy afterword, but that was a great bout.
he's a pusher-thruster, there's a chance he can make it to sanyaku. I wish he would make it to the same level as Chiyotakai was.
Macaron colour bros?
See >>198894
Fucking Shirokuma and his lines for eyes
Akua was inches away from Hibikiryuing himself
Didn't notice that. Frightening to think about how often they get close.
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Nah Akua is built different.
What is this?
from sumo food latest vid
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the difference between keiga (16) and the shindeshi (15) i sitll cannot believe keiga is only 16.
Keiga's going to be an absolute unit by the time he's 20.
Akua is indestructible and he knows it, guy looks for every opportunity to land on his fucking head.
Anon lied to me, Oonosato likes some dumb shonen.The only sumotori with good taste is Shodai that likes Made in Abyss.
Chances of Onosato post-yusho hangover in July?
People will call anything other than another yusho a hangover.
>20th century boys
>some dumb shonen
how fucking new are you
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Wife soon?
What is Ura thinking here?
Do special prizes count any for promotions? Or will Roga always be above Oshoma in the next banzuke?
In what world would Roga (7-8) be above Oshoma (10-5)?
But no, special prizes don't count for shit only for MAYBE marginal banzuke luck when whoever from the JSA that decides the ranking rates you because you won that prize.
I meant ryuden, sorry.
I'm hoping that the lack of jungyo for June and the fact that his stable master is Kisenosato (who seems to be quite strick and no-nonsense when it comes to celebrations, and I have this feeling mostly due to the intra-basho interviews that Onosato had saying that "his master said that a 12-3 yusho is no cause for celebration) helps to steer Onosato from a severe yusho hangover
hopefully he can at least produce 11 wins in july so he can keep an Ozeki run for september
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>Kisenosato in charge of saying celebrating a yusho is bad
Motherfucker got broken by the 131231231 jun-yusho he got.
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why do you anime faggots always repost the same boring images in every single thread
Chika is so damn cute.

Think before posting
Takarafuji has NEVER won a yusho OR had a hangover.
Shodizzle is a jujutsu kaisen chad
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My bad that fraudster Takerufuji’s name is too similar to the technical sumo god takarafuji’s name.
11-4 J
four yusho in a row
11-4 J
Your entire post is mostly injured guys being injured, you couldn't even get Takerufuji's name or score right.
Not with those knee braces.
Also no
Ikazuchido > Shishi confirmed.
No, your bad that you think being injured is a fucking hangover.
Heal on the dahyo >:(
Do you suppose Kise will tell Onosato to do that?
he already told him to be calm about it and there's a lot of reasons for that, mainly terunofuji was injured, takerfuji was kyujo, takakeisho was kyujo, asanoyama was kyujo. And just being humble about it is a basic thing to be for a future yokozuna.
its rumored that the rankings committee has already decided that promotion after the july 'sho is a possibility given that onosato performs impressively enough, so presumably a win in nagoya will get him promoted before aki. the whole idea of 33 win in 3 meets is just a meme, not a rule set in stone, the rankings committee has a free hand to do things however they feel is best in any situation.
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>its rumored that the rankings committee has already decided that promotion after the july 'sho is a possibility
they specifically did not say that
the 80s sumo was something else ,makes the current makuuchi look like sandanme..

If by 'impressively enough' they mean another yusho I can see that, but otherwise probably not. His run starts now.
When they're shorter and weigh 80 pounds fewer, they sure can look more impressive. And that theory continues mostly the same the further back in time you go.
Been saying this for years a weight limit would make it more dynamic we could see something crazy like a Shumoku-zori.

Also wajima that goat
Fuck off to /heem/ cunt.
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See, thats the great thing about sumo. if this meta worked best, you would see lighter more nimble guys at the top. there isn't anything stopping anyone from doing their style of sumo and succeeding besides the other rikishi. the reality is you don't see it because it doesn't work as well on average no matter how 5'6 155lbs faggots like >>199178 complain about it
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5'7 145lbs american here.
Remove the minimum height restriction and raise the dohyo.
>Remove the minimum height restriction
I think that's already removed.
Nah, just lowered, I think.
Strike that >>199199 They can bypass the restriction if they pass a physical exam. Whatever that means.
It's just a small fitness test to prove they aren't physically disabled.
I don't want sumo to be more dynamic, I want to see the human equivalent of a pair of rhinos charging at each other. There are dozens of other combat sports that have weight classes and effective limits, I wish people like you would back off and let us have at least one place to watch pure brute power.
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He made it!
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Until 1944, maezumou matches were conducted without any shikiri - the guys were announced and immediately started.

Also, at 2:30, there is a previously unknown(?) second angle of Akinoumi's defeat of Futabayama to snap the latter's famous 69-win streak.
nah, >>199178 did not get my point. The matches are much more fierce without henkas or that lame hatakikomi. Wajima, Kitanoumi, Mienoumi weren't exactly lightweight and they're great to watch. Takanohana with 182cm 104kg was remarkable. No need to mention Chiyonofuji. He's only komusubi with 181 cm 110 kg...but yeah, you could see he was a once in a lifetime talent already. Utchari on prime Kitanoumi was wonderful.
Its fun to see how sumo has changed, even if it tries not to.
Weird. I was just thinking how fun it is that it doesn't.
>The matches are much more fierce without henkas or that lame hatakikomi.
They weren't fiercer for their enthusiasm, they were fiercer because all of their pushes, throws, and kicks had less weight behind them.
What we have now is just the consequence of increased efficiency. Heavier rikishi were on average harder to beat, so getting heavier makes you better. Gaining mass opens the door for henka and hatakikomi because heavier men have more momentum, but this is unavoidable because heavier men are more successful.

Do you remember when everyone here (and elsewhere) was insisting Hoshoryu needed to gain weight because his sumo was struggling against the sanyaku? And then he did, and he got better results. We all understand that weight is a very real component of competence in modern sumo. With today's technical knowledge, even as limited as it is, guys who refuse to put on the weight (eg Takanoyama) cannot succeed at the highest level irrespective of their technical skill. So what else can be suggested as a fix to this "problem", outside of weight divisions/limits?

Also, you're saying
>Wajima, Kitanoumi, Mienoumi weren't exactly lightweight and they're great to watch
Sure, but those are the yokozuna. When have you seen boring henka or hatakikomi matches from Hakuho, Harumafuji, Kisenosato? You're watching only the highlights of those old basho and being surprised that sanyaku don't wrestle like M14s.
>guys who refuse to put on the weight (eg Takanoyama) cannot succeed at the highest level irrespective of their technical skill. So what else can be suggested as a fix to this "problem"
If they aren't willing to commit to sumo then they can stay in the lower divisions. There is no problem that needs to be solved.
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Hence my use of quotations.

It isn't?
>May 12 1939, Asahi Sports (アサヒ・スポーツ) special issue - Oozumou Natsu Basho edition
Also, do you know what "kokugi" means?
National ritual.
>I know sumo better than Japanese people from 100 years ago
There were no weight classes 100 years ago either, kiddo.
that's us alright
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Terunofuji is an embarrassment of a yokozuna. He just a worthless crippled diabetic sack of crap who doesn't train and shows up to lose one day every other month. He only gets special treatment from the YDC because they're afraid of being accused of racism. If he were Japanese they would be demanding his resignation currently.
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Heres a pic of him losing to Takanosho in Osaka.
Takanosho was 5-10 in Osaka, but he was still good enough to beat the yokozuna
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Nishigiki was 3–12 in Osaka, but he still was able to put the crap yokozuna flat on his back. Can we just put and end to this farce already? Its insulting to the rest of the wrestlers and to the fans to call this bum a yokozuna, he isn't even good enough for juryo. If he was actually competing for rank then he'd be one of those broken old losers in jonidan getting slapped around by teenagers
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heres another loser that pulled an MK, but was still capable of easily outperforming the so-called yokozuna
if this goes on much longer "yokozuna" will soon become a synonym for something the gets flushed down to the toilet
>did you fart? smells like yokozuna in here
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>the YDC are afraid of being accused of racism
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>Heres a pic of him losing to Takanosho in Osaka.
>Takanosho was 5-10 in Osaka, but he was still good enough to beat the yokozuna
>the point
>your head
Don't forget this gem.
Sorry - you do realize I never once referred to sumo as a sport in my post, right? Not withstanding the fact that you're a moron and misread MY post, you seem to be having a prolonged mental break in which you think everyone is referring to sumo as a sport whether or not they have said that. I say prolonged because you were doing this throughout the /sp/ basho threads as well. Seek help.
Then stop trying to 'fix' it like it's a sport.
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>Sumo? Yeah its a sport, and its fale and gay

Move thread to /JP/ if you truly believe it is not a sport.
Move yourself to /heem/ if you want weight classes.
See >>199318
You can't fucking read.
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Why don't you like sumo? Why would you want to change something that's so good. What umbrella do you carry?
Who said anything about wanting weightclasses?
Japanese and Mongolians are both of the Asian race.
This Anon did >>199225 which is who I was initially responding do. If you jumped into the chain and got all mixed up, that's on you.
He said the only way to force what >>199220 wants is weight classes. nobody is talking about implementing them.
there are also plenty of sports without weight classes, so immediately associating sport with weight classes, like in >>199325 , is dumb
>jump in the chain
i didn't jump into the chain of responses. my post is its own thing not directly involved in the conversation you were having with another person. notice the lack of quotes in the post
reddit is probably more your style of a site
It's not a sport, fuck off with your weight class, don't fucking ask me who said what if you're going to jump in.
>retard literally having and sutism fit

not the kind of poster this thread needs
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Do something, faggot.
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SSE: Sumo Sport Entertainment
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Did Bono really get in the ring with gyoji wearing white tassels?
So with Maikeru going intai, i was thinking about the fact that sumo is probably the only sport, yes i wrote sport, where a club or heya in this case, accepts you without any prior results or achievement. You are living in a heya, eating and sleeping and exercising...and shitting and sleeping and eating. You can do this for years while still in sandanme, jonidan or heck even jonokuchi...and then just leave. It's pretty much a heaven for bums like Denuma or Souga for example, while the king is obviously Moriurara ,all time jonokuchi resident for 20+ years with random appearences in jonidan.
if you are shit at sumo, how long are you gonna be able to just job or fuck around in a stable? like, if you bounce between the last two or three divisions. do they sign a contract or something?
He's also tatted up himself, so he can't really complain.
Until you physically can't.
>your the point head
Glad we see eye to eye, friend.
It's hard to be a bum when you have to wake up early every day and do a grueling practice session, as well as cooking and cleaning and everything else that comes with being low in the hierarchy. On top of that, even if you're the shittest rikishi imaginable, you have to keep showing up for tournaments unless you get injured, which you're bound to sooner or later due to the nature of the sport and the training. On top of this, if you take the devil's bargain to bum around in the lower divisions for twenty years, when you do eventually retire (and they all do) you're going to be desperately poor with no social connections outside of sumo, and no access to any jobs that aren't just as tedious and menial as life in the stable. Maikeru made the right decision - he knew he wasn't likely to progress any further, and got out before he turned into one of the lifers. Hopefully he's still young and energetic enough to get into a proper career, as opposed to a truck driver or a chanko chef.
What's wrong with being a truck driver?
yeah Maikeru did the right step, after 6 years in sumo, he decided to leave. he's 25, he is still young. it's the same as he'd finish university at this point.
Also wanted to point out that sumo is probably the only sport where you can spend 6 years in it, being taken care of (roof over your head, food) without any results.
Nothing, if you like being poor.
Truck drivers make decent money. You won't get rich, but you're not going to be poor driving truck.
First japanese pro wrestler was Sorakichi Matsuda from Isegahama-beya
An HGV driver in Japan makes an average of 4.8 million yen, which is equivalent to about $30k. I would imagine men driving smaller vehicles would make less money.
>with no social connections outside of sumo
there's going to be someone in the heya supporters club that will be able to find you a job

truck drivers in the usa make about the same money as a university professor does
That's more than my parents ever made and we did okay.
so the stable cant kick you out for some reason? why would they keep on a dude who clearly just hangs around, not giving his 100% to the sport?
They can, but giving 100% doesn't mean it's going to get you results.
yeah sure, but i mean theres bound to be cases where dudes are clearly there just to spend time and lay about. if your stable is full, wouldnt anyone kick those out and sign in a hungry up and comer? i just dont see the point
There are very few hungry up-and-comers around these days, and the stablemaster still gets paid to have those layabout guys in his room.
yeah like Moriurara is absolutely worthless as a rikishi, but he's still in the banzuke. Same with Satonofuji, he's still in jonidan at 47yo. There must be some money coming in for the beya to keep him. Otherwise I guess he wouldn't be able to be part of it, although he's more like an elder now I guess. He even stopped doing yumitorishiki because of his health problems.
20th century boys is absolute kino
They've still got the soul to do it. Gotta respect that. It's what sumo is all about.
>There must be some money coming in for the beya to keep him
There's a per-person living expenses sum that gets paid to a heya. If a guy is willing to put himself through the lifestyle the oyakata isn't really losing money and, at any rate, after 30 years they are probably more friends than student and master.
Heya need those kinds of guys because they're the ones doing all the menial labour. Otherwise, the JSA would need to hire full-time cleaning and cooking staff for every heya, which would be exponentially more expensive than just letting career lower division guys stay there for decades.
fairly new to sumo, help me understand
so about recruiting new wrestlers
could japs send scouts to "poor" countries and try to find talent? idk, somewhere else than mongolia. maybe hawaii again, east eu has some minuscule interest it seems, ...

do they just dont want to cause it's their thing? no gaijin allowed? no interest in expanding globally?
there's a limit to the number a foreigners each stable can have and it's to keep grand sumo a Japanese sport
Yes and they've done it frequently. The main issue is immigration. They need to get approval from the Japanese government to bring guys in, and on top of that there can only be one foreigner per heya. Because of both of those restrictions, they try to focus on guys who are more likely to be worth the initial investment. If they just want space fillers to fuck around in the lower divisions for a couple decades while cleaning and cooking, they can just grab any random Japanese kid who has no idea what he wants to do with his life.

To give a practical example from real life: former ozeki Tochinoshin (Georgia), former sekiwake Kaisei (Brazil), and former makushita 8 Masutoo (Hungary) were all recruited after they placed highly in a world youth sumo tournament that also included Japanese former ozeki Goeido.
>They need to get approval from the Japanese government to bring guys in
Is that right? I don't think I've ever heard of this being a problem.
You've never heard of workers visas?
I've never heard of the Association failing to get a prospect into Japan.
Whether they succeed or fail isn't the point, the point is it represents a set sunk cost that goes in to every foreign rikishi in the form of immigration costs and paperwork labour.
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sekiwakebros, never forget what we're fighting for
But they can't use that, because they can't drive.
I would almost assume they have a deal worked out for that, what with their being designated a Public Interest Entity or whatever.
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How is the last one a benefit?
Furthering their public image.
It's good publicity, they'll get paid for it, and they get an opportunity to schmooze professionally with the great and the good of Japan.
They can get a driver to chauffeur them
But they already do that if they live too far away. The space would be for someone who's already dropping them off every day - which implies that there already isn't a real issue finding parking.
The parking spot means the driver can just stay there instead of having to find pay parking elsewhere.
No one is dropping them off at the Sumo Association Headquarters everyday because why the fuck would an active wrestler go there every day? I think it's for after. Elders who made Ozeki get parking.
>why the fuck would an active wrestler go there every day?
Sumo school, but nobody has yet made sekiwake while still in sumo school. Onokatsu has gotten the closest so far, he made lower makuuchi before graduating. And of course the tsukedashi changes means that nobody will ever have another crack at it. I think the parking spot only appears after retirement
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After extensive viewing of the Kise and Futagoyama stable youtube, channels, it seems fairly apparent that Kise eats a little bit better. Or maybe they're just more picky about what they put on youtube
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Does restriction apply to elders too? I thought it was only active wrestlers.
Ozeki, not sekiwake.
Ishiura had his danpatsu-shiki today
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Nakamura Oyakata confirmed for starting his own stable and splitting from Nishonoseki. He's taking eight rikishi including Tomokaze and Kayo.
Is retirement from sumo permanent? Can a rikishi come back? I assume they would have to go through maezumo again if that were the case.
Barring legal proceedings like what happened to Sokokurai, a lower division guy can drop off the banzuke completely in which case he has to go through maezumo again, but once your retirement papers are handed in there's no take-backs.
Kise has better cooks i think; it's basically only Kotakiyama who can cook decent stuff. The rest seem like experimenting or watching youtube videos how to cook something.
Institutional knowledge innit? Futagoyama only has one sekitori and he's Mongolian. Didn't even like fish at first. No one to really teach them.
you mean half russian half mongolian. these guys don't cook anyway. anyway, just the ingredients alone look good af; i wouldn't complain for sure
are there big differences between stables? more(better) coaches, cooks, equipment, food..
like in football for example, manchester united vs northampton
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>half russian
Yeah, sure.
He's of Tuvan extraction. Technically, Tuva is part of Russia, but realistically it was literally part of Mongolia until about a hundred years ago. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he had a Vlad or an Ivan in his relatively recent ancestry, but for all intents and purposes he's a Mongol. Interestingly enough, despite having obtained Mongolian nationality and being as much a son of Temujin as any man on the steppes, he chooses to consider himself Russian and represent Russia in sumo.
he knows nobody likes mongolians
cheeky guy
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>No one is dropping them off at the Sumo Association Headquarters everyday because why the fuck would an active wrestler go there every day?
90 days out of 365 is nowhere near every day. Surely wouldn't warrant a parking spot.
Yes, massive differences. Sometimes there are small heya with 3-4 wrestlers and 1 coach, sometimes there are big heya with 20 wrestlers and 3+ coaches.
Every basho day is what I was getting at. You're probably right that it's intended for after their retirement, but we weren't talking about that at first.
dont jsa pressure the small ones to merge or something
whats even the point if there are 3 guys in a tent
Where's your fighting spirit, Anon?
>dont jsa pressure the small ones to merge or something
No. Who said that?
nobody, just asking. feels like it's hard to progress if you're in one of those stables.
less cooking though
Some people just prefer less crowded surroundings. Outside of pandemic disruption, it's easy to train with guys from other stables, especially in the same ichimon.
>feels like it's hard to progress if you're in one of those stables
Absolutely. But, as an example of a guy succeeding anyway, over the last five years or so, Tamawashi has had 3 training partners in total. Only one of them (Tamashouhou) has ever made it above makushita. Supposedly, he trains by having them go 3-on-1 against him.

And this is a quality issue rather than a numbers issue, but over the last 3 years Ouhou has had only one training partner above sandanme: his younger brother Mudouhou, who is a permanent mid-makushita guy. It tends to be agreed upon that Ouhou would be better if he had better training partners given how simplistic his sumo looks.
Not sure if it applies to Roga, but in the old days in Mongolia, eating fish was considered dishonorabru shamefur dispray
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Looking fairly chunky there, if he isn't losing weight he must be fairly optimistic about a comeback.
looking a bit roided. He got the Ishiura special, I guess.
Kisenosato and his Nishonoseki beya is built fromt he ground up like a castle and features the best confort a rikishi could ask with modern ammenities and high tech to review performance and training

>but over the last 3 years Ouhou has had only one training partner above sandanme: his younger brother Mudouhou
Can't he visit other stables in his Ichimon as a sekitori in order to train. Roga does that a lot.
Also the >muh few partners excuse or >muh Oyakata was a juryo shitter doesn't hold up when Miyagino back then accepted Hakuho as a 50kg twink and made him what he is now.
If he wasn't a legend's grandson, nobody would think he's a subpar rikishi at all. He's cursed by high expectations. It's worth keeping in mind that becoming a top division mainstay at all makes you one of the best in your generation.
I think the issue is one of his high school rivals is Sobrino and he is getting left in the dust. At least the other rival, Kotoshoho, is also a maegashitter.
>truck drivers in the usa make about the same money as a university professor does
And they're infinitely more important to our society than those "professors".
>Does restriction apply to elders too?
Nice. Looks great. Hope he has a great retirement.
>are there big differences between stables?
Of course. Stables with successful rikishi in the sekitori ranks get way more support than those stables with zero sekitori. More money = more opportunity for better kit, food, coaching, etc, just like in every other sport.
>White Oho (Hakuoho)
>Mud Oho
hakuho would henka
That match is famous specifically because it's really the only time Hakuho ever henka'd in a big match.
His other career henkas are mostly comedy shit like this:
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>the only time Hakuho ever henka'd in a big match
Reminds me of Keisho's horrible attempt at that against Terunofuji. Now that was peak comedy.
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I don't think hakuho thought it was going to go down like that. looked like a shoulder check then going for the belt, and looks suprised by how bad his fellow yokozuna who just came of a yusho then jun streal performed
I didn't know Akiseyama had a child
Wikipedia states that Konishiki was well known for his jinku. Is there any footage of this?
hakuho dickriders always show up in a split of a second
>in a split of a second
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But how about Atamimouto?
Do rikishi in highschool have to wear uniforms too? I bet they looks silly
Stop touching your face when you're wearing gloves, stupid bitch.
is that actually what it looks like?
Nishonoseki and his tanuki balls
This is funky as fuck. Not the anon you replied to, but this is great, thanks.
Any anons fluent in nihongo can tell what Takatoriki is saying in this video?
Are those calves attained natty?
100,000,000 shiko stamped over 20 years
How was the May Tournament? I completely missed it. Totally forgot like a dummy.
Clownshow at the start, but it ended up being a decent enough finish with Onosato picking up his first title.
we learned that wrestler formerly known as kotonowaka will never be yokozuna
Prompted by the female commentator mentioning being uncomfortable with the violence in Sanctuary, Takatouriki starts off talking about how violence in sumo used to be even worse: beatings with a club were just a regular part of life and sometimes people were left half-dead. He describes (without the proper terminology) what I believe are Morel-Lavallée lesions.
They then go into how sumo could be so much more popular in the world if the heads of the Kyoukai weren't so close-minded. Riki gives some awful math to argue this point, but is nonetheless correct in saying if even 1% of tourists to Japan went to sumo, they'd more than fill the building's capacity. He says that, hell, if they opened up broadcasting overseas, that would do a lot. He thinks they'd get $130,000,000 for these rights(???), which they could use to pay the rikishi more: "If they could say a yokozuna was making $13 mil a year, anyone who's doing judo in middle-school or whatever, they'd all go straight to sumo."
There's some talk about NHK having exclusive broadcasting rights for only $20 mil a year apparently without competitive bidding or negotiation, and they all think there should be another zero at the end. Riki calls Hakkaku an idiot for just thinking "wow, we're getting a whole $20 mil a year from NHK!" and not considering what it's actually worth.
They touch on 15-day basho being too strenuous, could be cut down to 7 days; they touch on the Kokugikan only having so many seats.
Riki argues that all of the directors have lots of money, aren't doing their jobs of making people interested in sumo, and don't care about any of this. One of the other people points out there are no shareholders in sumo, so there's no way to kick out the Kyoukai's current government.
Riki reveals that his goal is to get the Diet to notice all the bad shit happening in the NSK in order to get their Public Interest Entity status revoked because that is the only way to convince them to make real changes.
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Thanks anon
NSK only got Public Interest Entity status forced on them because of even worse shit happening, so if anything the government should be having more oversight over disciplinary issues. But they likely see sumo as a tourist attraction rather than something that can be big business, and don't want to upset too many established traditions. It'd be like taking control of kabuki troupes and forcing them to act like modern theatre companies, as far as the government is concerned.
But if they saw sumo as a tourist attraction, we'd see hundreds of gaijin all over the seats at the bashos, rather than probably ~50 total on a given day. The internal disinterest in even trying to advertise for sumo is a big part of the problem, as I see it.

I feel that, ultimately, all of this eventually comes down to the fact that the NSK's leaders are men with only middle-school or high-school diplomas who are often not being helpfully advised. Certainly they have some level of their administrative work done by people who are not former rikishi, but who knows how much that is or how much oversight is given to them. If there's an oyakata who's the 'head of advertising', what is he doing? What is his budget and what has he done with it?

There was a case some years ago of a random advisor bilking over a million dollars out of them with seemingly minimal effort - it seems not hard to believe that the decision-making of the overall Association is frequently and clumsily misguided.
>we'd see hundreds of gaijin all over the seats at the bashos, rather than probably ~50 total on a given day
There are hundreds of gaijin all over the seats at the bashos. The thing is most are in the cheaper stadium seats and not the box seats that the cameras focus on.
It's almost like a bunch of guys whose only career skillset is getting fat and pushing each other around aren't the best choices for managing business affairs.
Zak is on pace to break Takayasu's record for most JYs without a Y and its starting to look like the young guns are going to prevent him from ever leveling up unless he is willing to start training harder.
So... only allow yotsuzumou rikishi into administrating?
New Chris video
Enho tryna b a yumitori
>Enho tryna b a yumitori
this mystery will haunt me until the day I die
Just some anime sketch. Nothing to see.
Why wasn't it a pic of Abi? Who was asleep at the switch?
Probably Abi, lol. But seriously, go Abi!
is abi ourguy? feels like he's a meme here?
fill a newfag in
He's the one rikishi I wouldn't want to face. His thrusts are just nasty.
Endo is one I would like fight. He's fairly standard.
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But I'm an /a/utist, I would love to see it.
Post the pic with sumotori doing this but one of them is holding a beer bottle upside down. I forget which sumotori they were.
Theres another Chris video out today, this time he is yet again reiterating his outrage over the supposed drinking scandal where Onosato is supposedly the bad guy for giving an underaged wrestler a beer (the kids was literally asking for it) and at the same trying desperate to minimize the Miyagino scandal which involved robbery, sexual assault and the use of chemical weapons (glue is a chemical weapon when its being used to glue wallets shut). Chris is adamant that Onosato's offense deserves the same punishment as Miyagino's and that only possible explanation for the discrepancy is JSA racism. Chris should just leave Japan if he hates the Japs that much, why doesn't he move to Mongolia or something. He really lets it be pretty obvious why he wore out his welcome in his own home country, Japs should get rid of him like they did with Johnny Somali.
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>Onosato is supposedly the bad guy for giving an underaged wrestler a beer
He is, and it wasn't "a beer". The language used in the initial reporting :
Oonosato followed him into the bathroom with alcohol, demanded he drink a huge amount of alcohol (大量の酒) in order to get the kid shitfaced/black-out drunk (酔いつぶれる様子) for his own amusement, and refused to take no for an answer. Every article describes this as either bullying or power harassment.

>(the kid was literally asking for it)
Where did you read that? Unless there's some coverage I missed, this wasn't ever said by any outlet. I can't find a single article claiming this - unless you're citing Takatouriki's video from 3 days ago, which I'm not going to dignify by giving him a view.

>Chris is adamant that Onosato's offense deserves the same punishment as Miyagino
Chris is a retard, but that doesn't mean Oonosato is magically innocent. The 18 year-old he did this to was out of sumo for almost 6 months. You can call him a pussy or whatever, but it did legitimately affect him, it wasn't his fault, and Oonosato was the culprit.

Abi got a 3-basho suspension for his minor infraction and we tend to think that was too much; I reckon that, for something like this, a 3-basho is just about right.
>gets drunk
>out of sumo for 6 months
Bitch was never gonna make it.
I don't think it's ever the right call to suspend one of your top fighters, in a sport with waning popularity where it is already well known that fans are more likely to attend events if popular high-rankers will be there. A rikishi's successful career benefits the whole organisation, and it's counterproductive to derail that career as a minor punishment. Personally, I would favour financial punishments over suspension - the money stays in the organisation or even in the heya where it can be used wisely, and the punished man still has an incentive to show up and win matches so he can pay off his punishment faster. You could also do things like sending a rikishi to another stable temporarily for brutal training instead of staying at home lording it over his juniors, or you could make rikishi do various forms of community service as a punishment.
fuck abi and fuck his flowchart
>I don't think it's ever the right call to suspend one of your top fighters, in a sport with waning popularity
He was J14 at the time, even if it was apparent he would be moving up quickly.
Since Kisenosato was the one to report it, why did he wait 6 months?
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Abi is gonna make ozeki by the end of the year
maybe in his and your dreams
Do keep in mind that being in the salaried ranks at all is a massive achievement for a rikishi, and someone who was J14 for one basho 15 years ago would still be referred to as an ex-Juryo man and considered a cut above his lower-peaking colleagues. I think a lot of us gaijin sumo fans have slightly warped perspectives based on our understanding of other sports with a division system, or even just from only watching makuuchi digests instead of the full tournament.
being juryo for one 'sho is not impressive, all it means is that at the height of your career you made the top 70 out of 600 or so competitors, its not even top 10%
I understand that entirely, but I'm saying that if anyone is going to be discreetly protected from controversy, it's not going to be a J14. If it had been reported at the time, and he had been suspended then, we wouldn't be thinking of it today as having been a hypothetical huge loss to sumo. That's a perspective born from seeing his yusho.
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sumodb is down
its always down, especially in between bashos
Promotion to Juryo is given special consideration and announced weeks in advance of the full banzuke. Juryo is where a rikishi starts getting a salary, and the right to live independently from the stable, or have a private room within it. Juryo is not an afterthought, it marks the boundary between the best and the rest, and you will be treated differently, officially and unofficially, if you've reached that level.
I don't think he was discreetly protected from controversy in order to give him a chance to further boost his rank, and make it less appealing for the JSA to suspend him. The JSA had no qualms about suspending an ozeki, and if they had wanted to suspend Onosato they would have done so regardless of his rank. I don't know why it was kept quiet, or why it was finally let out.
>I don't think he was discreetly protected from controversy
I don't either, this conversation came from >>200155 saying that they shouldn't suspend a star and I pointed out that he wasn't exactly a star at the time.

A fairly realistic possibility is that Souseizan ran away, and Kisenosato reported what happened as soon as he was able to make sure the kid wasn't going to talk to the press or fuck the heya over in some other way, and also he convinced him to come back. This would explain why it came out at the same time that Souseizan returned for some maezumou.
>it marks the boundary between the best and the rest
no it doesn't, juryo is AAA ball. there is inside the curtain and there is outside, juryo is outside.
Outside the curtain is makushita.
I don't agree with him about juryo being AAA, but juryo is arguably, very technically, makushita. It used to go makushita -> makuuchi, and at some point the highest-ranking makushita men complained in order to get a pay raise to 10 ryo per basho. The ranks at which you'd get that money started to be called makushita-juryo, then eventually just juryo, and now we treat it as a separate division.
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Whenever anyone talks about how the top two divisions is the best that sumon has to offer, I remember that this man spent 7 years as a salaried wrestlers
The best that sumo has to offer isn't saying much. Its like saying you made it to the WNBA.
Top 25% of rikishi all time.
He'd wreck you mate
That's middling. It's like saying a Ligue 2 soccer player is impressive because because that's where they're considered professional clubs.
Juryo is just the start of a sumo career.
>Literally not in the middle
>Divegrass analogy
Utter nonsense.
Mental Yokozuna
Reminder that pro NFL players struggle to push back 17 year olds and couldn't push the sekitoris back at all.

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>245lbs linebacker doesn't do well in sumo
Woooooahhh, Id never have guessed
>sumo is like saying you made it to the WNBA
>meanwhile, NBA players:
Notice how hakuho came to the nba event and not the other way around
>hakuho came to the nba event and not the other way around
Sumo wrestlers fucking love basketball, and Mongolians are double that.

Notice how one is wearing socks.
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What's this from?
hostess club
Neat. Thanks.
I hope Hakuho washed his hands after that.
Is this a Moises Alou situation?
Musashimaru echos that sentiment, he also says the banzuke is "a sheet of lies" because kids fresh out of the lower divisions keep on winning cups and the ozekis and the yokozuna are a bad joke who don't do their jobs.
fuck off
>Musashimaru being one to complain about lack of technique
>Musashimaru, who said Hakuhou isn't technically skilled enough to even be ozeki in his era, being consulted on who is and isn't good at sumo
>Musashimaru complaining for 20+ years about 'these kids today'
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>mfw im on the way back from a grueling 5 hour goon session at my hidden location next to the all girls middle school
that head is literally impossible, you fucked with the image
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>Musashimaru, who said Hakuhou isn't technically skilled enough to even be ozeki in his era, being consulted on who is and isn't good at sumo
I remember Konishiki saying this, did Musashimaru also say it? Really are you going to doubt the experts here
>I remember Konishiki saying this
You're right, I mixed them up. Musashimaru never said it. Though I did find a 2019 quote from Musashimaru complaining about Hakuhou going for pulls and slap-downs, instead of doing "straight-forward-moving yokozuna sumo" like Takanohana. Baffling.

>Really are you going to doubt the experts here
don't make me break out the 1930s quotes about "kids these days" again
>It's a Chris "Sumo" video
Die in a fire for posting that trash, you miserable piece of shit.
>don't make me break out the 1930s quotes about "kids these days" again
do it
I was watching Onosato's juryo matches recently and I noticed that his tits were flabbier back then, so he must be taking his training very seriously.
I love how I'm in several generals across the website, and in at least three of them, some dude named Chris is hated for different reasons. If you have children, don't name any of them Chris.
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If sumo is at such a low level now, how come Musashimaru hasn't trained a single sekitori in over a decade as stablemaster?
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i wonder what boomers in 1900 were saying about these guys
back in my day we didnt even sleep, just nonstop fighting, we ate during shiko training
I now want to see a Four Yorkshiremen style sketch about sumo.
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I was looking at the list of JY record holders because I was wondering if Takayasu was the all time king of most JYs without a cup (it seems that he is) and I noticed that pretty much everyone on the list above him is a massive chad, mostly yokozunas with a few top grade ozekis like Kaio mixed in. So Takayasu is in fine company even if he never finishes in the top spot, but the way he performed in May it seems like he has a good chance to get at or near the top a few more times if he can manage to keep his aging body uninjured for 15 days.
>Coming from ntring bunch of salarymen
>h.. he can still win!
phew that woman was devastated
A win would ruin his JY streak
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Several hundred replies were unable to figure out what this was.
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I don't understand how someone who's devoted to trivia about a Japanese game can be completely unaware of sumo. Sumo references pop up everywhere in Japanese culture and creations.

end of the era. last of the greats
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Him getting choked up during the speech was great.
Kise needs to make an into video for their new makushita tsukedashi recruit
God, I hated this fucker so much.
Any other heya pushing out content like Kise?
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Shikoroyama did a bunch of videos on the official kyokai channel before Terao died...
Yeah I remember Abi's drip in one of those videos
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Tenkaihou has been captured
Rare - March 1960, the only match between Tochinishiki vs Taihou.
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Wow. Taiho looks tiny there.
We must raise the dohyo
Watched some. Nabatame is pretty funny
just because he's a bad coach doesn't mean he has wrong opinions about the current stock of top wrestlers. he's not wrong in his observations
It's not about being wrong, it's just that he looks pretty stupid complaining about the low level of sumo when he's contributing to it.
He needs to recruit a Samoan or Hawaiian gaijin monster and train him to stomp all over the current crop of weaklings.
Of course Onosato is already doing that, so maybe Musashi man can just chillax
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Kotoshoho got hitched.
It would be funny if he was pointing at her heart like they point at their names on the banzuke in those photos
His face = genuine happiness
Her face = fake smile for the camera
Also, they have a kid? Was he born out of wedlock?
Koto’s just had a lot of pressure on him to preform with the promotion and now the name change. He’s number 2 now after terunofuji and I’m pretty sure he’s infront for most wins this year. I don’t like the style change of his sumo he’s trying to Yokozuna sumo by catching his opponents at the tachiai and winning technically instead of bulldozing them out. These young guys like onosato and takerufuji don’t have the pressure on them like zak does.
Dad+Married power up he’ll be ozeki soon 1000 years of sadogatake supremacy
Onosato has 34 wins too, they're tied, but January was at M15 so weaker opponents. Terunofuji is doing well, 5 more wins this year than Takakeisho!
Teru has ONE LAST RUN in him and it’ll be glorious or he’ll slip like kakuryu and intai either one will be legendary.
they got married long before; this is just official circus.
he's obviously got the skill and the ability to compete at this level (6 consecutive double-digit basho in the sanyaku. Only 1 losing record since the start of 2022 and that was a 7-4-4 after his whole heya had to pull out with the coof) but he still needs to get over that mental hump to go from just being "in the hunt" to making someone else feel like they have beat him to have a chance themselves.

It's not that he's a 100% confirmed choke artist yet, but eventually the pressure he's putting on himself to succeed will cause him to crack and he'll be Chokozakura.
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There's nothing wrong with Kotozakura so far.
So far, no. This is all a thought exercise. We're trying to project out possible scenarios.

I mean, perfect example: Kakuryu. After his first year as an ozeki, I had pretty much written him off as having peaked. (For reference, of his first six basho at the rank, he recorded only a single 11-4, the rest were 8-7 or 9-6.)
Even before that, he was a solid junior sanyaku/joi wrestler. Mostly unspectactular with a JY here or there.

Then his second year as ozeki he upped his game and earned his promotion.
>Taiho looks tiny there.
He's listed as having been 101 kg at that point. Midorifuji is apparently 114 kg.
And yet 6 months later at 121. Definitely something weird there.
There's a reason why rikishi frequently cite eating as its own form of strenuous training.
And yet over the next two years he puts only about 3 kg? Nah. Bad numbers.
Maybe 120-125 was just his sweet spot at the time, and he only ballooned into the 140s when he started running into injury trouble later in his career.
Taiho was never close to being the heaviest guy in the division. At his peak in '62-66 his weight was pretty much the median for the division; however, because he was one of the tallest men in the division he looked thinner than most.

(By comparison, Oho is only 3cm taller but over 50kg heavier. If he had fought back then, Oho would easily have been the biggest wrestler on the banzuke.)
To be clear. I meant he looked tiny compared to his 140kg Yokozuna self.
in the stable, do wrestlers call each other by their ring names or real names?
A mix.
Good luck pronouncing mongo names.
Sleepynojo bros...we're back.

Real names or nicknames almost always. If they don't know each other, then I can imagine using a shikona until they do.
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>style change of his sumo he’s trying to Yokozuna sumo by catching his opponents at the tachiai and winning technically instead
This is a better style of sumo for him. hes big enough that he doesn't need the extra momentum from the start to overpower most of his opponents. Its working much better than what he was doing before and most likely less injury prone due to control the match and himself better
its not just rikishi. any athlete that is trying to bulk but hit a certain threshold finds it hard to gain weight. ive been trying to get over 400 for like half a year now, but haven't had the appetite to even with like 2k liquid calories a day on everything else
It's usually a mix, depending on what everyone is comfortable with.

Terunofuji is commonly called "Gana" (which is a take-off of his actual name) and there's footage of Abi addressing Hoshoryu as "Byamba" (again, a take-off of his actual name.)
Harumafuji, on the other hand, was commonly addressed by his old shikona, Ama.
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>ive been trying to get over 400 for like half a year now,
hey frank, shame you bombed on deads man, keep grinding
i feel like both koto and hosh are in different ends of the same spectrum when it comes to reach their respective level of "yokozuna sumo"
but i also feel like they'll both reach it sooner rather than later, especially since both of them since their promotion have been pretty consistently reaching at least 10 wins per basho
>sumo fan
>under 140kg
not a real fan
yeah, shit happens. going to work hook more, and keep pushing the other shit. wonder if rikishi train grip
That's why I mentioned nicknames. Fairly certain I've heard Chiyomaru being called "Maru" multiple times - that's not his name, but it's not accurate to call it his shikona either.

>Harumafuji, on the other hand, was commonly addressed by his old shikona, Ama.
Got any footage of this?
>Harumafuji, on the other hand, was commonly addressed by his old shikona, Ama.
Makes sense since he was Ama until ozeki.
You now remember Hakuoho hype
This guy called him Ama.
I'm glad he found success after retiring and isn't stuck running the gorillianth chanko restaurant in Tokyo or had to move back to the steppes.
Also, I didn't know he was in John Wick. I've never watched any of the movies.
Probably talking about the upcoming spinoff.
What makes this a pain is that you can't search for words which are 3 characters or fewer on sumoforum, so I can't trawl through posts there for videos or reports of guys interacting with Ama-era Harumafuji.

Incidentally, this also makes it impossible to find any post referring to Abi or Ura. The forum heads insist that it's fine, though.
Never been there, I was joking.
I got that, but I wanted to acknowledge there is still a huge problem if I wanted to keep going down this line of inquiry.
Well, I don't know what you would, but Amazeki and Ama-zeki are more than three letters. Try that?
Couldn't you just use a proper search engine to search for "Ama" and filter it to only show results from sumoforum?
Why are Japanese this secretive with stuff regarding marriages?
Because peoples' personal lives are their own business, so long as they're not impacting their professional, public lives. Sumo marriages will always be public knowledge eventually simply because if the rikishi becomes an elder then the wife will be expected to help in stable management, which usually means sumo wives have to be unofficially approved by your supporters if you don't want supporter money to dry up like with Akebono, but the actual process of dating and proposing is not public business.
tl;dr it's less "secretive" and more they don't flaunt it.
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Can't use Google for it because, over a decade ago, they had some issue the details of which completely escape me. I had to use Bing, and found nothing relevant to the nickname conversation. However, I did find this:
wtf that's a dude
That's not a man, it's a woman with a good strong skull. Tochinoshin is going to breed a race of champions. For reference, look at Terunofuji's wife - she has a powerful jaw and thick calves, and their son could probably kachi-koshi in Jonidan already.
nice to meet you faggot
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the traditional japanese wig makes her look odd, she looks ok with her hair.
Didn't he leave this wife and marry a Japanese woman?
yeah, has a kid with her already
Once you contract yellow fever, you have it forever.
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Based Ōgama
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yikes... this ain't it, hiro
>don't support bullies
It's be faster to name who ISN'T a bully in sumo. Hope they like Kaisei.
There's a difference between being kind of a dick and what Oshoma did.
what did he do
>Troubling reports of abuse by Naruto-beya's sole sekitori, which are exacerbated by a weak oyakata's inability to take charge and react responsibly, have resulted in three young rikishi leaving the heya and abandoning their sumo careers.
>Juryo wrestler Oshoma has been accused of numerous brutal acts of power harassment by Anzai a promising 21-year-old ex-makushita wrestler, and two other former Naruto deshi.
>The three young men claim Oshoma's sadistic behavior began when he was promoted to juryo.
>Anzai claims Oshoma would violently attack him during training. "He targeted my elbow that had recently been operated on after an injury. Oshoma would yell, 'What are you going to do about it?'
>"He punched me in the eye causing me to lose eyesight for days. He did this because he was angry about losing a practice bout."
>In addition to Anzai, there are other victims who have been injured when targeted by Oshoma. More than one said that he fractured their sternum by climbing on top of and jumping on their chests.
>And Naruto saw and knew. "Oyakata would turn his eyes downward to not see whenever things started to get out of control. When I turned to him for help, he said, 'That's how it was in the old days.'
>"I decided to retire when I realized our oyakata would never protect us. I was given a 5-minute danpatsu-shiki without allowing a photo to be taken."
>When reporters from Shuken Shinto rang Naruto Oyakata's cell phone, it hung up the moment they said their names. Since August, three rikishi have quit and two more announced their retirement.


IIRC these were rumors and not sure if they ever got confirmed. It could've been true, but got swept under the rug since the victims retired and NSK couldn't/didn't want to do anything.
>IIRC these were rumors and not sure if they ever got confirmed
Five retirements would tend to imply it's the truth.
conspiracy against honest mongolian
Maybe it is the truth. Maybe he did something and it's been blown out of proportion to suit an agenda. Maybe he did nothing at all and those men were paid off. I don't know and neither do you. All we know is that he's been doing well on the dohyo, and that's what really matters - I'm not watching sumo because I want to be friends with the rikishi, I'm watching sumo to see them fight.
yes but if one of those abused juniors joins a different stable, fights up to makuuchi, and finally faces his abuser on day 15 for the emperor's cup, you would enjoy the fight more
>I'm not watching sumo because I want to be friends with the rikishi
Even if you only cared about them as competitiors, some fucking diva injuring all the other guys in his stable is hardly helping the level of competition in sumo.
Does Kinbozan wear this one? I'm not sure I've seen it. Maybe I didn't pay attention.
Yes, sometimes.
Right. Imagine the rage if it came out that Hakuoho needed the shoulder surgery because of Hokuseiho.
oshoma is mongolian and got away with it, shouldn't this put all the muh racism to bed?
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He got away with it because everyone involved retired without threatening legal action. When the victims do not retire, the NSK is essentially forced to react by the government. This has been the pattern for all sumo violence incidents since the change in their legal status.

>shouldn't this put all the muh racism to bed?
see pic
The whole muh racism aspect of the treatment Hakuho got with the Hokuseiho incident fallst apart when Oshoma and his Oyakata (Naruto) are both foreigners. Only difference is Kotooshu didn't act like hot shit rocking the NSK boat.
Maikerus danpatsu-shiki
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why is the MC a female gyoji?
I've become a fan of their stable from their YT content
roga is playing a good guy but off camera is kicking them in the balls and pissing in mouth
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Cute, would try to satisfy her as she screams NOKOTA NOKOTA
namatabe will do the same now; i guess it's sekitori's task to whip the low rankers.

ura just keeps winning
is left achievable natty?
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wife material
Nabatame's future wife
yeah she's going for it with that self-made merch she made lol
And giving it to his mom. She's making moves.
that was his sister, but still good move
What? That was his mom and brother
She gave it to his Thai Mom.
He'd better not reject her. She'd break into the stable and steal his seed if he did.
Currently live on YT, sumo wrestlers playing basketball with some Japanese team. Atami, Onosato, etc.
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well that started unexpectedly, lmao
The dark kimarite... Moro-kudake...!
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Wakamiyabi is my dude
Hell yeah
how would a sumo wrestler fair in a street fight?
Not terribly, they probably have training taking blows to the head and can't be easily knocked down, so they can stand their ground and either toss or slap people. They're fucked against a knife though.
>They're fucked against a knife though.
Same goes for just about every fighting style though, even the ones that are trained for fighting against a knife.
Even then most other guys can simply run away and toss furniture to keep the knife-wielder at bay. A sumo wrestler has to take at least one hit in order to bullrush the guy and end the fight as quickly as possible.
Glad that Hokuseiho is gone
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>toss furniture
Sumo wrestlers are more experienced with this than most other martial arts.
Big guy with sofa is the most dangerous enemy in every yakuza game.
Depends on what environmental objects are to hand.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA binging sumo food gave me a bunch of random Thai and Russian in my recommendations now
Remember snobby front row Sumo supporters took this from you. Can’t have the lower class hitting the upper class with pillows now can we?
They still do it though.
Yep just no healthy zunas to give kinboshi
You think Nabatame can handle juryo? He is kinda small, seems like might get sent back to the minor leagues
He's the same height and weight as Shimazuumi, he'll be fine on that front.
he's the new takakeisho
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Government is knocking on the NSK's door again.
I think the zabuton are bolted down at the Kokugikan, but not the other three venues.
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I'd say the biggest hurdle is to get used to fight every day for 15 days instead of random days with 7 matches total.
If you've made it to Juryo once, it's not as big a hurdle to get back up there. He's very young still, and even if he falls back to Makushita once or twice, he's got the spirit to keep coming back.
so why dont they pay makushiters at least some minimal wage or something
That's what juryo was originally, makushita guys who asked for a lesser salary because they were expected to step up against maegashira if there were absences or injuries.
There's only so much money to go around. Sekitori has already been expanded multiple times since the 60s.
can you even have a life (wife and kids) without the woman supporting you if you're stuck at makushita?
are you even allowed to leave the stable or do you have to suck sekitori dick while you're stuck at that rank?
>can you even have a life (wife and kids) without the woman supporting you if you're stuck at makushita?
No, though since non-sekitori aren't going to be elders when they retire, it can be beneficial for the wife since they're not forced to be the heya matron and can have a career of their own. Non-sekitori get a "living stipend" but the wife would be the one paying the main household bills.
>are you even allowed to leave the stable
It's expected that a non-sekitori will ask permission first, but it's not unheard of for veterans to live outside the stable if they get married. Obviously they're still expected to perform all their normal duties anyway.
If someone is non-sekitori for a long period of time then it's because they simply enjoy the lifestyle. They can at any time retire and get a normal job.
Cheaper banners and smaller kenshos to juryo and maybe to last 10 bouts of makushita. Y/N?
Easier to just scrap juryo completely and expand makuuchi by 38.
They are not. https://youtu.be/FlRFrz9rHl0?si=3bPdI_TrSsoLd6ls&t=282
Other way around, they're not altered at the Kokugikan, but other venues have introduced larger zabuton that cover multiple seats and are strapped down.
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Example of larger zabuton, can't find a larger picture ironically.
They're strapped in Osaka, but not in Nagoya. Can't find a recent kinboshi in Fukuoka, so not sure about there.
pic >>201541 is from Fukuoka, I think they were the first to do that
Fair enough. Just Osaka and Fukuoka then.
Here's what you do. Set up a news-ticker type thing around the floating dohyo roof. Charge people in Japan and internationally a small fee to send a silver star graphic around it, clockwise or anticlockwise depending on whether the rikishi they support is fighting from the east or the west that day. Speed them up depending on how many there are. Charge a slightly larger fee to make it a slightly larger gold star. People will enjoy the spectacle of a popular rikishi having rapidly revolving streams of donation stars flash up as he enters the ring, and people will feel sorry for unpopular rikishi who rarely get any stars, and be motivated to buy some. It would be trivial for any moderately trained IT nerd to set up, and the low barrier for entry coupled with the international capabilities means that it could become quite a respectable income stream. You could also have a similar system in place for things like a danpatsu-shiki. I think that after a few years of having such a system in operation, it would become an iconic part of the sumo experience.
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>June 17. Nakamura stable held its first practice since becoming independent from Nishonoseki beya--and things already look different and novel in the former Yoshikaze's training methods.

For starters, practice began at 3:30 in the afternoon, when most rikishi in sumo are awakening from their gluttonous lunch coma.
Called to order by the stable's heyagashira, M-16 Tomokaze, the rikishi wrestled from the four-hand position (man-to-man--yotsu zumo) without taking the belt.
Said the oyakata, "This is to help us learn how to use our bodies. I want to teach them how to attack and defend, be it in striking, re-wrapping, and learning how to employ and swing the head," he explained.
"They need to develop their ability and learn techniques-- not just practice monotonous wrestling."

"I am a first-year master and will continue to introduce various things and repeat trial and error," he concluded.

Nakamura's innovative ideas may not only be a breath of fresh air but are examples of change--and in ozumo, that is unusual.
>For starters, practice began at 3:30 in the afternoon
Pathetic. Back in the old days, the REAL rikishi would start the day's training the the day BEFORE the actual day of training.
There is a legitimate issue in not going with the morning practice->first meal->nap routine, because it's been a well established way of helping build subcutaneous fat. I'm not going to be surprised if Nakamura wrestlers start looking either slimmer from burning off their breakfast/lunch calories in training, or having more fat distribution in the guy instead of all over the body.

>In sumo wrestling, morning practice is usually held early in the morning, but Nakamura, who is keen to tackle things outside of the box, has come up with a policy that does not focus on time. On the 18th, he plans to have two sessions, one in the morning to train agility and core strength, and one in sumo wrestling, in the afternoon.
>It is customary for wrestlers to eat twice a day, once at lunch and once at night after morning practice, but Oyakata Nakamura has breakfast at 7am, so he has three meals a day. Regarding practice after lunch, stablemaster Tomokaze says, "I don't feel the need to be tied down to practice hours. How do you think about the time you can use with leeway? Some people use it for treatment, and others for training. That's where the difference between those who become stronger comes in."
I thought it not being disgustingly hot would be a reason to have morning practice
I'm curious if this is something devised by a fitness expert they're working with, or something he's come up with himself.
feels like fitness expert would suggest some rest days
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Well, it doesn't have to be a competent fitness expert.
Was the Oshoma thing actually confirmed? I thought someone said it was only reported in a tabloid.
What if they both have knives?
>I thought someone said it was only reported in a tabloid.
The tabloid reported it because they had an interview with the primary victim, Anzai.
And we must all believe Anzai uncritically, despite no known corroboration of his story. I don't know how you can look at this rumour without considering that the offender is a foreigner with a foreign master - if there was any truth in the matter, you'd expect the JSA to crucify Naruto very publicly.
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>And we must all believe Anzai uncritically, despite no known corroboration of his story
>pfft a tabloid said it, who believes the tabloids
>a rikishi said it? pfft, who believes what rikishi say anyway
>five rikishi retired at the same time because of it? pfft, it's probably a conspiracy against a foreign oyakata
This isn't even the first public incident involving Kotooushouu's tenure as Naruto oyakata. Pic related - he got off with a fucking three month 10% salary fine.

>if there was any truth in the matter, you'd expect the JSA to crucify Naruto very publicly
holy shit we've been over this already in this thread >>201268
Imagine being a sandanme and thinking you're hot shit. At least when a sekitori does it it's because he's done something with his career.
They tried to ban it
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Dude wasn't even a sandanme regular. He had one tournament in sandanme before this came out, and he went makekoshi in it.
i wonder who's bullying who at futagoyama lol; it's all nice and sweet on camera but you never know
Kirishima says the pain from his neck is gone and he has started fully practicing again.

Ozeki was too big for him.
the fuck are you talking about
So when a minor bullying-related incident happens, Naruto gets dragged before the compliance committee and punished, the offender gets a suspension, and everyone knows about it because it's properly reported on. I don't accept the excuse that as long as the victim retires the JSA has no pressure to do anything, given that someone who retires and is no longer under the auspices of the organisation is far more capable of telling tales and spreading bad publicity than a young man, little more than a child and sheltered due to his life in a quasi-monastic environment, and dependent on his master for room and board. I don't know exactly what went down in the stable and neither do you, but it's ridiculous to whole-heartedly believe the word of one man when there hasn't been a peep about it from any of the relevant authorities. Even if everything he says is true, we should require more evidence in order to believe that a man is a monster.
Kirishima is my nigga and I'm praying for his comeback and more
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>a minor bullying-related incident happens
>strangling a jonokuchi wrestler unconscious 10 times
yeah okay

>I don't accept the excuse that as long as the victim retires the JSA has no pressure to do anything
It isn't an excuse, it is the absolute reality. Pic related.

>there hasn't been a peep about it from any of the relevant authorities
Why would there be? Not one of them has threatened a lawsuit. It took 2 years for pic related to come out in the press, and not from the Kyoukai's side.

>it's ridiculous to whole-heartedly believe the word of one man ... we should require more evidence
The article also separately cites an anonymous Narutobeya insider. The insider specifically states that all five retirements are because of Oushouma. So, that's two men with explicit testimony, and five retirements in relation to the event.
The key line from the insider is "The young men could no longer tolerate living in a heya where Oushouma's extreme abuses would be permitted" (「若い衆たちは、欧勝馬の度を越したシゴキが許される部屋の現状に辟易しているのです」).
Let's not pretend that Kasugano, of all people, is reflective of the general conduct of JSA personnel. On top of the fact that Kasugano is Japanese, he clearly has some significant influence over the other higher-ups given his ability to survive scandal after scandal. Naruto is from a younger generation, is foreign, and has already received more punishment for bullying than Kasugano has over more than a decade. Given the current sentiment towards foreigners in sumo, and specifically Mongolians after the Miyagino incident, I find it very hard to reconcile the apparent severity of the offences and the complete lack of any kind of investigation. I can't with good conscience blindly trust in the word of one disgruntled former rikishi and one "anonymous insider" who may or may not exist at all. In my country, there are lots of tabloids, and all of them have been exposed at various times for lying, smearing, misrepresenting, and at times outright breaking the law, so I am automatically very suspicious of any piece of news that only appears in such a publication. If the allegations are true, then I will believe them when a credible and impartial authority takes action regarding them.
holy fuck just admit you want to suck Kotooshu's cock
what % of wrestlers have diabetes?
You should ask what % doesn't
some dude visiting futagoyama, but he showed no respect to rikishi, check the comments lol

More yushos than Hoshoryu and Kotonowaka
I don't know if I should even be giving him a view
Roga is a bitch regardless if the camera is on him or not.
Koga is cucking the oyakata, Kotakiyama forced his younger brother to join the stable as part of a ten-year psychological warfare campaign, Tsukioka is actually a 34 year old yakuza underboss, "The Torturer of Tuva" Roga is never seen on camera because he's busy helping the Spetsnaz in Ukraine, and we don't talk about the Futagoyama tokoyama.
you probably meant Keiga?... but i think the cameraman is actually cucking oyakata
I meant what I said, and anyone who's wandered past the stable on a day he's lost a match can corroborate this. Keiga is a herbivore, and spends his spare time watching his single Takagi-san blu-ray. He used to have more, but lost them in the annual punishment olympics.
Former baseball player, looks like. Maybe oyakata owes him from his gambling days.
some fine Ura action

Did Fat Bastard/Ohtani just quit?
he quit when miyagino moved to isegahama
Ah, OK. Thanks. I've been out of the loop for a while, it seems.
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>feels like fitness expert would suggest some rest days
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How was his tachiai game
please tell me they AT LEAST maintain the traditional baseball bat training and weekly wallet-gluing
>50 years of sumo college graduates
>takes 50 years before one guy decides to di something different
So this is the power of the Japanese education system...
Baseball bats are gone, wallet gluing is gone, and that bastard Nakamura has even scrapped the ass-cleaning rota. Mark my words, the stable is doomed.
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Saltman had his danpatsu
>nabatame inna white practice mawashi
Another ukrop incoming

Takakeisho, Atamifuji, Takanosho, Abi
Ura, Kotozakura, Takayasu, Takerufuji
Kotoshoho, Shodai, Midorifuji, Endo
Onosato, Gonoyama, Mitakeumi, Tamawashi
There's a good few of them, but they haven't com close to dethroning the Mongols as top gaijin yet. But just as the Mongols supplanted the Hawaiians, one day the Mongols will be cast down to make room for another set of burly barbarians. My money's on Eskimos.
>Inb4 Russia collapses completely and we will get massive amount of chechens in sumo
Impossible, they'd never give up their beards.
thise are some nice tits to replace aoiyama as the great white b(r)east of sumo
>Bunshun has rumours that there had been claims to the NSK and Nagatanien by viewers, with accusations of Isegahama-beya having connections to a yakuza front-company.
Here's the article.

Says Nagatanien and the NSK were getting weird calls saying "Why are you featuring a rikishi from Isegahamabeya, a group which has ties to a yakuza front company?". Someone affiliated with an Isegahama kouenkai told Bunshun that this is connected to rumors concerning a particular Isegahama tanimachi who is said to have a connection to a yakuza member, but this person doesn't know if the business in question would technically qualify as a front company.

Nagatanien denies that the ad was pulled, they say the campaign ended when it was expected to. The NSK says it stopped having yakuza affiliations when it became a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, and Nagatanien trusts the NSK's word.
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Really like the colour of Kayos first shimekomi
>getting weird calls
In a Mongolian accent.
Weird as in concerning and suspicious.
>decent-sized amateur sumo scene
>a number of them have come to Japan as war refugees
>dai-yokozuna to look up to

>big amateur sumo scene (maybe the largest outside of Japan?)
>dedicated gyms for sumo
>purpose-built sumo stadium
>Brazilian ex-pros to lean on

>strong wrestling culture
>trailblazer in Tochinoshin

Eskimo wrestling literally starts on the ground, so none of it would translate to sumo.
Can pass as Japanese if you squint, and avoids the humiliation of having a waito piggu wearing the rope.
cant wait for yokozuna aonishiki
japs will clap and they will like it
>trailblazer in Tochinoshin
lol, guy lost because his mawashi got too loose

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Young Kunio?
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yeah thought so as well, maybe it's him
yep it's him
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If he was properly sized over 150kg rikishi, his balls wouldn't have been exposed, and may have been able to win
Gagamaru also preceded Tochinoshin
Trailbazer in the sense that someone made it to the elite level I should say.
I've been looking for this for years, thank you
That's literally cropped from the first link.
official kimarite?
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Also, Japanese newspapers liked to throw around "morodashi" ('both out') as the unofficial kimarite.
Surprising to see Gunning call out Aonishiki as a potential future top ranker while completely ignoring Onokatsu, who just went 13-2 in his juryo debut.
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gaga is a cool guy
i had a good time with him in texas
Damn, you're nearly there in the weight category.
ukraine is hot topic; mongolians are not that interesting i guess
how come theres no chinese
There was one in juryo I think.
1 in a billion
or the state just push you into some olympic program if you're moderately gifted
Tiny skinny little things, aren't they? Usually the ones listed as Chinese are just Mongols in disguise.
better economic opportunities
Why state the obvious? As you say, Onokatsu went 13-2 in juryo. Aonishiki is in mid-makushita.
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if terunofuji can wear two giant knee braces, why can't takakeisho wear a neck brace?

i want to see him take a 12-3 juggernaut yusho with five headbutt knockouts
It's a lot harder to hide under bandages, imagine if Takakeisho showed up one day with an inner tube made of gauze around his neck
masurao vs chiyonofuji

Gaga has gained some weight back it seems. Propably all that bbq food.
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>ASGAKHAD Altan-Ochir
What even is he? It doesn't look like a standard Chinese or even Mongolian name. Is he like Muslim or something?
>Inner Mongolia
Name looks Mongol enough.
Altan-Ochir is Mongolian for "golden thunderbolt"
He's from the same place as his stablemaster. He's Mongolian.
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I think that's the db guy's guess rather than an official romanization. The kana is アスハダ which is "Asuhada". And Ochir could be Ochil, etc.
I found a few Mongolian facebook pages referring to Daiseizan as "Acхaд", which seems to be a legitimate Mongolian name and which is typically romanized as "Askhad". That has to be the right form of his name, since there are no results for "Asgakhad" anywhere in any search engine. Maybe ask on sumoforum for him to fix it.
Here are two Mongolian sites that list the same spelling as the Sumodb page.
it's probably just a more familiar form of the name like Thomas > Tommy
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Looks like you're right, a lot more use that one. Maybe a rare name, it's never been romanized before?
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Whos the guy in the middle?
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Sumo has a lot of mafia like elements
I hope Roga finally manages to KK in the top division next tournament, but I don't think it'll happen unless he manages to put another 10 kilos on. I have no idea how he's managed to hold on for so long.
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He eats like a sissy, watching the futagoyama videos leaves me surprised he manages to be over 100kg
It does seem like a lot of the lads don't eat enough. Considering how big the oyakata was in his active days (and is in his retirement days) he really ought to teach his boys how to eat properly. Kise-beya did a video some time ago where they did a giant burger eating challenge at a restaurant - time to step up, Futagoyama.
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dunno, but here's the whole pic
and a few vids x.com/xnC9XJ7Ks6sypbA/status/1807339577868456236
July Banzuke
Can't the combined Isegahama and Miyagino afford a training camp that isn't a plastic sheet on the wall?
Every stable has a temporary training camp for non-Tokyo basho, anon. They're in Nagoya right now.
No real surprises. Kotoshoho feels a little hard done, though.
he went 8-7 & moved up 1.5 ranks
Yep, if anything, Mitakeumi got the biggest jump from a 8-7 just from the people above him shitting the bed
Takanosho, M8e, 8-7, goes to M6e
Kotoshoho, M8w, 8-7, goes to M7e
I know he's not popular ITT, but I feel bad about Myogiryu. It's always depressing to watch a guy's body fail out from under him.

Supposedly he's got the Furiwake share, so at least he'll be in sumo.
>Hiradoumi in sanyaku
The new /xs/ approved heart of sumo
only a couple months older than onosato and he is starting his 10 year in sumo, he could end up challenging some longevity records if he stays healthy.
That video really shows off the dramatic characteristic differences between the chad drunken carousers of the days of yore and virgin introverted nerds of the current crop of wrestlers
One mild surprise for me is I thought they might find space for Asanoyama a bit higher than that. I think there was space around M7-10 without fucking anyone over. I guess with a full kyujo theres no justification for a soft landing though.
well it's different in every aspect, not just this. Just the existence of smartphones won't allow you to do the same crazy things these dudes did because someone will record your ass.
he did maezumo in 2016, so this year's spring basho was his 8th year
Gonna be interesting to see if Aonishiki can keep on blitzing up the rankings now that he is going to be mixed in with more veterans
it's over for japs and mongols
sumo is EVROPEAN now
I think he's too small to go the distance, personally. He's going to stall out before hitting Juryo.
He's the same height and weight as Wakatakakage.
>180 cm 125 kg
how is that too small? Midorifuji is 171cm..
Needs about 25kg at the very least
My boy Wakatakakage is back in business!
Midorifuji has all sorts of technique and trickiness that gets his opponents guessing and takes them out of their game. Aonishiki only has "I push you out" as far as we've seen, so everyone knows whats coming, but he has good posture, keeps a good low CG and is seriously strong, so its worked for him so far, but only mostly against inexperienced youngsters.
>1" shorter than Chiyonofuji and the same weight.
no comparison until aonishiki gets on roids
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he is still only 20, maybe he'll grow a few more cm
I don't think that's how it works, Anon.
there's lots of well known cases of men continuing to grow past 20

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