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why did airplane racing fail to take off?
More expensive and autismal version of F1.
F1 allows watchers to have racing power fantasies cause everyone drives a car, but not everyone drives a plane.
9/11 really put a damper on things
Adding a third dimension to movement becomes an exponent multiplier in horrific accidents, not an addition.
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you don't actually want the answer to that, huh? you just made this thread for the pun, didn't you?
I wanted an answer but the pun was too good to pass up
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I dunno, but this movie was based (it had plane races)
It's lame, racing through boring pilons in a blank 3d space. Give me a race though fjords, the grand canyon or a cool abandoned city in china and you've got a show. However it's going to be extremely dangerous.
aviation is hilariously dangerous, there's so many ways for things to go catastrophically wrong
Word to the wise, remember pearl harbor
The 1970 Mojave 1000
The faster planes go the slower they move. A fast plane turns boringly slow, plus they're further from opponents and obstacles.
This is the Strega vs Voodoo duel at Reno in 2017
for as cool as it is its expensive to make good planes and "racing" planes would have to involve distances so far that spectators wouldn't be able to see it well
pilots get a much bigger crowd and more money for solo trick shows, dogfights with blank firing machine guns and tannerite bombs, or just simply giving people rides
speaking of the topic though, why isnt piloting a general on either here or /sp/, its something i'd like to get into myself one day
nah, as far as racing airplanes goes, its one of the most docile things you could do as a pilot
there's probably a general aviation thread on /n/
thanks, thats what i was looking for

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