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How do I study the art of kenjutsu?
Go to a kenjutsu dojo and sign up for classes. What the fuck are you expecting out of this thread?
1. Find a place that teaches Kenjutsu.
2. Make sure they are legit, this usually means a koryu. If you are not sure about a group politely ask somewhere.
3.Get in contact with them.
Can I just learn the basics at a dojo and practice in my own?
Maybe if you never want to progress past (very bad) basics. But most kenjutsu is taught with a partner, and requires a large time commitment to get anywhere.
I just wanna learn how to do cool sword dances and spins and stuff. I mostly only care about good technique.
Not many kenjutsu schools do long sword dances or much spinning.
Kenjutsu tends to look somthing like this.
How do i learn how to do sword tricks?
>it’s another home trooner thread
Making these should be a bannable offense
If you just want to twirl a sword around without any meaning, I'm not sure, but you probably are not looking for kenjutsu, or kendo or iaido for that matter.
You need stance and footwork retard
I’m curious what are some signs a place isn’t legit?
Legit here means recognized lineage. Usually one that goes back to before the Meiji era, though there are exceptions. Granted a school could have all of that and be mediocre, or even a joke, but the same places online that can tell you if a style is legit can usually tell you if a certain teacher has a horrible reputation.
I'd be completely not interested in wearing the silly pants
FPBP, but dumb thread. I mean really, really dumb thread.
You want something more like Chinese wushu gymnastics
This. Or if you're a poor fag there are tons of manuals where you could pick up some of the basics. You'll never be as good as someone who spars, but it'll be something. Plus you can do conditioning so that once you do get into a school you will hopefully have an easy go of things.

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