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How would you beat him?
You need to have insane cardio and strength as well as wrestling experience to deal with his kind of pressure and aggression. And an iron chin and body while stringing good 3-5 combos mixed with knees and hard low kicks.
Giuseppe 3 blocks over from me owns a top tier bakery. gg ez.
Take his children away from him and estrogenize them, also bomb them with propaganda, only the poor and ignorant use strength to win, there is more subtle ways to victory.
Weaken him with pork. It will take away his faith and his magick will be in the negative.
You have to bait him with safe distance strikes (you have to be 5'11 and have his reach at the least) followed by goading him into a single leg takedown and smashing his head in and breaking his spirit before he gets a chance to smash you.
just be bigger and stronger. he's a short tiny guy
by being a full grown adult man unlike all his opponents
>just be a one in a billion genetic freak and juiced to the gills
Anyways, Conor sucks ass and Habib raped him too. Grappling is much more effective vs bigger opponents compared to striking.

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Shoot him. Works 60% of the time, every time.
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>Shoot him
>Gleison Tibaus in your path
I'd use a gun. Maybe a Taser.
force him to fight in weightclass that has him do a hard weight cut. don't do any cutting myself and break my pinky a few days before the fight. agree to a new date and repeat a couple of times. he'll just die at some point.
Leg kicks. It's the only thing I've ever seen him fear in his short career. He hates those leg kicks and he hasn't quite learned how to check them either.

Then, since you know he's gonna shoot for the takedown when he sees you twitching for a leg kick, you feint into a knee or a very strong teep right as he's going for the shoot, and then you cut angles. He likes to feint for the takedowns too, so you're gonna have to interrupt those feints by jabbing him every time he does, and have that knee ready to throw when he actually does commit to the takedown. Since his focus is on your leg kicks now, you can then level change and really make things difficult for him. His boxing is pretty decent, but it's not elite-level striking. I obviously can't compete with a pro fighter, but someone with a strong boxing background could then really piece him up by using this "legkick-jab-knee-stuff" type of ranging strategy.
damn only if gaethje had you to listen to
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By informing him that the Mahdi is the Anti-Christ

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