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blumpf won
What stops Dana to kneel to that ESG/DEI money thing?
I think it was inevitable for every western company
They wouldn't sponsor anything that's typically seen as manly anyways.
Whatever it is, it was strong enough to make them comfortable pushing right back into doing coof events before any other sport I can think of.
You look at the shape of Stricklands head it's like he has an underdeveloped frontal lobe or something
He drinks so much he gave himself post birth fetal alcohol syndrome.
They fined a guy back in 2013 for making fun of a tranny who was competing in WMMA.
Just put some pride flags and made Adesanya the undeserved face of the company and you are done
Sean O'Malley is a walking pride f(l)ag + he's a cuck so that's extra shekels.
UFC was the first sports organization that held events during the pandemic. They built their own venue to do so.
Please Sean don't bring the "cultural war" to combat sports and martial arts
This, he should be bringing actual war to leftytroons and killing them in real life.
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>The UFC was appalled by the transphobic comments made by heavyweight Matt Mitrione today in an interview on [The MMA Hour].
You crackers came with this concept exactly because you don't have the balls to do that
Jews aren't white.

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