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This is harder than I thought and I get easily knocked out. When I got punched more than once at the same time I start disorienting and I immediately lose. Any tips?
Do you roll punches? That's not step 1, but it's pretty important. Know how to take a punch. When it comes down to it, plenty of physical endurance comes down to technique. That's why even very defensive and sturdy fighters can lose to one good punch (Sean strickland vs. Alex peiera)
I don't have any tips, sorry. I just wanted to say good on you for getting amongst it. Sparring is the tits.
I really should call in and see my old boxing coach.
That's pretty natural, half of it is knowing when to get out of a losing situation to give you enough time to reorient yourself
>back up
>side step
>throw front uppercuts to dissuade following
and if all else fails throw yourself at them to pin their arms to their side, after a couple seconds to ref will call a time out
if this one doesn't work then throw yourself at them but drop to your knees and just start sucking their cock, after a couple seconds to ref will call a timeout
They knock you out at the first sparring?

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