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Have you found any transferability or utility from a grappling martial art like Wrestling, Judo, BJJ, etc. in full-contact team sports like Football or Rugby?
I don't play any sports that involve running
My football coach in high school liked recruiting wrestlers and some rugby guys I knew in college saw value in cross training with grappling disciplines (which is how I knew them despite not playing rugby).
I don't imagine there would be much beyond general athleticism and knowing how to fall without fucking your shit up
Depends on the sport obviously. Judo and Greco-Roman (can’t attack the legs/trip in AFL when tackling) transferred well to AFL before the new dangerous tackle rules to protect people’s heads from smacking on the ground during a tackle.

In Australia I find it’s actual the transferrable value is the reverse (rugby/AFL to grappling) but only for cultural reasons.
The usual transition is for ex-Rugby/afl players to pick up BJJ, possibly after too many head knocks.
Everyone athletic plays footy as a kid into young adulthood, and if you want to keep active and wrestle other men without getting concussed too often, BJJ is the way to go since there’s not many actual wrestling gyms around.
Big, athletic, and a good base from growing up trying not to get tackled at a full sprint means they’re usually beasts, especially at no-gi.
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any Judoka that can classify this almost hip throw?
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The difference between footy and grappling would be the importance of what happens after the takedown.
In footy, you only want the opposition player to be pinned to the ground, preferably with ball in hand. In grappling you want them pinned too but also unable to counter-attack you - that's not really a threat or issue in footy.

a better angle of the throw.
Not a judoka, could it be a tani-otoshi, or a ura-nage?
I remember seeing some news report about how Rugby players were taking Judo lessons just for the sake of learning how to fall and not get fucked up in a tackle

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