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like what the fighters do
You won't find a singular list of exercises that all fighters of one weight class in one gym do. Let alone the whole sport.
Any good resources? It's so unlike bodybuilding and powerlifting which is straightforward
I found this to be informativeaj05
I wouldn't necessarily say he's the best, but Phil Daru's content is probably one of the better conceptual introductions to the sorts of contrasting super sets, full body, mixed equipment and calisthenics that a lot of coaches and individual fighters like. But you have to understand how much any individuals technical preferences, body type and weight, and any injuries they're working around go into the training. S&C isn't the focus unless you're in some gym that's got a real hard on for the Lion's Den mindset. It's supportive.
You kind off have to figure out what you need to improve on your own if you don't have a s&c coach.
You could ask your mma coach as well.

I can tell you what works for me.

For explosiveness I do plyometrics like box jumps, sprints, clean and jerk, cheater rows with single arm. I don't do these when I'm exhausted, only when I'm fresh and rested

For stamina/conditioning/work capacity I just train more of mma, boxing, muay thai and wrestling.
If you don't like that or can't, I would do assault bike instead of running just because it's easier on the joints.

Mandatory exercises in most gym that I saw are pull-ups, deadlifts, squats, bench press and cleans.

Again, you have to figure out where you are weak and what needs improving.
Because of love. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place. Three days later. Rose him from the dead.* *Now. By Jesus Christ alone. God has granted us the free gift of eternal life. He will save and heal you.* *If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead* *He'll give you eternal life*
If I was you I would start with a basic bitch lifting program that focuses on compounds. Then go on youtube and research what athletes are doing for their sport of choice.

For instance: if you want to get better at your striking, look up some guides on how to shadowbox and do that for your cardio... Once you understand what you need to work on you can incorporate advanced stuff into your workout like what >>201744 mentioned.

I enjoy making a circuit up with some things I want to work on that day. 50 seconds on 10 seconds off for 20-30 minutes. I might choose shadowboxing->skip rope->box jumps as an example. You can add anything you want into template. If you want to work on grappling you could go shrimps->penetration steps->kettlebell swings. I find this method helps me cover a lot of bases during the week.
Look up how athletes generally train. Hint: it's not powershitter routines. Plyometrics.
simple squats with jumps
all variations of abs
shadowboxing with smal weights for shoulders
fast pushups
heavy bag full power for the times of rounds
heavy padwork full power for the time of rounds
throwing the heavy bag around
ground and pound the bag
doing sprawls with high jumps

that's pretty much it to be honest

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