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File: Himalayas_Storm.jpg (60 KB, 824x464)
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Is doing nature-based extreme sports with "inappropriate" weather conditions a true extreme sport? Is it considered by some as legit, a fringe illegal sport, or just plain suicidal?
white water rafting at a rainy night, climbing mountains in winter when it's raining ,free solo when it's windy or rainy or moon-less night, even urban exploring with 0 previous research \tech\ emergency calls or beepers on you, etc
Is this just suicidal? if it IS: why don't the (we know there's many) suicidal extreme-sporters do this more often?
Idk, I just went kayaking with an inflatable kayak knowing well it's going to rain heavily with thunder and had the time of my life. Had me scared shitless at times, but it was a unique experience

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