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I'm a 2nd dan black belt in Judo and brown belt in BJJ, recently my dojo closed down due to financial circumstances. I still want to practice and keep my skills sharp, could I hire escorts as my Uki's? I would put them under the pretense of wanting the girlfriend experience package but I'd just end up taking them to my home gym that has a tatami mat and tell them the deal.

Would they find this weird? I wouldn't hit any seriously big throws, just things like osoto, koshi guruma, ura nage, and of course I'd teach them breakfalls.

Unless you live in a place where prostitutes are cheaper than dirt, it would be significantly less expensive to just hire legitimate coaches for private lessons.
GFE is actually pretty cheap in my neck of the woods. $50 for 2 hours, I would only need like once a week sessions.
Who the fuck whores for minimum wage
You should try to join one of those male/female sex wrestling porn companies
Male prostitutes are cheaper, will be better able to perform the task, and would be more likely to participate with frequency.
18 to 19 year olds who have no conception of worth
Pay someone from your old dojo to train with you instead of rolling around with a diseased hooker with no prior training.
Where do you live where minimum wage is 25 dollars an hour?
somewhere really cool (incredibly devalued currency)
see this is the problem when people negotiate salary, or rather fail to
your wage has to cover other time sinks related to your job such as travel, preparations, or in this case hopefully clean up
I may spend an hour with you but I'm billing you for what 2 hours of my time is worth
people in service industries need to understand that, your product is your time not the service itself

it takes me 30 minutes to commute to and from work, I bill them an extra hour every day as an example. Among other expense, such as gasoline needed to drive there or between locations, oil changes, parking tickets
I've been trying to get my girl to work out with me for 10 years. I'd recommend you try the boyfriend experience.
Where do you live that it's easier to get an escort than to find a gym ?
Even in my middle of the European woods I have like three cities within 90 km with dojos.
I don't know if I have any advice to really offer you, but if you have a brown belt in BJs, maybe you can offer some kind of quid pro quo, where you help them to improve their technique and they let you beat them up to improve their technique.
t. 2 black belts in BJJ
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HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAAHA PLEAAAAAASE for the love of GOD do this at least once, what could possibly be fucking funnier than that?
On a serious note, like the other anons said, if you have your own mat at home you should contact some of your old bros from the previous gym to train with you. They're in the same predicament you're in and they'd be ecstatic to train with you. Black belts are rare man
kek it's unlikely that a hooker would agree to you uchi-mata'ing her on the mat. If it was some sexual pretend-fighting like ultimate submission, maybe some would agree. but legit grappling training, I don't see it. and there's also too much difference in mass and strength. ragdolling some 5'2 100 pound female isn't gonna help much when you have to fight adult men your size. leave the bitches for the post-workout.
Working off of this idea,

Could I get hired to be a part of one of those softcore wrestling pornos with the chick dominating the man? Wouldn't mind being put near into a near coma by some wrestling girl's thighs?

How would one go about finding something like this? Craigslist? Facebook Marketplace?

This is a serious inquiry.
Ever noticed how many of them seem to have been shot by a retard with a hi-8 handicam, despite current cameras being insanely easy to get a semi decent shot on? The guy being beat up is the finance, the crew and the cast.
So you're telling me I can just pay for a hot girl to beat me up?
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they would just turn around and leave after hearing your request and if you keep doing it then someone will definetly came to kick your ass but probably with bats.
Imagine that conversation between the pimp and her.
>You left? Whatta mean you left? You walked out the fuckin' door?
>Listen baby, he was fucking nuts. He wanted to pay me $700 just to do some weird Chinese kung fu shit on me! No sex, no lovin', just wanted to wrestle with him on a playmat for an hour.
>You turned down $700 because you were worried he'd put you in a full nelson?
>Baby, he wanted to suplex me. We had to wear these pajamas while doing it, this isn't what I signed up for.
>You're gonna be on the anal fisting listings from here on out if you don't fucking return this Karate Kid's call and tell him you're sorry.
Bruh OP literally tells he wants to buy them cheap as possible so whats with this 700 for doing nothing?
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>here's your GFE bro
The global south?
You post contains no worth.
Two words: Be gay
Also make sure that the prosti is independent
>autistic coomers from /r9k/ escaped containment

it's over
Wanna try that one again?
Dude, I hope to god this is real and also it will be weird, but you will sharpen your skills for sure
He obviously is already a fag
Patrick Bateman but he's an autistic grappler that practices dangerous techniques on prostitutes before choking them to death
American /xs/ycho
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lmfao nice drawing
Imagine you're just hooking in peace and some schizo-barbarian judo blackbelt lures you into his lair to sparr
Don't trick them into it, be upfront. A lot of guys hire whores just to watch movies, cuddle or dine with. Who knows, there might some girls open to the idea
Why tell them at all? Just attack them in the middle of nowhere, get your practice in, then kill them and rob them. Sounds like a good way to practice and get some extra cash too.
works better if you kill them first then you can just throw their lifeless body around until (usually) one of the arms pops lose
forget the girl, just go find the pimp and fight him
>$50 for 2 hours
Holy moly
even the gross ones aren't that cheap here. Do you live outside north america?
he's looking at obviously fake scammer indian escort ads like an idiot lol
Problem is this hooker might do some harmless trainings with OP and his weak ass “gentle way” shit, and then mistakenly think she can hang with a real karate kid. Next thing she knows she’s offering “martial arts training sessions” online, and I’ve made an appointment with her.

Only problem is I’m a real man training a real art. I put the Uechi ouchie on her, bad. I’m used to my training partners having done their iron shirt training and my first nukite tears right into her, and ruptures her spleen. We can’t let something like that happen.
>Uechi ouchie

Uechi coochie ouchie
I wouldn’t attack a woman’s groin directly with a spear hand. It seems counter intuitive, but that area is designed to be penetrated. I’d attack over the top, with kumade, in a raking motion. The labia are soft and easily torn, and pain compliance should be possible from there.

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