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I'm a 2nd dan black belt in Judo and brown belt in BJJ, recently my dojo closed down due to financial circumstances. I still want to practice and keep my skills sharp, could I hire escorts as my Uki's? I would put them under the pretense of wanting the girlfriend experience package but I'd just end up taking them to my home gym that has a tatami mat and tell them the deal.

Would they find this weird? I wouldn't hit any seriously big throws, just things like osoto, koshi guruma, ura nage, and of course I'd teach them breakfalls.

Unless you live in a place where prostitutes are cheaper than dirt, it would be significantly less expensive to just hire legitimate coaches for private lessons.
GFE is actually pretty cheap in my neck of the woods. $50 for 2 hours, I would only need like once a week sessions.
Who the fuck whores for minimum wage
You should try to join one of those male/female sex wrestling porn companies
Male prostitutes are cheaper, will be better able to perform the task, and would be more likely to participate with frequency.
18 to 19 year olds who have no conception of worth
Pay someone from your old dojo to train with you instead of rolling around with a diseased hooker with no prior training.
Where do you live where minimum wage is 25 dollars an hour?
somewhere really cool (incredibly devalued currency)
see this is the problem when people negotiate salary, or rather fail to
your wage has to cover other time sinks related to your job such as travel, preparations, or in this case hopefully clean up
I may spend an hour with you but I'm billing you for what 2 hours of my time is worth
people in service industries need to understand that, your product is your time not the service itself

it takes me 30 minutes to commute to and from work, I bill them an extra hour every day as an example. Among other expense, such as gasoline needed to drive there or between locations, oil changes, parking tickets
I've been trying to get my girl to work out with me for 10 years. I'd recommend you try the boyfriend experience.
Where do you live that it's easier to get an escort than to find a gym ?
Even in my middle of the European woods I have like three cities within 90 km with dojos.
I don't know if I have any advice to really offer you, but if you have a brown belt in BJs, maybe you can offer some kind of quid pro quo, where you help them to improve their technique and they let you beat them up to improve their technique.
t. 2 black belts in BJJ
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HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAAHA PLEAAAAAASE for the love of GOD do this at least once, what could possibly be fucking funnier than that?
On a serious note, like the other anons said, if you have your own mat at home you should contact some of your old bros from the previous gym to train with you. They're in the same predicament you're in and they'd be ecstatic to train with you. Black belts are rare man

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