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What about pankration
The term mixed martial arts is referring to a format in which different martial arts can compete against each other
It does not mean mixing different martial arts together in a blender to make some homogeneous slurry

People who don't know this distinction should be disregarded
Relax, it's just a pankration bro.
How do you know to what term "mixed martial arts" is reffering?
Modern day pankration has nothing to do with the original outside of the name.
let's not deny that most of them evolve and adopt from the other arts if advantage is to follow
>let's combine boxing and wrestling
the greeks figured out martial arts millenia ago
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What about it? Does anyone have a full reconstruction of it? Does anyone practice it?
That gave me a good tickle.
Reminder that even an UFC gatekeeper would beat the shit out of the manlet pankrationistiers back in Ancient Greece.
A UFC guy would get one in some kind of grapple and then immediately lose when he gets his fingers twisted and broken.
>Hey that's against the rules!
he shouts as the manlet mounts him.
You delude yourself, compared to ancient man we are in every way their inferiors. Physically, spiritually and in intellect they exceed us in every way. I give example: our elite athletes, our special forces operators, are nothing compared to them. We find Paleolithic bones, the femur, so robust that nothing from our runners or power-lifters equals. These men were capable of sustained speeds unimaginable today. You know about Marathon, but not the whole story. The real physical feat wasn’t just the soldier who ran the twenty miles or so back to Athens to warn the people. The entire army ranged on the beach in heavy bronze armor, facing the enemy. After the Persians landed, the Greeks charged them from more than a mile away. The Persians were amazed at the line of gleaming bronze running toward them and their war cry. These men ran a mile in very heavy armor and also carried six-foot-plus ashen spear-spike. They drove the invaders into the sea. And right after this great effort they marched, still in armor, all the way back to Athens without pause, to prevent the Persians from making an opportune landing there. I don’t think any special military units would be able to equal this feat today, and these were the average citizens of Athens.
>implying any & all mma doesn't end up looking the same excluding differences in rules
I really doubt there were homophobic closeted fags bitching about grappling being gay like we have now. Ancient pankration likely looked close to what the modern does, just with more clothes & rules.
If I had a time machine, like 80% of my usage would be watching legendary old fights & battles.
You're retarded. They were all malnourished dyels and pretty much everything from antiquity has been grossly exaggerated. Why do you think the sculpture/art style was called idealism?
Maybe not with the Greeks. Their way of life sort of required physically strong soldier-citizens to maintain it, their obsession with fitness probably came that way around; it was important practically speaking so they became obsessed with it aesthetically as well. Athens was somewhat like that but the Spartans really paint that picture, they used such huge amounts of slaves, each soldier-citizen had to be the fighting equal of many slaves to maintain that order.

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