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File: 5dollar.jpg (99 KB, 500x463)
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Thinking about getting into skateboarding. Is this a good starter board on a budget?
You could probably glue some sticks together if money is that tight, it'll roll just as well
Yeah money is tight because my parents dont buy everything for me you faggy snob
definitely a good pick anon. people on here will say you gotta spend $120 on your first board but they're just a bunch of kids who got their first boards as a high school graduation gift.
>posted from the phone I don't pay for
i just paid my phone bill today bitch
epic thread! holy crap
>cant change a car battery
>has parents pay his phone bill

I suggest you go to /esg/ with the other zoomers.
Will i be able to grind a ledge better if I hawk tuah and spit on that thing?
bro you must be so fucking bored cause your knees fucked
have you considered getting a job?
my job is changing your mums car battery
If 5 below's skates are anything to go by, these are literally trash that could potentially hurt anyone that isn't a literal toddler. I'm pretty sure you can get a lightly above Walmart-tier board for cheap if you have a Sierra trading post nearbye or something.
lmao just fork out the 50$ for like a blind or enjoi complete on sale or whatever
buy one for each foot
Have you considered used items? Idk if there is market for stuff like that where you live, but getting full sized, used board might be better for practicing normal skating
smashed my two front teeth out on one of those because I was a teenager and thought professional skateboards were that size because the pros boards always looked a lot smaller compared to them, but full size skateboards were so big compared to me
>I now realise that's because the pros are men and I was a child
dropping in on a mini ramp on this badboy put an end to my dreams of being the next tony hawk
If your local shop is anything like mine, you can put together something via used parts and just buy whatever is left. People throw good shit out all the time too, could check local junkyard.
haha poor people trying to flex being poor. classic.

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