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Édition Honhonhon

Old Thread:>>195359

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

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>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side
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What's your next purchase/project? And justify why you NEED it.
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GHK SIG Gbbr, because I've been converted to gas rifles and there's no going back (though keeping some AEGs for winter/backup). Pic related not mine, but it's what I'm aiming for.
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>What's your next purchase/project?
Planning on building mancraft HPA M16/M16A1 within DMR limits.
>And justify why you NEED it
I want M16, simple as. I mostly play in enviroment where DMR just means power limit that forbids the use of full auto.
Wish they made an SG550
Fix my L85 and then find something to sell to buy FAMAS
>What's your next purchase/project? And justify why you NEED it.
This https://candctac.com/products/c-c-tac-steel-short-bolt-set-with-m1913-rail-folding-stock-adapter-for-marui-tm-m4-mws-gbbr
and a heretic labs tank grip, and i'm gonna turn my MWS into a ESG rifle.
Why i need it? Idk i just think it would be funny, and i haven't seen anyone do that
Same, I was thinking of trying to convert it to a 550, but if that's too much work/cost I'll just go with the 551.
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Based bullpup enjoyer.
>don't know what ESG is
>look it up on youtube
>immediate nignog music
I finally got my PKM working 100% so I'm currently contemplating what kind of load bearing gear I need to get for it. It doesn't really seem like I need a whole lot though, the ammo box holds five times the ammo I normally carry for my heaviest rifleman set up. All I would need for short games is basically just a bottle of water and a sidearm in case someone gets within my MED. For longer games, I guess an extra bag of ammo and more water.

Was thinking about 'upgrading' my sidearm choice from $7 springer Tokarev to a gas one from WE. The more I think about it though, the more I'm thinking I'll just stick with the springer.
It goes full autoseer after a while, mags are ok but it basically only works in 75+F temps.any cooler and they dump all the gas.
Tempted by the lct hk33 still. It is that or anything that fits my vaguely stalker like kit. I modified a ktr cyma to look as close to a sako as possible and people really love my kit and gun.
I want to get an AEG Ppsh-41 as an option to my Kar98k. Still holding on to hope that some company will release a decent German gun though.
I've thought about it too, but having to buy a bunch of proprietary mags (and they're expensive for AEG mags) just puts me off.
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I've been out of the airsoft loop since 2016 or so. How much has the game changed since then? I first started playing back in 07.
I don't think it's changed much since then, a few more HPA users/speednigs, GBBRs are more common, AEGs now have MOSFETs and quick change springs as standard. Standard Tokyo Marui AEGs are even more pointless than they were before, and Chinese guns are slightly improved.
I can see myself selling the L85 honestly, it's a
Wish some other company made a GBBR L85. Like VFC or NE
I've heard the WE L85 can be made pretty good with aftermarket parts, like their M14.
Oh you sweet summer child.....
WE AR mags are hot garbage and the bolt stop system sucks. Had 3 WE ARs. Also had a friends who bought every single RA-tech "upgrade" for the M14 and it still was dogshit
That's disappointing to hear, but then it is WE, so it's not surprising.
>parents live in another state
>seem a little in disbelief when I tell them there's a bunch of us airsofting
>always ask for photos
>send them stuff of my gear and the field
>No of you with your friends there anon
>too pussy to ask everyone for a group photo
damn I'm autistic
airsofters love photos desu
Here's an easy airsoft hack that few people talk about:
>You can go to 'any' airsoft game if you say you're there as a photographer
Your friends want to go to an expensive milsim game you can't afford? Just show up with a camera. Wear the team camouflage so you can 'integrate with the unit without giving them away.' Eventually some loser will get tired and let you grab his gun and go shoot some peeps. Have fun snapping shots and slapping hands until then. Post the pics on Fagbook and receive instant rep + license to do this again.
Increase of normies and tryhards in the game.
Just get a gopro or guncam and grab some live footage. Then do a selfie clip and pan the camera around of you and your friends. If you make it blatant enough, they'll probably wave or do some other stupid shit. Then start stripping and blow some cocks. That's always a good icebreaker.

PROTIP: If you use a guncam, take it off the gun first. It shouldn't have to be said, but you're an autistic fuck.
Most people are normal. You might want to get used to that.
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duh, if I don't have a photo from the game that means I was not there
>be in a 5-man squad at the local field
>notice guy we have on the far left isn't watching left at all
>he just follows behind the next guy, only ever looking ahead
>tell to switch with me, center left, and I'll explain later
>team starts to do much better because I know what he's doing
>later on, he asks why
>fib that there's some grey asshole on the other team who keeps on spooking us and I wanted to shoot the bastard, don't mention his bad habits at all
I should say that we're a casual group, we try and keep things fun, no one is looking for the next seal team 6, but I was just tired of getting winged, whipping around, and seeing him stare blankly at me whilst bbs are flying in from that direction was infuriating. Just had to get it off my chest
I'd rather play with the weekend warriors than the milsim wannabe navy seals or faggots with the fake Russian accents
Well done for not being a dick, but you could still have let him know.

>fake Russian accents
I've never seen this, but the thought alone makes me cringe.
Maybe the new VFC PPK/S, should be out in August. But then, I really don't need another gbb pistol, I would only ever plink it and fingerfuck it.
Not in MY mil cosplay!!
Yeah, that's a delicate balancing act, trying to offer helpful advice.

Being told how to operate by an actual instructor? Awesome!

Being told by the guy next to me? Get off my nuts, tryhard! I just wanna have fun!
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I dunno, politely giving some pointers at the spawn can do miracles anon ie. 'you can do this and that a little bit better' between you two. Don't try to train, or lecture, keep it as simple pointers desu.
Honestly, I just gaslight people into where to push. Less words the better.
Some lightweight Ar15 build to accompany tac41. Not speedshit, but something small and compact at max 1 joule with very spammable trigger.
Recommendations for base? Considering either Specna core or Arcturus polymer receiver as base gun. Heck or even out of the box usable with small 11,1v at buffer tube.
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Basically yes. If I play some casual indoor game with minimum gear photos are not as important as when I dress up for historical games though.
It’s not an AR but the most spammable ootb gun would be the Well WE06 DSG version or the SSR9 DSG
Well are also coming with a AR model but it’s not out yet
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When did you grow out of AEGs and HPAs? You did grow out of them, right?
I have sold my HPA engine guns, but I’ll continue to run GBB with HPA.
I finally bought a TM Hi-Capa. First Tokyo Marui replica for me, I don't buy TM as they're really expensive but I got a good deal on this one.

But man, they're so damn good.
NGRS guns are great when my GBBR breaks or I'm short on cash to get green gas
They're mandatory if you want a good LMG
Yeah, love TM pistols. They don't rattle like pot metal ones
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I think it'd be really cool to have a GBB only field in the area, or a field that at least ran lowcap/realcap games. I think it would have to be really close quarters though.
HPA chuds couldn't handle that anon.
Trips of truth.

Funny thing is, I was about to pull the trigger on an Army Armament R28-S since it cost half the TM. But the deal and the..gut feeling? I guess, made me choose this. Plus, the after market is insane.
Good choice. I bought an Army Armament Sandstorm just for the meme. It wasn't good
Gotta admit, they're good looking. What went wrong with it? I know their mags are a crapshoot, you got a 50% chance for a leaky one.
Hey, so I'm want some input for my build.
I'm trying to build my first balls to the wall DMR.
I thought about going gung ho for .36s, but now I'm a bit worried about the price range for running it. I think I'd like to step down to .32s, but if it actually does make a significant difference, I might reconsider.
Should I stay with .36s or go down to .32s?
.36 is the minimum for a DMR
I wish I could get into Hi-Capas, the stock performance is great, the amount of aftermarket parts is like nothing else, and ricing them up is a whole scene to itself. But they just don't look right for some reason.
I totally understand. I'm a 1911 guy, and didn't want one at the start. The square trigger guard and hammer bugged me the most lol. But ultimately when picking one up in my hands, it performed so well I could forgive it for looking like a knock-off 1911.
>I've never seen this, but the thought alone makes me cringe.

Dude, those idiots are the kind of people that set up a flag of the USSR in the parking lot to show their friends where they are.
We used to fly the USSR flag at games when we captured key points just to make the boomers with expensive guns seethe when we outshot them with stock CYMA AKs.

Most of those boomers are too old to play anymore. Tragic.
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never got into them. Hate how they sounded
got 30+ of them and more coming.
Other than it being mandatory for LMGs (cause AEG and GBB LMGs suck ass), I only HPA shit almost nobody does such as DT4s and AA12s.
Update on ESS turbofan replacement. Ordered a small fan and AA battery pack and got it installed, just waiting on glue to dry now. The original fan system is off to the right. Will report on effectiveness in a few weeks. Final cost was around $19.45 after shipping and tax. Looking at ebay, the fan version of the ESS Profile goes for a $190 premium over the normal model and it's not even very durable, so might as well DIY IMO.
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Tokyo Marui HK416.
Trying to imitate pic rel kit.
Most parts are available at online stores.
The only hurdle for me is to find a quality MAGPUL drum magazine.
Another gfl fren. At least the top is easier to find for something like that. Easier than stalker clear sky faction camo at least.
Anon honestly again after years of using these just go fo it since as a side arm you only need 2 mags and the leak surprisingly little for the 5 mags Ihave, they still hate winter. Use a lot of silicone oil and propane for the most consistent operation, never use valken green gas it just doesn't work period. Also keep it out of humidity when storing the finish bubbles up. It doesn't exactly feel 1:1 with a real tok and made the firing control group more complicated than the actual thing somehow.
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>Clear Sky camo
It's a fantasy camo.
The closest you could get is Russian Blue Kamysh or sky blue BDU.
I saw cosplayers making their own clothes, and most of them looked meh because they weren't real. (Think of it like tf2 cosplay looking bad irl because people aren't cartoon)
What color are your panties?
Her figures have white panties.
These generals seem to be going much slower and less erratic than they were a few years ago when that guy in the skull mask with a scoped pkm were in here....I miss those days sometimes.
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Some randoms I saw at a noob day
>not camo panties

Do you even operate?
>welding mask
yeah this guy fucks
stupider the costume, better the player
From worst to best:
>Speedsofter in ultralight athletic protective gear and an hpa tank
>Heavy tactical man with extra plates, kneepads and pouches
>Tacticool operator guy who thinks he's unique for wearing a casual shirt on top of $500 worth of gear
>New players in basic hoodie + jeans
>Guy in historical military gear (wwi and up)
>basic airsoft tactical gear man
>guy trying to go for a lo-tacitcal look, like an afghan insurgent
>Funny tactical man who wears shit like a welding helmet or a chicken head
>Regular player there in normal street clothes, magazines in a fanny pack or pocket
>guy playing in ancient military gear (pre wwi, revolutionary/napoleonic shit)
>Cosplaying something military but fictional, like gundam or halo
>Schoolgirl outfit, short skirt mandatory
>obvious joke costume (banana, dinosaur)
>guys who play fully nude
Prove me wrong you can't
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>>obvious joke costume (banana, dinosaur)
I got one of those too.
Why even wear one though?
It's escape from tarkov NPC cosplay. He runs around with this sledgehammer killing people with it.
He does have guns though.
Funny costume gang
What the mean age at your field? 12?
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I just went to watch the chaos. There were (supposedly) 600-700 players at this game, on a field that was maybe 1-2 acre. In reality there were a lot of people just sitting on ass and each game had far fewer players, but still too many for the tiny field. First and only time there.
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What kind of gun does he use?
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back from doing hood rat shit with the biys
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After much fucking around with this junker matrix m82, I've finally got it up to to around 355 fps with 0.4 bbs. Only real issue now is I have to hold the magazine up while pulling the bolt back. That should shoot hard enough for outdoor sniping, right? I've never sniped before.
Where do you live, Ecuador?
What gun is that? An SKS?
no, it's just 4chan - this website loves randomly rotating photos
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Nightmare match today at the field, clear sky, 38 Celsius, high humidity. Was fun tho.
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>5 hour long CQB sessions
>I run a full kit which weights about 10kg (22lbs)
>Most people just run and gun with a pistol and a tact. belt like it's CoD
How do I cópe?
Your legs will grow stronger, their legs will remain puny and weak.
Sounds similar to the weather over here. How did your goggles not fog up instantly?
>how do I cope?
By knowing that you are the sexiest
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Probably VFC's new Ak-74 GBBR , really want a GBB AK but GHK's suck balls and the V3 AKM ones are even more bent than post 2020 V2 models ffs.

I need it because it's an AK and god knows there's too many fucking AR-15s in this sport.
I hope they release an AKM in the future with proper laminated wood
My awesome Russia loadout!
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what do you guys think of my airsoft tattoo
What's your gun
Man tf you want me to say
>that tranny-hose
One quick trick to ruin any kit!
I hope you just drew that with a marker.
>One quick trick to ruin any kit
And your gun sounding like a sewing machine definitely isn’t immersion breaking either
>he actually fires his toy gun instead of just posing for pictures
lol, lmao
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I put in a CO2 cartridge in the magazine of a WinGun M44 and left it there for a few weeks. Only today I learned that CO2 cartridges shouldn't be left inside mags.

How screwed am I?
Also, how to safely remove the cartridge?
I assume it's still under pressure so using the tool to loosen it would fuck everything up. It's my first gas gun and I thought it's fine to leave the cartridge in like how it's okay for green gas guns.
I had a brilliant idea for airsoft game, hand guns only, non military clothing highly reccomended
were doing it this sunday
just loosen it till it starts hissing and then wait for the hissing to stop before removing it completely
and wear a thick glove if you dont want your hand to get too cold
its a real tattoo
I'm sorry
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Do you have quad tube nods or is it more aspirational?

Also, in general, does anyone here have night vision for airsoft use?
Cheers boss
I suppose the removed cartridge gets disposed of then, right?
Hopefully there shouldn't be anything damaged by leaving the CO2 inside the mag for about 3 weeks?
just dispose of it wherever you would empty cans of food
and Ive left co2 cartidges in for months on end, and the only issue I had was the seal flattening out and not sealing properly anymore, so you should be fine
>buy fake quad nods
>put IR flashlights inside
>NVG fags try and act smug that they can see me more
>smugness immediately disappears when I get hit and take my sweet time walking backwards back to respawn while blasting them right in the goggles with several thousand lumens of IR light
You can't fucking stop me
>What's your next purchase/project?
WE PMM Makarov, and possibly WE 1911, either green gas or CO2, together with it or afterwards.
I'll do this as soon as I get the former. As for the latter, I haven't yet decided which would be the better option.
>And justify why you NEED it.
Trying to indie game dev so I will need some handguns for reference especially during animation. Also, having pistols would be a good change of pace, I'm too lazy to keep lugging around my CYMA CM048M.
Unfortunately we only have WE pistols in this country with no custom import, and spare parts are quite limited. If they get busted then I'll just keep them as fidget toys.
>we only have WE pistols with no custom import
What shithole do you live in?
They WILL get busted
Noguns country where airsoft is treated as "low-key" weapons. WE-tech only because out of the mere 3 airsoft stores only 1 has a decent catalog of pistols, but they're sadly only WE-tech and ridiculously overpriced too. Apparently a different store stated that they'll bring in TM guns but I'll believe it when I see it.
Airsoft is a non-existent hobby here anyway, but it's one of the top 10 safest countries in the world, so make of that what you will.

I should've put "when they get busted".
I'm opening the first field where the teams are "FCPCV5 with blackbeard patch and Noveske MWS users" vs everyone else
Anyone going to Sherwood’s Forest today?
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How was your airshit weekend? I gave my early 2000s Russian recon kit a spin before taking it to an upcoming milsim later this month and was pleased with the performance.
Did you try out anything new recently anon?
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My new medic pouch (not the dude who needed band-aids for his bleeding wounds but a dude that needed scissors to open a bb bag)
Very nice anon
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Far right dog whistle sidearm acquired, time to spread my message of hate and division at my local airsoft site.
Pretty fun, made some friends, awkward moment where this guy wouldn't call hits, but I played fair with him anyway. Lots of fist bumps, met some cool folks, and even got a triple kill.
AEG broke, spring shotgun I ordered arrived broken, but I got 2 co2 pistols, so it's all good.
If you're going to Black Ops Bristol colony wars this weekend
>Selling Thor plate carrier
>I'm a fat fuck so this looks more like a bra
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I ordered a 14.8v lipo. I'm mainly interested in whether or not it can boost the ROF/trigger spammability in semi-auto to match the HPA guys. Will be trying it in a gearbox that has already been heavily upgraded for durability, including a high end mosfet. Haven't been able to find any honest info on this, everyone just says it will melt the gun like they expect you to be shooting 60rps with it.
Not interested in using this in full-auto at all, semi-only. But if I could match the ROF of HPA guys on semi I would be satisfied. May do some recordings and calculate the RPS vs. an 11.1v if there's any interest.
Just take the HPA pill and get a F2 or FE
>field has medic rules
>tl;dr wrap a bandage or milsim tourniquet on someone hit, pretend to do medical stuff for 30seconds
>new guy pisses off the hardcore guys because he doesn't do medic stuff at all
>he wraps you up, then pretends to be repairing a robot complete with wrenches, bolts, and a blowtorch as props
>refs allow it because he's still doing something
Would you allow a medic who doesn't act like a medic at all on your field?
absolutely not I would be searching for that medic's squad lead immediately. as airsofters we need to maintain the honor, integrity, and most of all the authenticity of the milsim experience and doot doot doot dootdootottoodototooot
that sounds like a bad idea, i also would like to know what you mean by "heavily upgraded" A DSG will be as close to HPA as you will ever get, or maybe a build with a very torquey brushless motor.
>he wraps you up, then pretends to be repairing a robot complete with wrenches, bolts, and a blowtorch as props
NPCs losing it over the fact that a chad new friend exposes them for the soulless machines, all drabbed in tacticool hi speed low drag aliexpress gear and epic "unique" AR-platform tranny HPA, they are. Why would you care on some random pub field if someone is ruining your "authentic" experience in the first place? Go play milsim instead and embrace the actual suck that is marching for 4h only to be taken out 4 minutes into first contact.
>implying that doing bullshit medical stuff for 30 seconds is peak realism

That's how my granddad and his war buddies took the beach at Normandy. Using each other as human shields until they reached cover, then laying hands on the "dead" guy for 30 secs until he's back at full HP.
>his group doesn't have a dedicated CASEVAC chopper on stand-by
r8 new build
>pretend to do medical stuff for 30seconds
That sounds gay af. Medic rule where I am is is you have to put your hand on the shoulder of the injured player for 15-30 seconds. Airsoft is already cringe enough without elevating it to the next level of LARP.
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I honestly would find it cool.
To an extent I am either a military cyborg or android!
Don't know why someone would get mad.
Part of me really hates medic rules. There’s been plenty of times I get the drop on big group mindlessly stomping along, hit a bunch of them, they finally hit me. Then I’m dead and everyone I shot is magically back alive. Zero damage done. Not fun.

Also not fun: you shoot a guy, and now you have to guard his “corpse” for five minutes, or whatever the bleed out time is, to make sure he doesn’t get rezzed back in. Boring af.
very true. I much prefer infinite respawns and no reviving.
Yeah, medic rules sound nice in theory, but are prone to gaming and abuse like anything else. Then it's just rules on top of more rules to make it more "fair", and now you have 90 pages of medic rules. And there's still someone abusing Rule #39.

Infinite respawn (with timer or minimum number of people re-entering), or last man standing/objective met. The nice thing about respawn is that it takes away some of the drama of who shot who first IMHO. I just tell people, hey, both people are out, come back out in a couple minutes and we all can keep playing instead of whining about it.
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Lmao 2gun.
In big fields medics are absolutely essential, specially when the walk back to respawn is a 5 minute trek up a hill every time you die. How they do it in my field is you wrap a bandage around the patient and they get 3 revives until they have to go back. If you use a tourniquet on yourself, next time you die you have to go back. It keeps things dynamic and forces you to go in groups with medics in them if you want to actually accomplish any objectives. Also no dead player dragging, this makes reviving players in entryways a no go, which helps prevent the "I just shot that guy and he's right back up again!"
>most kills in one life this weekends was not with my gun, but with a foam knife
2.5 joules is actually pretty high for a sniper, at least in the USA.

Yea. Its more than plenty of energy.
Are you japanese? I travelled there last year and played some "survival games" out there.
Sweet, what make are they?

Well done, but I'm glad my site doesn't allow melee kills, there are some people who play there who I wouldn't want trying to touch me.
Anyone in the PNW that goes to fields regularly? I am looking for a group to play with. Anyone hit up Camp RR?
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Please help me out /adv/, there are two events on the same weekend that I've been wanting to go to for a long time. One is a Vietnam War event complete with a pre party etc., the other is a camp where LARPers from the entire country show up and you can ride tanks and shit. The Vietnam event looks really fun but I won't know anyone there, all my nakama will probably go to the other event. So, do I get drunk watching pole dancers while being socially awkward or do I get drunk LARP-camping with people I know?
If you know your friends are fun, then hang out with them. Literally nothing's stopping you from pre-gamming and slamming some booze before the game with your bros if that makes it more fun for you. If your friends are lame (or could possibly be lame) you might as well go to the other one and try to make friends there. You can make friends at airsoft events really quickly if you're willing to engage in the tedious "airsoft talk" where you compliment the others on their terrible guns and gear and answer questions about your own terrible guns and gear. Bring extra food/water/booze to hand out for bonus points.

Sometimes your "friends" suck ass and it's worth avoiding them, but if you know they're fun to be around then just do that.
my local field sniper limit is 4 joules
That's pretty strong, what the MED?
30 meters
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I need recommendations for an airsoft pistole, to kill arachnids in my apartment with.

My requirements are that it must be compact, accurate, powerful enough to kill large spiders and insects with but not so powerful that it could damage furniture.
It should work reliably in those home invasion scenarios, even if it was left unattended for months.
even a 1j gun is gonna put a dent in your wall. Why not just use a flyswatter? What if you shoot and it ricochets into your eye or your monitor etc
Unironically this. If you're cheap, you can distill your own urine for ammo.
HFC Flintlock CO2
You'll need it when your landlord gets ready to kick your ass out
This is the best fucking answer for bug killing, fuck using airsoft guns for that
>Spot an enemy
>Point him out to a teammate off to my left
>My teammate does a rapid series of hand movements
>No idea wtf any of them meant
>he doesnt Tango Delta Delta

Black Ops Bristol, one of the largest fields, recently finished up Colony Wars, a big 5-team fight over 104 acres.
The biggest issue? The team with the most people coincidentally was the team that cheated the most, and insisted on wearing camo green while every other team was wearing bright colored shirts.
Anyways, if any other Black Ops Bristol people are here, I just want to say:
Green team were complete fucking faggots, it's no fucking surprise that the guys who all fancy themselves milspec navy seal oper8tors somehow thought trying to bully other teams through numbers is real strength, and that insulting the field owner makes them cool. Fuck you green bitches, what are you going to do, not call your hits like the faggots you are?
>oi m8, ya got a loicense fer that shirt?
Just bought my first ever airsoft guns and accessories. How did I do?
not the wildest choice here but lol
gas guns are fun. I hope you have fun.
oh I see, two images. sorry I'm retarded.
>I hope you have fun
Thanks! Just want to plink in my suburban backyard. After having a second kid, it's nearly impossible to get to the range, so I'm going try GBB airsoft guns. Excited to try the airsoft version of the LCP! Probably didn't need to buy any internal upgrades for the Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa, but I can't ever resist tinkering.
hicapa is a great base for tinkering and if you're mechanically minded then GBBs will be easier to work with and modify to your liking. I'm excited for you!
don't use silicone oil for your pistols. Silicone oil is for orings. Use PTFE grease like superlube
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>I'm excited for you!
>Use PTFE grease like superlube
Thank you for this advice :-)
>they're really expensive
Where's your tracer?
I was just going to "charge" them with a flashlight before shooting them.
Ok, haven't used a GBB in ages. What do I use for gas? Is it worth it getting a propane adapter if I plan on barely ever using the gun, or should I just use green gas?

Someone ITT recommended against Valken brand green gas. The next cheapest brand on eBay (Magni) is 66% Propane and 32% Butane, is that normal?
Just use propane
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Oh yeah, it's all coming together now baby!
behave yourself nigger
You heard the man.
I'm too impatient for my guns to arrive from Japan, so I just ordered this.
I almost got one of those. Let me know how you like it. Everyone reccomends the WE and TM Glocks but I haven't heard anything about the Umarex, they offer a lot more models.
Umarex don't make anything, they license guns, their OEMS are WE, KJW, VFC and GHK
This feel pretty similar to a real glock 17. C02 and BBs come in later today. Excited to shoot it.
Not where I am. They're commonly seen at 150€ and there are cheaper pistols that do the job. Not to mention their other replicas are generally more expensive than competitors.
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Feels good! It's actually louder than I thought it'd be.
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>the big event I've waited for over a year to go to is coming up
>have to spend all my time and money moving instead
This so called "real life" can be pretty gay sometimes
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>This so called "real life" can be pretty gay sometimes
Have you tried not being poor?
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Wish you guys could hear the ping when the BB hits the target. So satisfying.
I'm hitting my target from 116 ft. away. My yard doesn't go any wider. Airsoft glock is exceeding my expectations. Goes through C02 quick as hell though. Looking forward to comparing it to the green gas tokyo marui 5.1 hi-capa I ordered.
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Not so far, no.
I wish I had a yard where I could do target practice.
Awesome dude, glad you're so satisfied with it.

Me too anon.
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I am spending all my time autistically researching french equipment, so that I can buy a FAMAS when I'm done spending all my money on the french equipment
>got a carbine length AK that is some Specna local white label
>basically a 105 with, for some god forsaken reason, a 74S metal folding stock, 5.45 type mags
>initially wanted to do a Soviet Afghanistan but modernized build, with tourniquet in stock etc.
>and so wanted to get a legit optic, PK-A, PSO-1 or 1p29
>too expensive
>find this in AliExpress, plus a 30mm red dot that is a solid long tube
>wonder if it will look simple and trashy enough to pass for semi legit retro AK optic solution
>guy is offering me for the same price of just the optic a replica eotech+magnifier
What do?

Also PBS-1 or PBS-4?
Just give up already.
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The triangle folder is my preferred stock for airshit because it's repairable. Being all steel, if it breaks, you can just weld it back together. If you break the rear trunnion, you can just weld the stock to the receiver. Won't fold, but it still looks correct, and otherwise you'd have to buy a new receiver. I've seen both of those scenarios play out, and I managed to break a '74M style polymer stock too. Not really a good way to fix those since it's plastic glued to metal.

I would just run iron sights until you can save up a few extra bucks for a PSO-1, I don't think you'll be satisfied with the look of the red dot. A low magnification optic is a lot more useful in airsoft than a red dot anyway.

The only kind of suppressor I would maybe run personally are the LCT ones with the built in tracer unit for night games. The PBS-4 sounds more in line with what you're trying to do.

Anyway, here's my crusty old Afghan-war styled AK. Absolutely beat to shit.
is that the ohhunt one? I had it and it just fell apart by itself. bottom tier chinese quality
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I drilled a hole through the back of the receiver and rear trunnion on this gun and rewired it to the stock. I hide an 11.1v li-ion inside the torniquet and bandage. Then I added a small spot weld at the bottom so it no longer folds.
>Bigger battery than I can get under the dust cover (while using a real gas tube anyway)
>No more stock wobble, which in incessant on these guns because the steel is so soft
>Can use the LCT faux bolt carrier for a 'way' more realistic feeling/sounding bolt
Maybe this gives you some ideas on how you can run yours.
God this thing's so trashed but I love it. I have a Perun V3 clicker coming for it to give it a more realistic feeling trigger too.
I have a belt kit setup good to go already, why quit now?
do you mind sharing some if your research with me?
I go to a lot of french fleemarkets and I always see french milsurp in lying around in these
but I dont know whats what, or what its worth, but I would like to buy some for larping and innawoodsing
thanks in advance
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The long walk is the punishment. Also a reason to do cardio. Fats getting surly by noon because they have to walk back to spawn every time is the best thing.
Same model. Dunno if same make, but the way these things are, most probably, so yeah, nice to know, will avoid.

Nice. Tried so much to find one of those for sale, but between no one making repros and the legit ones not shipping here, sadness ensued.

>triangle folder
It really left me rustled because I wanted either a 74S, OR a legit 105 look-alike... and somehow they have a 74M model and the almost 105 with the metal folder, and no replacement parts for either.
That said, it's growing on me - it feels solid, I can do the tourniquet wrap for cool kid points and the open stock allows me to wrap the sling like our army liked to do when pulling sentry, 2 points with both points in the stock, which still feels the most comfortable to me.

>A low magnification optic is a lot more useful in airsoft than a red dot anyway.
Really? Everyone I've talked to here seems to say red dots are the best for airshit, ranges considered and all...
But my experience was that I never really felt the lack of a red dot when using irons (though I was using ar carry handle peep irons, which are easier for that), but I did miss having a little bit of magnification to spot people.

So there IS a way to make an electronic trigger not feel like pressing rt.
In all my setups, I've found 3x is the sweet spot for magnification. Fantastic in the woods to get get a bead on distant people. For closer more dense areas still very good for peeping people between little gaps in cover. Always good to be able to see bbs landing at distance and adjust.
At close range, an illuminated fixed 3x can be a little more awkward to use than a red dot, but once you get used to occluded eye aiming it is quite good.
Basically if you primarily are CQB, red dot. If primarily woods, magnified. Either optic works in the other environment, just not optimized.
Either an illuminated magnified optic or a red dot will beat irons. People who say they are better at "muh instinct shooting" sound like people who say they drive better drunk. When you are snapping between targets, an optic will be faster on the draw.
>I always see french milsurp in lying around in these

I am incredibly jealous, I am in the UK and I have not managed to find a lot. Especially outside of twink sizes.

I have mainly been looking at 80s/90s era. Operation Dauget (desert storm) saw F2 uniforms with F1 webbing and F1 helmets, shortly after that they went to F2 helmets (SPECTRA, a PASGT Clone with a better liner)

And then after 1993 everything is issued in CCE
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>Always good to be able to see bbs landing at distance and adjust.
Basically this.
Also very handy for friend/foe ID, especially at "milsim" events with silly uniform rules.
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3x definitely is the best missle-ground imo. I usually use 2.5-3x on my lpvo, unless running it 1x.
Literally riding back from this years border war as I type this. The amount of silly camos on the rebel side looking just like multicam and scrim-hats looking like helmets was ridiculous (let alone people using actual mutlicam camoed pieces of gear like battlebelts or rigs lmao). I might make it a habit to just FF those people from now on. In the past the organizer refused to have colored ID bands because of le realism, but ookraine must've shown them that this is literally common practice on a real battlefield with two sides rocking similar camo patterns.
>picrel is us hitching a ride to an objective while escorting a larp civilian
Do those niggers do it on purpose?
they should both be tan
That's so lame. I'm in the process of getting my airsoft friends all to standardize on AOR2 camo (works good in the area, not super overused, exists in modern cuts of uniform and surp, not stupid expensive unobtanium) for our pickup matches, just to minimize friendly fire between us. We go to fields where 75% of people wear multicam and then tuck their armbands away in the absolute most hard to see places.
That's a fucked ruleset.
tbf just got some (knock off) multicam tropic here, and got surprised by how less hard green and more tan it is than our old jungle camo, m81, or even OD
fashion is converging to terrous tones desu
Hm, that might be the knock off factor. I have some MC Tropic stuff, and it's pretty green. It's got more green than old US Woodland camo for sure.
I think the singularity of all camo turning brown has come and gone, and patterns are starting to go more biome specific again. Nature is healing.
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>Do those niggers do it on purpose?
Many of them just own those camos per default and don't bother getting new gear for the event I assume, still pretty faggy imo.
Here people cry when the organizer tells them to wear an ID band on each shoulder to avoid friendly fire, only to go into babbyrage the moment they get friendly fucked. because their thin ID band got eaten up by their oversized multicam shirt.
>Many of them just own those camos per default and don't bother getting new gear for the event I assume
>show up to a game with a brand new car
>can't spend a few bucks for a new uniform for an event
I hate normalniggers so God damn much it's unreal. The bane of this hobby
Especially since surplus camo uniforms are relatively cheap. But everyone wants to wear their special camo new gen Crye gear (which they will NOT go prone in because icky mud).
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Classic G36C but with the carry handle optic, to go together with the blue or solid green kit that I, of course, I stilll don't have.
Cool retro kit if that's you.
Absolutely agree on the later points.
I had people FF me multiple times at a game last month and I was wearing 1980s OD green coveralls. That's it, just green. They couldn't tell it from "tan" multicam guys when the sunlight started coming through the trees, +goggle fog I guess. Woodland lighting makes it especially difficult, M81 in the sun looks just like multicam in the shade. That's ok, but putting multiple patterns that look almost identical at range on different team is just BS. Tan Vs Green (without armbands) is supposed to be DCU vs M81.
my project is to actually start going back to airsofting. had a couple month layoff.
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This config is the only reason I still vaguely consider getting a G36 again.
Not him, but get the VFC GBB one (V2 one at least). Zero work required for internals since they are steel and the stock inner and bucking is optimal. Plus its shockingly cheap by GBB standards
Not a sport fag
The VFC G36 has 10/10 externals, and is a more faithful replica, but if that anon plans to play with it as his regular, then the WE would be a better choice.
WE-Tech one is only cheaper than the VFC one by 30 bucks but has shit metal internals, poor performance, and the charging handle can snap off easily
>shit metal internals
I've not seen anywhere that the VFC has stock steel internals. Performance wise they are both of a muchness, but the WE edges out the VFC in gas efficiency though. The first gen VFC was a pos, gen 2 seems to have fixed a lot (plus there seems to be increased aftermarket support now), but still in terms of a useable platform I would go with the WE,.
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Something about weapons with weird proprietary optics and attachments, I swear.
Sure, there's a reason AR-15 controls and rails everywhere with standard attachments and optics that fit everything became standard, but...
There's something so much more exciting about some weird setup task made with some weird philosophy and design to fit this specific piece of gear in that specific function, even when adapted to anachronistic and fantasy shit like picrel.
Also relatedly
>tfw no G11
>local airsoft group
>people post trying to hand off used gear all the time
>5 different people trying to sell their mid range carbine or sub length AR look-alikes.
>whenever anyone tries to sell any replica other than that, they sell it near instantly
>when people try and sell it at below entry-level price, sure enough, there's buyers
>but anyone above that price point either has an "M4" already, or is tired of everyone having them and wants anything else
>they keep posting trying to sell it
>at mid range price
>every day
My favorite of the bunch is the multicam painted one with the removable carry handle placed half way along the top, half in the handguard half in the receiver.
Just got a new chest rig for my ar10 and want a airsoft rifle for larping
Are there any bullpups that use big mags or should I get a scar h?
What do you consider to be big mags?
If you mean m4 sized you could get an Aug or l86.
308/SR25/M14. I'm into real guns but my gay state says buying semi automatic assault rifles is non kosher because the 711 pajeets feel threatened. I'll never get a real scar unless these gay laws go away
>m4 sized
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>VSR 98
based, my camo brothers. very nice kits.
lovely loadout, congrats. the "fold marks" in the picture and the color palette have remind me of Exmilitary, lol
>Did you try out anything new recently anon?
Borrowed a 6b45 and 6b47 from a friend for last week's game, ended up buying it yesterday.
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i made a few changes to the layout of the pouches since this picture, but here's da kit. removed one of the front pouches since i dont tend to use that many mags, gonna leave it on my side for a water bottle or something. haven't been able to take any pictures with the full EMR set yet, but there's a game coming up on septmeber 7th and i hope i can get some cool pics.
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aug mags are bigger by default iirc, but still in that oversized polymer casing for 5.56 way, a la g36 mags, which I don't think is quite what you're looking for.
If you mean a bullpup with 7.62 like mags, well...
I thought someone made an RFB replica, but apparently there's only an RDB so no dice on the western side afaik, but there are some Cyma SVU aegs around, both in the more traditional model as well as pic related.
>In the town's main square, a bold message was left in white paint: "Russians, learn how to fight. Your conscripts are rotting in forests"
>Defending the town were border guards, conscripts, and members of the Chechen Akhmat battalion, who allegedly fled their posts during the onslaught.
Another shitty day to be a Russian larper.
>a large group of speedshitters are showing up at my field tomorrow
How do I cope with this?
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Nighttime target practice is super comfy
How hot is that thing in the summer? I don't think I'd be able to wear something like that except in winter.
i have yet to find out how *usable* it actually is. i am expecting to actually have a heat stroke in next week's game while wearing this thing, considering the high temps will be around 33 celsius, and the game is set to start at 15:00 lmao. Where are you located, just as a frame of reference? im sure some colder places have decent enough temperatures in the summer, but it's definitely not the case for favela-land.
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So I haven't played airsoft sense I was 16 back in 2011 and have had the urge to get back into it. Still have the old custom AEG G&P m4 I used back then but probably won't use it and want to get something new. Always loved the look of the p90 but never got one and have been eyeing the krytac one as it seems like a good option.

I'd mainly be playing indoor CQB as my local ones are open on Fridays which I have off but not weekends which are the only times the local outdoor one is open but if I ever do want to go play at that one I can easily change out the spring on the krytac for more range. Would be able to pick it up for about $300 which sounds good seeing as it retails for $450, so would be able to pick up extra mags with those saved dollars.
I'm in Japan so it's hot and humid here as well in summer. I basically don't even try to play outdoors from July to October.
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Yesterday's match was tons o fun. Mosin performed kinda meh as a mediocre sniper, past 65m the bb just kind of goes wherever it wants so i had to snipe people from pretty close up.
All in all 5 mosin kills and 4 pistol kills in a 3hr match.
Love how perfectly a water bottle fits inside those AK pouches.
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Anons, hello everyone, I came to you with an important question, maybe there are the sick bastards like myself here.

Soon I will be able to get my hands on the Uzi from Tokyo Marui (yeap, the Uzi, not the Mac-10), and for some reason I seriously wanted to try some shitty necrophilia to revive this rarity, so that later I could recon the "wild goose"/ Miami mob/IDF/random. I know that this is some really shitty perversion and necrophilia, but I REALLY WANT this piece of jap aeg to rise up from the dead.

So far, 2 questions:

1. Spare magazines - the Mac-10 magazines do not fit, but while combing through old forums, I found out that 9mm magazines from G&P for converting the Car-15 through an adapter into a 9-mm version are also suitable for the Marui. I couldn't find any G&P magazines anywhere, but I found out that ARES and ClassicArmy also produced the same adapters and 9mm magazines as well.The question is - can Ares and CA magazines also fit the Uzi?

2. Since there are no and never will be gearbox parts for the Uzi, I plan to find and negotiate with a nearest locksmith so they will cast and machine them for me, BUT are there any analogs of the gears among those available on the market? I know for sure that the central gear is completely identical to the Real Sword Type 97 Spur Gear (except that the latter is made of steel, and therefore should be stronger).

Thanks in advance
Just buy the NE UZI. Why do you want a plastic pos?
If it's available in your region - look for Double Bell 810GS. Shell is not great, but it has decent internals, high speed motor and riddiculous value for money.
Things to take into a consideration - P90 magazines are a pain. Awkwardly long, you need to think how you will carry these things on you. P90 hi caps are incredibly unrealiable and belong in the bin. Also, midcaps have a tendency to not be available or overpriced. Another thing is that P90 mag catches have a tendency to break. Models for 3d print exist at least so there is a way to fix it.
Good things - P90s are really easy to work on with easy access to the gearbox and the barrel. Gun is also very light and balanced in a way tha you can easily aim and shoot with one hand having it properly stuck to your shoulder and carry a briefcase in the other.
>If it's available in your region - look for Double Bell 810GS
In the US so don't really see it anywhere here

>Things to take into a consideration - P90 magazines are a pain. Awkwardly long, you need to think how you will carry these things on you.
That's what I've heard and seen. I'll probably go for getting a thigh rig system like pic related or go for a chest rig with pouches

>P90 hi caps are incredibly unreliable and belong in the bin. Also, midcaps have a tendency to not be available or overpriced.
Won't go for any high caps, think the krytac ones are what I'm going with. Sucks they're $30 but I'll live with it, got 3+1 so I think I'll be fine with 800 rounds on me

>Another thing is that P90 mag catches have a tendency to break. Models for 3d print exist at least so there is a way to fix it.
How do they tend to break? Is it from people slapping the mags down to hard or just design flaws? I have a PLA printer so if I ever do have an issue with it can always do what you said or just buy a replacement as they're only $11
I don't know what P90 midcaps cost nowadays, but they seemed reasonably priced IMHO when I got them. Plus, sketchy 300-rnd mag vs reliable 170-rndmag is no contest.

P90 mags aren't really that awkwardly long. It's that I've never found pouches for them that are worth a damn. I'd rather go with 2 dump pouches: one for the loaded ones, and the other for the spent.
Any anons know about Hero Outdoors in Ontario?
Heard bad stuff about them.
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>New gen 6sh122 has elastic bands instead of cords
And now I do too.
Anon, for the love of God, do not buy things online from Hero
They're a glorified dropshipping company pretending to have whatever the hell's on Evike or some overseas retailers, and if you order something from them they'll basically just click "ship order" on something and claim it's on it's way
This often results in shit being stopped in Customs, them not actually doing anything about it because they already have your money, and you having to scream at them nonstop for weeks if not months to get them to do something about it
Buddy of mine bought G3 hicaps to test, they literally just ordered the fuckers off of Evike and he had to scream his head off at them because either the border had stopped the package or they'd received the package and were refusing to actually ship it, and it took over a month for them to finally do enough about it for his shipment to arrive
They have a no-shit F rating on the Better Business Bureau because of the amount of complaints they've gotten, with Andy (of Andy's Airsoft) getting so fucking mad about it that he added a warning about them to the sliding banners on the front page of his storefront which takes you to the BBB page when clicked - link related being that page
You would unironically be better off having Andy or some other retailer bring stuff in for you - hell, you'd probably be better off trying to import shit yourself, since you know where it is and can give the CBSA an earful yourself if they try any funny business, but I'd personally stick with retailers that're willing to refund you if the CBSA fucks everything up (ex. Redwolf will issue a 100% refund if the CBSA returns or destroys a shipment containing Canada-compliant products)
I personally hate having anything dangling randomly on my thigh. I modified mine so it sits more like a handgun holster than 2010 mall ninja accessory. Basically, remove top buckle and one of the elasitc ones, put the other elastic one second from bottom loops. Your mileage may vary, but I find it much more usable.
I previously considered turning it into a dangler, but this is good enough.
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Is there a GBB/AEG NGSW yet?
Just looks an M4 to me bro.
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>What's your next purchase/project?
VFC FAL DX, it's already in the mail and should be here in 4 days.
>And justify why you NEED it.
The post-purchase cope I came up with to justify blowing $2k leaf bux on it is
>I can't own a real one and have always wanted a real one
>I regularly go to my parents property to hang out with my younger brother and shoot cool looking airguns with him since he's still too young to get his PAL, which on it's own is priceless
>Tha box is kewl
>Grandfather served when the FN C1 was in service, and will be handing off his old webbing belt with proper FAL poutches to me with some other cool surp stuff he still has, which will probably end up being my brother's some day if things change and I can get a real FAL.
Its just a MCX but uses a battle rifle round and has a side charging handle
I'll probably get a scar h to use with my new chest rig
prepare for disappointment
t. DX FAL owner
there's the Toxican't one for 2k lmao
I could buy a real scar or the XCR which should have won the contract at that price
Yeah I heard going in that it's a bit of work to get it running nicely and there's some pretty notable faults out of the box.
Unfortunately, I have brain problems in the form of an obsession for FALs.
What faults are there other than the handguard is shit plastic and you need a cut down buffer to run full stroke properly?
Rear sight breaks. I replaced mine with a real one. Furniture sucks. Not just the handguard. Replaced mine. Gas block's rotation is secured with a tiny grub screw. For the past three games it got loose even though I tightened and loctited it. Rear sight is tight as fuck in the dovetail and is impossible to adjust with the screws. And what I'm baffled the most is that VFC cheaped out on the gas tube. It's still aluminum like the standard version. Holy shit. How fucking penny pinching you gotta be to not include a 5 buck steel part. It's the only metal external part that isn't steel.
Basically the DX has all the same problems as the regular FAL. Also DNA steel barrel and gas tube isn't available anymore
Apparently the rear sights can break from a few screws coming loose.
Also there's apparently an issue with semi-auto firing 2 rounds per trigger pull at times that you have to file the trigger sear to fix.
> Gas block's rotation is secured with a tiny grub screw. For the past three games it got loose even though I tightened and loctited it.
Drill it out and retap it for a larger diameter grub screw.

I had to do this all the time with the early steel AK AEGs before they came up with the more realistic construction methods. Even increasing the size by a small amount will make it far stronger.
These are very minor issues for a first version of a new gas blowback product, bearing in mind how shitty every other previous V1 VFC has been. Had mine for 2 years now and it's been an absolute trooper
they also do not come with a steel barrel either. Fucking retarded decision
DX has a one piece steel barrel
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I've got 1911 fever, boys. In fact it's so bad I'm going to get a WE Hi-Capa, but the one that looks like the Para-Ordnance P14, even though there's a good chance it'll suck balls. I'll probably try to get the markings engraved on it.
Initially it didnt have one
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>all my gear is ranger green
>want a scar h because i got the reddit robber chest rig
>the scar h is tan
Would it be wrong to get one and paint it green or a mostly green camo?
Now is the time to get tan camo, because you HAVE too!

>"Pay your bills, nigga!"
>"Baby, you don't understand! It's tan, and all I got is green! GREEEEEEEN!!"
DX always had a one piece steel barrel. The fuck are you talking about?
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did u guys have fun playing airsoft today
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no. my buddy, who was going to give me a ride to the field, cancelled. >:(
tfw didn't get to try out the new kit.
Did you at least operate inside your bedroom?
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>did u guys have fun playing airsoft today
I can never get over how schizo your gear is. Cool guns and gear but then you rape the guns with HPA hoses or neon colored parts for no reason. And what is that gay skull on the VSS magazine? (Anime stickers and patches are okay in my book though)
VSS is subsonic are u really gonna argue it’s more realistic with sewing machine noises over hpa that actually makes it quiet?
The gay skull are some cheap magpulls I found on AliExpress.
GBBR >>>> HPA >>> AEG you filthy weeb
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>are u really gonna argue it’s more realistic with sewing machine noises over a garden hose attachment
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Cybergun FNC gbbr
am Flemish
have (almost) complete period correct air force kit
and related to the above, what brand makes good gbb browning hi-powers?
The loudest airshit gun is quieter than the quietest suppressed firearm. Using HPA faggotry to make the thing near-silent is bullshit. I intentionally over volume my AEG just to make it louder.
You people do understand that this is not a sport right? Much less an extreme one. Bunch of fat bitches.
there are no good Hi-Powers
Fun things are fun, the thread literally has no other place to go in 4chan, /k/ will kick us out and /toy/ will too as well as /sp/. What other options are there anon? Come on, bring some solutions instead of whining.
>Airsoft is not a sport
True. Now go read the sticky and seethe you worthless goo-guzzler.
Post body
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>replying to an obvious troll

does anyone know of a Telegram or Discord channel for selling airsoft items?

I'm looking to ship via Vinted from France to the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, and Austria.
I'm sorry anon, i couldn't control myself. It came to me on impulse.
I spent a couple hundred on rg gear for real gun stuff nigger
I regret not choosing multicam tropic which looks cooler and blends in better, only problem is there's not as many shit sold in it vs rg and it costs more
Gonna get in airshart because ammo is expensive so I'll probably get a FAL or SCAR H depending on the deals
Not possible on Discord anymore. They banned any sales of imitation firearms
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Yeah, tried something different and ran le bankheist kit. Unfortunately that picture was taken late into the day, so my nitrile gloves already were ripped and I just dropped the duffle bag in the barn we were holding that I was carrying around previously.
thought the baby chair was a cryptic for a sec
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What are the worst add-ons you can put on a gun? I'll start;
>mag-well grips
But they can have SKULLS on them, bro!
For airsoft specifically, 45-degree sights - you might be able to make an argument for them in extremely close quarters, but the moment you're engaging at any range where your hop takes effect you're suddenly shooting several feet to the left/right of whatever you're aiming at
Also short-stroking semi-auto-only GBBs (particularly pistols), it doesn't increase your effective rate of fire nor does it increase efficiency, it's snake oil for speedsofters who're destined to sell a pistol build that isn't all that good as "pre-upgraded" for an unreasonable amount of money on HopUp
How exactly wouldn't decreasing cycle time not increase rof? Assuming one has flexible fingers.
>that tranny-hose
What else is he supposed to hang himself with when things get slightly inconvenient?
Even with the cleanest, lightest, most ND-happy triggers you can make, it's guaranteed to require more pressure to actuate than an electronic mouseclick-tier switch common on high-end AEG/HPA builds; and especially in the case of handguns, there's no way you're putting more than one finger on the trigger at a time, so you're limited by however fast one of your fingers can pull and release the trigger, which is pretty much always going to be slower than the ~20-25 RPS most stock pistols running on propane are likely capable of (or rather, their full-auto capable equivalents - for example, what the G18 is to the typical G17)
Now, if your gun *is* full-auto capable, short-stroking has the effect of increasing rate of fire by shortening the slide or bolt's travel, but being completely realistic here, this only matters for rifles (where the longer travel of a full-travel bolt actually does have a significant effect on rate of fire, so short-strokes are often applied from the factory to ensure they can match up with the firerate of the real gun), as most pistols and even some more compact "pistol-caliber" GBBRs are already going to be dumping rounds so quickly that increasing the rate of fire further is rather pointless beyond burning through your magazines and inducing cooldown faster
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What's the solution to fixing airsoft and why is it banning HPA/speedsoft trannies from the game? It's the meta min maxxed thing to orient your gear towards and if you're a manlet twig it's even better.
It's even at it's peak when you don't call your shots or simply say you knew for a fact you killed someone in close quarters because somehow you can determine the difference between <300 miliseconds of BBs being fired at eachother in close quarters (you can't, but since you're a speedsofter you can!)
Crying about HPA users is a cope only shitters do
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How about hosting GBB/GBBR realcap only games? I don't even have a GBBR, but I love the idea of hosting games catered to them because they're so much more realistic, and realism is the only thing separating airsoft from paintball.

Real caps mags only would force you to rely heavily on your teammates, spam would be minimal, and every loss would be important.
itt: nigbbers coping over the guns that work reliably in temperatures below 60c and cost way less or the same ruin their le epic heckin sporterino xD because they don't handicap themselves like they do for autistic reason
Rent free
it's NIGGERS, nigger
Aftermarket muzzle brakes. Maybe an exception for the firepig amplifier since making guns louder is cool, although the popularity of those seemed to peak like ten years ago.

Also "silencers" since they do nothing but make the gun harder to handle, again, small exception for those with built in tracer units. There are better options available for that, it is a fairly simple solution though.
I'm looking to get a replacement airsoft rifle for my broken g3. My field is semi auto only and my g3 busted and fires a 5 round burst on semi mode for some reason
I've been looking to replace it anyway
I'm looking to replace it with this:
Is this any good? I picked a relatively high priced one that would go good with my cold war era outfit. (pasgt, m81 woodland etc)
This one's price seems good because I'm guessing that higher price = quality.
There is also the CYMA m16a3 which is lower price but also looks good
Not sure if I should get this one either.. they look identical its weird
>ancient polymer shit receivers
I know that the CYMA is plastic but is the Tokyo?
Also theres a metal version of the CYMA one
FOund the link for the metal version.
I'd probably get this one instead of the plastic version. Still thinking Abt the Tokyo tho.
marui is the plastic one
I will get the CYMA full metal because it costs less money and I play outside in the forest so I think metal sounds better if I trip and fall or something. don't want my gun cracking in half.
get something that is a bit more modern that has a mosfet so you can run a 11.1v lipo with it.
my battery doesn't matter because my field is semi only if u don't have an lmg or smg
Any recommendations for a good M16(a1, a2, a3) style rifle that's metal and under 400?
Something like this? I don't like how its flat top though, although a carry handle is only an extra 25 dollars.
your battery definitely matters when it comes to trigger response in semi. It is literally night and day from a 7.4v to 11.1v in terms of how snappy it is. How about this one?
When do we ban pay-to-win grenades?
maybe if It was an m16a2
forgot to say it but I use a 9volt
>Also "silencers" since they do nothing but make the gun harder to handle, again, small exception for those with built in tracer units.
I've also used them to extend an outer barrel to house a longer inner barrel.
When we can make BB's go through walls so we can room clear.
9v nimhs are still shit
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/asp/ really isn't the right board for this. You should try asking on /k/, or possibly /toy/ or /out/.
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dead thread (deserved)
Are you calling me a nigger, nigger?
I'm not the one who posted my thread on half of 4chan before finally doing a catalog search on the right board.
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rate my airsoft storage/display
You have to be 18 years old to post on here
looks fine
good 7.4v is completely fine desu
>Marvel slop
>gaysden flag
Half shit, half based, I give it 4/5.
Pic related, on the fence as to whether to buy this pos, I know the issues are mostly fixed, thought it still isn't great, and I've not heard that any other company will make one.
cringe kino
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Just got this today
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Nice, I wish there were more S&W autos. Those new Double Bell ones seem to have better performance than the older A&K/mystery brand ones, the magazines are better.
I remember seeing that on Octagon, curious to hear about how they perform and hold up long-term - there's a severe lack of classic S&W autoloaders on the market (pretty sure the only other one I can think of is that KJW NBB, which would be a lot cooler if it actually had an adjustable hop)
>one easy way to tell everyone you're 14 years old without actually saying it
Snek flag is based even though some of the people who like it are cringe, don't listen to those faggots.
iron man is the only marvel character I like (spider man isn't marvel but I like him too)
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>Finally get my new rear sight
>Oh did we say it was for AK-12?
>It is actually for the much smaller rail sized AK-12U
Bloody hell.
You think the new vrc ak74 will be worth it?
Yeah but I'll wait for an AKM
>literally every piece that is metal is steel
>mags hold over twice as much propane as VFC AR mags, which are already known for having retardedly high gas capacity
>gun is ridiculously efficient with that propane based on a video of VFC demoing the thing dumping 200+ rounds in dryfire nonstop
>magazines are light, yet seemingly durable
>IB + bucking are very easy to remove (two screws and a crosspin, IIRC)
>IB + bucking are probably going to be solid out of the box if the FNC's performance is anything to go by
I don't just think it's going to be good by AK standards, it's outright going to be incredible by GBBR standards - only thing I'm looking forward to now is a Krink in hopes that it's a bit cheaper
Obviously wait until it's been distributed widely enough and enough people get their hands on the things to talk about them in order for you to make an educated choice, but it's shaping up to be quite the gun
>don't want my gun cracking in half
If you trip hard enough, basic pot metal M4 receiver will make a nice puzzle. Just don't fall onto your gun, mmkaayy?
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Anybody know anytjing about the VFC 417 gbbr ? Im eyeballing a good deal but gbbrs are such a pain in the balls to maintain
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I just realized it isn't a sort of AKS-74U but the Arcturus AK-12 Updated version which features a U shaped picatinny rail with two smaller proprietary picatinny teeth for the rear sight.
all VFC AR-10 based guns are mid. They should update them to V3. SCAR H, FAL and G3 are better .308 replicas they offer
>play on my fav field with a buddy
>the aks i lend him starts experiencing range issues
>hpa faggots spam the living fuck out of everybody while wearing perfect camo
>mfs on our team just dont give suppressive or covering fire while me and a couple of other mfs push forewards
>this cheap skate playstyle + hpa spam drags on throughout the whole day
>mfw everytime i visit that field it just keeps getting worse
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not sure if this is the correct thread to ask these questions but completely new to airsoft and have only dipped my toes in with a Co2 KWC 1911.
too cold for gas and I need a HK416D with blowback, is the tokyo marui 416's my only option, are they considered good and high quality? not going to be using it for pvp or anything. and how does it handle steel BBs?
also all of them seem to be either 10.5 or 14.5 barrels, do conversions to 16,5 barrels exist somewhere? also a 416 front folding sight replacement, where do you generally find stuff like this?
>are they considered good and high quality
Yes but generally overpriced and more difficult to modify/maintain.
>how does it handle steel BBs
If you want to shoot metal BBs you need to get a proper airgun, they would tear the barrel and chamber of an airsoft gun up and you'd get terrible performance out of them.
the solution is take the hpa pill
The VFC HK416 / M27 IAR Conversion Kit contains a 6.75" barrel extension with bayonet lug.
You may have to do some drilling to make the screw fit but Golden Eagle flip-up front sight for HK416 are available.
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so no steel BBs gotcha.
perfect that looks like it thank you.
just want to create something along the lines of pic related, might be a fun project, I'll post it here if I get to it.
>norwegian markings
>no gas regulator cutout in the handguard
>What is that?

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